second chance episode 2 & 3


{ Switched…how’s that possible!!! }

šŸEpisode 02šŸ


By Chidimma Mirabel āœšŸ»šŸ“š

N.B: Alright guys, I think you guys are a little confused. There is two person with the same name in this story. There’s Kaila and there’s Kaila James. Kaila is the main character while Kaila James is her best friend…šŸ˜Š


Mindy’s hold on the fork loosĀ£n and it fell on the floor ma-king a clattering sound.

“What?” Mindy exclaimed loudly.

“Well yeah. I’m sorry for the confusion but I c@mĀ£ to marry Kaila” He said.

*I can’t believe it, he chose that ugly slave over my pretty daughter?* Paulina thought.

“Can I have a word with Miss Kaila” He asked.

“Sure” Paulina replied and stood up then headed to the kitchen.

She saw Kaila eating peaceful. She walked up to her and pu-ll-ed her up by the hair.

“Listen you insect, that man out there is here to see you. Now if you dare open that your stinky mouth and say anything bad about me and Mindy, I will kill you” She said and Kaila nodded trying to free herself from her grip.

She re-leased her.

“Good, now walk out of here and go and meet him” She said.

Kaila nodded with fear in her eyes. She arranged her dress and her hair before walking out of the kitchen with a fake smile on her face.

Immediately William saw her his heart fluttered as he smiled at her.

“Miss Kaila, we meet again” He said.

*Again?* Mindy thought…

Kaila simply nodded.

“plea-se can we discuss outside?” William said.

Kaila looked at her step mom before nodding. They walked out of the house and sat down on a swing where kids used to pla-y…

Kaila took her lower l!pin, something that she does when she’s nervous or anxious.

“The reason why I c@mĀ£ here is because, I don’t know how it happened and I know it too sudden but I think I love you” William said…

Kaila eyes wi-den as she stared at him. He slowly took her hand and placed a k!sson it. Kaila just stared at him surprised.

“I’m serious about that, I really love you. The reason why I c@mĀ£ here is because, I want to marry you” He said.

Kaila’s eyes almost popped out of its socket as he said those words.

“Marry me? I’m an illiterate, I come from a poor family, I never went to school. And also isn’t it too sudden, we just met yesterday” Kaila said.

“It doesn’t matter if you’re illiterate or not. The most important thing is that I love you, I know it’s too sudden but I’m someone who likes doing things very fast” He said still holding her hands.

*If I accept to marry him then I can afford to my father and also my step mom and sister nee-d* Kaila thought.

“Um alright. I accept” She said looking down…

William smiled happily as he heard what she said.

“Are you serious?” He asked and she nodded…

“Thanks so much, I promise I’ll cherish you and I’ll also do all what it takes for you to love me” He said happily…

She nodded and smiled. They both stood up and faced each other.

“Can I…Can I k!ssyou?” He asked.

Kaila stared at him and then nodded with a smile. He slowly held her by the w@!st and pu-ll-ed her closer.

He lifted her chin up and then pressed hisl-ips on hers. Kaila held on to his suit with her eyes closed.

Mindy who was standing by their house watched everything. Tears escaped her eyes and she stormed into the house, pas-sing her mother

Paulina glared at them with her fist clenched.

“I can’t allow that wench to steal my daughter’s future” She said to no one in p@rticular.

Kaila discussed for sometime with him before he drove off in his car. She sighed and then walked back home.

Upon arriving home she c@mĀ£ face to face with her step mom.

“How does he know you?” Paulina asked.

“He..He hit me with his car when I made to cross the road. He apologized to me and then gave me some cash which I gave to you yesterday” She said holding her dress.

“Since he was the one who gave you that money, where’s the money you earned yesterday” She asked seriously.

“Well…I…I gave them to some kids, they looked like they were hungry” Kaila replied trembling alre-ady.

Paulina chuckled dryly.

“So not only did you waste my goods on some stupid kids but you also lied to me” She said.

Kaila looked down and took in herl-ips…

She gr@bbĀ£d Kaila by the hair and pu-ll-ed her to hvge tank of water. She opened it and held Kaila’s head then di-pped it inside.

Kaila struggled to get her head out of the tank but it was impossible. Her grip was too firm..

Paulina pu-ll-ed her head out of the tank.

“This is for lying to me” She said and di-pped her head back.

After minute, she pu-ll-ed her head out. Kaila coughed out water and breathed heavily.

“And this is for ma-king my daughter cry” She said and di-pped her head back into water.

Kaila struggled to get out of it but it was impossible. For one full minute Paulina dee-per her head in water.

Mindy heard some noise and c@mĀ£ out of the house.

“Mom, what are you doing? Let her go!! You’re gonna kill her” Mindy said and f0rƧĀ£fully snatched Kaila from her grip.

Kaila fell on the floor breathing heavily as she coughed coherently.

“Do you want to kill her” Mindy said angry.

“She deserves to die, her existence is useless after all” Paulina yelled.

“I know her existence is useless but you can’t possibly go to jail because of that thing over there” Mindy said pointing at Kaila.

“You’re right” Paulina said.

She looked at Kaila.

“Consider yourself lucky, next time it won’t turn out well. I hate you” She said and walked in.

Mindy took one last glance at her and then walked in too.

Kaila sat on the floor as tears began flowing down her cheek.

“What have I done in this life to deserve this” She thought.

Kaila James, her best friend walked up to her and was worried as she saw her sitting on the ground crying…

She crouched in front of her and held her shoulder.

“What happened” She asked.

“It’s step mom” She replied and cried more..

Kaila James sighed loudly and sat down beside her.

“I’m sorry Kaila” She said ru-bbing her back.

After some minutes she calmed down but still had that sad expression on her face.

“Bess, I have something to tell you. I’m getting married soon” Kaila said.

Kaila James looked at her in shock

“Are you kidding me?” Kaila James asked.

Kaila shook her head negatively…

“You’re getting married. Wow I’m so happy for you namesake.” She said

“Thanks. His name is William, he owns a company in Florida” Kaila said and Kaila James g@sped.

“Wow, can’t believe your luck. I’m so happy for you bestie.” She said and hvgged her.

“Thanks” Kaila replied and smiled. Whenever she talks to her she always feel better.


“What should we do. We can’t let Kaila get married to him, I love him. He belongs to me” Mindy rasped.

“Shut up, I’m trying to think” Paulina said.

She thought for some minutes before a smile crept up her face.

“Give me your phone. I nee-d to call someone” Paulina said.

Well Mindy is the only person with a phone in that house.

She gave her phone to her mother and she dialed a call before placing it in her ear.

“Hello Jeremy, I nee-d your help” She said

“Could you plea-se get me something that can increase someone S-xual urge?” She said.

“Okay thanks” She replied and hung up.

She dialed another number.

“Hey Mike, it’s me Paulina. I have some goods to sell to you” She said with a sm-irk on her face.

“Sure you can come check her up tomorrow” She said.

Paulina bit herl-ips S-xily…

“Of course you know I’m always re-ady, bring a c0md0mwhile coming” She said and hung up.

She turned to Mindy who had a look of confusion on her face.

“Are you re-ady to loose your vir-ginity?” She asked to Mindy.



{ Switched…how’s that possible!!! }

šŸEpisode 03šŸ


By Chidimma Mirabel āœšŸ»šŸ“š

“Wow, very soon Kaila Morgan will turn out to be Mrs Perry, wife of the CEO of SIB” Kaila James said.

Kaila laugh at her act. Well she isn’t marrying him because she loves him, she’s marrying him because of her condition. Maybe with time she’ll learn to love him.

Kaila James phone rang and she checked the caller ID then gro-an ed…

“Namesake, I’ll see you around. My boss nee-ds me right now, see you around. Bye!” She said and walked away while waving at her.

“Bye bestie” Kaila replied with a smile.

She stood up and walked in the house. She met Mindy and her step mom they were smiling while discussing. As soon as they noticed her presĀ£nce, they stĀ©pped what they were discussing.

Kaila slowly walked to her room. She la-id on her small be-d as she stared at the ceiling.

She then looked at the br@celet on her wrist.

*I wonder what will happen if I re-move it and sle-pt off* She thought.

She re-moved it and placed it on a small table. She then closed her eyes and tried taking a nap…

* * * * * * * * * * *
Kaila saw herself in another place, the place was beautiful and it looked like it was heaven.

“Do you like it here angel” Someone spoke.

She turned to see who it was but no one was behind her. She looked round the surrounding and saw no one.

Suddenly the scene changed as she found herself in a dark place. The lights shone on a man tied with chains, he had his head down with blood everywhere.

“Why, I trusted you. Why did you betray me like this” The man said with his head down. Pain could be heard in his voice…

Someone held her w@!st. She looked at who it was but couldn’t see the face, like his face was covered.

“Because she loves me. Isn’t that obvious, you fool. You honestly thought she would love you” The man said and began laughing.

“Shoot him my love” The man said.

Kaila looked at her hand and saw a gun in it. She raised the gun on her own and aimed the gun at the man tied in chains.

She tried to stĀ©p herself but it looked like her bĀ©dy was reacting differently.

She pu-ll-ed the trigger….

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Kaila quic-kly sat up on her be-d while breathing heavily. She tĀ©uƧhed her cheek and felt a moist liquid on it, she was in tears.

She quic-kly took her br@celet and wore it…

“I’m never removing you, ever again” Kaila said and k!$$Ā£d her br@celet…

*Who could that man be?* She thought.

She shrugged the feeling away but it still remained there. She stood up and walked out of her room to the kitchen in order in order to get lunch re-ady.


“That’s a really great plan mum, I can’t wait to be his wife. It’ll be so cool” Mindy said with a smile on her face.

“Yep, anything for my daughter” She replied with a smile.

A knock was heard on the door. Paulina stood up and went to open the door and smiled as she saw Jeremy my the door step.

“Is the drug re-ady?” She asked.

He handed her a sachet. She took it with a sm-irk on her face.

“Cool. Thanks” She replied and went to her purse, she took out some cash and gave him.

He nodded before walking walking out of the house.

“The drug is re-ady, the only thing remaining is to get rid of Kaila” She said.

“Mother, lunch is re-ady” Kaila interrupted them.

“Okay. Have you heard anything we spoke” Paulina asked her.

Kaila schedule a brow…

“No. Mother” She replied.

“Better” She said and stood up then walked to the kitchen, Mindy followed her.

They ate lunch and Kaila went to the market to sell what she can sell.

( At the market )

“Fresh buns, who want some fresh and delicious buns” She said while walking all around.

After more than an hour, she was done with the selling. She carried back her basket home but her mind lingered to the dream she had.

“Who could that man be?” She thought while walking home.

“Boo!!!”Someone screamed from behind her which startled her.

“Jeez Liam, you almost gave me a heart attack” She said while holding her che-st.

He crossed his hands on her shoulder as he esc-rted her home.

“So how have you been?” Liam asked.

“Well I don’t know” She replied.

Liam Winston is also a friend of hers. He works as a cook in a fancy restaurant.

“What do you mean you don’t know” He asked.

“Well I’m kind of getting married but I don’t know why I don’t feel it” She said.

“What you’re getting married?” Liam exclaimed and she nodded.

“Wow cool for ya” He said with a smile.

“What about you aren’t you supposed to be planning for your future, you’re 29 years remember.” Kaila said.

“Well I don’t think I’ll get married. Not when I have this gorgeous face and women flocking around me” He said and win-ked at some girls who were stealing glances at him.

“You’re such a pla-yer” Kaila said and they chuckled…

She reached home and bade him goodbye before entering her house.

It was kinda alre-ady getting dark so she went to make dinner. After finishing dinner, she ate hers served for her family before walking up to her father’s room.

“Dad” She said and walked in.

He was slee-ping when she entered but now he’s awake.

“Kaila, how was your day?” Evaristo asked.

“Well it was cool” She said and walked up to her father’s be-d with the bowl of food in her hand.

She sat down and helped him up then handed him the food.

“So you’re getting married?” His father said while munching on his food.

Kaila nodded and sighed… Evaristo seemed to notice the discomfort in her. face.

“What’s wrong Kaila” Evaristo asked.

“Nothing dad just that I don’t feel this marriage” She said with a sigh.

He held her shoulder.

“If you don’t want to get married, don’t. I don’t want you to be living in a golden cage” He said.

“Alright, thanks dad” She said with a smile

They discussed till midnight before Kaila left for her room. She took a bath and then changed into a white go-wn. She la-id down on her be-d and stared at the ceiling.

“William, he’s cute anyway” She said to no one in p@rticular before closing her eyes as she drifted off to sleep.


A knock was heard on their door. Kaila turned in her sleep, the knock c@mĀ£ again. She sat up on her be-d and ru-bbe-d her eyes then yawned.

She stood up from be-d and walked out of her room in order to attend to the person.

She opened the door and ached a brow as
she saw someone tall with a mustache and he had an eye patch on one of his eyes.

“Good morning sir” She said.

“Morning” He replied and li-cked hisl-ips.

She opened the door fully and he walked in the house then sat down on a chair.

Kaila walked up to her step mom’s room and then knocked.

“Who’s it?” Paulina asked.

“It’s me Kaila, sorry to disturb you but you have a visitor” Kaila said.

“I’ll be there in a jiffy” She replied.

Kaila walked to her room and changed her dress. She brushed her hair and decided to let it fall freely. Her blonde hair cascaded on her back, ending around her w@!st.

She walked out of her room and began doing the cleaning…

Paulina walked to the living room and saw Mike sitting on the chair.

“Mike, I wasn’t expecting you this early. Hope you like the good?” Paulina said.

“Of course she’s pretty I’m sure my customer will love her” He said with a smile.

“Cool. I’m glad”

“Now let’s start with the deal, how much for her?” Mike asked.

“Well as you can see she’s very pretty and curvy so I say 10000$” Paulina said.

“You’re always really ha-rd to handle” He said.

He sighed loudly…

“Alright 10000$ it is then” He replied.

“Great then now about our second deal” She said and then sat on his l@p with her hands round his nĀ£Ā¢k…

“What about your husband?” He asked.

“Him? Oh plea-se, he’s just a burden to me. He can’t walk and that’s even adding to my problem. Besides he can’t satisfy me the way you do” She said and tĀ©uƧh hisl-ips.

He sm-irked…

“Alright if you say so” He replied and k!$$Ā£d her as he carried her to her room.

After a h0t round of se-x, they walked out of the room smiling satisfactorily. By that time Mindy was alre-ady awake.

She smiled as she saw Mike, well her mother told him about him and she alre-ady knew what he c@mĀ£ here to do.

“Mum breakfast is re-ady.” Kaila said.

Mike walked up to her with a smile on his face. Kaila unknowingly took a step back.

He brou-ght his hands to her face and ca-ressed her face. She flin-ched as his hands made contact with her face.

“And she’s also docile, wow” He said with a smile.

“You can take her away now if you want” Paulina said.

“Really? Thanks” He said and caged Kaila with his hands.

Kaila on the other hand was confused, she didn’t un-derstand what they were talking about.

“We’re going somewhere and trust me you’ll love it” He said and held her hand.

“No, let me go. I don’t want to go” Kaila struggled trying to get out of his grip.

“Just take her away before my husband wakes up” Paulina said staring at her nails.

He began pu-lling her out of the house. Kaila stared at her step mom and sister, they were looking at her with satisfied smiles on her face. Tears dropped out of her eyes as she was being dragged out of the house.

They pu-ll-ed her to a van and then locked her up at the back seats of the van.

“Help, help. plea-se, open this door” She screamed while hitting her hand on the door.

*Where are they taking me to* She thought, scared to the bone.

The van began moving and her heart beat accelerated.

( At the Morgan house )

“Finally she’s out of my life for good, no one will compare me again with that wench.” Mindy said.

“Yeah, now time for my plan 2” She said and dialed the number William gave them.

( At William mansion )

William was busy working on his l@ptĀ©p when a call c@mĀ£ in on his phone. He picked his phone up and it was an unknown number.

“Hello?” He said while going throu-gh his l@ptĀ©p.

“Mr Perry it’s me Mindy Morgan, I have something to tell you concerning Kaila” Mindy said on the phone.

“Okay sure, I’ll sĀ£nd one of my driver to pick you up. plea-se tell Kaila to take care and that I love her” He said.

“Okay sure” Mindy replied with an eye roll.

“Here take this, you know what to do” Paulina said handing her a sachet.

“Are you sure you wanna do it.” Paulina asked Mindy in which nodded instantly.

“Okay, don’t accuse me if things goes wrong. I gave you a chance to back out but you refused” Paulina said and Mindy nodded before walking away.

She walked up to her room and dolled up her self ma-king sure she looks pretty and h0t too.

Not long after a car arrived and took her to his mansion. It dropped her in front of his mansion. She alighted the car and stared at the house with wi-de eyes.

“This is so hvge and amazing. So beautiful” She said as she stared at the house.

A maid approached her and bowed slightly.

“Good morning Miss, sir William ask me to esc-rt you to where he is” The maid said a smile.

She nodded and followed behind the maid with her eyes scanning round the area. The main stĀ©pped in front of a room and turned to her.

“He’s in here” She said and walked away.

Mindy knocked on the door…

“Come in” She heard his voice.

She walked in and saw him sitting on a chair while typing on his l@ptĀ©p. She stood there and drooling at him. He was in a white shi-t and his tie was loosĀ£n ma-king him look gorgeous.

He looked at her and smiled.

“Have a seat plea-se” He said.

She c@mĀ£ back to her s-en-ses and then walked up to a seat beside him before sitting…

“You said you wanted to tell me something about Kaila, is anything wrong, is she hurt, does she nee-d anything?” He asked in concern.

Mindy smiled but de-ep inside her she was fuming in rage, jealousy…

“She’s fine. I c@mĀ£ here to tell you,,,to tell you that she ran away with her lover. She had a lover when you proposed to her. In order not to marry you, she decided to run away” Mindy said faking a sad face.

William felt like his heart was shattered in million pieces. He stared into space for sometime being able to digest the news…

“She ran away?” He stuttered.

Mindy nodded with a sad look. She placed her hands on his hand ru-bbe-d it gently trying to sooth. Her eyes scanned throu-gh his room and he saw a bar at a corner.

“Let me get you something to drink, in order to calm you down” She said and stood up then walked to the counter.

She poured out some liquor in two cu-p of glas-s and then poured out the drug her mother gave her in one glas-s before walking back to him. She handed him the glas-s and slowly sipped on hers. She sm-irked as she saw him gulp down the glas-s in one go.

“Can’t believe she left me” He said and quic-kly wiped off the tears that fell from his eyes.

His head began spinning and he felt h0t, like really h0t. He pu-ll-ed out his tie as he began seeing double.

*It worked* Mindy though with a smile.

She stood up from her seat and walked up to him then wra-pped her hands round his nĀ£Ā¢k. William looked at her by that time, he wasn’t seeing clearly. To him it was Kaila who was in front of him.

He gr@bbĀ£d her hair and pu-ll-ed her closer as her slammed hisl-ips on hers. She k!$$Ā£d him back too and m0@n ed as his hands ca-ressed her bĀ©dy…

** Next morning **

William yawned with his eyes closed. He felt something hvg him and he hvgged the person back, thinking that it was Kaila.

*Wait a minute* His br@in said.

His eyes flew open and he looked at his side. His eyes wi-de-ned as he saw Mindy slee-ping peacefully beside him.

*What the F* His mind screamed…

So her plans succeededšŸ™„šŸ™„

I can’t blame her, in this life some women have the mentality of a dog and I c@mĀ£ across with some of these kind of women. Because of a man, someone will go and try this stupidityšŸ˜’

I dey even vex for my own episodešŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚