My plastic wife episode 15 & 16

. 💄My Plastic💄
😍 [ The Journey To Inner Beauty ] 😋
🐾Chapter FIFTEEN🐾
[ Are You Cheating On Me?? ]
📍Author Nuella📍
😨😨Adrian’s POV😨😨
” Yes Ashley, it is me Adrian.” I said and li-cked myl-ips as Ashley trembled in shock.
” How…How did you find me? How did you get my number?” She stuttered nervously.
” You ask me too many questions whilst I should be the one asking the questions.” I yelled at her as I walked closer to the entrance where she stood.
” Why did you get married Ashley? I thought we had a connection. I thought we had something special Ashley.” I asked her and she looked away from me mumbling some words I couldn’t un-derstand.
” Look Adrian, I can’t deny that fact that I had feelings for you but…some things are inevitable and trust me when I say this, I didn’t know I was gonna be married so soon.” Ashley said with tears fogging up in her eye lids.
” And I’m sorry if I hurt you but I’m a married woman now and I want you to forget about any feeling you have for me. Okay?” She said and turned to leave. But suddenly, she paused.
” And st©p s£nding me messages, they freak me out.” She added just before leaving the gardens.
” Ashley, you can’t just walk out of my life that way, you’re gonna be so so sorry by the time I’m throu-gh with you!” I said and with that I left the garden.
🤔🤔Ashley’s POV🤔🤔
• Woah! Adrian? I didn’t really like him to that extetd. Okay, Okay…I did like him alot, but not enough to call it love. Probably mere flings caused my emotions and I didn’t know marrying another person will hurt him. I never even knew he liked me. Ugh, my life is so messed up.
• I don’t even know who told him I was married. It’s probably Liam that told him and now Adrian is hurt!
• I sat down on a nearby bench pondering on my life so far. How about three weeks ago, I was just ordinary Ashley. But now I’m Mrs. Ashley living in a big mansion where my husband and I don’t act like husband and wives, where his sister and his mother despise my pres£nce, where his kid can shoot me if given a gun and where his father is a per-vert and tried to r@p£ me. And now Adrian is in the picture
” What have I become?” I said and tears flowed from my eyes. I buried my face in my palms to avoid the public from seeing me cry.
” Can I carry this burden for much longer?” I asked myself and I felt a slight, soft t©uçh on my back and I j£rked.
” Who’s that?” I asked in fear and I turned back only to see Kaleb.
” What are you doing here?” I asked him as he sat down beside me.
” I just st©pped by to get something and on my way out, I saw you.” He said and I nodded then buried my face back in my palms to resume with my flood of tears.
” You’re a strong woman Ashley.” Kaleb said and those soft words of his t©uçhed my heart.
” You think so?” I asked as I raised my head up.
” I don’t think so, I know so.” He replied and I smiled.
” You don’t nee-d to care about what other people think about you. All you nee-d to care about is that your creator loves you and I do care about you Ashley.” He added
and he held my hand and looked into my eyes.
” And I hope someday, we’ll be able to love each other genuinely as husband and wife.” He said clutching my hand a little bit ti-ghter and I felt a quic-k brush of embarras-sment mixed with happiness and nervousness.
• The cool North Wind began to b!ow accompanied with it whistling. The trees began to brustle and the bowed down to the energy of the wind. The whether bec@m£ more cloudy and dense and the stars in the sky disappeared. Lightening and thun-der sounds filled the air and it began to drizzle.
” It’s about to rain. Let’s go home.” Kaleb said and we both stood up and went out of the garden then went back home.
😆😆Janelle’s POV😆😆
• I paid the cab driver and watched him drive off before entering into the h0tel. I walked straight to our room and that triumphant grin that had been on my face from the Motel is still plastered on my face.
• The final phase of my plan is about to take place, which is s£nding Ms. Ashley the picture of me pe-cking Kaleb then sit down and watch his marriage break into thousands of pieces and watch my love story unfold.
• I entered into the lounge and saw Nadia watching a film with some other girls. She noticed my pres£nce as I c@m£ in and ran after me as I went to our room.
” Wait up.” I heard Nadia say and I paused.
” Sup?”
” Where have you been for the past hour?” She asked and I looked over my shoulder and sm-irked at her.
” I was with the love of my life.” I replied and then faced ahead.
” Ugh! I told you to stay away from Kaleb. He’s married.” Nadia gr-unted and spoke.
” Well he is married now, but he won’t be very soon.” I said and cackled then resumed walking to the room.
” Wheee!” I exclaimed and jumped on the be-d.
” What do you mean by that Janelle?” Nadia asked me as she c@m£ into the room and I sighed.
” Well that’s for me to know and for you to figure out soon okay?” I replied her and got off the be-d then went to the bathroom to freshen up.
• After freshening up, I dressed up in my PJs and gr@bb£d a snack. Then quietly pipped toed into the room and checked whether anyone, especially Nadia was following me. When I was sure nob©dy was coming, I shut the door behind me.
• I got on the be-d and unplugged my phone from it’s charging point. I opened WhatsApp and s£nt Ashley the video. Afterwards I typed;
– This picture was taken at around 8:37pm at Grind Motel today being the 10th of April 2020. I am your husband’s side chick and he doesn’t love you. Do yourself good and leave his life because ap@rt from that, I’m pregnant for him. –
• I cli-cked the s£nd bu-tton and smiled victoriously because my plan has is successful.
” Time to celebr@te!” I yelled and went to the lounge.
🙊🙊Ashley’s POV🙊🙊
• Kaleb called a driver to go pick up my car from the Garden while we both drove home in his car. We discussed and laughed all the way home. I have to admit he’s very good company and I enjoyed every bit of it. But de-ep down in me I feel a hvge pain in my heart.
You may ask why?
• Well that’s because I am hiding so much from Kaleb. I haven’t told him about his father’s advances towards me, I didn’t tell him how his father tried ra-ping me, that I was at the cell for a night and definitely, I can’t tell him about Adrian.
• He’s such a good man with a kind and humble heart. He looks out for me despite we were f0rç£d into this marriage.
• We arrived home and I prepared my mind for humiliation, embarras-sment, insults are emotional breakdowns. Thank God, I start going to the boutique tomorrow. I’ll be as free as a bird and have no ra-pist father-in-law or badmouthed sister-in-law and step-child.
• My phone beeped and I checked it. It was a WhatsApp message from an unknown number.
I cli-cked on it.
. 💄
🐾Chapter SIXTEEN🐾
🤯🤯Ashley’s POV🤯🤯
” OH MY GOD!” I yelled as Mia and Sydney ran past me knocking my phone out of my hands and it crashed to the floor.
” What!? That was the new IPhone 12!” I yelled and fell to my knees and picked the phone from the ground.
• The phone’s screen was cracked and broken beyond repair and it was alre-ady broken into two. Can you believe Kaleb just bought me this phone?
• I stood up holding the remaining p@rts of my phone that wasn’t smashed or broken and focused on Sydney and Mia who were now looking at me nervously across the room.
” We’re sorry. It’s Mia’s fault. She doesn’t want to take her medicine meanwhile she has the flu.” Sydney blurted and Mia sneezed.
” I don’t like flu medicine! It tastes bitter and it’s colour green.” Mia protested yelling.
” What’s the problem with it being colour green?” I asked being curious and Mia rolled her eyes then gr-unted.
” Green is a yucky colour and green is the colour of germs, barf and other eew stuff.” Mia snapped and I chuckled.
” Besides I don’t have the flu. I haven’t sneezed nor coughed except for that first one.” Mia added and before Sydney and I could get a word in Mia started coughing and sneezed about a gazillion times.
” Yeah, but what am I gonna do now? My phone is broken and I had a message I hadn’t re-ad yet” I cried out not caring about Mia’s flu.
” Don’t worry, you can buy a new phone.” Sydney suggested and I sighed.
” Well I can, but it’s been a month since I last backedup my phone to the cloud. Now everything is gone” I grumbled and Mia and Sydney felt remorseful.
” We’re sorry.” Sydney said staring at the smashed remnants of my phone.
” Well I’m not!” Mia yelled and c@m£ over to where I stood and gr@bb£d the remaining p@rts of my phone from my hand and threw them on the floor. Afterwards, she stepped on them about three times.
” Mia!!” I yelled at her and raised my hand to sp@ñk her and immediately, she trembled in fear. My hand froze in the air, I couldn’t sp@ñk her.
• She looked at me and saw the position I was in and she cackled, blew a raspberry at me and ran away!
” Sorry. We’re so sorry!” Sydney whispered to me then pursued after Mia.
” Mia come take your medicine!” She yelled as she ran after her.
” This girl is so annoying!”
” I bloody HATE her!!”
📌Two Months and A Week Later📌
• Well, it’s been 9 weeks since I sle-pt in jail and I still haven’t told Kaleb about it, neither have I told him about Adrian and his father. But that cheap old man doesn’t learn lessons easily. Can you still believe he still gives me sultry looks and S-xy wi-nks.
I swear with everything in me, If he tries ra-ping me again, I’ll not only cut off his ba-lls, I’ll cut of his head and cook soup with it!
• Ap@rt from all that, Mia has been her annoying self as usual and Amelia has been a pain in the a** as well. Sydney has been wonderful and Mrs. Brown hasn’t been much trouble, she just avoids me but de-ep down I know she hates me too. There’s Ryan as well who has been so supportive and sweet. Finally there’s Kaleb who has been nothing but a sweetheart.
• And our marriage is alre-ady three months old! How time flies.
And yes…Kaleb bought me a new phone! But is still su-cks because I lost everything in my phone.
• And ap@rt from that, today is the finale of Dance2Fame and we’re gonna see the winner between Nadia and Janelle. Who are both amazing dancers. I can’t even guess who will win!
Anyways…time will soon tell us!
🤔🤔Janelle’s POV🤔🤔
” Janelle! Do you know that all the ex- contestants are gonna be here!” Nadia yelled as she c@m£ into the lounge.
” I can’t believe we made it to the finals!” She added enthusiastically and sat on couch.
” Yeah, I never knew I could make it too.” I said and she laughed.
I’m serious!
I didn’t know I could go this far!
All I ever wanted was to get close to Kaleb and that’s all. Now it’s either I get first place or second place!
Speaking of Kaleb, He practically avoids me now and doesn’t even want to speak to me or hear my name anymore!
And the message I s£nt to his wife was never re-ad! It has been unre-ad for 9 weeks!!
So now I’ve lost?
No! Janelle hvggins never looses and never gives up! I must have Kaleb at all means and never will I relent!
Thank God the competition ends today, I’ll stay back in New York and fight for the one I love!
” Why are you so lost in thoughts?” Nadia said and I was snapped out of my thoughts.
” Nothing, just tensed about the competition.” I lied to Nadia and she did a sad face then c@m£ to sit beside me.
” You don’t nee-d to be tensed. It’s just a competition.” She said patting my back.
” Yes, a competition that I have to battle my best friend to win?”
” Don’t worry Janelle. We’ll be fine. I just want you to know that if I win or you win, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that we shouldn’t let it get into our heads and ruin our friendsh!pokay?” Nadia said and I smiled at her then we hvgged.
” Let’s get re-ady, the competition is in an hour.” Nadia said and we both got up and went to the dressing room.
• We got re-ady and we were all prepped for the show. This is a hvge step for me because if I win this I get all the goodies and money and Kaleb as well, because I heard a rumour that anyone who wins gets to be his personal as-sistant. Imagine if I am his personal as-sistant, my work will be more easier.
” Good evening everyone and welcome to the finale of Dance2Fame!” The anchor yelled and all the live audience cl@pped, cheered and screamed.
” Today we have our special judges; Judge Kira, Judge Arnold, Judge Kaleb, Judge Oliver, Judge Hannah!” The anchor announced and the audience cl@pped and the judges stood up and waved their hands.
” Now, today’s the big night and it’s the dance battle between Nadia and Janelle!”
” Nadia Gutteron, can we have you on stage plea-se?” The anchor yelled and Nadia sighed nervously and I gave her a thumbs up just before she left.
🎶Rolex by Ayo and Teo🎶 blared out of the speakers and Nadia began to dance.
• I have to admit, she was marvelous! Her dabs, her woahs, her nae-naes and other killer dance moves were marvelous! The whole crowd was wild and cheering for her! The judges were overwhelmed!
• She ended the dance with a split as the volume of the song reduced to zero and the crown went wild and were chanting his name.
” I give her a green!” Judge Kira raised the green card up which meant that she has her vote.
” I give her a green too!” Judge Arnold also said.
” I give her a green!!!!” Judge Arnold added.
” She deserves this!” Judge Hannah said and raised the green card!
Nadia thanked them and went backstage.
” And we call on Janelle!!” The anchor yelled and anxiously, I went outside to the stage!
🎶Pills and Automobiles by Chris Brown and various artists 🎶 blared out of the speakers and I started dancing.
I tried my best! And it seems like the crowd loved it!
Even more than Nadia’s
I finished my routine and everyone cheered!
All the judges gave me a green!
That means it’s only Kaleb that can choose the winner!
” It seems like there’s a tie here! Both girls have four greens and only Kaleb’s vote can decide the winner.” The anchor said and Nadia joined us on stage.
” Ehem!” Kaleb cleared his throat and stood up to speak.
” The journey thus far has been splendid and it all end today. The winner will be gifted with An all expense paid trip to Malibu, A cash sum of $500,000 and an endorsement with Mega Dance Cooperation. Ap@rt from that, there’s an added bonus of you being my Personal as-sistant.” Kaleb announced and now I’m sure that those rumors are true.
” Janelle and Nadia are both great dancers and congrats to you both for ma-king it thus far!”
” But now my greencard will decide who takes it all!”
” And the winner of this years Dance2Fame completion is….
T B C😋😋