Moreno finale

Episode 47



(The two goons rush out of the abandoned building just as it explodes and they run into two policemen on patrol)

Goon 1: (nervously) Oh no…

Policeman 1: (confused) What happening here?

Goon 1: (lying) Officers, Our house just exploded…

Policeman 1: Yeah I saw (doubtedly) You’re sure this is your house?

Goon 1: Yes officer.

Policeman 2: Hold on a minute, Aren’t they the notorious boys that terrorize Almezer street?

Policeman 1: (recognizes them) Yes they are! You’ve always managed to evade us but you won’t escape this time!

(The policemen viciously gr-abs and handcuffs them)

Policeman 1: I’m sure you both are the ones who blew up the building.

Goon 1: (stammers) Umm…

Policeman 1: (furiously) You better talk while you still can!

Goon 2: (scared) I’ll confess, I’ll say everything. We were paid by a lady named Miss Cecilia to kidnap a woman named Morena and kill her. So we kidnapped her and kepts her inside the building planted a bomb in it, That’s how it exploded…..

Goon 1: (angrily looks at him)

Policeman 1: (to the other policeman) Take him to the station! (To the first goon) Follow me.

(The policeman arrests the second goon and f0rç£s him in the van then drives off to the station)

Policeman 1: I wonder if the abductee is still alive… (To the second goon) Let go in

(The policemen and the first goon go into the house and sees a burnt dead b©dy)

Policeman 1: Is this the abductee?

Goon 1: (look at Kragger’s b©dy) No. He’s our ally, Kragger. He went back in to help the lady we kidnapped. Unfortunately, This happened…

Policeman 1: I’ll call the ambulance to take his b©dy to the morgue.

(On their way out, they see Morena lying unconscious near the backdoor of the house)

Policeman 1: Is she the one?

Goon 1: (unapologetic) Yes. That’s the lady we kidnapped.

Policeman: (he calls the ambulance)

(Minutes later, The ambulance arrives to take Morena to the hospital and Kragger to the mortuary)

(At the hospital)

Uncle Roberto: Morena, I’m really sorry this happened to you. Those bastards will pay for this.

Morena: I’m just glad I was able to get away from the bomb before it exploded. (looks at her b©dy) And thank God I did not get burnt by the fire.

Uncle Roberto: Yeah. I was on my way back when I heard what happened. I had to rush here.

Morena: Well I’m fine now. I was knocked unconscious by the explosion that’s all.

(Just then, Daniel and Nina enter her ward)

Daniel & Nina: (To Uncle Roberto) Good day sir

Uncle Roberto: Good day. Uhhh…Who are you people?

Morena: Uncle, He’s my b©yfri£nd, Daniel and she’s my best friend, Nina.

(He shakes hands with them)

Uncle Roberto: Okay, Nice to meet you both.

Daniel: Yeah, Same here sir.

Nina: My plea-sure sir. (To Morena) We heard what happened and we had to come and see you.

Morena: Thanks guys

Daniel: You’re welcome. Besudes, We’d do anything for you.

Morena: (blus-hes)

Nina: I have a feeling that those goons were s£nt by someone. I mean, They can’t just target and kidnap you randomly….Someone must’ve s£nt them.

Daniel: I thought I was the only one thinking the same thing….But who could the person be?

Nina: (thinks) Aha! It’s Cecilia. It has to be her!

Uncle Roberto: Who is Cecilia?

Daniel: She’s our former colleague in the restaurant we all worked together before. She and Morena were never on good terms.

Uncle Roberto: That explains it…

Nima: I wonder why she’ll go to the extent of killing you out of jealousy.

Daniel: Although we can’t be too sure, Let’s not point f!ngersyet. The police are conducting their investigations.

Nina: Well I’m glad you’re okay now.

Morena: It’s all thanks to one of the goons that saved me. He died just so I could live….May his soul rest in peace.

(At Cecilia’s house)

Cecilia: (angry) I can’t believe Maxwell allowed his wife to disgrace me, I’ll deal with him later. (she checks her phone) I wonder why these goons haven’t called me yet. Could it be that they haven’t done the job? (furiously) Ugh, These guys are fv¢king morons! They better make sure Morena doesn’t live to see the light of another day!

(Just then, Someone knocks on her door)

Cecilia: (enraged) Ugh, I wonder who that idiot is….

(She goes to open it and sees two policemen)

Cecilia: Good evening officers. How may I help you?

Policeman 1: Are you Miss Cecilia Dos Ramos?

Cecilia: Yes I am. What do you want?

Policeman 1: plea-se we would like you to follow us to the station for questioning concerning the abduction and attem-pted murder of Miss Morena Castillo.

Cecilia: (rudely) I don’t have any business with that. I wasn’t involved!

(She attempts to slam the door at them but they quic-kly wedge the door and enter the house)

Cecilia: (enraged) What the hell! This is infringement and outright invasion of my home!

Policeman: Madam, We can’t leave until you follow us to the station.

Cecilia: (boldly) There’s no way I’m following you to your damn station…. I’m not going anywhere!

Policeman: Since you’re not re-ady to co-operate. We are authorized to use f0rç£. (To the other policemen) Get her!

(The second policeman walks towards her)

Cecilia: Don’t you dare t©uçh me!

(The policeman ignore her and f0rç£fully bundles her then carries her out of the house)

Cecilia: (screams) Let me go! I’m innocent! I’m innocent! I’M INNOCENT!!!!!

(The policemen throws her into their van and drives off to the police station).

Episode 48


(Later on)
(Morena returns to the house)

Uncle Roberto: How’re you now?

Morena: I’m better now sir.

(Juan runs into the living room)

Juan: (he hvgs her) Morena!!!

Morena: Awwwnn….I’ve missed you so much

Juan: Me too. I’m sorry for what happened.

Morena: It’s alright. The perpetrators are alre-ady paying for their crimes.

Uncle Roberto: Morena, Why don’t you in and freshen up then you can come and eat dinner.

Morena: You made dinner?

Uncle Roberto: Yeah.

Morena: (suprised) Wow.

Uncle Roberto: Don’t sound so suprised. I’m a great cook

Morena: (smiles) I can tell.

(Few weeks later)
(Morena calls Diego)

Morena: Hi Diego

Diego: (over the phone) Hey Morena, I heard the good news, Congratulations!!!

Morena: Thank you.

Diego: Your restaurant is getting popular day by day. What’s the secret?

Morena: Just ha-rd work and perseverance.

Diego: That’s nice.

Morena: Diego, I really want to say thank you very much. You have really done a lot for me and all these wouldn’t have happened if not for you.

Diego: You’re welcome anytime. Besides, What are friends for?

Morena: I just bought a house here and I’d like you to come over.

Diego: Oh I will. Very soon.

Morena: Alright then, I’ll be expecting you. Say hi to Isabella for me.

Diego: Definitely.

Morena: Bye Diego.

Diego: (smiles) Byeee….

(Mr Castillo and Miguel arrives in Mexico City and Morena takes them to her new house)

Morena: Welcome to our humble abode.

Miguel: Wow. It’s beautiful.

Morena: It costs $630,000.

Miguel: Woah! That’s so much!

Morena: Yea. And we still have much more. Business is booming.

Mr Castillo: Morena, You’ve really made me proud. Well done my child.

(Mr Castillo hvgs Morena)

Morena: Thanks Dad. (To Miguel) And when you graduate from middle school, You’ll continue schooling in Mexico City High.

Miguel: Hmm, About that…(excitedly) I’ve graduated from middle school!!!

Morena: Wow! Congratulations Miguel…When?

Miguel: Last week.

Morena: Wow. But why didn’t you tell me?

Miguel: I wanted to make it a suprise.

Morena: Awwnn, I’m so happy for you.

Miguel: And not just that, I graduated with all A’s and B’s.

Mr Castillo: Yeah. And he had the best result in his clas-s.

Morena: This is a thri-ll. You know what? This calls for a celebr@tion.

Miguel: (excitedly) I’m totally on board.

(Just then, Her phone beeps)

Mr Castillo: Who’s that?

Morena: Oooohh, I forgot. I have a d@t£ with Daniel.

Mr Castillo: Wow. Your b©yfri£nd? I’d like to meet him.

Morena: You will. But I’m afraid the celebr@tion will have to hold on until later.

Miguel: Okay.

Morena: Don’t worry, When I get back, We’ll have a grand celebr@tion.

Mr Castillo: That’s alright my dear.

(Daniel arrives at the house)

Daniel: Good evening sir.

Mr Castillo: Good evening my son. How’re you?

Daniel: I’m good sir.

Morena: Dad, Meet Daniel, my b©yfri£ndand Daniel, Meet my Dad.

Mr Castillo: So you’re the gentleman that’s after my daughter’s heart?

Daniel: (smiles) Yes sir.

Mr Castillo: Well, You have my cons£nt.

Daniel: Thank you sir.

Morena: We nee-d to get going now Daniel.

Daniel: (To Mr Castillo) We’ll be leaving now sir.

Mr Castillo: Alright.

Morena: Later Dad. (She waves at him)

Mr Castillo: Bye! (To Daniel) Take care of my daughter.

Daniel: I will.

(Daniel opens the car door for Morena and she enters, He then enters the car too and drives off)

(In the car)

Daniel: I’m really happy Cecilia has been detained for all her crimes. She was the culprit after all.

Morena: I’m not suprised.

Daniel: I still can’t believe she went to the extent of killing you out of jealousy.

Morena: Neither can I. She blames me for everything that’s happening to her.

Daniel: She’s literally the cause of all her problems. Well atleast she’s not a threat to you any longer.

Morena: Yeah, I guess I’m just lucky. Anyways, Let’s not go into that.

Daniel: Yeah. As a CEO you have more important things to worry about, Am I right?

Morena: (chuckles) Yeah. Anyways, What’s on my mind now is to go back to school so I can finish my education.

Daniel: That’s good.

Morena: Yup.

Daniel: (admires her) Have I mentioned you look amazing tonight?

Morena: (blus-hes) You just did.

Daniel: So girl can ever be compared to you.

Morena: Thanks. You’re really flattery.

Daniel: (sm-irks) It’s the truth.

Morena: Hmm…So we’re going to the movies?

Daniel: Yeah. And guess what we’re gonna watch?

Morena: You know I’m not good at guessing. Tell me.

Daniel: The Dark Feys. p@rt two.

Morena: (excitedly) Oh my God, This is amazing. I’m so elated they produced the sequel on time. I can’t wait to watch it! To the movies!

(Daniel increases his speed and drives fas-ter to the movies)

(At the movies)

Security Guard: Tickets plea-se.

(Morena & Daniel shows him their tickets)

Security Guard: Go in.

(Later that night)

Morena: The movie was so thri-lling. Thanks once again for ma-king my night.

Daniel: I’d do anything to make you happy, Morena…

(He leans in and k!ssher pas-sionately)

Daniel: (breaks the k!ss) I wanna show you something…

Morena: Okay. What is it?

Daniel: Come with me….

(Daniel takes Morena to the t©p of a tall building)

Morena: Wow. The view from up here is amazing.

(Daniel goes down on his knees)

Daniel: Morena….You’re one of the best things that made me truly happy ever since the day I first saw you at the restaurant, You made me realize what love truly is. You’re kind, beautiful, talented, smart…And I can’t imagine growing old with anyone else because I want us to spend the rest of our lives together… Morena, Will you marry me?

Morena: (squeals happily) Yes!!! I’ll marry you!!!!

(Daniel wears the ring on Morena’s f!nger and she hvgs him)

Daniel: I love you, Morena.

Morena: I love you too, Daniel.

(Daniel and Morena k!sspas-sionately)


?? THE END ??