My secretary Episode 15 & 16

😜(When crazy meets arrogant)😜
By: Pinky Preshy Chioma🖊
•••Episode 15•••
Elsa’s Pov:
Jeremy carried me from the bathroom and placed me on the be-d.
“Oh come on Jeremy… I’ve told you am strong enough to do these things on my own” I laughed as he rolled his eyes.
“No Elsa… I don’t want you to harm the baby or stress yourself so I don’t mind doing all of that” He said ma-king a glas-s of milk for me.
“Oh J you are spoiling me” I skrie-ked in excitement
“It’s noone’s business… I can choose to spoil you and there’s nob©dy that will st©p me ” He said and I smiled.
“I don’t want a glas-s of milk J… I want apple 🍎 jui-ce” I said having a change of mind.
“What ever the you and the baby wants” He said as I exhaled de-eply.
“Edna! Edna!!” Jeremy called one of the maids.
“Yes sir….” She answered from the kitchen as she rushed into the room.
“Get my love and my baby a glas-s of apple jui-ce” Jeremy said as she nodded and left.
“Thank you so much love for all you have been doing for my baby girl and I” I said ru-bbing my tummy as Jeremy frowned.
“What is it?” I asked as his countenance changed.
“Haven’t I told you that the baby is a boy” He said as I laughed loudly.
“Oh plea-se I know what I have inside of me… I can feel my daughter’s kicks” I said as he scoffed.
“Really? Well am telling you that I saw and know what I put in there” He said as I tried to argue but he quic-kly k!$$£d my mouth.
“n@ûghty you!” I laughed
“Ma’am here is your glas-s of apple jui-ce” The maid Edna c@m£ in with the drink.
“Thank you Edna” I said as I took the glas-s of apple jui-ce from the tray she was carrying.
I sipped it slowly.
“So do you nee-d anything else baby?” Jeremy asked as he sat on the be-d too.
“No… Oh my gosh! J do you want the baby to grow too fat?” I flin-ched
“I just want you to be fine” He said ru-bbing my tummy with his hand as I laughed.
“My boy… Can you hear me? Daddy said he loves you son” Jeremy said placing his ear on my tummy.
“Oh get away J…it’s a she” I said as he tickled me and I laughed.
Life with Jeremy is nothing but fun….
Don’t you agree guys? 😜
Edna’s Pov:
I rushed into my room in the boys quarter and shut the door.
I quic-kly picked up my cell phone and dialed the number.
📲Hello ma’am Miranda📲 I said
📲Yes Edna… Any news?📲 Miranda asked anxiously
📲Yes ma’am… They are living so happily and the baby in her is growing📲I said as ma’am Miranda screamed in annoyance.
📲Arrrgghhh….📲She screamed
📲that’s OK I have an idea Edna… Meet me at our usual sp©t, I have something to tell you📲 She said
📲Alright ma’am 📲 I replied as she hung up and I kept my cell phone on the stool and walked away.
🙆So even Edna is an enemy 🙆
Miranda’s Pov:
I smoked de-eply and ba-lls of smoke rushed out of my mouth.
I sat comfortablely on a chair as Edna stood in front of me with her head bowed.
“So Jeremy and Elsa thinks that they can have fun with each other?” I laughed hysterically
“NEVER…..That’s never gonna happen, I’d rather die than see Elsa and Jeremy happy” I yelled as I threw the stick of cigarette and smashed it with my leg.
My eye reddened in so much anger.
“I will never let the Monte’s be happy… Everyone of them will surely feel the pain I felt, twice they shall feel it… From Mr Montes to his stupid son Jeremy and then his good for nothing daughter Natasha lastly that scheming witch Joanna and the flir-tatious bi*ch Elsa” I screamed.
“What do you want me to do ma’am Miranda?” Edna asked and I turned to her.
“Give me that my handbag there” I pointed as she quic-kly brou-ght it.
Opened it and brou-ght out a tablet.
I looked at it with excitement as I laughed wickedly.
“Here! This is an ab-ortion pill, add it into Elsa’s drink” I laughed….
•••Episode 16•••
Elsa’s Pov:
I munched the apple as I sat on the be-d watching TV.
You can’t believe this 😆
Jeremy has grounded and locked me up that he doesn’t want me to do anything not even going down the stairs.
You can imagine…
He’s the sweetest person ever! 😘
I was engrossed in the TV program when I heard a knock on my door.
“Who could that be?” I rolled my eyes
“plea-se come in” I said as the door was thrown open and Jocelyn rushed in with a skrie-king scream.
She quic-kly ran into my embr@ce.
“Oh Jocey!” I yelled in excitement
“Elsa honey… Am so sorry I haven’t been visiting you and my baby boy in there, it’s just that I’ve been really busy lately” She said as I smiled.
“Come on Jocelyn… I hope you didn’t come here to make me angry” I feigned anger
“Angry? Why?” She furrowed her brows
“It’s a baby girl not a boy” I said as she bur-st into laughter.
“You are so unbelievable Elsa… Let’s watch and see” She smiled.
“I missed you a lot Jocey” I said with a smile
“Of course I missed you too Elsa… The house is so big and lonely without you” She said and shook my head as we hvgged each other again.
Miranda’s Pov:
I filled my glas-s of wine and gulped it down.
“Are you sure about what you told me Miranda?” Joanna asked as she sipped her wine.
“Oh plea-se Joanna! You know I can’t lie to you… Your so called b©yfri£ndand fiance Jeremy is keeping his pregnant secretary and providing her with whatever she nee-ds” I said as Joanna flared up angrily.
“That who-re… Cheap slut! A hoer…. I can’t let her have my man Miranda” She half yelled and I scoffed.
“You are really very funny Joanna… I mean she alre-ady has Jeremy, he ha-rd ly sleeps at the mansion cos he spends most of his time there with her” I rolled my eyes
“What? I can’t wait to tear that bit-ch ap@rt”Joanna screamed
“Come on darling… You know I really like and want you for my step son right?” I said ru-bbing her back.
“You told me that Miranda” She said impatiently
“I will definitely help you out Joanna…he’s yours! Don’t worry once I find out where Jeremy is keeping his pregnant hoer, I will let you know so that you can drag the bastard away” I smiled
“Thank you so much Miranda…” She smiled as we jammed our glas-ses of wine together.
“Cheers 🍹🍷” We said happily.
“Am very sorry Joanna Argus am only going to use your love for Jeremy to my own advantage” I thought within me.
Natasha’s Pov:
“You know what Elsa… You look more beautiful than my brother describe-d” I said as she blu-shed.
“My goodness! Tasha you are so much like your brother Jeremy… I mean you are flattering me” Elsa said as I smiled at her.
“Am very happy to have you as a sister in-law… The sister I never had” I said almost in tears.
“Aww… That’s t©uçhy Natasha! I love you alre-ady dear” She smiled as we hvgged each other.
“And soon we’ll have another baby girl in our midst when you put to be-d” I said and she laughed.
“Of course Natasha…. It’s a baby girl” We laughed and high fived.
“Am coming right back Elsa… I’ll get some snacks for us” I said as she nodded and I left.
Edna’s Pov:
I prepared the glas-s of milk for ma’am Elsa as usual.
I looked around and checked if someone else is coming or seeing me.
When I was convinced that no-one else is there, I quic-kly brou-ght out the tablet from my pocket.
I quic-kly threw the tablet into the milk and stirred it as I smiled broadly.
“Mission accomplished” I said as I carried the milk and headed straight to ma’am Elsa’s room.
I knocked and she asked me to come in and I did.
“Your glas-s of milk ma’am” I said as I handed it to her.
“Thank you Edna” she smiled and took the glas-s.
She drew the glas-s close to her mouth….
About to drink the milk….
😥Oh God! plea-se don’t let Elsa take that 😭
Oya join me in prayer… 🙏🙏
let’s see those who can pray cos this one is serious🙁🙁!