on my master’s bed episode 71 & 72

???? ON MY


{Billionaire kid’s nanny…}

By, Ca-ssandra N.A




★★{ SHE’S DEAD }★★



Lucas’ car halted infront of the school, immediately the black car drove away. He stepped down and walked elegantly into the school, attracting attention to himself.

He got to where Sunny usually sits and waits for him, but she wasn’t there.

“Where’s she?” He wondered and moved to a group of children playing on the compound.

“Hey kids” he called with a smile and the children faced him.

“That’s Sunny’s dad” one of the children recognized him immediately.

“Hi sir, are you looking for Sunny?” Another kid said and Lucas nodded.


“But Sunny left not long ago” another one said making Lucas’ brow crumple in confusion.

“Are you sure, Tamara?” A male kid asked.

“Yes, Cody, I saw her going out of the school when a car parked outside” Tamara said, so sure of herself.

“What?! A car?! It can’t happen!” Lucas shook his head, his heart thomping loudly.

He moved away from the kids, scanning around the school compound. The compound was empty, only a few kids were seen, including those he talked to.

“Maybe, Noella sent one of the guards to pick her without my knowledge” he wondered and dialed her number on his phone, with a smile on his li-ps.


Noella was sitting with Katherine in the living room as she (Kathy) was asking her some questions.

“What did you say your name was?” Katherine asked with raised brow.

“Noella, Noella Ransford, that’s my name ma’am” Ella replied, feeling nervous under the gaze Kathy was giving her.

“Noella” Kathy nodded her head. “That’s a nice name though. You’re really beautiful” she complimented and Ella’s eye glistened.

“Thanks ma’am” she smiled, fiddling with the hem of her dress.

“Are…” the loud blaring sound of a phone cut Kathy’s sentence.

“I’m sorry ma’am, I’ll get it” Noella mumbled and went to get her phone.

A smile escaped her li-ps as she saw the ID. Without contemplating, she swipe the green icon and placed the phone on her ear.

???? Hey sugarplum”. Came Lucas’ voice.

????Hi, don’t tell me you miss me already” Ella giggled and she could imagine him roll his eyes.

???? Yeah, but that’s not why I called” Lucas said with worry.

???? Really, then why did you call? Is Sunny there with you?” She asked.

Lucas’ eyes wide-ned for some minutes and he went dumbfounded. Was she tryna say that Sunny wasn’t with her? Oh gawd, this joke is too expensive.

????Hey, are you there?” Ella’s voice brou-ght him back on earth.

????Are you saying that, Sunny isn’t with you? Like, she’s not at home?” Lucas asked, fearing for the worst.

????Uhm, Lucas, is everything well? What are you saying? I thought you said you were going to pick her up?”

???? Yh, but she’s not here in the school”

???? And she’s not here at home either. Where could she be?” Ella asked, her li-ps quivering in fear.

???? I don’t know, f*ck! I’m going crazy!” Lucas ruffled his hair.

????Have you asked any of her teachers?”

???? No, just about to do so”

????Okay, call me when there’s any update.

????Okay, bye” the call disconnected and Ella stared blankly at the screen.

“Whãt’s the matter, Nonoi?” Kathy said, going closer to her.

Nonoi? Wow, what a nickname. Ella thought. But that wasn’t the matter at hand, what matters most was Sunny.

“It’s Sunny…”

“What about Rainy? What happened to her?” Kathy asked panickly.


“Yes, that’s how I call her. It’s the opposite of Sunny” Kathy said and Noella chuckled.

“She’s no where to be found, but I pray Lucas finds her” She said, staring back at her phone.

“Oh my dear Rainy, she has to see granny before granny dies” Kathy wailed, sniffing in invisible tears.

Woah! This woman can be so dramatic!

“Calm down innocent eyes, she’ll be found” Ella said with a cheeky smile, leading her to a coach.

“I pray so” Kathy sat down with a sad face.

She frowned instantly when it clic-ked her mind. What did Ella call her?

“What did you just call me?” She asked with a murderous glare, making Ella giggle.

“Innocent eyes” she said and started running immediately Kathy stood up.

“I’ll kill you today, come back here you fornicator!” She yelled, Chasing her around.

“No innocent eyes, see ya!” Noella giggled and dashed upstairs, going into Lucas room then slumped the door shut.

*Phew, that was close* she breath out.

“Nonoi, that’s cute” she smiled but frowned immediately she remembered Sunny

“Oh my baby girl!” Ella wailed and in a minute, tears were sliding down her chubby cheeks.

“Innocent eyes? That girl* Kathy frowned. She was now sitting in the living room, her eyes fixed on the television.

“Rainy, hope she’s found” she sniffed.


A little girl was lying on a big uncomfortable bed, her hair sprawled allover the pillow with her arms spread apart.

Her beautiful eye lids were shut, and her cute li-ps were pouted and slightly opened as she breath peacefully.

She squirmed on the bed and turned shaking her eye lids as if to open it. She finally opened her eyes and sprang up from the bed, scrutinizing the place with her eyes.

The place was dark, with only one dim light, shining there. The walls had some scary designs on it, scaring the shit outta her.

“Where am I?” Sunny asked herself, still looking around like a lost chicken.

“Why is everywhere dark? Where’s nanny Ella, and daddy?” She asked again, walking to the door.

She held the door knob with her tiny hands and twisted it, but it didn’t open. She tried again but still it didn’t.

Why had daddy locked her up? He had also switch of her light.

But wait! This place doesn’t look like her room. No! Nothing looked like her room. It was unfamiliar to her.

Her room was so big, bigger than this place. The walls of her room were painted with pink, with Barbies’ stickers, everywhere on the wall.

It was also filled with teddies, different categories and colours. Again, her room had a big pink wardrobe, filled with wide range of clothes, shoes and a dressing mirror with her accessories as well.

Comparing this place with her room, nothing looked familiar. Apart from the bed, nothing else was here. And even the bed in her room was way more softer and bouncy, compared to this one.

So, where the h*ll was she?

Moving to the door again, Sunny banged furiously on it with her tiny palm, calling out for help.

“Daddy!!! Nanny Ella!!” She called in her tiny voice.

“Daddy!!! It’s sunshine!! Come and take me!!!”

“Mummy Ella!! Please who is here?! Open the door!!” No answer.

She moved to the only window in the room but it was locked. It was a glas-swindow.

The door flunged open violently, which scared Sunny. Someone (can’t tell if it’s a male or female) walked in, dressed in black cloak.

“PL..please, let me go” Sunny stuttered in fear, at the brick of tears.

“Haha….” The person laughed lunatically.

Listening to the voice, it was a male.

“Please, daddy would be looking for me, help me” came Sunny’s small voice, tears running down her face.

“Oh bunny” the man crouched down to her height and she moved back fearfully.

“Daddy won’t be looking for you. He’s busy and doesn’t have time for you” the man said but Sunny shook her head in disapproval.

“Daddy has time for me! He loves me! Please let me go” she cried, clutching tight to her uniform.

“Then tell me, why didn’t he come and pick you on time?” The man asked with a dangerous smirk on his li-ps, stro-king her hair.

Sunny stylishly removed his hands from her hair and moved back again. “I..I..beg, you..let me go home…I want to go to daddy and mommy” she cried.

The man rolled his eyes and stood up. “I’ll bring your food” he said and made to walk out but Sunny trailed behind him, tugging at his dress.

“Please I want to go home..help me…I don’t want food, I want to see daddy and mommy” she cried, holding the hem of his long black jacket.

“Leave the dress!” He thundered but Sunny shook her head.

“No..no, I want to see daddy, take me to daddy” she wailed loudly, infuriating the man.

“Leave the dress before I do the unthinkable!” He seethed, releasing her grip on his dress.

“Please!!! Take me to daddy, I promise I’ll buy you candies” she hiccuped, struggling to hold his dress again.

“Get away from me you pest!” He yelled and pushed her rou-ghly, making her loose her balance.

She feel to the ground and her head hit the floor hard, making blood ooz out profusely.

The man’s eyes wide-ned in fear. “What have I done?” He muttered in fear, seeing Sunny laying numb.


“It’s your duty to take care of the kids, here in this school!! But you, you carelessly left them wandering around and now my sunshine is missing!!!!” Lucas yelled at the principal, his eyes as red as blood.

“I’m sorry sir, I’ll…”

“Keep your f*cking sorry to yourself!!! I give you two minutes, if you don’t bring back my daughter, I’ll sue this hen coop of a school!!!” Lucas interrupted and the principal gulped hard.

They’ve been searching around the school for almost three hours but no sign of Sunny. The place was as quiet as a cemetery and everywhere was beginning to get dark.

The principal, two teachers, Lucas and three policemen were the ones doing the search, whereas other police men and armed forces were thrown around the city for a search.

Well, Lucas had actually reported to the police and had ordered an abrupt search. Since he was a well known and an influential person, no one dared to ask questions and began the job already.

The news about Sunny’s sudden disappearance had gone viral within three hours.

“Sir…” one of the police men called as they all walked to Lucas.

“I’m sorry sir, but we couldn’t find her…”

“Then throw yourselves in the city, under the sea, under the oceans, in mountainous places, in the air, bushes, in fact, everywhere and bring back my daughter.

It’s two days, yes, bring her back in two days” he ordered and stomped out of the school.

He sat in his car, driving rou-ghly out of the place. There was only one person in his mind, who he suspected.

Viviana! He’s going to deal with her if she has a hand in this. He swore.

“Sir, we’ll continue from here” the police men told the principal and the teachers before exiting the school as well.


“Lucas, I saw the news, Sunny isn’t found yet?” Noella rushed to Lucas immediately he stepped into the living room.

Lucas sighed sadly and pulled her into a hug, a tight yet comforting hug.

“Ella, my sunshine, sunshine” he muttered in a cracked voice.

Noella sighed and patted his back soothingly. She broke the hug and cupped his cheeks, staring into her eyes.

“Lucas, she’ll be found. I know, calm down” she said calmly, rubbing his cheeks fondly.

“How..how can I calm down?! My sunshine is out there, I don’t know where she is. Is she safe? Has she eaten? I have no answer to these questions so how can I calm down?!” He snapped and stomped upstairs.

Noella looked at his disappearing figure and sighed loudly. This was too much. He’s gone throu-ghtoo much already to get this.

She sniffed in her tears and also went upstairs.


“Where are you, sunshine? I miss you already, come back to daddy” Lucas muttered, staring at the shining twinkle stars, throu-ghhis glas-swindow.

His mind was filled with Sunny’s thought. Her giggles, childish pout, her small cute li-ps, the memories they shared together.

His mind roamed to the first time they had a picnic together.


It was in a green pastured garden in his mansion, where Lucas was preparing to have his first outing and picnic with his only daughter.

Sunny was three years old then, and it was barely a year when Viviana had left him.

He wanted to be happy, to be the cheerful Lucas Donovan everyone knew – for his daughter, his family and loved ones.

It was a cold winter night and Lucas had prepared a beautiful setup for their chilling. A pink children’s cloth was laid on the green gras-swith two bottles of soft wines on it. A weavery basket with different kinds of junks, was also beside the wine.

Beautiful colourful candles were lit up and placed around the cloth. Glas-scup, cereals, baby bowl and spoon, and other children accessories were also designed beautifully on the cloth.

Smoke from a burning frankincense was blowing against the light of the candles, flowing with direction of the cold air.

Lucas came out of the house and smiled satisfactorily at what he’s done. He rubbed his palm together and went back inside, coming later with Little Sunny.

“Wow, daddy, I love it!” She giggled and ran to the setup.

“Daddy, join me” she called, patting a space for him to sit.

Lucas smiled and sat down beside her, folding his long legs and Sunny also a-ssimilated the act.

“Cereals!” She grinned happily, making Lucas chuckle.

“You’re so beautiful like the morning sun, sunshine” he said and pecked her cheeks.

“You beautiful too, like the afternoon sun” Sunny grinned and climped his laps.

She looked at him with a puppy eyes and a pouted li-ps and Lucas knew instantly what she wanted.

“Cereals huh?” He asked and she bobbed her head.

“You’re so cute” he flic-ked her nose and made the cereals. When he was done, he fed her with it till it was finished.

They ate the junks and drank wine, chit chatting happily.

“Who’s daddy’s girl?” Lucas asked and Sunny pointed her chest.


They were done with the eating and we’re lying on the cloth. Lucas laid on his back, with sunny on his chest.

“Who is Sunny’s shining star?” She asked.

“Me of course” Lucas replied and they laughed.

“That star is beautiful, just like a certain Sun here” Lucas said after a minute of silence, referring to Sunny as the sun.

They were now lying on their tummy.

“Yes, it’s beautiful. Daddy, let’s dance” Sunny said and Lucas snapped his head towards her.

“Dance? Can you dance?” He asked and Sunny pouted unhappily.

“I’ll show you. Play the music” she said boldly and stood on her feet.

Lucas shook his head and took his phone, playing “Stuck with you” by Ariana Grande & Justin Beiber.

Immediately Sunny heard the song, she started dancing rubbish and Lucas couldn’t help but laugh.

It was her favorite song, so she danced with ectasy.


“Lucas” Noella’s calm voice pulled him from his thought.

Lucas slowly faced her with a sad face. He pulled her in a hug and sniffed in his tears.

“I’m sorry for the way I talked to you, I’m sorry” he cried.

“No, it’s nothing. Just cry it out. I know you’re hurting within, let it all out” she said, patting his back soothingly.

At this point, Lucas was weak. He couldn’t control the tears that fell from his eyes.

His only daughter, his sunshine, was missing. How worst was fate going to play with him?

He was known for a cold, bossy and emotionless man. But when it comes to his loved ones, especially his daughter, it’s different.

After some minutes, he calmed down and raised his head from Noella’s shoulder.

“Are you okay now?” She asked and he nodded.

“I’m sorry for being a cry baby, I embarra-ssed myself” he bit his li-ps and Ella chuckled.

“Now you know”

“What?! Are you tryna say I’m a crybaby?” Lucas frowned.

“You said it yourself” Ella giggled and Lucas hug-ged her again.

“I love you” he muttered with a small smile on his li-ps.

“I love you too” Ella said and he broke the hug, staring into her eyes.

“Thanks for making me smile” he ki-ssed her forehead.


Lucas entered the company with a ha-rd face. The cold and intimidating aura emiting from him, was enough to make a person freeze.

As usual, greetings were thrown to his side but he never bothered to answer any. With that ha-rd face of his, he entered his elevator and pressed his floor number.

Immediately the employees were sure that he was out of sight, the began whispering and murmuring.

????Did you hear the news last night?

????Yes, I heard Miss sunny was missing.

???? That’s so sad. I couldn’t help but cry.

???? He’s going throu-gha lot. First his wife eloped, now his daughter.

???? He’s so strong. If it were me, I’d have killed myself already.

????I just feel like crying.

????Who could have done that?

???? He’s gat no enemy.

“Silence!” Came a de-ep voice and everywhere went mute.

????Silly you, Logan! A girl cussed as she saw who had intimidated their boss’ voice.

????That good for nothing guard!

Everyone threw a cuss at Logan as the murmurings continued.


“Ding!” The elevator opened and Lucas stepped out. His eyes moved to Ana’s seat and found it empty.

His suspicions grew worst. It was past 10 and she wasn’t here?

The Ana he knew was very punctual.

He stood there with his hands in his pocket, glaring coldly at the empty desk.

“Si..sir..” he heard a voice from behind and judging from it, it was Ana.

“Why are you now coming?” He asked, not bothering to glance at her.


“What? Cat caught your tongue?” He snickered, finally facing her.

“I’m sorry, it will never happen again” Ana said, burying her face to the floor.

“Not like I’ll allow that happen. Now on a more serious note, where’s my daughter?” Lucas asked coldly.

Ana’s brows furrowed in confusion. Why was he asking such question? Sunny lives with him, right?

“I don’t know, she stays with you so…”

“Cut the crap already, Viviana! For the last time, whare is my daughter?!” He snapped, taking dangerous steps towards her.

Ana moved back, shaking slightly. She was suddenly getting scared. She’s never seen this side of him before even during their marriage.

“I said I don’t know. Or did anything happen to Sunny?” She summoned courage to speak.

Lucas scoffed. “You’re so good in pretense. What do you want? Is it money? Fame? My company? What? Tell me, I’ll give you but don’t mess with my daughter, never” he said, this time calmly.

“I already told you that I don’t know where Sunny is! Are you saying that you don’t know either?! What kind of parent are you, Lucas?!” Ana yelled, loosing her cool.

How dare him blame her! She didn’t listen to the news yesterday so she’s clueless. Though she’s been hearing some murmurings about Lucas but she didn’t know it involved Sunny.

“Don’t you dare raised your voice at me! Sunny is my daughter and…” he was cut short when a cop came out of the elevator, looking devastated.

“Sir!” The cop called and both Lucas and Ana looked at him.

“Any news?” Lucas asked, his usual blank expression on.

“Yes, actually, a body of a little girl was found by the lake very early in the morning and per the explanation of the pa-sser-bys and my fellow cops, I think it’s your daughter, Miss Sunny Donovan” the cop said and Lucas heard a very, I mean very loud bang in his head.

“What?!” Both Lucas and Ana exclaimed in shock.

“Yes sir, Miss Sunny Donovan is dead!’
