oppa you’re my everything batch 24

Oppa! You’re My Everything ?
[A Ko-rean Love Story]
? Episode Forty-six ?

? Baekhyun’s POV ?
{Gimpon Mansion, Seoul}

I walked out of the bathroom after taking a shower and found my phone ringing on my be-d. I walked over to it and picked it up, looking at the caller ID. It was an unknown number, I frowned slightly and hesitated, I hope it’s not a crazy fan that somehow managed to get my number.
I finally swiped to the receivers end and placed it on my right ear, deciding to let the caller speak first

? “Hello? O…..Oppa? It’s Hyuna” A female voice sounded from the other end of the line and I smiled wi-dely
?”Woww…… so you finally decided to call me!” I said and I heard her giggle
? “Yes….. I was bored so I remembered you” She replied and I g@sped
?”So that means you only called me because you’re bored!” I uttered and she laughed heartily
? “I was just kidding……. that’s not why I called you. I called you because I wanted to hear your voice” She said after she st©pped laughing
?”Ahhh I see…… well I’m really happy you called. You just made my day, I’ll sleep well tonight because I heard your voice” I said and I felt her smile and blus-h
? “Jinjja? So hearing my voice makes you sleep well?” She asked in a teasing tone

?”Of course…. like a I replied and she giggled
? “You’re such a sweet talker” She remarked and I chuckled
?”Well I can’t help it….. I’m a musician, we musicians are born with the sweet talking genes” I said and she laughed
? “You know what?……. I’ve actually noticed it……. all musicians have that talent of deception and se-duction” She uttered and I smiled mischievously
?”Do you want to experience real se-duction?” I asked in a whisper and she g@sped loudly in shock.

I bit my l!pto surpress the laughter that was building up, I’m going to scare the hell out of her ?

? “Experience real se-duction? H…..How?” She stuttered and I laughed silently
?”Have you ever been s£dûç£d?” I asked
? “N…..No”
?”Do you want to be s£dûç£d?” I asked again and she coughed
? “I……. I don’t know…. I don’t think so though”
?”Why not? I can help you out” I offered with a devious smile
? “Oh plea-se….. I don’t get s£dûç£d that easily” She replied defiantly and I sm-irked
?”Well that’s because you haven’t met me……. trust me baby, when I start, you’ll be the one begging me to st©p” I said in a low and suggestive voice, ma-king sure she un-derstands what I mean ?

? “Oh really?…… I’d like to see you try” She replied, still in a defiant tone and I chuckled

Ahhh, she has no idea who she’s pla-ying with. I may be a v!rg!nbut I’m far from innocent or naive ??

?”Are you daring me? Cause if you are I must warn you that you’re pla-ying with fire. And when we pl@ywith fire……. you know what happens after that” I stated in a s£dûçt!vetone and she g@sped
? “plea-se st©p….. you’re starting to scare me” She said and I chuckled
?”What you’re feeling isn’t fear….. it’s excitement. As much as you’d hate to admit it; a p@rt of you wants to experience what I’m talking about” I uttered and she kept quiet for a while
? “That’s it…… I’m hanging up! The conversation is starting to get S-xual” She announced and I chuckled loudly
?”You’re running away……. that’s cool, but I just want to give you a heads up. I’m planning to get you out of that house by the end of tomorrow”

? ” What?! Where are you taking me?”
?” To a new home…… your very own ap@rtment” I replied and she g@sped
? “No you can’t do that! It’s way too much…… I’m sorry but I won’t accept the house” She countered and I frowned
?”I’m not exactly giving you a choice. You’re moving to the new house whether you like it or not” I replied defiantly
? “But why?? Why do I nee-d to move? I told you I’m perfectly fine and okay staying with Luhan. He’s really nice to me and he treats me well”
?”I don’t care if he k!sses your feet every day. I didn’t sleep last night because I couldn’t st©p thinking of the fact that you’re alone with him un-der the same roof! I’m getting you an ap@rtment and that’s final!” I said and ended the call.

I tossed my phone aside angrily and ran my hand throu-gh my hair. I’ve made up my mind! She’s not going to keep staying with Luhan. I don’t care if she wants it or not…..

I ba-rely sle-pt last night because of it, and when I did manage to fall asleep, I ended up dreaming of Luhan forcing himself on her. I’m not going to sit around and let my dream happen in reality

? You’re just jealous, Baekhyun ?
A voice in my head said and I sighed

What if the voice is right…… maybe I’m just being jealous and possessive of Hyuna ??
No, I don’t care…… I’m still going to do what I want.
I stood and walked over to my closet and gr@bb£d a casual shi-t and black jeans. I pu-ll-ed the jeans on and was about putting on the shi-t when I heard a knock on the door

“Come in!”
The door opened and Mia sashayed in, looking as elegant as ever in a ti-ght mini dress with her shiny purple hair curled up in neat curls
“Hi, Baeky!” She smiled walking to me and hvgging me from behind.
“Mia, I nee-d to put my shi-t on” I uttered, ignoring her greeting. I shrugged her hands off me and pu-ll-ed on my shi-t
“Geez Baeky……why are you so pissed off? Who got you this upset? Tell me and I’ll b!ow their br@ins out” She said cu-pping my face in her hands
“Are you joking about that?” I asked, referring to what she said about b!owing someone’s br@in out
“Of course not. You should know that I’ll do anything for you Baeky” She replied, looking into my eyes. I could see it in her eyes, she definitely meant what she was saying and it scared me

“There’s no nee-d to commit murder Mia, I’m not angry anymore” I said lifting my hands to re-move hers from my face.
“If you say so” She uttered with a shrug
“I want you to meet someone, a friend of mine. My bestie actually” She added with a smile
“Arras-seo, I’ll be down soon” remarked
“Alright. We’ll be waiting” She said and stood on ti-ptoe before planting a k!sson my left cheek.
“Hurry” She whispered and sashayed out of the room
I stood still for a while, my head spinning with so many thoughts and I still nee-d to know if I’m ma-king the right decision by wanting to move Hyuna out of that house

Should I do it??


Oppa! You’re My Everything ?
[A Ko-rean Love Story]
? Episode Forty-seven ?

? Hyuna’s POV ?
{JP Building, Gangnam Province, Seoul}
? The Next Day ?

I walked out of dance clas-s after one long hour of practice, I’ve actually improved a lot in dancing. I still can’t believe that a few months ago, I didn’t even know how good i am at dancing. If it wasn’t for Dahyun and Soomin who urged me to dance that day at the club, Luhan may never have noticed me and also may not have made me the offer that brou-ght me to JP entertainment.
Speaking of Luhan, I never got the chance to ask him who the “He” who helped him get a job here at JP entertainment is, because he had returned home very late yesterday and I had alre-ady fallen asleep when he did and this morning, he was gone before I woke up, leaving only a note on the dinning table that said he would also return late tonight.

I walked to a water dispenser and filled a plastic cu-p with water before gulping it all down. The water was moderately chilled so it was very refreshing and satisfying
“Ahhh” I sighed in content, I had been so thirsty that I actually thought my throat would dry up from thirst
I started off towards the dance clas-s again, I pu-ll-ed out my phone from my sweat p@n-ts pocket and began scrolling throu-gh Instagram. I think I’ve gotten add!çted to Instagram ever since Luhan helped me open an account. It’s honestly all I do all day; posting pictures, liking pictures, following celebrities – including Oppa of course, and then finally; watching entertaining videos. I’ve only been on Instagram for a week but I alre-ady have 200 followers, and I don’t even know most of them. I only know Dahyun, Chaeyoung, Soomin, Luhan and Welchi.

My eyes wi-de-ned when I saw a post from Dahyun, it was a picture of her and Jin-woo k!ssing!! ……………….Whaaat! They’re d@t!ng?!! ??
They never told me about this! How long have they been together??
I’m going to have to call Dahyun later cause she nee-ds to explain herself.

I continued walking down the hallway with my eyes glued to my phone when I heard voices coming from a room that was a few feet from me. As usual, I grew curious to know who the voices belonged to so I began walking slowly. I sli-pped my phone back into my pocket and ti-ptoed to the door where the voices were coming from. I placed my ear on the door so I could try and recognize the voices.

From what I was could hear, I discovered that there were two of them; a male and a female. But who are they??
I pressed my ear ha-rder on the door and the voices c@m£ out clearly this time. I could hear the female crying and sniffling while the male was trying to console her

?”That’s enough Kara, you know I hate seeing you like this. plea-se st©p crying…….all this crying won’t solve anything, it’ll just make your eyes puffy and red” The male was saying but the female kept crying
?”I……. I can’t help it Baekhyun. It hurts so bad” The female replied in between sobs and my jaw dropped……..Did she just call the male Baekhyun?! As in, Oppa?? ?

What’s Oppa doing in a room with a crying lady? And who is she? I nee-d to see her face and I hope it isn’t who I’m thinking.
I re-moved my ear from the door and closed one eye so I could peep into the room throu-gh the keyhole. And lo and behold……… Oppa was sitting on a couch in the room beside a woman with beautiful long black hair. She was resting her head on Oppa’s shoulder and his hand was slowly ru-bbing her arm. The woman held a tissue in her hand which she kept dabbing her eyes with. I couldn’t see her face fully, I could only see her side profile.

?”It’s alright, everything’s going to be fine. You’ll get throu-gh this” Oppa whispered to her and k!$$£d the crown of her head.
I slowly pu-ll-ed away from the door, resting my back on it. I had so many questions going throu-gh my mind…….who is she? Why is she crying? Why is Oppa consoling her? And why does seeing them together make me feel a little pang of jealousy?

I hadn’t been able to sleep well last night because I was thinking of Oppa. I’m sure he’s angry with me because he hung up on me yesterday when I refused to move out of Luhan’s house. I just wanted to explain things to him…… Luhan hasn’t done anything wrong or inappropriate to me and it would be ins-en-sitive and ungrateful of me to just move out of his house without informing him like a month before I do. But I hate being in bad terms with Oppa, I love him so much that I can’t stand the thought of him being angry with me ??

I was still leaning on the door thinking when my phone started ringing! $h!t! It rang so loudly that I’m sure Oppa and the girl can hear it. I quic-kly pu-ll-ed it out and muted it then I stood up and darted off ?? running as fast as I could away from the door.
I had ba-rely gotten far enough when I heard the door of the room open. But I didn’t st©p until I got to a corner. I st©pped and sank to the floor, desperately trying to catch my breath
Gosh! I hope they didn’t see me ??

? Baekhyun’s POV ?

I opened the door and walked out of the room immediately after I heard the sound. I looked to my left and I saw a running figure. It must be whoever that was eavesdropping on Kara and I, I glanced back at Kara and she was asleep on the couch. The poor girl had cried herself to sleep, I’m just glad that she didn’t get woken up by the strange noise.
I closed the door quietly and headed towards the direction where I saw the person run to. I continued walking down the hallway until I approached a corner and I could hear a faint voice…. the female voice sounded very familiar……. wait….. isn’t that Hyuna’s voice?!

I slowed down in my steps so I wouldn’t alert her, I wanted to surprise her. She seemed to be talking to someone on the phone
?”Arras-seo, I wish you good luck with it” She was saying
?”Alright then, Bye” She uttered and hung up

“Well hello there!” I said and she g@sped and flin-ched, almost dropping her phone on the floor. She heaved a sigh of relief when she saw me and placed her hand on her che-st
“Oppa…… it’s you. You scared the hell out of me” She said and I chuckled
“Well you also scared me when you were eavesdropping on Kara and I” I uttered, folding my arms and she laughed nervously
“I………umm….. I didn’t mean to intrude on your privacy. I was just curious” She muttered, bowing her head. I sm-irked and gr@bb£d her by the w@!st, pu-lling her to me. She g@sped as our che-sts pressed against each other

I leaned in and placed my forehead on hers
“Miahneyo” I whispered
“For what?” She asked with a slight frown
“For yelling at you yesterday, and for not respecting your decision. I’ve decided to listen to you, if you want to continue staying with Luhan then I’ll respect your decision” I replied and she smiled
“Kumawoyo, I promise to let you know when I’m re-ady to move out of the house” She as-sured but I wasn’t even paying attention to what she said. I was suddenly overcome with the strong urge to k!ssher

I ti-ght£ñed my arm around her w@!st and she g@sped. I saw it as an opportunity so I quic-kly leaned in and crashed myl-ips on hers, sliding my ton-gue into her mouth. She flin-ched and tried pushing me away but I held her ti-ghtly, k!ss!ngher. My hands moved from her w@!st to her back, ru-bbing it slowly and she m0@n ed into my mouth
The sound of her m0@n drove me crazy and I intensified the k!ss, I noticed that she didn’t know how to k!ssso I began coaching her, guiding her by taking control of the k!ssand she caught on quic-kly.
Soon we were k!ss!ngthe breath out of each other, her hands moved up to my n£¢k and she wra-pped her arms around it while she kept m0@n ing

? Hyuna’s POV ?

Oh my god! If anyone had told me that k!ss!ngwould feel this good then I would never have been scared of it. I closed my eyes ti-ghtly, enjoying the feeling of his softl-ips on mine. I moved my hands from his n£¢k to his soft silky hair and tugged at it gently while his hands kept working magic on my back, s£nding tingles down my spine

We broke the k!ssfor air and he placed his forehead on mine while we both tried to catch our breath. He leaned in again after a while and smooched myl-ips, then he k!$$£d my forehead, my cheeks, the ti-p of my nose, my chin before coming back to myl-ips again. We k!$$£d for a while before he slowly pu-ll-ed away. Then he leaned in and k!$$£d my ear

“Sarangheyo” He whispered into my ear before slowly letting go of me. We stared into each others eyes for a while in shock and awe. I guess he also can’t believe how pas-sionate the k!sshad been
“I have to go” He suddenly said and walked away in such a hurry that one could have thought he was being chased by something

I stood frozen in one sp©t, I can’t believe I just had my first k!ss! and not with just anyb©dy…… but with Oppa!
I raised my hand slowly and t©uçhed myl-ips where I could still feel the pressure of hisl-ips

Someb©dy plea-se pinch me cause I want to be sure that I’m not dreaming!! ??



They finally k!$$£d!! ???