The boy next door Episode 28

💥The Boy Next Door 💥
📘 Chapter Twenty-Eight📘
Written by: Tamara Blair.
😍 Alexander’s P.o.v😍
I got back from practice so tired and hungry.
I went straight to my room to take a shower and sleep.
I wanted to call Gigi,then i remembered my phone is dead so i decided to charge it.
After taking a shower,i dressed up then went downstairs for lunch.
Mom was alre-ady setting the table,i can’t remember when last she did that.
“Good afternoon, mom”
“Good afternoon,how was practice?”
“Stressful but Great,am so hungry”
“Your lunch is re-ady for you” she said and pas-sed the plate to me.
“Thanks,mom,the food was delicious”
“You are welcome” She said and i dropped my plate in the sink.
“Oh,i almost forgot,Gigi st©pped by today”
“Why? She knew i wasn’t going to be around”
“Well,she said she forgot her friendsh!pn£¢klace in your room”
“Yeah, that’s true”
“But there was something strange,She ran out of the house like she was being chased”
“Chased?” I asked in confusion.
“Yeah,i saw her talking to Jackson,then she suddenly ran out”
“She was talking to Jackson?”
I started going up the stairs,my mom held my wrist.
“Alex, don’t fight him”
“I can’t promise that,if Jackson did something to Gigi, I will destroy him”
I walked over to Jackson’s room and opened the door without knocking.
“Didn’t they teach you to knock before entering a room?” He said angrily but i could care less.
He was pla-ying videogames.
“What did you do to my girlfriend? Why did she run out of the house?”
“Nothing,we were just talking and i guess she got uncomfortable”
“Jackson,if i find out that you are lying,i will tear you into pieces” I said and walked away.
💞 Gianna’s P.o.v💞
“You have to tell Jamal and Xander” Ashley said and i sighed.
“I can’t yet,until i get prove, Jamal alre-ady promised himself that if he finds the guy that R@p£d me, he will kill him.
I can’t let Jamal kill Jackson, then find out that he wasn’t the one”
“Babe,there is no doubt in my mind that Jackson is the one,he is such a per-verted bastard”
“I don’t want….
I st©pped talking when i heard someone calling my name, it’s Xander.
Ashley and I went downstairs.
“Babe” He said and hvgged me.
“Am sorry,i left you alone” He said and k!$$£d my forehead.
“Xander,you went for practice,you don’t nee-d to apologise”
“My mom told me that you ran out of my house out of fear,did Jackson t©uçh you inappropriately?
Tell me so that i can go kill him”
I can’t tell him now until i have proof.
“I will leave you two alone” Ashley said and walked away.
“Did Jackson do something to you?”
“No,no,he didn’t,i just felt uncomfortable being with him, that’s all”
He hvgged me even ti-ghter.
“I love you,Gigi,never forget that and i won’t let anyone hurt you”
2 days later.
Gianna has been acting so strange,she is always thinking, always lost in thought and when i ask her about, She says she’s okay.
“Babe, aren’t you gonna eat?” I asked but there was no answer.
We were having lunch at my house, Gianna hasn’t t©uçhed her food.
“GIANNA!!” I yelled and she jo-lted back to reality.
“You haven’t t©uçhed your food, What’s going on,Gigi?”
“It’s nothing,am fine”
“No,you are not,you are always zoning out”
“I promise you ,am fine”
I was about to say something when Jackson walked in,i saw a look of shock on Gigi’s face.
💞 Gianna’s P.o.v💞
He walked in wearing the exact shi-t of that night, the same shi-t i saw in Xander’s room.
“Hey, people” Jackson said sm-irking.
“Jackson,just leave,your pres£nce isn’t nee-ded” Xander said and he scoffed.
“Whatever, dude,i will be in my room if you nee-d anything,Gigi” he said and win-ked at me.
I held Xander’s hand to calm him down, Jackson took the stairs to his room.
“He’s such an idiot” Xander said and i chuckled.
“That’s why you should ignore him”
“Xander,Can i ask a question?”
“That grey shi-t Jackson is wearing,do you have the same type?”
“Yeah,my mom bought it for us”
“Like when?”
“Um…two years ago,why?” He asked and i bec@m£ shocked.
“No.. nothing”
“Are you sure?”
“I will go bring the Chess board” Xander said as he took the stairs.
My mind kept wondering on the fact that the chances of Jackson being the ra-pist is so high.
“So you have found out the truth” i heard someone say,i turned and it was Jackson still in the shi-t.
“What truth?”
“The truth behind this shi-t and that night”
“So you have always known?”
“How could i forget those Grey eyes?”
“Jackson,you were the one you R@p£d me”
“Yes,i was”