Omolara’s faith Episode 12

Omolara’s faith Episode 12
Tony watched Lara as she tucked him be-d.
She’ve not been herself ever since she went to
see her mother two weeks ago. No more the
cheerful-smiling Lara, the old Lara seem to be
creeping back in place.
“Good night.” she whispered turning to leave.
“Lara?” he called out, just as she held the door
“Yes?” she didn’t look back.
“Can we talk?” his voice was low.
“Can’t wait till morning?” she asked irritated.
“plea-se…” he sounded desperate.
With a sigh, lara turned and walked up to him.
“so?” she said crawling up the be-d beside him.
“Lara…” he began, taking her hands.
She pu-ll-ed away, he expected that too.
“Errm, I just wanna ask if you’re alright? Ever
since you c@m£ from your mother’s place You’ve
been moody….errrmm, is anything wrong?” he
said in a cool voice.
Lara looked away. Why’s he asking her that? He
“I’m fine.” she sighed.
“I know you are, but de-ep within you are
troubled, talk to me Lara…” He said soothingly.
She looked at him briefly, he doesn’t sound like
Tony at all, did the illness change him?
“Is there anything the doctor said about your
health ap@rt from your legs?” she asked.
Tony felt his heart beat increase.
“Your mother told you right?” his voice was faint.
“she did, and I wonder why you never told me
that…” she replied getting off the be-d.
“Lara…I just felt you shouldn’t know, I know it’l
hurt you..”
“It hurts more that I heard it from someone
else…” her voice was rising.
“I’m sorry, its just that….errmm…Lara plea-se,
un-derstand me….” he looked confused.
“un-derstand you? Of course you know Lara is
daft! An Illiterate can never un-derstand!” her
voice bec@m£ harsh.
“No Lara…what I mean is that, I would be
treated, and everything would become fine…” he
tried to explain.
Lara shook her head slowly.
“Your legs will be treated not your
….your…your…Impotency!” she replied angrily.
Tony’s eyes narrowed, he looked hurt. He wore a
painful look that made Lara regret her words.
“That’s not true Lara..its just that…that…some
things got complicated…once my spinal cord
gets back in place, I’ll normal again…” his voice
was shaky.
“Normal again? Were you normal before?” Lara
made a face.
“When you were busy slee-ping around
Sophia…have…have …you ever thought
if…if…if…I’m human with nee-ds?” tears filled her
“This marriage is almost two years
now..and…and…” sobs choked her.
“Lara plea-se, I know I’ve wronged you…but
plea-se…” he was crying too.
“I guess you want me stay right? But how am I
sure you aint trying to be nice just because
you’re ill! I’m sure when you get back on your
feet again; you’l become the real Tony, and I’ll
no longer be Lara but a daft-illiterate girl!” Lara
said angrily, before turning to leave the room.
“Lara plea-se wait” he called after her.
But she left ban-ging the door behind her.
Tony stared at the door in horror. He knew he
was doomed, should Lara decide to end the
He was at her mercy.
“God help me!” he clasped his palms in prayer.
Maybe she was right, that if he gets on his feet,
he might not regain his man-hood! Perhaps the
doctor lied to him? The doctor told him, all would
be well…
“Tony you are in de-ep mess:” he muttered
fighting back tears.
If Lara should leave him, he won’t survive it. He
might lose his life, cos he was madly in love with her
Tony winced a little, he felt like easing himself,
he had pressed the beeper for more than twenty
times now but Lara is yet to show up.
He wondered if she was trying to punish him,
because on a normal day, she’d have cleaned
him up and served him his food..
He pressed the beeper five more times but she
didn’t come.
He decided to help himself into the wheel-chair
standing by his be-d side. He pushed himself
towards the be-d’s edge, he took hold of the
wheel chair and attem-pted to hop in. He lost his
balance and almost t©ppled over…
“Hey! What are doing?”
It was Lara, he didn’t look back, he wasn’t sure if
the scowl he saw yesterday was still there.
“Errrm…” he tried to speak as she balanced him
on the wheel.
“Morning to you Tony…” she wheeeled him
towards the Loo.
“I was answering a call when I heard the
“Here…steady…sorry…easy…” were her words a
she helped him into the the bath tub.
“I’l be back in a jiffy” Lara said looking away, she
could bear to see him unclad.
Tony smiled, she’s too shy he thought.
“I want you to stay…” he smiled revea-ling his
“No thank you.” lara left the bathroom.