The bully boss Episode 15 & 16

The next morning I checked his temperature it was still h0t but not like before. I adjusted the $h!t and covered him well. His face was so calm. I look outside and it was still raining heavily…the storm doesn’t look like it’ll end just like I predicted.
I went to the kitchen. The house was a simple one….everything was easy to find. I boiled some water and made some soup. Am not a great cook…hope this doesn’t make his illness worse.
I went back to the room. Luckily he was awake.
“You didn’t cudd-leme last night nor k!ssme” That was the first word that left his sick mouth, I could sl@p that innocent look out of his sick face.
“I made you some h0t soup” I said not minding his naughtiness
“Am not eating…..” He lye back down.
“You have to eat to take some drugs….it’ll help…” I said
“Not eating….”
“If you don’t eat am pouring h0t soup on you” I said but he didn’t answer…. I took a spoil full of the soup, draw the blanket off him and pour it on his skin
“Aaahhhh Amanda!!!! He yelled and numb off the be-d….guess his legs were weak as he fell on the ground “that was brutal!!!!” His face look displea-sed
“Now are you eating or not?” I said
“No!” He yelled….I took another spoon full and threw it at him…but this time he avoided it and ran away from the room….I followed him. He looks weak at he uses the wall and sofa as he support to run.
“Give up Lucas….you much eat” I said
“No!!!” He was just like a child
“Fine then I’ll do this the ha-rd way” I said. I dropped the soup and ran after him quic-kly and cut in.
I gr-ab him and pu-ll him down…he fell powerlessly. I pinned him down
“Aaahhhhh let me go it hurts…..aaahhhhhh” he yelled
“Now are you eating or not?” I asked again
“I’ll eat I’ll eat….” he said but I didn’t trust his words. I stretch my hands took the soup and said to him.
“Open your mouth…” he wanted to protest but I squee-ze his n£¢k ha-rder and he open up….
“Aaaahhhh What is this???? Taste like sea water….you call this salty stuff soup?” He asked
“You are in no position to complain and you must finish the food before I let you go” I said and he whined
“The food is not even delicious….yuke…..” he said.
Lucas had no choice but to finish every drop. He took his drugs and went to l@ydown.”cudd-leme” he ordered and I glared at him “….plea-se….am a sick patient” he added
“I’ll lye on one side of the be-d…with a pillow at the middle…you must not cross or t©uçh me” I said
“That’s totally different from cudd-ling…” he said
“You don’t think I’ll cudd-leyou right? Me….?” I mocked
“You’re mean…” he said
“You accept or not?” I asked
“It’s Amanda!!!” I yelled
“I call you what I like…” he said and patted the be-d. I said nothing and lye down with a pillow at the middle. “Just know one thing…I won’t t©uçh you if you won’t allow me…” he said but I didn’t reply…I was done talking to him. “Won’t you tell me good night?” He asked “are you slee-ping alre-ady……?”
“Shut up Lucas!” I gro-an
“You do remember that am your boss?” He asked. I was tired…I didn’t sleep much last night…it’s still early this stormy morning…
Jo called De Marco and he said Lucas never get to him yesterday. The storm was too much maybe they found aid. It’s not equally safe to drive at a stormy weather. But they weren’t picking up their calls.
He called Mrs Harrison and reported the case to her.
“So you think….”
“Yes…they are together…now and it’s stormy here in Paris….” Jo said
“That’s strange…” she replied
“Yes….” Jo replied
“Get back to me when you see them” Jo nodded
Lucas frown when a hand hit his face. He opened his eyes and saw Amanda was all over him.
“She have a bad slee-ping habit?” He whispered and giggled. Her face was close to him. Her hands and legs wra-p around his b©dy. “Look who wanted to sleep without cudd-ling…” he smiled.
Lucas stared at her face. He care-sses them. The s-en-sation she makes him feel is nothing he can explain, could it be Jo is right? Is he in…….
Lucas quic-kly st©pped himself
“There is no way…I just want her that’s all….” he look back at her…every look s£nd his che-st pounding and stomach sweeten. “Lucas what have you gotten yourself into?”
She moved again but this time she turned to the other side…immediately the warmth he felt left.
Lucas frown….he gently turn her back and she landed on his che-st “perfect…” he smiled…..”Now this is cudd-ling…” he replied and hvgged her close.
I opened my eyes and saw the calm weather…. it was sunny now. I smiled finally I can get out of here…..
But something was off…..”you per-vert!!!!!” I yelled and kick him off the be-d.
“Aarrggghhhh what did I do again…” he gro-an …
“How dare you t©uçh me!” I yelled
“t©uçh you? You were the one all over me last night….you have a bad slee-ping habit!” He yelled
“That’s a lie!!!! I sleep still like a dead wood…I don’t move!” I yelled
“Oh really…look which side of the be-d you are” He said. I look around and I was at his side.
“So….so what???? You…you must have moved me….” I said
“So you mean I moved you without you knowing….are you that dumb?” He stood up.
“No you’re dumb…you took advantage of a slee-ping woman!!!” I yelled
“Why are you acting like I R@p£d you while you were asleep?” He asked
“I……” I was speechless. “Thank God the weather is fine now…I can’t breath in the same room with you anymore…” I said
“Mandy… want your punishment again?” He asked
“Try me!” I challenge and gr-ab a vessel. “I swear I’ll smash this on your n@ûghty skull”
He climbe-d the be-d.
“Stay back….I’ll really smash you!” I threatened but he kept on coming to me….”Am not joking this time….another step and am….aaaahhh….” he drag vessel off my hand and push me to the be-d. “Lucas don’t you dare….” he k!$$£d me lightly….more like a pe-ck…. It was enough to shut me up.
“Say another word….” he sm-irk. He wasn’t pinning my hands this time.
We both lock gaze. The way he looks at me was gently but it fears me….
“Will you be my woman?” He asked out of the blue
“WHAT??!!!!” I yelled
But his voice was calm and shaking like he was nervous and afraid “I want to d@t£ you….will you be my girlfriend?” He asked
“N……” he covered my mouth with his hands
“Think about it for me….don’t give me your answer yet….what I feel for you….I’ve never felt….”
“LISTEN TO ME AMANDA!!!” He yelled “Am into you….think about it…I don’t care how long it’ll take you…I’ll wait till it’s a yes…” he said and smiled
Truth being told I never took Lucas words to heart. I did told Jo about it and he was surprised at first
“You mean Lucas asked you to be his woman?” He asked again to be sure
“I said yes….he asked me” I replied
“And told you to think about it until you agree to d@t£ him before you can reply him?”
“That was what he said”
“Amanda do you know what this means?….” he paused “He’s in love with you…..finally….”
“Wait…I don’t care….” I said
“I know what you think but listen…’s not what you think…..about him being a S-x add!çt….”
“Jo…..that guy has sleep with almost all the girls in this company and outside the company….and most importantly….I don’t even like him….” I said
“I know but listen… wasn’t his fault….When Lucas was little his grandfather treasured him. You may not know but his grandfather was a gangster and do lots of bad things….you can’t even imagine………he made girls sleep with Lucas and do stuff to him. He was about 7 or so…..”
“What!!!!!!” I yelled. I couldn’t believe my ears
“Yes….Lucas parents did nothing about it…they won’t dare….his grandfather was a devil. Lucas normally cry to his parents and told them what his grandfather was doing. At first Lucas didn’t like it….he persuade his parents, even his brothers to help him but no one seems to care….Well it wasn’t like they don’t care, they were afraid of him. Some Lucas fear turned to plea-sure. He began to like what they were doing to him….he now like following his grandfather around. Soon…..when he was 15 his grandfather died, we thought it was the end but Lucas was alre-ady add!çted…….to S-x…thankful he wasn’t into drugs but sometimes he smokes and drink” he st©pped, he sniffed his nose. He was crying
“Jo…….” I called calmly
“I was there…..I should have done something…..”he said
“No Jo…’s wasn’t your fault…..” I said
“plea-se Amanda…..he had never taken any woman seriously….the way he takes you….he had never ask a girl out……plea-se…..I know you can change him…..he loves you” he said
“Amanda I know….but plea-se for me…..give him a chance……” he said
“I…….I’ll try…..I’ll think about it” I said and he sigh
“You you so much Amanda……you’ll surely come to love him if you see his true side…..I as-sure you” he said and I f0rç£d a smile.
Mrs Harrison was excited when she heard Lucas confessed his feelings to Amanda…..she begged Jo to plea-se make sure she agree to d@t£ Lucas.
“I’ll do all my best Madam…” Jo smiled
Mrs Harrison jumped to her husband…..
“I told you right…..I told you she can fix him….he finally asked her out!!!!!” She yelled
“Hmm….are you sure this son of yours is not up to something?” He asked
“You should be happy for him!” She was vexed by her husbands actions
“I am happy but……”
“Father….” Ronald walked in.
“Oh son…..I heard your brother Lucas has finally fell in love” She said
“Lucas? In love? Impossible….!” He mocked
“Right? That was exactly what I told your mother but she won’t believe me” Mr Harrison said and she glared at him
“Let’s just wait and see…” she said and left “I wonder why God never blessed me with a daughter” she murmured on her way, she went to meet her daughter in law.
Nora drag her load out.
“Nora where do you think you’re going?” Mom asked
“Am leaving….I can’t leave with you anymore after what you did to Amanda!!” She cried
“What? Honey you know we did what we have to do for you…..because of your health!” She said
“My health? I’d have rather died!” Nora said
“Nora!!!!” Father yelled
“Both of you have no right to be parents… leaving…” Nora said again
“Where will you go?” Mother asked
“Am going to my sister Amanda….” Nora yelled
“Fine go….”
“Honey!!!” Mother said
“Get out of my house” father yelled
“Thankfully….” Nora said and drag her bags out.
I just got home. Jo and I worked overtime so it was late. What Jo told me repeated over and over again in my head.
I called Jeremy
“What’s up sister-in-law!” He yelled
“Shut up…..can you come over to my house?” I asked
“Am alre-ady at your house” he said and I heard my door pin opened
“Crazy bastard, the house is yours I know but a girl nee-ds privacy….” I said and he smiled
“Jo told me about Lucas childhood…is it true?….”
“Yeah” he landed on the floor
“Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked
“I tried to but you won’t listen….”
“Shut up…..” I kicked him
“Aaarrrrhhhhh” he yelled.
The door bell ring.
“Who is it?” Jeremy yelled
“Go see who it is….I’ll go change….” I said
Jeremy hop to the door only to see Lucas glaring at him
“Why are you here?” He asked
“Get out” He said
“Now!!!!!” Lucas roared
“Ok…ok…am leaving…” Jeremy ran out.
All I wanted to do was change but I decided to take a quic-k shower. I was only on my towel when I yelled
“Jeremy…..who is it?” But there was no response “Jer…..who was as the door?” No one answered. “Bastard are you pla-ying pranks on me again?!!!! I swear I’ll kill you……” I matched to the sitting room only to meet Lucas.
“Lucas…….why are you here?”I asked I was confused
“Hi Mandy……you’ve not had dinner yet right? I just finished ma-king dinner, eat with me” he said. Is he mad? Eat with him? How? Where?
“First of, how the fv¢k did you get in here and were is Jeremy?” I asked, Lucas eyes moved round her b©dy….’she was only on towels….she should be completely n-ked…..imagine taking that towel off and…….’
“Hello!!!!!! What do you think you’re doing?” I frown. The way he looks at me and the way his Adam’s apple move up and down made me feel like I was alre-ady n-ked. “I’ll go change” I said and quic-kly rush back in. I quic-kly wear my pajamas and went back to him.
I fold my hands on my che-st and raise on of my brows “explains plea-se!…. I know Jeremy your brother owes this place that doesn’t mean you can just barge in….” I said
“I only wanted to invite you to have dinner with me” he said
“Dinner with you? Sorry I don’t want to” I replied
“Com’on Amandy….it’s just across the street….” he pointed
“What do you mean across the street?” I frown
“Don’t you know?” He smiled
“Know what?” I frown even more
“We’ve been neighbors…” he said
“Neigh…..What!!!!!!” I yelled
“Bor….. neighbors….” he was smiling like he enjoy seeing me in an awkward situation.