Mr arrogant 2 Episode 40 & 41

( Ãnd the strãnge maidën)
Episode 40
By: Faith Lucky
Chelsea’s pov
I got to school the next day and I didn’t bother to say hi to Xavier, just sat on my seat quietly.
Mom had called at my aunt’s place telling me that there’s an emergency at home and I should come home immediately we close from school.
She sounded so worried and it even made me worried. I couldn’t even tell why she sounded that way but I know it’s really an emergency for her to speak that way.
I tried my best not to think much about it and focus in clas-s, hopefully when I get home, I’ll get answers.
Delaney’s pov
Xavier’s mom had been happy and I didn’t un-derstand what she meant by love.
She promised to answer my question by enlightening me on my feelings. She’d told me that she’ll take me out and make me learn more about my feelings.
I had agreed and I was happy because finally, I’ll get answers and know exactly what I feel towards Xavier.
The next day, I prepared for school and before I could eat breakfast, Xavier alre-ady left for school.
I felt so low spirited because it’s the first time he’d be leaving for school without me.
His mother didn’t say anything and she made me ride in another car. The drive was boring and I felt bad and guilty.
I don’t want Xavier to be mad at me, at all. I know I’m at fault for ignoring him the previous day but I couldn’t help it.
I’ll talk to him today and I hope he’ll listen to me and forgive me and most importantly, ‘.
I got to school and walked solemnly to the clas-s as if I was mourning someone. I was in a very bad state of mind and my heart was hurting real bad.
What has Xavier done to me to make me feel this way towards him?
Xavier’s pov
“I think I love her.” I blurted out and stared at my f!ngers.
I couldn’t bring myself to look at Rio because I didn’t want to see a taunting sm-irk on his face. After my confession, there was silence – like total silence.
Rio didn’t say anything and I was shocked because I know Rio… He’d be laughing or ma-king jest of me for falling in love but not hearing him say anything creeped me out.
I stared at him and he had a knowing but shocked expression.
“I knew it!” He suddenly g@sped and jumped up happily.
“Woah! Admit it Xavier, you don’t think you love her, you love her. Yay!” He squealed enthusiastically and spre-ad his arms happily in the air and faced skyward.
He looked happy and I couldn’t help but giggle. Rio is one hell of a funny guy.
“I’m so happy!” He screamed happily.
“Hey, will you keep it down?” I gro-an ed, feeling bashful. I palmed my face and gro-an ed loudly.
He sat down beside me on the bench and turned to stare at me.
“What really happened?” He asked, looking all serious like he wasn’t the one who was screaming loudly in happiness.
“Well…I don’t know. The feelings…I can’t deny them anymore. It’s something that’s growing bigger each pas-sing day.
I was really so scared to the teeth and I was worried almost to death because I couldn’t find her. At that moment, I knew I didn’t want her to leave. I didn’t want anything bad to happen to her.
I was so scared and I couldn’t even bring myself to sleep knowing that she’s not home and she doesn’t even know her way around. And when she returned and she didn’t want to talk to me, I felt more heartbroken. I’ve never felt the way I feel towards her towards anyb©dy and I didn’t nee-d anyb©dy to tell me that I’ve fallen in love with her.
I’ve re-ad books and watch movies and I know I couldn’t deny the feelings any longer.” I explained.
Rio sighed and cl@pped his hands, smiling sheepishly.
“Wow! I knew you were gonna fall helplessly in love with her.” He smiled.
“Yeah, whatever.” I snorted.
“So, what are you gonna do? Are you gonna confess your feelings to her?” He asked.
“Yeah, but I have a plan though.” I said and did a lopsided sm-irk.
Chelsea’s pov
School was over and I hurriedly took my backpack and left the clas-sroom heading to the parking lots.
Fortunately, my chaffeur was alre-ady waiting for me and so, I just slide in and locked the door.
I got home and just standing by the door, I heard yells and screams – like an heated argument was going on.
I pushed the door opened and got in and I met my parents, exchanging words h0tly.
Mom was filled with rage and she was in tears too. I stood gob-sma-cked, watching my parents fight.
They st©pped as soon as they noticed my pres£nce.
“Chelsea!” They both called and advanced towards me, looking guilty.
“Mom? Dad?” I called, finding it ha-rd to believe seeing my parents exchange words h0tly.
I haven’t seen them this way and the reason behind it, I still and couldn’t fathom it.
“Chelsea dear.” Dad called and I could tell he was nervous. “Come sit, we have something to tell you.” He added, more like a whisper.
I dragged my feet lazily from the floor and walked to the sofa and sat on it.
My parents stared at each other – mom actually glared at dad, before sitting down opposite me.
“I have a confession to make…” Dad started and ru-bbe-d his palms nervously.
Okay, what the hell is going on?
I really nee-d answers and seeing them this way made me feel like I’m in the dark, I’m lost.
“Your dad has a mistress!” Mom suddenly snapped and glared angrily at dad and if looks could kill, then I’m sure dad would’ve been six feet below the ground.
My mouth snapped open in shock and my head seems to ring.
“What!” I g@sped in shock and stared at mom – with eyes that said ‘tell me you’re lying.’
Dad glanced at her and sighed before turning to look at me.
“Well, the truth is that I have a daughter from my past relationsh!pwith a lady.
I swear, I didn’t know until few days ago they showed themselves to me and the lady told me the truth.” Dad said and looked at me pleadingly.
I was speechless… I laughed and stared at him like he’s grown two heads on his head.
Just then, I heard footsteps and I was so shocked to see Alicia and a woman that looks familiar.
“That’s Alicia and she’s your sister.”
And that left a hvge ban-g on my head.
Delaney’s pov
When Xavier and I got back from school, I apologized to him and he did same. He told me he wasn’t angry with me and he accepts me just the way I am and that brou-ght tears to my eyes.
I was so t©uçhed because I didn’t expect him to accept me once.
We bec@m£ friends like we used to and we even bec@m£ closer.
He was still tutoring me and I was learning fas-ter and getting to know things. Things I thought were strange or like magic, I knew them and their uses.
I got to know names of food and also learn how to eat them, and also learn how to use the cutleries appropriately.
According to Xavier and his mom, I’ve learnt so many things and I’m a fast learner and that had made me happy.
Xavier’s mom had taken me out to shop for new clothes but she had actually did the picking since I couldn’t.
The clothes were pretty and she also bought dresses for the prom p@rty. She had been so happy knowing that Xavier and I were prom p@rtners. According to her, she’s gonna make me look really pretty that he wouldn’t be able to take his eyes off me.
It was so much fun but exhausting too.
She never gets tired.
Kenny’s pov
I stared in shock as I stared at the result. It was written positive.
I had taken the strand of Delaney’s hair to the lab so a DNA test can be conducted between the both of us.
And now, it confirmed it that Delaney is really my daughter.
Tears filled my eyes – I didn’t know if it was tears of joy or sadness but I knew I was happy.
I thought my child had died!
What happened?
Oh my!
I have a daughter ap@rt from Chelsea.
Will she believe and accept me?
Oh my God!
Hera’s pov
“You should clean my room thor0ûghly okay?” Delaney ordered as I entered her room with the cleaning equipments in my hands.
She hissed at me and walked out of her room, not after giving me a ha-rd glare.
I gulped down and stared around the room.
Holy moly!
The room was scatters and clothes were littered carelessly around the room.
I knew she purposely messed up her room to frustrate me.
I walked towards her table and a beautiful drawing was on it. I picked up the drawing paper and stared admiringly at it. As I turned to walk away from there, my leg kicked the table and her bag fell and the content in it spilled.
I quic-kly bent to pick up the things and just then, something fell off from in between her books.
I picked it up and my eyes wi-de-ned in shock.
The n£¢klace
( Ãnd the strãnge maidën)
Episode 41
By: Faith Lucky
Chelsea’s pov
“Dad, this is fv¢king bull$h!ts! You have a daughter aside me? C’mon dad, if this is a joke then plea-se st©p it because I’m not finding this funny.” I huffed ridiculously and ruffled my hair.
What the fv¢k!
How can that lowlife Alicia be my sister?
Something I’ve never dreamt off.
What sort of dream is this?
“It’s the truth Chelsea.” Dad said calmly and held my shoulders and stared sadly at me. “I’m a big fool, yes I know. I made a mistake, I know.
But plea-se Chelsea, don’t be mad at me for too long. You can be mad at me but not for too long.
Your mom, she’s threatened to leave the house with you. plea-se Chelsea, I can’t do without the both of you in my life, plea-se don’t leave me.” Dad said sadly and I could tell he was fighting the urge not to cry.
I felt so pity for him and his countenance showed he’s been sincere. I know dad and I know he’s feeling sad and guilty.
“It’s okay dad. Mom and I won’t leave you, we are still gonna be together as one happy family.” I cooed and hvgged him.
“Thank you Chels.” He muttered and stro-ked my hair affectionately.
I’ve forgiven dad because he sure does regret whatever mistake he did in the past. But can I really accept her as my sister?
Hera’s pov
I held the n£¢klace and I didn’t know if I should be angry or happy. Angry that Delaney lied to me about misplacing it or happy that I’ll finally be able to save my mom.
Why did Delaney lie to me?
I arranged her books and dropped the n£¢klace back. I sighed despondently and started with the dusting and arranging first.
I’m gonna confront Delaney later.
“Hey.” I turned to see the male of the other day, climbing down the stairs in hurried steps.
Gosh! He’s so beautiful.
“Hi. How are you doing?” He asked and smiled at me. I just stared at him dumbfounded.
He’s been nice and I wonder why.
“Hey, you don’t have to feel shy around me okay? My name is Rio and I’m Xavier’s friend.” He enthused and brou-ght out his hand towards me – probably for an handshake.
I darted my eyes from his hand to his face and I couldn’t help but admire him.
He’s Xavier’s friend?
But he isn’t arrogant and rude like Xavier.
“What’s your name?” He asked sweetly and withdrew his hand when he got the signal that I didn’t want to shake him.
“I’m… Hera.” I said with my voice a little hoarse and tiny.
“Alright. I guess you’re a maid here.” He said, still smiling.
“Yeah.” I nodded my head positively.
“Okay.” The two of us fell into an uncomfortable silence as none of us were re-ading to break the silence by saying something first.
As I made to walk away, he also did and we ended up colliding together and the glas-s of water I was holding fell from my hands and the it gotten broken while the water was spilled on the floor.
I panicked and crouched to pick the broken glas-s but Rio took my hands and prevented me from tou-ching it.
“You don’t have to, one of the maids we’d clean it up.” He insisted and held my wrist. I stared at him and unconsciously li-cked myl-ips as I stared at his we-t and pinkl-ips.
Gosh! It looked so attrac-tive and cute.
I nodded my head abs£nt-mindedly and stood up.
As I made to move away, I stepped on a broken glas-s and it pierced painfully un-der my feet.
“Ouch!” I yelped in pain and winced loudly. I was alre-ady bleeding and I couldn’t place my leg on the floor, instead I made it hang in the air while the blood dripped.
“Oh my!” Rio panicked worriedly and supported me by holding my arm and wra-pping his hand around my w@!st.
As I tried to leap away, I felt myself been swept off my feet from the group.
I g@sped in shock and it dawned on me that Rio had carried me up in his arms.
Aww. I felt so safe in his arms and a p@rt of me wanted us to remain that way.
“Stay still!” He ordered, his voice not cold or stern but laced with concern.
I was de-eply t©uçhed because Xavier had never turned to stare at me that way.
It’s glad to know that someb©dy cares about you.
“I’ll treat your injury.” He added while I just nodded my head.
I wra-pped my arms around his n£¢k and pressed my b©dy more against his broad che-st.
I want to stay like this forever in his arms.
It’s more comfortable than a be-d.
A smile tung on myl-ips as he held me firmly and started for the stairs.
Kenny’s pov
I was overwhelmed with joy that as I made my way to my car, I couldn’t help grinning cheekily.
I’ve liked Delaney the first day I had met her and if not because I was in a hurry that day, I’d have gotten to talk to her.
I have a child outside that Jerry doesn’t know about and Jerry had a child I didn’t know about until few hours ago.
Things are so complicated and messed up.
I’ll definitely have to accept his child, so he’ll accept mine.
This is so complicated than I thought.
But I pray Delaney accepts me as her mother and not hate me for abandoning her for years.
Chelsea’s pov
I glared daggers at Alicia ad she sat comfortably like a queen beside dad. I was sitting beside mom and Alicia and her mother beside dad.
I was literally seething in anger as I glared at Alicia.
How can this lowlife be my sister?
If I was to have a sister – half sister, then it shouldn’t have been Alicia.
“So, I called for this meeting so we can settle this issue once and for all. I have decided that I’ll buy a mansion for Clarissa and her daughter and take care of their nee-ds.
But they’re not allowed to come here. I’ll try my best to come visit you at your new place.
I’m married alre-ady and I can’t have another family un-der one roof. I’m really sorry for everything I did to the both of you.” Dad sighed and stared at all of us.
Silence. Nob©dy said a word but their eyes did the talking.
I really liked what dad said but at the same time, I’m angry that I’ve a half sister who’s more like a lowlife and gosh, I hate lowlifes.
“It’s fine. We agree. You’ve chos£n alre-ady and we can’t do anything about it.” Alicia’s mom spoke and she sounded like she was about to break down in tears while Alicia just had a plain expression.
“And I want to enjoy same luxury as Chelsea.” She spoke up and sm-irked at me. I felt like sl@pping off that stupid sm-irk off her face.
Dad nodded his head and took a quic-k glance at mom who had her gaze on her newly medicured nails, “okay.”
Xavier’s pov
I stared admiringly at Delaney as she typed flawlessly on her PC.
Gosh! She looked so cute and I couldn’t take my eyes off her.
I can’t wait for prom so I can get this over with because I’m becoming impatient just by mere looking at her.
I don’t know why I didn’t realize my feelings for her on time.
Her gaze suddenly caught with nee-d and she smiled. I smiled back while she win-ked and giggled lightly, then she focused back on what she was doing.
My heart flutter and I felt bu-tterflies dance happily in my stomach.
Is love like this?
If this is really love then I want to fall de-eply in love with Delaney.
She’s worth it. She’s in my head, my mind, my heart and almost everywhere.
I feel like a different person when I’m with her and sometimes, I behave like a child.
I can’t wait for prom and I hope she’d reciprocate my feelings.
This two are ma-king me jealous

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