oppa you’re my everything batch 23

Oppa! You’re My Everything 💖
[A Ko-rean Love Story]
💛 Episode Forty-five 💛

💋 Hyuna’s POV 💋
{Bong-Hong Street, Seoul}
📆 The Next Day 📆

I dragged myself out of be-d sluggishly, my eyes were still begging for more sleep but I’m also starving and I nee-d to eat before I die of hunger. I managed to get myself into the bathroom where I had a nice long shower and I instantly felt refreshed. I then dried my b©dy with a towel before drying my hair. I pu-ll-ed on a casual shi-t with jeans and hurried downstairs to see if I would find any food.

I had stayed up all night thinking about what Oppa said and all that happened yesterday, from the fact that Oppa isn’t comfortable with me staying with Luhan to the awkward confrontation that Luhan and Oppa had in the practice room and then finally; Luhan’s good night k!ss.
I really want to know what Oppa had been hesitant to tell me, he would have told me if Luhan hadn’t walked in. And, now that I think about it, I think it’s time to finally ask Luhan if he and Oppa have any history.

I walked into the kitchen to find Luhan dishing out scrambled eggs into two plates. Thank goodness breakfast is re-ady

“Good morning” I greeted, walking up to him, he glanced at me and smiled
“Morning, I thought you’d never make it out of your room” He said with a light chuckle and I giggled
“And why did you think so? I had to get out of be-d before I die of hunger” I replied, walking to the fridge, opening it and and gr-abbing a bottle of chilled water before using my b©dy to close the fridge
“Well you’re in luck……as you can see, breakfast is re-ady” He uttered, picking up the plates and walking to the dinning while I trailed behind him.

“Going somewhere?” I asked as we sat at the dinning
“Umm yeah, there’s a staff meeting at the agency and according to the email they s£nt me, it seems urgent” He replied with a shrug
“Will you be okay on your own?” He added as I shoved the eggs into my mouth
“Sure, I will. Just go to your meeting” I replied in between mouthfuls and he smiled
“Alright then”

We didn’t say anything else for a while as we both ate our breakfast in silence, then I remembered the question I wanted to ask him.

“Luhan?” I called, swallowing the last mouthful from my plate. He had alre-ady finished his food and was busy typing away on his phone
“Umm… can I ask you a question?” I requested and he nodded
“Sure, go ahead”
“Arras-seo…… Umm can you tell me about your family?” I asked and his expression changed, he sighed de-eply and placed his phone on the dinning table
“What do you want to know about my family?” He inquired and I hesitated a bit

Should I be asking him this? Cause the t©pic seems very s-en-sitive to him

“I….. I just want you to tell me anything about them….. anything at all” I replied and he smiled ruefully. There was a look in his eyes that I couldn’t explain. Talking about his family seems to make him sad
“I never knew my parents” He blurted and I blinked
“What?!” I g@sped out in shock

What does he mean by that?

“I’m an orphan, Hyuna. I grew up in an orphanage, the reverend sisters that were in charge of the orphanage told me that I was found all wra-pped up in a basket in front of the orphanage when I was ba-rely 2 months old” He uttered and my jaw dropped.

I can’t believe this…… Luhan is an orphan? 😱😱

“But….. I…. I don’t un-derstand. You’re an orphan? How is that possible? You don’t act or look like someone who grew up in an orphanage” I said and he chuckled
“Am I supposed to walk around with a sad face and a sign on my forehead that says; ‘Hi! I’m an orphan’?” He asked and laughed at his own joke but I didn’t find it funny at all, even if I tried, I wouldn’t be able to laugh

“Umm No but it’s just that you’re like the happiest and most positive minded person I know. Nob©dy would be able to tell that you’ve had really bad dms” I said lowly and he smiled
“Well that’s because my motto in life is to always stay positive and look on the bright side” He uttered and I sighed
“I’m really sorry….. and I’m even more sorry for just as-suming that you grew up with a fantastic family without even asking you” I apologized and he grinned
“It’s alright. I honestly didn’t want to tell you cause I didn’t want you to feel pity for me cause I hate it when people do nice things for me just because they feel pity for me” He said looking at the table and I saw anger flash in his eyes but it went away quic-kly. He looked up at me and our gazes locked
“Just promise me that things won’t change between us after this” He remarked and I frowned slightly

“Why would things change?” I asked, truly confused and he sighed
“Promise me that you won’t say yes to me just because you feel pity for me or because you feel a nee-d to show your gratitude” He said and I got even more confused
“You’re confusing the hell out of me, Luhan. I’m totally lost and I don’t get you……. what are you planning to ask me that you nee-d an answer to??” I inquired and he smiled slyly
“You don’t nee-d to worry about that” He said in an as-suring tone and I sighed
“Fine….. but I still have more questions to ask” I remarked and he leaned back in his chair
“I’m all ears” He uttered with a smile and I cleared my throat
“Okay…. so how did you get to where you are now? Did you get adopted by a well-off family?” I asked and he shook his head negatively

“Nope, unfortunately I never got taken up for adoption. None of the couples who c@m£ to the orphanage to adopt wanted me so I stayed at the orphanage until I turned 16 then they said I had out-grown the adopting age and they kicked me out of the orphanage……… into the streets” He said and I g@sped
“They kicked you out? Just like that? Without caring if you had anywhere to go to or not?!” I asked in utter disbelief and shock. But to my surprise, he laughed, shaking his head ruefully
“You talk like you don’t know how orphanages work” He uttered after he st©pped laughing
“Well I don’t…… but I still think it’s outrageous to throw orphaned teenagers out on the streets without an as-surance of where they’ll live” I countered
“It isn’t really their fault, if they don’t throw the older ones out, they won’t have room for the young ones who are just coming in” He explained and I sighed

“So how did you manage to find your way and become a talent scout at JP entertainment?” I asked, truly curious to know
“God s£nt me a helper……… someone who I’ve always envied and hated, but he is the reason why I’m where I am today” He replied and I sat up
“Who is he?” I breathed, leaning in closer. He stared at me for a while before he opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by the sound of his phone ringing.
He reached out and gr@bb£d it from the table, the incoming call ended as his phone st©pped ringing
“$h!t” He cursed un-der his breath but I heard it
“What’s wrong?”
“I’m late for the meeting, I have to be on my way now. We’ll talk when I get back” He said hurriedly as he stood up and walked out of the room
“Good luck!” I yelled to him as he shut the door

I sighed and leaned back in the chair, I still can’t believe all that he told me, I really feel bad for him but I can see that he didn’t want me to pity him and that’s why he never told me.
I stood up and cleared our plates, carrying them to the kitchen where I washed them in the sink. I dried my hands after I was done and went upstairs to my room.

I should have known that there was something fishy about him never ever talking about his family, plus I also noticed when I recently started staying here that there wasn’t a single family picture of his anywhere in the entire house, not even on the walls. I had shrugged it off without even bothering to ask why.

Although I’m truly curious to know who the “He” that was s£nt by God to help Luhan and who saved him from a hopeless life on the streets.

I wonder who he is
Anyway, I’ll just ask Luhan when he comes back….. but now it’s time to do what I should have done a long time ago

I gr@bb£d my phone and went straight to where I saved Oppa’s number. I had saved it as; “My Everything 💖” 😌😌
I dialed the number and placed it on my right ear, my heart beat increa-sed and I suddenly started sweating

I hope he picks up 😓😓

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Awwww So Luhan is an orphan 😢😢

Can you guess who the “He” who helped him is??