The dairy of lia mark episode 18 & 19


(Dear diary)





** Logan’s pov continues **

The next morning I woke up and found my self still holding

Lia, I smiled and let go of her and come down from the be-d..

Last night was kind of fun for me, but except the p@rt where I

had to talk about my ‘dad’

I quic-kly took a shower and wore my school uniform, I

glanced at Lia who was still slee-ping peacefully, and smiled

She is so not a morning person..

I went downstairs to make breakfast, which was just tea and


After ma-king it, I went upstairs to serve Lia breakfast in be-d,

but was surprised to see her wearing her uniform jacket..

“morning” I said to her, but she looked at me and rolled her


“you could have waken me up” she said almost sadly..

“well I didn’t, sorry, we still have a lot of time ” I said and she

sighed and shrugs

“what do you have there?” she asks and look over at the tray I

was carrying,

“your breakfast” I said and stretched the tray forward to her

“wow you are way too nice” she said with a smile..

“don’t judge me babe, I can be pretty annoying, n@ûghty and

violent” i said with my eyes narrowed, she rolled her eyes and,

gulped down her cu-p of tea,..

“I have a name you know, it’s Amelia, not babe” she said and

dropped the mug on the tray while I smiled .. She Gave me a

look before saying

“I’ll take this to the kitchen” trying to gr-ab the tray but I pu-ll-ed

it toward me and smiled coolly,

“no.. I’ll do it” I said and she arched her pretty eyebrows at me

“okay, you’re awfully being nice to me, I’m not saying its not a

good thing though, but it doesn’t really suit your look” she said

pla-yfully and laughed,

I shook my head negatively and took the tray downstairs to

the kitchen.. Yeah, I just can get enough of her..

I met Lia in the car re-ading, okay as-suming she isn’t my wife, I

would have call her a dorky geek,..

I got in and immediately Davis, started driving

“so what are you re-ading” I asked

“Uhm just geogra-phy” she said while i rolled my eyes..

“talk about boring” I said and she smiled but tried to hide it..

“don’t tell me you don’t re-ad” she said, her voice scold-ish

“I don’t” I replied almost truthful, but truth be told, I do re-ad,,,


“oh now I get it, no wonder you’re so dumb” she said teasing

and I smiled and said

“thanks Naomi” she quic-kly turned to me and huffed she

wanted to say something but she couldn’t which made me

smile even more

“that’s right, I still remembered your name from our wedding

day” I said boastfully but she just rolled her eyes and turned to

her book,

She quic-kly closed it and sighed tensely..

“what’s wrong” I asked and she sighed and places her head on

my shoulder..

“I hate your school” she said and sighed again while I


“it is your school too you know” I said while she shrugged,..

Finally Davis dropped us off in front of the school and we both

marched out with me holding her hands she tries to pu-ll her

Hand away but I held it more ti-ghtly and smiled at her..

“can you just let go of me” she said immediately we got in the

school compound and gave me a look..

“come-on what’s the crime” I said still with a smile

“well, I heard you’re the school’s ladies man and what would

they say when they see you holding my hand” she yanked and

I was surprised by what she said

“Jesus.. Lia, you’re unbelievable, you don’t act like we’re

married you act like we’re just some sort of student who

happened to know each other, and I don’t fv¢king care if any

girl has some stupid crush on me.. They nee-d to know I’m

married and that’s that.. ” I said and pushed my hair back


“nice speech, but it didn’t work on me” she said with a sly

smile and f0rç£fully sli-pped her hand away from me and

quic-kly walked ahead of me..

She is being really, really stubborn

I ti-ptoed behind her and gr@bb£d her by w@!st pu-lling her up

from the ground, she screamed in fear and I laughed..

“oh my god put me down” she screamed, people were started

to look at us but I didn’t care.. I put her down and she hit me

severally on my che-st but I couldn’t help but laugh..

“Logan brown kludge!!!, that was inappropriate” she scold and

I chuckled

“yeah right” I said sarcastically and she huffed

“don’t be sarcastic at me, people were watching us” she said

while i shrugged.. “so.. I can hold whenever I want even right

now..” I said

“you’re bluffing, Logan” she said and rolled her eyes

“oh really, do you really want me to do it” I asked but she

shook her head negatively..

“look Lia, you’re too nice and it’s way out of the league,

sometimes you just have to be mean sometimes.. How are

you going feel when you see other girls around me” I asked

“nothing, I’d feel nothing” she replied and shrugged

“What? So that means you don’t love me?” i asked, and I

almost yelled

“don’t make this weird brown” she said and walked away..

She’s so so stubborn

“Logan?” I heard my name behind me and I slowly turned and

was surprised to see Tania

“oh hey Tania, how are you” I asked with a smile..

“I’ve never been better” she replied and I knew her smiles were


“so what do you actually want, cause I know you’ve been

avoiding me since when we broke up, and now I know you

want some thing” I said with a sm-irk and she sighed before


“I’m having a p@rty at my house tomorrow night, and you’re


“a p@rty.. I-i I’m not sure if my wife would approve, you know

she’s not a p@rty person, I’ll go if she goes” I said and Tania

started to get angry

“but I didn’t even invite that two faced bit-ch” she half yelled


“what the hell did you just call her?” I asked moving close to

her aggressively

“i-i didn’t call her anything, I’m sorry okay” she said and moved

back a bit..

“you’re apologizing when you said, you said nothing, clas-sic

Tania, and look let me give you a warning” I said and moved

very close to her and held her arm digging my f!ngersin her

arm, I don’t care how much it hurts her but that’s what I want..

She skrie-ked but I didn’t let go until I said

“look here Tania, if I ever hear that you said some nas-ty stuff

about Lia, or even give her dirty looks or bother her I won’t

care if you’re some goddamned girl, I’m going to bury you alive

because you know what, Lia’s my world and if you that

anything stupid, either you get a taste of my fist or the sand” I

threatened and let go of her..

Lia is my world.. She really is.

“oh and incase you’re wondering I can invite Lia to your p@rty if

I want to and still make you uninvited” I said and walked

away, she mumbled something but I didn’t care..

She just messed with the wrong guy, Lia isn’t even safe in this

school, since all the girls are crazy..

But there’s me to protect her all the way…


(Đear Diary)
** Lia’s pov **
I went to biology clas-s alone that morning and it was
awesome, I met Carlos and Carter there and the three of us
sat down together and got along Like real friends do..
“so what clas-s do you have next,” Carter asked immediately
biology was over..
“uhmm.. Art” I said and he pouts
“that’s not what I have, I have math” he said and I sighed and
turned to Carlos
“what about you” I asked
“history” he replied and I sighed again..
“have you seen Betty, ” Carlos asked
“Uhm no.. I haven’t seen her since this morning” I replied and
he sighed, just then Tania started walking up to us,
“hey there Tamika” she said referring to me with a fake smile
“it’s Amelia” I corrected her
“whateves, look am having a p@rty at my house on Saturday
which is tomorrow and you’re invited” she smiled, fakely
“a p@rty.. I’m.. I’m not really a fan of par–”
“look Amelia, you’re going to be there whether you like it or
not” she said almost yelling and I flin-ched..
“hey, look you don’t have to get all yelly on her” Carter ch!pped
“yeah, you should go take anger management clas-ses
sometimes” Carlos said..
“and who are you two dummies her guardian angel” Tania said
almost angrily
“hmm you can say that again” Carlos said and the twins
laughed Tania rolled her eyes and said
“okay let me just make this clear to you Amelia, I know you’re
the only one who can make Logan come to my p@rty and if
you’re not coming, then he’s not coming and if the whole
school finds out Logan’s not coming then they won’t come..
So plea-se just tell him to come.. Being his ex girlfriend doesn’t
make me the villain here so just think about it” she said and
walked away..
Okay she’s so mean..
“wow I can’t believe you’re actually getting f0rç£fully invited to
a p@rty when I’m dying to go to one but still no invitation”
Carlos said and ru-bbe-d his temples while I shrugged..
“but still are you going?” Carter asked
“Uhm.. I don’t know” I replied truthfully
“plea-se go so you can invite me.. I mean us” Carlos said and
gave a cute
Okay this twin are so adorable, I have to admit
“you don’t have to go if you don’t want to, Tania can’t do
anything” Carter ch!pped in and said calmly and I smiled and
He’s right,
“but plea-se.. plea-se plea-se go, cause you know If you go, then
we get to go and..
“okay fine, I’ll go” I said cutting him off and his eyes lit and he
hvgged me happily
“thanks” he said and suddenly let go of me saying
“plea-se don’t tell Logan that” ,I rolled my eyes and he smiled
and so did Carter “so I’ll get to clas-s now” I tell the both of
them and they nod and walked away after telling me where art
clas-s is..
I got to art clas-s and I was happy to see Betty, we almost like
have every clas-s together, the art teacher who a woman of
many inspirations and kind of de-ep.. I wasn’t really good at art
but I tried, and by the end of the clas-s, she gave us each
project and I was p@rtnered up with Betty, the both of us were
ma-king a bird house of straws.. Pretty challenging..
I picked up my bag and moved my hair back, “so let’s go” I tell
Betty and she smiled and we both walked out but I bu-mped
into Edward..
“oh sorry” he said in his accentic voice..”oh it’s okay” I said
and he nod
“you’re that girl I met yesterday” he said with a smile
“Amelia” I said and stretched my hand forward for a proper
“uhh. ..i know you.. Or don’t you remember me… We like went
to the same elementary school” he said and I bat my
eyelashes surprisingly, he remembered he actually
“oh.. I.. Do remember you I just thought you didn’t” I said with
a nervous smile
“why wouldn’t I remember you it’s not like we both have
amnesia or something” he said trying to sound funny, but that
wasn’t funny at all, and I didn’t laugh.. I just gave him a weird
look and he un-derstood the look..
“okay that wasn’t funny I’m not really good with jokes, but what
I meant was who wouldn’t remember the smartest girl in
clas-s, I remember you and Joey Barton always competing” he
said and I smiled, he does remember everything..
“guess you didn’t have amnesia after all, well I’ll see you later”
I said and he smiled and Betty and I walked away..
“what was that all about” Betty asked immediately we got
away from him.
“what was what all about?” I threw back the question,
“okay..i totally saw a chemistry between you two” she said and
I rolled my eyes..
“don’t get all whiny Betty, there was no stupid chemistry,
between us” I said
“says who, you guys were totally hiting on each other” she said
and shoved me
“come-on Betty just st©p it, that’s crazy talk and besides, I’m
with Logan” I said and she rolled her eyes..
“do you even like Logan” she asked
“what? Of course I do what are you talking about” I replied
“come-on, I’ve seen the way you act around him, like you don’t
even know him,” she said and I huffed.. “oh so you watch us
now what are you, like a stalker?” I said while she shrugged
“you can call me that”..
“look what I’m saying is that you should show more Love to
Logan, I mean you don’t have to act like his wife since I don’t
know what wives act like, but act like a girlfriend, girlfriend”
she advised and I bit myl-ips and gazed at the door,..
“think about it, the boy’s been giving you a lot of affection,
attention and love , don’t you think it’s time for payback, even
if I’ve known you only for three days, I’ve studied you so much
around Logan, and just try and study Logan around other
people he’s not friendly around them, but you, you’re actually
lucky, and talk about charming, he’s all about that.. So Just do
all that” she said and sighed
She’s right, she’s so right
“you’re right” I said lowly and she smiled
“oh.. Why do you have to be so smart” I hvgged her and she
“because I’m Betty” she said and I smiled and let go of her
and we both hurried to the cafeteria, we went to meet the
guys at the special table and Logan’s face lit up immediately
he saw me…
And I felt totally guilty, he loves me but I don’t love him..
“hey lia” Jason greeted and i smiled at him while Ricky waved
at me
“hi LIA…” Logan called and I smiled and gave him sudden k!ss
on thel-ips which took him by surprise, Betty gave me a look
that said, *that-was-too-quic-k* I shrugged and turned to
Logan who was smiling brightly, I cleared my throat to talk
when ricky suddenly said..
“so I got invited to Tania’s p@rty, who else did”
“I did” Jason said “me too” Betty and Logan said together, and
then everyone turned to me..
“what?” I asked
“didn’t you get invited” Jason asked
“oh I did” I said nodding, I can’t tell them she f0rç£fully invited
“so are you going” Logan asked looking at me with his poppy
“Uhm yeah” I replied
“great cause if you aren’t going then I’m not” Logan said and
my eyebrows arched
“really?” I said and he nodded
“well I am and I also invited two of my friends” I said while
they all turned to me surprisingly
“what friends” Jason asked
“oh two guys, carter and Carlos” I said cheerfully
“what!! You invited those two annoying dudes” Betty squeaked
and I smiled
“yeah they’re my friends” I said defensively. ..
“but you just met them like yesterday” Betty said.
“whoa wait, who are these guys exactly” Logan asked
“oh don’t worry you won’t know them, Mr popular” Betty said
tea-singly and the Two of us laughed..
“oh I know those guys, they’re funny” Ricky said and Betty
gave him a look.. While he shrugged and said
“they really are!!” ..
We ordered our food and start to eat before going back back
to the clas-ses we had next and luckily Logan and I happened
to have the same clas-s..
School was over that day and Logan and I got in the car while
Davis took us home..
Immediately we got home I took a shower and felt really worn
out and before I knew I fell asleep..
I woke up at exactly 7:45pm I sighed which turned into a yawn
and I cleaned my eyes and c@m£ Down from the be-d, I saw
books on the be-d ignored it and just then Logan walked in..
“hey” I said
“hi… Oh good you’re awake” he said and I gave him a look
“someone’s looking for you, your sister I think, you didn’t tell
me you have a sister” he said
“I don’t, I have a step sister who’s like eight” I said
“what! Then who’s that chick downstairs with the same hair as
you, the same eyes and height,?” he asked and I walked
pas-sed him and head downstairs..
And I was surprised to see Amanda..
“Amanda?” I called and she turned with a smile
What the hell is she doing here, we’re not even friends.
T. B. C