© Pauline Mumbi

The surprises in one night were just amazing.
Atusaye had just officially asked me to marry him
and I owned a beautiful Jeep. What more could I
ask for?
Well, we went over at Atusaye’s house where family
dinner was prepared. It was lovely catching up with
the Martin’s and Joy as well my mother in-law.
They had brou-ght me beautiful clothes and perfume
from America.

re-ad ALSO: [Story]  THE JAILBIRD 

We had just gone halfway into dinner when I
received a call from my house help, she was living
with me since I returned from Nigeria as I was very
“Talk slowly plea-se.. Who is home?” I asked her
“I don’t know, they just identified themselves as joy
and Faith” my maid said.
I never thought or ever guessed this day would
come but my cousins the twins were home.
“Did they tell you what they wanted?” I asked her.
“Yes they said you are their sister, madam are they
not your sisters? I can chase them right away” I
heard her say.
“No let them in and prepare lunch for them and yes
they are my sisters” I responded calmly as tears
lingered my in eyes.
I did not tell Atusaye what was happening but i
continued with dinner until we were done.
Atusaye esc-rted me home driving behind me as I
drove my Jeep. He was very tired after the long day
so we said our goodbyes from outside before I
could go inside the house.
Joy and faith were still awake waiting on me in the
living room, the state they were in explained it all
even before I talked to them.
“Ladies how are you?” I greeted them whilst
removing my heels.
“We are fine” they sadly replied.
Indeed life humbles people. If I didn’t know better I
wouldn’t have guessed these were the cousins who
called me names.
Faith led the procession I was about to witness as I
“Mwansa plea-se forgive us.” they begged as they
knelt before me.
My eyes focussed on their clothes and I was
overwhelmed with pity.
“plea-se get up, you are tearing my heart” I cried.
We all ended up crying.
“Where is aunty?” I asked them.
“Mum.. Mum is at the farm house.” Faith replied
“Farm house?.. What farm house?” I asked.
“The place where we found the woman who directed
us to you.” They said.
This was now getting interesting and I was
wondering what they were talking about.
“what is this woman’s name?” I enquired
“We only know her as aunty Bertha” Joy replied.
“How to you know aunty Bertha??” I asked in shock.
The twins looked at each other without responding.
“Well… Am waiting… Talk” I insisted.
“We work as maids at her mansion” Faith said
God of Abr@ham… So this is how life turns around.
I thought
“Is uncle still in jail?”
“Yes we have appealed countless times and now we
just gave up”
It was really ha-rd hearing them narrate all they had
gone throu-gh. I knew I had to forgive them because
at the end of the day they were still my relatives.
The following day in the morning I drove to aunty
Bertha’s house with the twins. I nee-ded to see my
Mrs Yande was preparing food in the kitchen when
we arrived and she ran to hvg me, the same aunty
who would hit me and pour things on me. The
woman who lived in my parents mansion and only
offered me the chicken run to live in was now
hvgging me.
I couldn’t help it, I mourned terribly remembering
everyday like it was yesterday.
Aunty Bertha c@m£ to comfort us as we cried
offering us a place to sit in the living room.
God knows it was ha-rd and I suffered with it
Aunty Bertha quoted many verses on forgiveness as
I mourned terribly.
I nee-ded time, the pain was too strong and I asked
to sit outside where I offered my family in prayer
and asked God to give me the strength to forgive.
“Mwansa today God has given you a chance to say
goodbye to your past, I believe its for a reason and
I know you will make the right decision” aunty
Bertha said.
I didn’t exactly un-derstand her until Shane walked to
the living room and knelt before me.
Seeing Shane opened a big wound, he had not only
hurt me but he had hurt Atusaye too. To t©p it all he
had gotten Stella arrested. This guy deserved more
than my forgiveness.
Shane knelt before me and held my hand.
“Mwansa I sincerely did love you, I did. My mind
was just overwhelmed with the obse-ssion I had for
Linda. I was afraid of starting a new page with you
knowing I was still obsessed with her. I made the
biggest mistake of my life and I’m truly sorry.
plea-se honey… Let’s start afresh” Shane begged
To think that he had the audacity to ask me back
into his life was shocking.
Before I could address him my phone rang and it
was Atusaye calling.
“Honey I have shocking news for you” Atusaye said.
“What is it Honey?” I anxiously asked.
“Ben has been found..”
“Really!!!! Where?” I asked excitedly.
“After thorou-gh investigation it was discovered that
he had planned the accident” Atusaye responded
My knees bec@m£ weak and I sat down wondering
what else could get worse.
“Honey are you ok? Atusaye questioned in the
” no I nee-d you to come to aunty Berthas house” I
Of course he didn’t un-derstand what I was doing
there but he drove as fast as he could.
It wasn’t long before he arrived.
I could tell from the look on his face that he was
shocked and wondering what I was doing in Shane’s
How emotional it was, but God is merciful and I
thank him because he chose the right man for me.
The love and pity Atusaye showed towards the
people who had oppressed us was shocking,
Atusaye did not hesitate to raise my aunty who knelt
before him and he told not to worry as he had
forgiven her and everyone else who hurt us.
Shane and Atusaye shook hands, something I found
really cute.
“I have no doubt she is in capable hands” Shane
Atusaye and I stepped outside to talk for a moment
and we said our goodbyes promising to visit my
aunty and cousins the following day.
While outside Shane told me he had a house that he
was intending to sale, I had no idea about this
property but he explained that it was one of his first
purchases when he went into real estate. That same
afternoon we went to visit the house. It was a
2be-drooms but beautifully built and very neat inside
and outside. Atusaye left it up to me to make the
final decision, he gave me the house with the
intentions that I could shelter my family.
It was ha-rd to sleep at night thinking about
everything I had been throu-gh.
Atusaye and I were totally shocked and
overwhelmed. What had unfolded before us was
nothing short of Gods grace. If I hadn’t known
better, I would have held on to the grudge, pain and
bridge my family had created.
But no. If God had shown me
mercy upon me, who
was i not to forgive?.
The following day, just like we agreed Atusaye
picked me up from the station and we went to
Aunty Bertha’s house.
My aunty mourned when she heard that I was
moving her into my house. The twins couldn’t
believe it either. Thanks to aunty Bertha who gave
them some furniture, the house was well organised
as they moved in.
Faith and Joy both had makeup talent, they did very
good makeup hair and nails and it is this gift that
brou-ght money to the table. My aunty set up a
chicken run as she was very good with keeping
It gave me peace knowing I wasn’t going to leave
my family suffering even though I had suffered
because of them.
My uncles s£ntence was reduced to 2years, he had
alre-ady saved 1year so he had one more year to
save and we took time to visit him. While in the
cells he had asked for forgiveness. Something i
really didn’t expect to come from uncle but he did.
Atusaye and I did not get the chance to visit Ben
but we heard all about his s£ntencing and even the
appeals his family had put in.
A lot more wonderful things c@m£ my way as I was
booked by many many film industries to work as
director of movies. I hired faith and Joy to do the
makeup and dress the actors. It paid them well.
A lot had happened and it was finally time for
Atusaye and i to sit and plan for our fairytale

To be continued…

NEXT (episode 33)

PREVIOUS (episode 31)