Teens heart episode 13

Teens Hearts – Episode 13

Chris #POV

After searching for Jeremy like forever, I finally saw him walking down the hallway.
His hands in his pockets.
He walked up to me, and pas-sed.

What the fv¢k is wrong with him?

“Hey dude.” I called, meeting up his steps.
“Huh?” He said.
“What’s up. Had to look for you everywhere. Was quite stressful.” I said.
“You saw me now.” He said.

I looked at his face.
He’s face is in a frown.. But he’s cheek..


Why is it kinda red?

“Your cheek is kinda red. Why?” I asked.
“Nothing.” He said, heading to his locker.

He opened it and gr@bb£d his bag.

“But its red dude.” I said.

“It’s nothing!” He said and turned.
I followed beside him.
“Okay.” I said.

Though I felt something isn’t so right.
I hope it wasn’t with the new girl.

Whatever. I just followed him along as we walked throu-gh the hallway which lead outta the building.

“You drinking today?” He asked.


“Nop. You wanna drink?” I asked.
“You’ve been doing that for days now. Just wanna know if I’ll have to drive a drun!ken lovesick home today again.”
“Im keeping to the promise I made yesterday.” I said.

He chuckled.

“Where’s Molly?” He asked.

“Im here.” We heard her voice behind.

“Huh..” Jeremy and I said and turned.

She was smiling.
Her left hand on her h!ps and the other tou-ching her hair.

“Hey guys.” She said.
Then turned to Jeremy.
“J, I’ve been looking for you.” She said as she walked to him and slid her hand into his.

It made me think about Steph for a moment.
I wish I had her.
I’do love us to hold hands just this way.

“Can I go with you to your house today and stay with you for a little while?” She asked him.

I just watched them.

“No. Im gonna study, re-ad once im home.” He said to her.

What! Arggh, I know he’s lying.
But why?

“plea-se J. plea-seeeee.” She said, acting like a kid.

So funny.
It made me chuckle.

I imagined Steph and I being the two there.

“No. I said im gonna re-ad once im home and all throu-gh the night.” He still kept lying.

Im sure Molly knows he’s lying.
When did J start re-ading his books?
It can’t start today.

Molly glancec at me then turned back to him.
“Oh J, I promise we gonna have fun.” She said tou-ching his chin.
Then she whispered something that I couldn’t hear, to him.

Spoilt punks!

I left them.

Jeremy’s POV

“I wanna spend some time with you. I’ve missed you so much. I wanna go with you. plea-se.” She said, holding me.

I rolled my eyes.

“Okay fine, But you not gonna stay for too long.” I said.
“Uh.. Why?” She asked.
“Cos im gonna re-ad.” I said.
“Okay.” She said.


Alexandra’s POV

Lili hvgged me just as she opened the door.
“Alex dear.” She said, still hvgging me.

Her hvg felt a little different and warmer today.

“Lili” I said.
“I missed you.” She said.
“Me too.” I said with a smile.

Then she withdrew and pu-ll-ed me in.
“How was school dear?” She asked.

It was just the most horrible day!
“It was bad.” I said.

She g@sped and then drew me into another hvg.

“Oh my goodness! What happened?” She asked.
“Jeremy. He’s my seatmate. But he’s been so rude and a distraction that I had to sign for my seat to he changed.”

“You did?” She asked.
“Yeah I did.” I said..
“Its fine dear. Im so sorry.” She said.


Jeremy’s POV

Rihanna ft Drake’s song ‘WORK’ blared on the stereo as I pu-ll-ed into the garage.

Molly just sang along.
Her type of things.

I turned it off and turned the car engine off too.

We got down.

“Wow. It’s been a while I c@m£ here.” She said.
“J,” She called, sliding her hand into mine again.

Must we hold hands?

We walked in as we saw Moni walked down the staircase.

“Your old woman.” Molly whispered.

“Welcome Jeremy dear. How was school today?” She asked.
“Great.” I said.

Was it great?
Yeah it was, I got to k!ssthe snail but then she had to sl@p me.
It wasn’t so great tho…

“How are you Molly?” She asked Molly but there was a way she made her face as she asked that.
The truth is that, She doesn’t really like Molly.

“Hi Moni, Im fine.” Molly said, tou-ching her hair again.

I walked on as Molly followed beside.
We walked upstairs, into my room.

I dropped my bag, sat down on my be-d and pu-ll-ed off my shoes.
Molly just fell on the be-d, her Sk-irt almost rolling up.

“Yupee! Oh, I’ve missed this be-d.” She said, hvgging a pillow.

I pu-ll-ed off my trou-ser and the shi-t. I had just a singlet and a bo-xer on now.
I turned to my wardrobe, pu-ll-ed out a black and white str!p short and a white shi-t and pu-ll-ed on.
“J,” I felt her behind me as she wra-pped her hands around me.

I rolled my eyes.
What’s this for?

“I love you J, do you love me huh?” She asked.

Why would I love her?
What’s love anyway?

“Yeah.” I just answered.
“Say it.” She said.

What the fv¢k?

“Yeahh. I love you.” I said.
Its just a fv¢king mere word.

“Then k!ssme J.” She said.


It reminded me of the snail.
Herl-ips, When I k!$$£d her.
When I felt that tingling feeling lingering on a sp©t in my heart.
A feeling that I don’t even un-derstand.
Then when she sl@pped me.
Arghh, that sl@p!

Im gonna deal with her tomorrow!

“J?” She called. “Don’t you hear me?”

I just turned, gave her a quic-k k!sson herl-ips and turned back to close my wardrobe.
I closed it.

“Not that way J.” She said.
“Which way huh?”

I was getting really annoyed now.

“k!ssme like you want it.” She said.

I rolled my eyes and turned to her.
She stared at me.

For fv¢k sake!
If she wants me to k!ssher for quite long, then she should go have al-ips like the snail’s own.

Cos its just the snail’sl-ips I just feel like k!ss!ngfor so long till I feel like suffocating.


“You are smiling J. I love your smiles.” Molly said.

I was smiling?

“Was I smiling?” I asked.
“Yeah. You were.” She said and before I could say jack! She k!$$£d me, putting her arms on my n£¢k.

I pu-ll-ed away.

“C’mon Molly, Let’s go eat. Im hungry.” I said as I gr@bb£d her hand and pu-ll-ed her outta my room.

#Molly’s POV
Why did he pu-ll away?
He’s been acting weird.
Its So annoying!



Alexandra’s POV

“Dear Diary,

Can you believe that bit-ch k!$$£d me again today?
God, I felt so embarrased and used.
And I sl@pped him.
Im so sad that I can’t tell Steph about this.
About Jeremy k!ss!ngme two times.
I wonder how she’do look at me.
I wonder what she’do say.
I guess keeping it a secret is the best way.
Changed my seat and Im sure I ain’t gonna sit close to him tomorrow and till im out of that school.
I hate him..
I really hate that bit-ch!
But Chris, He’s just cute and nice and I guess we are friends alre-ady.
I like him..


Alexandra’s POV

I woke up to low yells from Lili.

Who’s she yelling at?

I rushed out to see, and there she was, her back on me as she held the phone in one hand and the other hand akimbo.
She is standing beside the table.

“You stupid man. You moron!” She yelled at the reciever.
She had no idea I was out now.

“How dare you call now, after two weeks huh! Alex had been with me for two weeks and you never called all that time. How dare you call now, you moron! Do you wanna be dealth with huh? Do you want me to deal with both you and your who-re huh?” She yelled.

It’s no one else but my dad.

“Don’t ever call to ask me about Alex unless you’ve begged God for forgiveness and get that who-re outta your life. Im sure Alex would never forgive you if you don’t do that.” She said.

I scoffed.

“I’ll never forgive him even if he does.” I said.

She flin-ched and turned as she heard that.

“Alex.” She said, dropping the call.

I crossed my arms and walked up to her.

“You’re awake alre-ady? Its just too early for you to dear.” She said.

“What’s the reason for his call?” I asked.
“He’s asking after you.” She said.

I chuckled.

“I don’t matter to him. He should never try that again. And Lili, did you have to pick his call?” I asked.
“He called with a new number. I couldn’t detect he’s the one.” She said.

I looked down.
“I hate him.” I said.

Lili rushed to me and pu-ll-ed me into a hvg.

“I hate him.” I repeated as a tear dropped from my eyes.
“Its fine Alex. Don’t cry.” She said.
“Im never gonna forgive him. Never gonna do that Lili.” I cried.

Jeremy’s POV

“Arghhh..” I gro-an ed as I sat up on my be-d.

It seems like its 8’oclock alre-ady.

I yawned and checked the time.

“What? Did I have to wake up so early huh?”
I hissed and fell back on the be-d.

That snail.
Ugh…. Im gonna deal with her.
fv¢k her.
How dare she come to my dreams huh?
Arghh.. I don’t know what’s wrong with me tho.
I feel my heart beat rise when I talk about the snail.

I hissed and got up from the be-d. Turned and walked into the bathroom.

Staring at myself and seeing my cheek reminded me of the snail’s sl@p.


Why did she had to do that?
She don’t really know what I could do to her huh?

fv¢k it! Im gonna deal with her.
Im gonna k!ssher again.
Such a snail.

This suprisingly made me eager to get to school.


I turned on the shower as the water splashed over my skin.


“Jeremy, Im so happy you’re ma-king it to school early. It’s just 7:30 and you’re dressed alre-ady. Oh gracious.” Moni said as I walked down the stairs over to the dinning.

I smiled.
“Are you happy for me?” I asked.

“Oh my! He’s smiling. Ofcos im happy for you dear.”She said.

“Be happy cos im gonna deal with a snail today.” I said, going for my food.
“What? Deal? Snail? How Jeremy?” She asked with wi-de eyes.

“Wow.. Its delicious.” I said as I took a spoon of the meal.

She put her hands on her che-st.

“Don’t worry Moni, im not gonna deal so mercilessly with the snail.. Im just gonna do something more interesting.” I said and win-ked at her.

She just stared at me.

I got to school and headed straight to clas-s.
And I got disappointed.
I saw no snail.

She’s not yet in school?
Anyway, I saw Chris.

“Hey dude.” He said as he saw me.
I sat down on my seat.

Why the fv¢k is the stupid girl not yet in school?

I drummed my f!nger on my desk, as I stared at her seat.

“Molly left yesterday?” Chris asked.
“Yeah.” I said.

She left just after the meal. Though I had to f0rç£ her.

“And you studied? You re-ad?” He asked.
I looked at him.
It was funny so I chuckled.

“fv¢k that.” I said.

Where the fv¢k is this snail huh?

A guy walked in and what?
He sat down on the snail’s seat.

I looked at Chris.
He looked suprised too but then he just shrugged.

What the heck!

“Hey!” I called at the guy.
He turned.
He looked timid and naive with eyeglas-ses.

“This ain’t your seat. Are you fv¢king blind?” I said.

“This is my seat now. Alexandra’s seat position had been changed.” He said.

I couldn’t believe the $h!t.

“Who the hell changed it?” I yelled at him.
“Ms Ashley.” He said, getting scared.

But then the snail walked in just then and without looking at this direction, She walked to the far end of the clas-s and sat down, turning to window beside her.

This ain’t happening right?

“Is that her new seat huh?” I asked the guy.
“Yeah.” He said.

I got so annoyed.
What freak!

“Im gonna fv¢king st©p this!” I yelled. That got the whole attention of the clas-s.

Eyes turned to me.

“Why are you guys staring huh!” I barked at them all.
“dude” Chris called.

Alexandra’s POV

It was funny looking at him yell at everyone.

Why’s he annoyed?

Im just happy I don’t have to seat close to him anymore.
Such a br@t.

Oh horrible!
He’s just so arrogant.

We got Literature soon and I stood up to take my literature books.

Jeremy’s POV

The snail stood up and walked out.

Where’s she going?

I stood up.

She got to tell me why the hell she had her seat changed.

I met her at her locker.
I walked to her.

“Hey snail.” I said, standing with my hands in my pockets.

She ignored me.
She didn’t even look up at me.
She just gr@bb£d her books, closed back her locker and turned to walk away but I gr@bb£d her wrist and pu-ll-ed her back.

“Ain’t you the snail im calling huh?” I said.
She f0rç£d her hand off and then looked at me with angry eyes.

“My name is Alex and not a snail you punk! Get that into your skull.” She barked.

I chuckled.

“The last time I checked, Alex is for boys and not for girls.” I said.

She glared at me and then tried to leave again but I pu-ll-ed her back again.

“Can you ever st©p being a bit-ch huh? Are you that stupid than a goat huh!?” She yelled.

That was annoying tho but I still love the way herl-ips curve.

I smiled.
