The boy next door Episode 27

💥The Boy Next Door 💥
📘 Chapter Twenty-Seven📘
A week later.
😍 Alexander’s P.o.v😍
“Babe,you really nee-d to try the strawberry pie, it’s good” Gigi said and brou-ght a spoon with pie close to my mouth.
I opened my mouth to eat it but she quic-kly re-moved the spoon and ate the pie instead.
I rolled my eyes at her as she giggled.
“Haha, very funny” i said,she stood up and c@m£ in between my legs.
“Xander,this hoodie will really cool on me,can i have it, plea-se?”
“You alre-ady taken half of hoodies alre-ady”
“But you have tons in your wardrobe, plea-se”
She made her face look so cute.
“Okay,fine, i really don’t know why i can’t say no to you”
“Because you love me so much”
“You have stolen my heart and my hoodies, what else are you going to steal?”
“Your last name” She said and i started blu-shing.
“OMG, Alexander McQueen is blu-shing” She said.
“Don’t praise yourself too much,and i think i would like the name Mrs Gianna McQueen” i said and she giggled.
“Wife to the most talented and Famous superstar, Alexander McQueen”
“I love you, you know?”
“Yeah and i love you too”
I pu-ll-ed her closer and we k!$$£d,her hands in my hair,while my hands trailed up her th!ghs.
I have wanted so bad to make amazing love to her but i don’t want to rush things.
She should be re-ady and i will wait for her.
“Urrgh, you two are always k!ss!ngwhen you are together,it makes me want to vomit” Jamal said as he climbe-d down the stairs.
“It’s what couples who love each other do, idiot” Gigi said and Jamal rolled his eyes.
“Jamal,you should really try falling in love” I said and he scoffed.
“That $h!t ain’t for me,bro”
“Jammy,you don’t fall in love on purpose, it just happens”
“Yeah, whatever”
“Where are you going?”
“You look all dressed up”
“Don’t i dress nice before?”
“You do but this time you dress extra nice,like you are going to meet a special girl”Gigi said.
“Don’t start with that t©pic,am off, bye” Jamal said and left.
“He is definitely hiding something” I said and Gigi nodded in agreement.
Two days later.
💞 Gianna’s P.o.v💞
Xander and Jamal left for basketball practice,so i decided to hang out with Ashley.
I suddenly remembered that i forgot my friendsh!pn£¢klace in Xander’s room.
So i went over at his house to get it.
I got there, greeted his mom, then went over to Xander’s room.
“I found it” i said to myself as i saw the n£¢klace on the table,i looked around and saw a picture of me when i was little.
I smiled and picked it up.
“I can’t believe he kept this picture”
I dropped the picture by the be-d side,i was about to leave when i saw something that caught my eye.
It was a shi-t,not just any ordinary shi-t, the shi-t that brou-ght memories,bad memories.
I can never forget the grey shi-t, the guy who R@p£d me wore it, this is the shi-t.
But why does Xander have it?
Could be a coincidence that Xander has the exact type?
“Are you okay?” Someone said,i turned around and it was Jackson, shi-tless.
He has a great b©dy and abs but it doesn’t excite me,Xander also has the same maybe even better.
“Yeah, yeah,am good,i was just leaving”
I tried to walk away but he held me by the wrist.
“Don’t t©uçh me” i said and re-leased myself.
“Relax,am not going to bite you,i just want to talk”
“I don’t want to talk about anything with you because…..
I paused when i saw something shocking on Jackson’s arm.
It’s a tattoo of a human skull, the same one that man had that night.
“Gigi,are you okay?” He asked and i tried to t©uçh me but i moved back.
“Don’t t©uçh me, don’t you dare” i said and ran away.
I ran back to my house,no one was around,i went to my room and bur-st into tears.
Could it be possible?
Is Jackson the guy who R@p£d me 2 years ago?