The curse of Cain episode 5 & 6

?The Curse Of Cain?
Episode 5

A night to remember 2



Sonia had to push her way amongst the crowd before she could get to the stair case, as she climbe-d a little higher, she looked towards her friends who saluted her as they sighted her but she instead pointed her middle f!nger at them.

Later she continued but even though she saw some of the guys in the black hoods, she couldn’t see the man in suit. The t©p floor was as crowded as the ground floor , as she kept pushing her way throu-gh, she kept ignoring lots of whistles and calls from guys she pas-sed

. She totally ignored them.

She found two of the black hood guys, they were each smoking and looked like they were waiting for someone. They both rested their hands against the banister rail.

She waited and glanced throu-gh the ground floor but she was sure the man hadn’t come down…this was so stupid, why would she even allow her friends to talk her into doing something stupid…probably she should turn back. She began to find her way again but something caught her attention

. There was a pas-sage on the t©p floor, maybe the guy had entered the pas-sage.

Go back sonia! Go ahead Sonia!

The two voices kept shouting in her head, she would go back, she finally said to herself but the idiot guy infront of her wouldn’t allow her to pas-s as he was busy k!ss!ngsome slut.

“Exuse me…” She kept shouting but she was sure the as-s-hole hadn’t heard her, she decided to go around them, as she did, the light at the pas-sage c@m£ on brightly, and there was the guy, his hair shone against the chandelier, he c@m£ out of a room in the pas-sage and in a second, he turned around but instead of coming out, he turned towards another direction in the pas-sage.

Sonia look hypnotized as she saw his face within the shortest moment. It was him alright! Unable to st©p herself and for no reason, she found herself taking a walk down the pas-sage towards the direction the man had taken.

. It was like her br@in had completely shut down and her legs had a mind of their own.

She knew she nee-ded to get out of her but she wanted to be here, more than anything in the world. Her common s-en-se seemed so far away and her consciousness was too weak to fight back to resist whatever magnet was drawing her…..still she walked on…

***** 8888*******

Finally she found herself in an open courtyard…and that was when her common s-en-se returned to her. How did she get here> How would she get out? What was she doing here? Could this be a dream?

She quic-kly bu-ttoned her polo shi-t as she tried to figure out where she was.

The place looked as if it has never been used and was still un-der construction. There were some carpentry works still half done…she quic-kly put a hand to her pocket and realized she hadn’t come with her phone.

The light in the room was faint but she heard movement somewhere…there was a clattering noise that startled her followed by an inaudible voice. It was coming from the other side of the courtyard…maybe she could talk to someone to help her find her way.

As she walked closer she saw them in a distant…it was the man, he stooped over a table and in front of a man who was str!pped n-ked and who was hanged with his arms spre-ad up and sideways against two poles that were considerably distant from each other. There were two other hooded men behind the man who was tied up, they seemed to be punching him from behind while the MAN was torturing him with some other devices at the front.

“Where is my merchandise and my money?” The Man demanded but the man whose head was tied seemed not to have enough strength to talk again, his head was bent low and blood was gushing from his mouth but he was alive.

Sonia’s stomach churned as she watched the horror….plea-se don’t let this happen, she prayed desperately as she felt the urge nee-d to vomit.

“Seems you don’t wsonia talk right?” The man said again, and Sonia watched as he took something like a wire and brushed them together to create an electric current, and immediately he j£rked them into the mouth of the guy who started shouting in pain….

Sonia closed her mouth too late as a scream as alre-ady escaped her. The man st©pped and turned around while she backed out of being seen.

“Find her ,whoever she is.” He growled to his goons but Sonia didn’t wait to see if they reacted or not, she was alre-ady on her heels….

**** **** ****

Calvin wiped his bloody hands with the dead man’s cloth. This was another man who had cheated him and ended up dead, this people have not learned the lesson that they could never cheat him , well, once he deals with them this way maybe others would saddle up.

But who was that who-re that saw everything he did and how did she even get in here? No one could get into this place without his knowledge, but she did, which bloody demon was she.

He alre-ady told his men, if they do not find her, they are as good as dead.

He was so angry and his rage kept building up so fast…so fast …more than usual….

“Leave me alone!” He growled to the only man that remained with him and the guy rushed oout of the place.

Calvin felt like his head was going to explode with this rage so he held his head in his hands and shut his eyes, that was when he realized that his arm was hutting so badly…

Without thinking, he to-re his sleeve and realized the scar on his arm was burning , it kept fueling the rage in him and he began to see several flashes in his head…. The picture of his brother as he l@yhelplessly on the ground when he had strangled him to death, the picture of Trista who died of shock as she realized what and then his grandfather’s face….

“Boss! Are you okay?”

Clavin realized he was o n the floor now, writhing in pain and holding his head in his hands, screaming his head off, it was like a sirene was going off in his br@in….

The man he had s£nt away was holding his tab in his hand infront of him, it was a call from Sody. He snatched the tab and picked it, trying to block out the pain he was feeling….

“Sody, sody, what the hell is happening to me?” He demanded.

The lady was calm although she seemed a little angry.

“You were told not to kill anyone today My Lord, I am afraid, you might have killed the lady that should be your salvation.”

Calvin ignored his pain as what Sody said dawned on him, then he threw the tablet against the wall and gr@bb£d the guy beside him on the n£¢k.

“Tell Ruzo and the men, that girl must not die, if she dies, you are all dead, I will find all of you and kill you all I swear, if she dies! she must not die, Go now!”

The man nodded fearfully as he started dialing number and running out of the room…

***** **** ***

Sonia watched from where she l@ylifelessly on the ground, she was losing blood so fast as her world was fading away slowly. Her friends, Ben…everyone…she was suddenly feeling cold but she could still see what was happening….

The two men that had sh0t her were putting away their gun as someone entered the room…it was the man-her doom and damnation…her nightmare….she eyelids fluttered as the man kept closer, bending over her…there was shock all over his face. Then she felt herself being lifted up from the ground and she gave her final breath but not before the man called her by some name…

?The Curse Of Cain?
Episode 6


“Is this some kind of trick Sody? Or why does she have to look so much like the woman that made me commit the first murder?” He demanded, staring at the tablet in his hand.

The pretty lady on the screen sighed.

“My lord, I do not have an answer to that but according to the Triad, she is not your Trista, she has a foreign father and an African mother but she is not Trista, there is a kind of loop somewhere and that is why she looks like her but they are different people.”

“Did grandfather do this? To test me again?” He growled like a wounded lion.

“I do not know what your grandfather had in mind before he died but we are still looking into it. The message I have for you is that, try as much as possible to keep her alive because if she is dead, there goes your salvation.”

“So if she lives, what do I do?”

“I don’t have that information yet…but keep her away from her people else you this can hinder you from doing what you will nee-d to do to shift the curse.”

He thought for a while.

. “Does this task require killing her?”

“I don’t know my lord, that is all I have.”

“I can’t go back to England Sody, I still have enemies everywhere and I can’t go to Italy or Paris, I believe I’m still a wanted man there.”

“Well you can go to South Africa, I will fix up a place for you to stay there, we still have allies there and getting a house of your choice or a mansion as you so like it shouldn’t be a problem.”

“So you still have access to my offshore accounts?”

The lady nodded.

“Good, set it up, let it be more beautiful than this

. The compound should be larger. I nee-d a secluded area, if you can buy the whole area I do not mind. I want privacy and somewhere distant from the town so she can’t easily escape. Maybe close to the mountain or the lake.”

The lady nodded and the screen went blank before Calvin put the phone down

Calvin hissed and shut the screen before leaning back on his seat. He shut his eyes and gave off an exasperated sigh. He was exhausted both internally and externally.

So the lady wasn’t Trista? So why does she look so much like her or was he just imagining stuff in his head?

It was the second day and he hadn’t gotten any tangible response from his doctor. So he took his iphone and pressed a bu-tton, shortly, one of his men entered, he looked like a bouncer but all suited up.

“Yes boss.” The man said as he c@m£ in.

“Get the doctor for me.”

Hakeem nodded and dispersed. Some minutes later, he c@m£ back with a man who seemed to be in his early fifties, half of his hair was white, he looked frail in his silver glas-ses , he was in his white uniform and a stethoscope hanged around his shoulder.

“Doctor, what is going on?”

The elderly man brou-ght out his handky to wipe his forehead and then adjusted his glas-ses.

“Mr Calvin. I was able to the bullet, she was sh0t twice, once at the shoulder and the other mildly missed her heart, thanks to the ring she hid somewhere in her un-derwear, the bullet would have pene-trated into her heart and she would have died.

Calvin battled between feeling relaxed or getting more agitated.

“So are you saying she could make it?”

“No sir, she might but it’s 70-30 chances.”

Calvin stood up abruptly, knocking the glas-s on the stool away with his fist.

“What do you mean by that?”

The doctor moved a little bit back.

“The hospital setup in your mansion is not complete for an emergency like this. I will have to take her back with me to South Africa, we have enough materials that we nee-d there.”

The maid c@m£ in to clean the mess Calvin had created….

He was thinking, the lady had people here in this country, going to another would give her more chances to live and more chances for him to do whatever he nee-ds to do with her….

“Hakeem, get the jet re-ady, get four of the men, we are leaving this country tonight.”

Between the devil and
the red sea

She was running with all her might, her eyes wild as her che-st kept bouncing up and down , her br@in synapses hyped up like a clvster bomb, firing up negative thoughts like a machine bomb…she was lost, tra-pped, yet she could hear the music in the club…but where is it? how did she miss her way and why was the scar on her back itching so badly right now…

God i’m so dead. She whimpered stifling a cry.

She looked around, she was in another room, how would she get to the pas-sage that she had come in from?

“Check her in that room” She heard one of the men say and something crawled up inside her tommy.

plea-se let this be a nightmare, plea-se let me wake up, plea-se God plea-se!

She was soa-ked in her own sweat as she looked everywhere for a corner to hide, she found a hidden closet and she quic-kly ran into it, shutting the door behind her.

There was not a single cloth in the closet and the door had some openings as a design, from where she could see the two men entering the room with their guns

. She placed a hand over herl-ips and nose to st©p herself from breathing. she was afraid that even the slightest sound fo her breath would give her away.

They entered the room and put on the light, this was when she was able to see the room clearly

. It was like a room that was abandoned…but she stepped back into the darkness of the closet so that she wouldn’t be seen.

“Are you sure she’s here?” One asked the other.

“Yes, I saw her enter this place…” The other replied. They were still looking everywhere until their eyes rested on the closet and they exchanged a knowing look.

Sonia’s hands were curled into a fist, nails digging into her palm, she could feel the sweat drench her skin….as their footsteps sounded closer…

The door opened and before she could start kicking with quic-k powerful stro-kes at them, they dragged her out, she was pleading and begging on her knees ….the sweat had completely covered her b©dy and she felt like her heart was going to explode.

“plea-se, I’m getting married soon, plea-se I didn’t see anything, I wont report to the police, I beg of you plea-se don’t kill me.”

“Sorry babe, orders are orders!” one of the men said before pointing the gun at her. when the bullet hit her on the shoulder, she could feel the paralyzing hurt as-sembling themselves like a pack of icy liquid metal all over her b©dy…her b©dy wracked with raw sobs and she shook like a leaf before coll@psing to the ground.

. Fright consumed every cell in her b©dy, swelling them with terror. She could feel her breathing subside as the door opened and the man….of her nightmares c@m£ in….before she died…

****** **** ***

She woke up immediately.

The cloth she was wearing clung to her every skin, she was soa-ked in her sweat. She could still feel her heart pressure as her br@in scrambled desperately to make sure she was dreaming everything and she hadn’t been sh0t or wounded or….

Her eyes caught the wire-like stuff attached to her arm and then the green pyjamas-she wore ddin’t belong to her….

Damn! I wasn’t dreaming!

She was on some be-d in some room, the machine she used to see in movies which calways measured peoples heart pressure was on the table next to her….she was freaking out and the numbering was increasing…she had to relax because she didn’t want to create any attention….

Where am i? How come I wasn’t dead?

She tried to stand up but the pain in her shoulder intensified that she winced in pain…still she had to get up. Her arm was in a sling, attached to her shoulder.

Slowly, she climbe-d down from the be-d, the room was large and looked like an hospital room, an expensive hospital with the steup, the painting and the big screen on the wall….still something was off. This wasn’t really an hospital….hospitals don’t put art pictures on the wall.

She walked towards the window blind and drew the curtain ap@rt….what she saw astounded her….

She could deduce that she was probably at the t©p floor of what seemed to be some sort of mansion or sto-rey building, she could see mountains and fields all around her…they were so beautiful and so scary as if the place was located away from the rest of the world. The compound below had lots of flowers all around and there were some cars at the side where she looked.

She could see some men at the gate…and her heart began to race again….she recognized one of them…the one that had sh0t her.

Oh God no no no! What do I do ? How do I escape this place?

She saw the metal stand on which her water bag was attached, she carried with her so it could support her as walked. She looked around for anything she could hurt anyone with. She knew if she was to leave this place, she would nee-d some defenses. Looking around, she found some tweezers and some nee-dles which she packed into the pocket of her pyjamas.

Slowly, Sonia walked towards the door, as she put her hand firmly to the doorknob, she prayed quietly that it shouldn’t be locked and when she pu-ll-ed it, she sighed happily as the door opened.

She walked slowly out of the room, with her water-bag-stand firmly in her grip, she stealthily shut the door after her. She was confronted with a flight of stair cases that lead to the floor and an elevator at the left hand side. Now she had another problem, which was the safest for her to take?
