Teens heart episode 12

Teens Hearts – Episode 12

Jeremy’s POV

Feeling like im missing the snail after she left with Steph is a minor case.
Thinking about herl-ips is quite okay..
But slee-ping in the clas-s and dreaming about me k!ss!ngher is just not okay.

That is craziness.

I sat up and Chris is sitting on my desk.

“slee-ping?” He asked.

I stared at him with dizzy eyes.

“You gotta tell me where you went to? Another clubbing last night? He asked.
“Was chatting Molly.” I said.
“Um.. Sounds awkward that the most popular guy was slee-ping in clas-s.” He said.
“Not quite long. You were slee-ping so I just went to the cafeteria to gr-ab a drink.” I said.


“What drink?” I asked.
“Don’t act like a punk. Alcohol isn’t sold here remember?” He said.

I nodded as my stomache grumbled.

“Can we go gr-ab something? Im hungry.” I said.
“Sure.” He said and got down from my desk…
but just immediately, the snail walked in.

I wonder why I felt no hunger again.
And I don’t wanna leave again.
I looked at her, but the snail was smiling at Chris.


I looked at Chris and he was smiling back.

Are they friends huh?

“Hi Alex.” He said as she got to her seat.

Alexandra’s POV

“Chris Ray” I called, smiling at Chris as I sat down.
“Hey, Just call me Chris. You love my surname.” He said with a smile.

“Oh my bad! Im sorry.” I said, realising I did that again.
“She’s just unbelievable.” The br@t said.

What’s his business in this?
Idiot. I’ll just keep ignoring you.

“Hey dude, you don’t have to say that. She just like my surname I think.”Chris said.

“She act like a dumbas-s!” The br@t said.

I shut my eyes with my teeth clenched.
And he said it so loud!
God! I wish i could strangle him to death!
I could hear stupid giggles from the devils.

“Alex, im sorry for what he just said ok.” Chris said to me.
“Its okay. Im fine.” I said.

Chris left to his seat and just then, Molly walked in and over to her seat, beside Chris. Chris seat next to Jeremy.

“Don’t act like you don’t want my disturbance. Every girl loves it and you can’t pretend to be uninterested. Like yo don’t like it cos I know you do. Don’t be an as-s-hole.” The br@t said to me.


Huh, Every girl want his troubles?

Funny! Im not like them anyway.
So fv¢k him.

Jeremy’s POV

I kept saying annoying things to her…trying to her to talk back at me but she just ignored.

I don’t un-derstand why I want her to talk back.
I hate someone talking back at me but now, Why do I want the snail to keep talking about at me?


“Are you a bit-ch? can’t you talk hu? are you dumb now?” I said.
But she still kept ignoring me..

Till it was time for Biology clas-s.

She stood up and walked out.
I felt so angry… Really angry.
Why couldn’t she just talk back?

“Hey J,” It was Molly.
“We got biology now. Ain’t you going? I can stay with you if you don’t wanna go.” She said.


“Ofcourse I am.” I said and stood up
Chris stared at me.
I’ll ask him later.

I walked to my locker, gr@bbÂŁd my biology books and with Moll beside me and Chris behind us, We walked up to the biology Lab.

I saw her. She’s cute.
And Just like in the clas-s, her seat is at my front as well.

I walked to my seat and sat down.
I had the urge to talk to her but I just decided not to.

Who’s she anyway to give me such feelings?

Alexandra’s POV

He sat behind me.
I hissed.
I just hope he don’t start his troubles here again.

And thank goodness he didn’t as clas-s went on, smoothly and great.
I was happy.
I listened really attentively to the biology teacher.

But then, it wasn’t long tho. Cos just as the teaching was no getting more interesting.
He started again.

“Why ain’t you talking back at me huh? Cos you think you’ve won huh?”

Oh horrible! I clenched my fist and almost hitting it on the desk.

I breathed


I’ll go on to ignore him.
It’s just a matter of time and our seat won’t be close again!

Jeremy’s POV

She still kept ignoring me.
This punk! This little snail.

Arghh. Jeremy.

Alexandra’s POV

It was just that way between us.
He talked while I ignore till biology clas-s was over…
Till the last clas-s before school over.


He didn’t stay for it tho.
He left.

As school-over bell rang, I stood up, walked to my locker, gr@bbÂŁd my bag and closed back the door.

As I walked throu-gh the hallway to go meet Steph in her clas-s, A hand gr@bbÂŁd mine.

I flin-ched and turned.

What punk!

He had a frowny face.

“Let go of me.” I said, trying to pu-ll away from him hold but he held me ti-ght.
“Come with me.” He said as he pu-ll-ed me along.

And what the heck!!

I can’t believe he was pu-lling me to the hallway leading to the long staircase.
That aweful staircase to that dre-adful balcony!

“Leave my hand you br@t!” I screamed but he just pu-ll-ed me along.

Just the way he did yesterday.

How do I get away from this bit-ch grip.

He began dragging me up the staircase.


And upper

I got furious.

So I gr@bbÂŁd the idea of b!tt!g his hand.
But as I pu-ll-ed my hand this time with much f0rç£, It pu-ll-ed out, though I almost fell.

“I can’t let you keep dragging me up there. You bit-ch!” I yelled with fierce eyes.


Are you curious to know what’s gonna happen?
Can you guess?

Jeremy’s POV

She pu-ll-ed away from my grip.

“I can’t let you keep dragging me up there! you bit-ch!” She yelled.
“Just shut up and follow me.” I said, going for her hand but she hid her hand and tried to rush off but I gr@bb£d her on the w@!st on time before she could.

Im sure you know what all this is all about.

I just wanna k!ssthem before she goes.

I’ve been thinking about it.
And I found out I can’t fv¢king let her go without k!ss!ngit again.
But again, I wanna know why she ignored me all the while in clas-s.

Who told her to do that huh!

That bit-ch, Steph?

“Why are you so rude huh!” She yelled.
“Why didn’t you talk back at me?” I asked.

Our face was so close to each other now, and I stared at herl-ips.

“Because there’s no point talking back at such an arrogant guy like you.” She said.

I swear… I love the way herl-ips curved as she talked.

It made me smile.

Her eyes were fierce but they still sparkled.
“What’s funny? Why are you smiling you punk! Let go off me. How dare you hold my w@!st. Where is your manners?” She yelled trying to pu-ll away from my hold.

But it can’t happen.

I just stared at herl-ips as that strange tingling feeling c@mÂŁ.
That urge to k!ssherl-ips.

Look at the way it is. So pinky.

“Can you keep talking back at me plea-se?” I said.

She stared at me like im kinda crazy.

I paused.
The way she stared at me was funny..
It made me chuckle.

“I should keep talking back at you?” She asked.
“Yeah.” I said.

Alexandra’s POV
Is he insane or what?
And why is he holding me so ti-ght?

Arghh, I hate this guy!

The way he stared at myl-ips now.
What myl-ips!??

“Why is yourl-ips…” Then he didn’t complete the sÂŁntence.

Jesus! myl-ips.
I hope it ain’t what im thinking.

I g@sped as he got his face closer and closer.

Oh God, I hope this br@t is not about to k!ssme again!

Oh no, no, no,

But just in a flash, I felt hisl-ips f0rç£d on mine.
He k!$$ÂŁd me again.

This is not real.
What in the world is this?

Jeremy’s POV

I felt that tingling feeling..
I don’t know what that feeling is all about but It felt it lingering in my heart.

Herl-ips was soft…
Molly’s don’t match hers in anyway…and I just wish I could k!sson.

She just stared in horror shock.

My heartbeat raised.
And I just wish she could k!ssme back but she just stared at me instead.

Im sure she’s gonna be so mad at me when I withdraw and somehow, I really love to make her so annoyed.

When I finally withdrew…
She did the craziest and funniest thing.

She sl@pped me.

“How dare you k!ssme again you worthless bit-ch!” She screamed.

And before I could say say anything!, She ran down the stairs and out of my sight.

I g@sped, tou-ching my cheek.

What the fv¢k?
Just cos I k!$$£d her fv¢kingl-ips huh?
She should be damn happy that I k!$$ÂŁd her.

Does she have an idea how many girls want myl-ips huh.

Ouch! but the sl@p hurts tho.

Such a silly punk!

Ahh, ouch!

I nursed my burning cheek with my hand.


Alexandra’s POV

I ran down the staircase with tears in my eyes.

How could that bit-ch k!ssme again!
What in the world gave him the courage to k!ssme again?
God! I feel so used!

I ran and stepping down from the last stair block, I sat down on it and rested my head on the stair rail.

As my tears poured.

Why am I crying?
Cos I got k!$$£d by that fv¢ked up idiot again huh?
I sniffled and wiped the tears rolling down my cheeks.

Why did he have to k!ssme.
Because he think he could k!sseveryb©dy?
Because he think he can do anything and get away with it?
fv¢k him!

God, this sbouldn’t be happening to me.

“Alex.” I heard a soft voice.
I looked up and it’s Steph.

“Steph.” I said, cleaning my tears as I sat up.

She rushed to me.

“What’s wrong? You’re crying?” She asked, looking straight at me.

I blinked.

“Im fine.” I said.
“You are lying to me Alex. Im seeing tears. I’ve been looking for you. And I had to find you in this lonely hallway in tears?” She said.

I could feel she is sad.

“It’s that bit-ch huh?” She asked.

I nodded.
“What did he say to you?” She asked.

He k!$$£d me. He fv¢king k!$$£d me again!

I wish I could tell her that.. But I really can’t.
I feel she would look down on me.

I sniffled.
“He said annoying things to me. There was just too annoying that I could’t hold back the tears.” I lied.

“Its okay.” She said and helped me clean my tears.

She’s so nice.

“Let’s go to Ms Ashley.” She said and pu-ll-ed me up.

We got to Ms Ashley’s office and I asked for a change of seat position.

“Are you sure you want your seat to be changed Alex?” She asked.

Don’t she hear?
Must I say it a million times before she do?

“Yes!” I said.

“Then its okay. Your seat would be changed before you get to school tomorrow.” She said.

“Thank you.” I said.

She brou-ght out a book.
“Write your name and sign here.” She said.

I took a pen from her and wrote my name according to the sÂŁntence on the little book which re-ad,

I, [Alexandra Grande] requires for my seat position in clas-s to be changed due to some [Common distractions].

Then I signed my signature.

“Your seat would be changed.” Ms Ashley said.

“Im happy.” I said.

Steph smiled.

“Thanks Ms Ashley.” Steph said with a smile.

Do you think Jeremy would be happy when he finds out Alex seat would be or has been changed?