Mr billionaire episode 7 & 8

🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻EPISODE 07🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻
The drive, to wherever he was taking me was
in silence. Aaron focused on driving, cutting
off the car throu-gh heavy traffic while I
looked outside the street lamps lighting up
the road. There were times when I felt him
staring at me but whenever I turned to look
his eyes were on the road ahead.
He st©pped the car outside a very expensive
looking Italian restaurant, I never visited here
but have heard of people booking months
before for a single table.
Aaron stepped out, c@m£ to my side and
opened the door for me like a true
gentleman. As I moved out a man c@m£ and
took the keys from Aaron for parking his
car. Aaron placed his hand on my w@!st and
started moving inside when I st©pped him.
“We won’t get a table here that easily, I’ve
heard..” he cut me off.
“We can’t say that without trying, can we?” He
raised his brows.
“I just know we won’t, let’s go somewhere
else” I tried to convince him. I didn’t want him
to take me to a place this rich. I know he is a
multi billionaire, he is filthy rich but I would
have enjoyed if he took me to a small cozy
restaurant as well.
“It’s okay dear, let’s see if we find a table in
there” He smiled and took me in. I looked
around as we entered and suddenly felt out
of place. Everyone was dressed so elegantly,
women wearing expensive go-wns and
dresses while I was wearing just a simple
sundress. Aaron s-en-sed my uneasiness and
gave an as-suring look.
A man dressed in a nice suit c@m£ to Aaron
and greeted him, he then turned to me and
gave a slight nod. It seemed Aaron comes
here often and probably knows this man
since a long time. He showed us our table
and excused himself.
“See, we got a table” Aaron half smiled
looking at me.
“It seems you know that man quite well” I
said not sure of what to talk.
“Yeah, he’s the manager over here and a
friend of mine”. Just then a waiter in his late
twenties c@m£ to take our orders.
“You look beautiful miss” he said in a flir-ty
tone. I don’t know why but it felt very
awkward. Aaron cleared his throat gr-abbing
the waiter’s attention. He gave a nod to Aaron
and asked for our orders. I was not sure of
what to order so Aaron did it for me.
“One Bartolo Mascarello Canubbi, some
Zucchini and onion frittata for me and some
fennel gratin for the lady”
I’ve never heard of these names before, I just
hope it tastes good. The waiter, before
leaving, turned to me and gave a strange
smile, then left to bring our food.
I sat there looking anywhere but Aaron. I was
not used to going out with men and having
dinner, the only men I usually go out with are
dad and Dylan, but they don’t count do they?
It was after some time when I realized we
were seated much away from other people. I
was about to ask Aaron when I noticed he
was staring at me. Even though he saw I
noticed him he didn’t move away his eyes, I
shifted awkwardly un-der his gaze as he
continued to look at me without blinking his
I looked down at my hands on my l@p to hide
the blus-h that crept on my cheeks. I was not
used to this, all my life I’ve heard my family
calling me ugly and a disgrace but today the
way he was looking at me make me feel…
The same waiter c@m£ back with our orders
and placed them on the table, Aaron finally
looked away, then the man opened the wine
bottle and poured it in two glas-ses. Turning
towards me he looked at me from head to
toe and sm-irked.
“Derik, you’re fired” Aaron snapped. The
waiter looked at him in horror but left with a
nod when Aaron gave him a get-the-hell-
outta-here glare.
“Hey you can’t do that, I know he was a bit
creepy but it’s his job, and you can’t fire him”
I tried to defend the poor man.
“Of course I can, I don’t pay my staff to flir-t
with visitors here” he answered in a calm
tone sipping his wine.
“You could have left him with a warn….
wait…. your staff?… you own this place?” I
looked at him with wi-de eyes and he just
I realized how big of a fool I have made of
myself. At first, I thought we wouldnt get a
table here, then I thought he got it because
the manager was his friend, how can I forget
he is The Aaron Woodwords, who bought up
the entire area near my cafe.
I started eating the food in front of me not
wanting to look at him after my little
discovery. How much more stupid can I get
in front of him?
The food he ordered was delicious and I
focused on it until he spoke.
“Tell me more about yourself”
I looked at him with a questioning face as he
sat back calmly waiting for my answer.
“Like what?” I asked.
The award for the stupidest creature in this
universe goes to…… CAROLINE MARSHALL!
“Anything about yourself other than being the
most gorgeous woman” he sm-irked while I
turned into a bright shade of red.
“Well, you alre-ady know about my family, my
“That I do” he cut me in between. By the way
his tone changed on mentioning about dad it
seemed he doesn’t like my father much.
Why? I’ll ask later if I ever got a chance.
“Tell me about you Caroline. I’m not
interested in your family. Tell me about you,
your hobbies, your likes, anything, but about
you” he said looking straight into my eyes.
He wants to know about me, but is there
really anything to tell? No. Nothing. I don’t
have an interesting life like Lahaina’s or a
crazy one like Nadia’s. I don’t have anything
to tell about me. My hobbies? Do I even have
any. Yes, I remember I used to love re-ading
and painting with my mom but after that
horrible night, everything changed. I lost
everything the night I lost my mom. I have
spent most of my time behind the locked
doors of my room crying. There is nothing to
tell. I don’t have a life!
“Caroline, what happened?” I heard Aaron’s
concerned voice. I looked up at him and
realized I forgot that I was still with him.
“Yeah, just some memories. Well answering
your earlier question, I like to paint and re-ad
a bit” I finally answered.
He must have s-en-sed my uneasiness talking
of myself because he changed the t©pic after
that. We talked about different things like
politics, business, sports and much more.
This man is a complete genius, the way he
talked about any t©pic so intellectually as if
he has done a PhD in almost everything.
At first, I was a bit intimid@t£d by him and his
personality, who wouldn’t be?
We finished our dinner and he dropped me
home. The entrance door was still locked,
meaning dad has not yet returned from the
p@rty, I sighed. I stepped out of the car and
turned towards Aaron “thank you for such a
wonderful evening” I smiled.
“The plea-sure was all mine” he said as he too
c@m£ out of his car.
He walked near me and placed his hand on
my w@!st pu-lling me closer to him. His face
c@m£ closer to mine, so slowly. It felt as if it
was all happening in slow motion. Was he
going to k!ssme?
I tried to step back but my legs didn’t move.
His clos£ness was doing something to me
which I can’t explain in mere words. His face
c@m£ dangerously close to mine and I
squee-zed my eyes shut. He k!$$£d my cheeks
and stepped back.
Was I disappointed?
Hell yes!!!!
Just shut up inner voice! I am not
disappointed, okay! I am not!
“Good night Caroline” he said with a sm-irk.
Why was he sm-irking? Can he hear my inner
voice? No way.
“Good night” I said more like whispered and
literally ran inside. Switching on the lights I
looked out from my window as he drove off.
🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻EPISODE 08🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻
As Aaron’s car vanished in the darkness of
the night I thought about my evening with
him. It was my first d@t£ and I loved every
moment of it. I wish I could spend some
more time with him….
Hold on Caro. What the hell are you even
thinking? Remember you promised yourself
not to do the same mistake your mom did?
Yeah, I know but there is something in him
that draws me closer, I don’t know how, or
why, but maybe I like him.
The front door bur-st open and in c@m£ a very
angry step sister, followed by my step mom
and dad. Lahaina was fuming in anger, her
face turned red, she saw me standing there
but ignored and yelled “you said he’ll be
“He was supposed to be there, I don’t know
why he didn’t turn up, you even talked to
Ethan so don’t overreact” dad tried to calm
her down.
“It was me who spent hours in getting re-ady
for him, not you” she shouted throwing her
hands up in the air.
Is there any possibility they are talking of the
same ‘him’ I’m thinking him to be?
“Don’t talk to me like that girl” dad raised his
voice giving her a death glare.
“Shut the hell up! If you really want his
money, it’s important for me to meet him. If I
back out, you’re done!” she snapped back at
“Lahaina, sweetheart, Aaron must have been
busy somewhere and your dad told you he
alre-ady had a talk with Ethan, don’t worry,
he’s all yours” she said and dragged Lahaina
with her to her room.
Yeah, they were talking of the same ‘him’.
When the drama finally ceased dad looked at
me with a strange expression, I realized I was
still in my sundress. “Don’t tell me you were
whoring out again”. I am used to all this now,
it does hurt every time he calls me
something like this but it doesn’t surprise me
“It was Nadia’s birthday, she invited me” I lied,
remembering her words from earlier, for the
first time in these years.
“Don’t you dare step out without my
knowledge, I don’t want others to know I have
a slut of a daughter” he said in disgust and
went from there.
My eyes got filled with tears but I f0rç£d
myself not to cry. I was so happy when
Aaron dropped me home and he spoiled it all,
why can’t he see me happy, even if that
happiness is the rarest thing for me? I sighed
and went back to my room.
The next morning I got up early and cooked
breakfast for everyone. As I sat down to
have it with them, I realized it was all very
tensed between dad and Lahaina. Usually she
is taking to Juliea or dad but today she was
completely silent, dad even pas-sed few glares
at her. Who was responsible for this? No, it
is not Aaron. It’s me.
It’s because of me he didn’t go to the p@rty,
and how can I forget the thing between
Lahaina and him, it’s wrong to even like him
knowing she and Aaron may get engaged
soon if my as-sumptions are right.
I decided to spent my day roaming around the
city. I love to travel but I’m not allowed to go
out of town, dad or Lahaina never take me
with them. I can’t go out anywhere but I can
definitely move around the city. I called Nadia
and she agreed instantly.
We first went to a libr@ry, my heaven, and
spent the major p@rt of the day there, then we
went to an art gallery, it was a surprise from
Nadia for me. I love to paint, I can probably
just spend my entire life painting my
imaginations on a canvas, but dad doesn’t
like it. Once he saw me and mom painting, he
got furious and beat mom like a beast,
according to him it’s all useless and mom
should not encourage me to do what is not
approved by him.
The paintings were beautiful, many people
don’t appreciate art, or those who do, don’t
really know what it really is or means, but I
can feel the imaginations and thoughts of the
painter, seeing these, while he/she painted it.
There were some which Nadia couldn’t
un-derstand so I told her about them and she
really seemed fascinated by it.
Then we went to a small restaurant and had
our lunch, where she demanded the details
of my dinner with her Mr. Hunk, she was
literally jumping on her chair listening to me.
Later, she went back to her ap@rtment as she
had to finish an important work for a
meeting, that her boss asked. It was a warm
and sunny day so I decided to go to a park
and not home.
I went to the nearest Park and sat on an
empty bench, there were children pla-ying,
their mother’s sitting and looking after them.
I was lost in my thoughts when my phone
rang. Dylan.
“Hello sweety pie”
“Eew, where do you get these silly names?” I
said with a frown.
“Of course from my super intelligent br@in.
Well, I nee-d a favor sweety pie” he said
stressing on the last word, to irritate me.
“Bark” I rolled my eyes.
“I want you to accompany me to a charity
event, as my arm candy” he tea-sed.
“Why? What happened to the girls of this
“It’s actually I’m fed up of girls around me,
so they won’t come to me if they saw I have
a d@t£”
“No. Ask someone else” I replied curtly.
“I did ask your knight in shinning armor
“But?” I asked amused. I am sure there is
something going on between them, I’ll ask
Nadia when we meet next.
“Never mind. So you’re coming?” He said
after a long pause.
“No, big brother, I don’t wish to work as an
insect repellent for you”
“How about if I give you a candy?” He said in
a serious tone.
“Seriously?!” I half yelled.
“Two candies?” He chuckled.
“Three candi..” With that I ended the call. He
really gets too irritating sometimes. I thought
about his request now, I should have said
yes, but the way he asked made me refuse
him. I will call him later.
Just as I was sitting in the park admiring
mother nature, someone c@m£ and sat beside
me. I was so lost in my thoughts that I
completely missed who he was until he
“Is there any possible way that you are
thinking of me?” The man said in a voice that
made me feel goosebu-mps. I know this voice.
It’s him.
I turned my head to look at him, he was still
wearing his formal clothes and looking
handsome as ever. There was a small smile
plastered on his face, I smiled looking at
him. How can a person make you feel happy
by just his pres£nce?
“Well, no, I was admiring the view. It’s
beautiful” I said looking at the sunset.
“Indeed it is” he said, still looking at me. I
don’t know why, I felt he was not talking
about the sunset. That thought made me
blus-h and I shifted a little to hide it from
him. We sat in silence for sometime till he
spoke again.
“You’ll be attending the charity ball, next
week right?” He asked. I don’t know about
which event he was talking of. Dad and
Lahaina attend many p@rties, events and ball,
as it gives a very good platform to socialize
which in turn helps dad in his business. But
he never tags me along, nor he cares to tell
me about any such p@rty.
“Caroline, back to earth. I’ll be out of the
country this whole week so, I hope to see you
there. You’ll come?” Aaron said with a
hopeful expression.
I thought for a while and then agreed. I like
his company too much, and I can’t miss out
any opportunity to be with him. My
conscience was warning me to say no but I
ignored it for the first time in my life.
“Yeah, sure” I answered.
“Great” he smiled.
We talked for some more time on random
things until his phone buzzed and he had to
Now I sat here thinking of a way to attend the
ball. Dad will never allow me to come with
them, and if I go there against his will, I can’t
even think of the consequences. But I want to
meet Aaron, I know this was wrong and I
should not do this but I want to.
I promised myself, this will be the last time
I’ll meet him. He is not for me. He is for
Lahaina and I can’t betray my sister, no
matter how much she hates me.
I will definately go to the charity ball to meet
Aaron. For the last time.
I will have to call Dylan, he asked me for it
and I denied that time. He will act like a
drama queen as I hung up on him but he will
agree, after all he loves me so much.