Second chance episode 4 & 5


{ Switched…how’s that possible }

?Episode 04?


By Chidimma Mirabel ✍??

( Flora’s brothel )

“Hey get up!!” Someone spoke…

Kaila slowly opened her eyes and squinted them before yawning lightly. She spranged up as she remember what happened. She looked and the back door of the van was opened with the man (Mike) that took her away, standing at the entrance.

She quic-kly shifted away from him in fear.

“St©p acting like a princess and climb down or you want me to pu-ll you down by f0r磔 Mike said.

She climbe-d down the van with trembling b©dy. She looked round the area and it was like they were in the cities.

They were standing in front of something that looked like a club. Mike pu-ll-ed her in the house by the arm. He kept dragging her till they reached a p@rticular table.

A lady was sitting there smoking like hell and dressed in a very skimpy dressed. She was also beautiful…

“Boss, I brou-ght another girl.” Mike said.

She blew out the smoke and looked at them. She scanned Kaila from head to toe before sm-irking satisfactorily…

“She’s pretty and also very curvy” The lady said with a smile.

Kaila stared at the two of them confused.

*What I’m I doing here? And why did step mom told him to take me away* She thought while staring at her…

“Take her away and hand her to my girls, they’ll know what to do with her” She said and looked away.

Mike nodded and pu-ll-ed Kaila away. Kaila kept struggling but he was too strong for her. He pu-ll-ed her into the room and then threw her in.

Kaila fell on the ground and gro-an ed in pain. She stood up and saw two ladies dressed into a skimpy outfit too with excessive makeup on their faces…

They walked up to her and helped her up. Kaila looked at them suspiciously.

“Who are you?” She asked.

“We’re as-signed to get you dressed and dolled up” They said with a straight expression…

“Nob©dy is getting me dressed up” Kaila said with a stern look.

They chuckled and then their countenance changed…

One of the female gr@bb£d her hands and then the other began un dressing her.

“Let me go!! Let me go!!” She screamed and kicked but they overpowered her.

They succeeded in undressing her and then dressed her in a very ti-ght and revea-ling go-wn.

The lady from other time walked in with a new cigarette in her hands…

“Boss, we succeeded in getting her dressed but she’s too resistant, she won’t let us do her makeup” One of the girls said.

She walked up to them and then harshly gr@bb£d Kaila hair. She winced in pain.

“Listen you’re never getting out of here alive, so you better start throw that your spirit of fighting in the trash can or else…” She said and re-leased her grip on her hair.

“Since she won’t allow you to do her makeup, let it be. She’s still pretty without it anyway” Their boss (Flora) said.

“Take her to room 20, a client is waiting there” Flora said and walked out of the room.

The two girls then dragged Kaila to the indicated room. They opened the door and pushed her in before locking the door.

“Open this door” Kaila yelled ban-ging ha-rd on the door.

She turned and saw a man sitting on the be-d, from the looks of it the man was old enough to be her father…

She stood on her sp©t staring at the man as her heart began racing.

The man scanned her b©dy with a lvstful gaze before locking hisl-ips. He stood up and walked up to Kaila.

“They told me you’re still new here, don’t worry I’ll treat you properly” He said and slowly ca-ressed her arm.

Kaila shifted away from him not believing her eyes….

“You’re scared. Don’t worry, I’ll treat you well you’re gonna enjoy it” He said and ca-ressed her cheek but Kaila sl@pped his hands away.

He got angry and caught her n£¢k then brou-ght his face closed to her as he f0rç£fully k!$$£d her..

She bit hisl-ips and he broke the k!ssas blood c@m£ out of hisl-ips.

“bit-ch” He said and sl@pped her.

Kaila held her jaw wincing in pain. She began turning the door knob but it wouldn’t open. She ban-ged on it..

“plea-se someone help me” She screamed as tears threatened to fall…

The man gr@bb£d her hair and pu-ll-ed her to the be-d. He threw her on it and she bounced on it.

He had an evil smile on hisl-ips..

“I wanted to go easy on you but you chose the ha-rd way. Let’s see how it goes” He said and began un-bu-ttoning his shi-t.

Kaila shifted away to the end off the be-d but she couldn’t get away from him.

As hr finish un dressing, ex-posing his ugly b©dy, he climbe-d on the be-d and pu-ll-ed her to him then pinned her on the be-d.

Kaila battled, struggled, but his grip was too too ha-rd . He to-re off her dress revea-ling her n-kedness.

“plea-se don’t do this to me” She said as tears flowed down her cheek.


Kaila la-id on the be-d weeping silently, not being able to move a muscle due to the pain she felt.

The man finished dressing and looked back at her.

“Never knew you were a vir-gin, if I knew I could have paid double for you. You’re very sweet” He said and walked out of the room…

Kaila closed her eyes as she cried silently.

*Why? Why is life so cruel with me? Step mother, Mindy, what great crime did I commit that I have to deserve such treatment” She thought.

It now dawned on her, they sold her…They sold her as a S-x slave…


( At William’s mansion )

William quic-kly got dressed as Mindy was sitting on the be-d with the sheet covering her b©dy as she blu-shed greatly…

“Last night was perfect” She thought.

“Mindy listen, I’m sorry. I don’t really remember anything that happened between us last night. I’m sorry I f0rç£d myself on you, I don’t know what got into me. I promise I’ll pay you” He said.

Mindy’s mood changed…

“Pay me? I’m I some sort of pr©st!tût£that you pay when they satisfy you?” Mindy asked obviously angry.

“You took away my vir-ginity and you think I’ll forget it just with money?” Mindy said in tears, fake one…

William pinched his brows…

“What do you want me to do?” He asked.

“Marry me” Mindy said.

“What? Marry you?” William said in surprise…

“Yeah, you indirectly R@p£d me so take responsibility…

William sighed helplessly and then looked at her.

“I don’t run away from my responsibilities so I’ll marry you” He said.

“Better” Mindy said with a stern look on her face but de-ep inside her she was in joy, she was so happy….

She stood up with the sheet wra-p round her b©dy, she felt some pains in between her leg but it was worth it.

“Can I use your bathroom?” She asked.

“Sure, it’ll be also yours very soon” He replied and sighed.

She smiled discreetly and walked to the bathroom to take her bath.

After her bath a car dropped her home and her mother was waiting in front of their house.

Paulina quic-kly stood up and walked to her.

“How did it go?” She asked.

“I’m getting married!!” She screamed happily and they hvgged each other jumping happily.


Paulina woke up feeling happy, she knew alre-ady that her plan would woke that’s why she’s not too worried.

Now that Kaila is no longer there, she’s the one to clean the house. After the cleaning, she walked up to her husband’s room.

She opened it and walked in. Evaristo was alre-ady. He was surprised to see her in his room. Since he bec@m£ crippled it was only Mindy and Kaila who c@m£ to help him…

She walked up to a seat and sat down then glared at him. Evaristo looked away feeling guilt.

“I just c@m£ to inform you that Kaila ran away with her lover, she said she didn’t want to get married that’s why” Paulina said.

Evaristo looked at her confused

“I know you Paulina, tell me the real truth. What did you do to Kaila” He asked with a stern look on his face.

“I told you the truth alre-ady” She replied bluntly.

He gr@bb£d her hand, adding pressure in them as he glared at her.

“Tell me the truth now” He said.

She tried freeing herself but was impossible.

“I sold her!!” She spatted.

Evaristo froze as he re-leased her.


“You heard me right, I sold her.” She said and stood up then walked to the exit…

“Don’t even try to blame me about what happened, it’s all your fault and you know it. You turned me into the monster that I am right now….And also don’t you dare try to tell on me, you know what I’m capable of doing” She said and wiped off her tears before walking out of the room.

“All this is my fault” Evaristo said as tears escaped his eyes…


“Come in, you have to tell me everything that happened” Paulina said as she ushered Mindy into the house


( Flora’s brothel )

Kaila was shown to a room where she walked into. She saw several women in that room. Some where chatting happily, some where doing their makeup, while some where sitting dejectedly like her, looks like she isn’t the only one who was f0rç£d in this kind of life…

She walked up to a corner and sat down there, void of any emotion. Everything she held dear to her were all taken away from her. She has nothing anymore, even the will to live isn’t there anymore.

Memories of how he t©uçhed her, R@p£d her c@m£ flashing in her eyes. She hvgged herself as she’s wept silently…She felt disgusted by her b©dy, she felt dirty….

“You have to st©p crying, crying won’t help in any way” Someone said.

She looked up and c@m£ face to face with a girl around her age or older. She was smiling at her but behind those smile she could see pain.

She walked up to Kaila and sat down beside her.

“My name is Gianna and you?” She said.


“Listen Kaila, I was brou-ght here last month, I still remember my first day here. It was painful, I felt like I was all alone in this world…They kidnapped me before taking me here, I’m sure by now my family thinks I’m dead…I once had a fiancé, we were planning to get married today but I’m sure he alre-ady moved on. What I’m trying to tell you is that, you have to have faith every will turn out well” Gianna said.

“But my case is different, my own step mother sold me. Ever since I c@m£ on earth, she was the only person I saw as my mother…She’s so harsh on me but I thought it was because she was trying to educate me. I still loved her, now look at where that love brou-ght me, it could have being better if she killed me” Kaila narrated and wiped her tears.

Gianna held her head and placed it on her shoulder as she patted her back trying to console her…

“I’m so sorry Kaila, I really feel for you” Gianna said wiping her own tears. Kaila’s story really got her emotions…

After some minutes Kaila calmed down. They broke the hvg and Kaila smiled sadly at Gianna.

“Thanks Gianna, I really nee-ded someone to talk to” She said.

“No probs. I’m 26 and I’m pretty sure I’m older than you so just call me big sis” Gianna said.

“Okay big sis” Kaila said with a smile.

“I’ve always wanted a cute little sister. You’re so cute and pretty too” Gianna said pinching her cheek.

“You too sis” Kaila said and they chuckled…