Morena episode 31 & 32

Episode 31

(In the living room)

Uncle Roberto: (calmly) What happened?

Aunt Maria: (crying) Honey… I told Morena to wash one, Just ONE of your shi-ts and I told her to iron it when she was done. I told her this because I wanted you to wear that shi-t to work. Later, I went to meet her in the ironing room and I told her to hurry up and then she burnt your shi-t and attacked me… (cries ha-rder) I don’t know what I did wrong, I was just trying to be a good wife.

Uncle Roberto: Morena, Is this true?

Morena: (crying) No sir, Before I wanted to iron your shi-t, She gave me another iron which was presumedly faulty and by accident, I burnt your cloth. When i tried to explain to her, She started beating me and…..

Aunt Maria: (furiously) Shut up! You lying s¢v-m!

Uncle Roberto: Maria calm down.

(Aunt Maria becomes silent)

Uncle Roberto: You shouldn’t have taken the matter into your own hands, Besides it was my cloth she burnt and not yours. And Morena, What you did was terribly wrong. I’m really disappointed in you, You should have reported to me instead of attacking your aunt!

Morena: (crying) I’m really sorry Uncle…

Uncle Roberto: it’s alright. Just go to your room.

(Morena goes into her room)

Aunt Maria: Darling, You told her to go into her room?

Uncle Roberto: Don’t worry. I’ll deal with her tomorrow.

Aunt Maria: (angrily) You’ll deal with her? That girl fought me and you’re saying “You’ll deal with her”?!

Uncle Roberto: What else do you expect me to do? Should I kill her?

(Uncle Roberto goes into his room and Aunt Maria watches him in bewilderment)

(Next Morning)
(Morena attempts get up from her be-d but is unable to)

Morena: (gro-an s in pain) Uhhh…

(She shifts a little bit)

Morena: (scream) AHHHHHH!!!!!

(Uncle Roberto, Juan and Juanita rushes into her room)

Uncle Roberto: What’s wrong? Why’d you scream?

(Just then, Aunt Maria enters the room and looks at her malignantly)

Morena: (breathes heavily) I can’t move…

Uncle Roberto: (confused) What? Why?

Morena: (crying) My back…

(Uncle Roberto checks her back and sees cold so-res and blisters)

Uncle Roberto: (shocked) Jesus Christ….

(Juan covers his eyes at the sight of this)

Uncle Roberto: Maria, Call the ambulance, NOW!!!!

(Few minutes later, The ambulance arrives and takes Morena to the hospital)

(At the hospital)
(In the waiting room)

Uncle Roberto: (panicks) Doctor, How is she?

Dr Hector: She’s suffering from severe burns, She’s going to have to stay here a little while.

Uncle Roberto: Oh God…

Dr Hector: Don’t worry sir, She’ll be alright. Excuse me.

(He leaves the waiting room)

Uncle Roberto: Maria, What have you done?!

Aunt Maria: (fake sobs) I didn’t do anything, The iron must have her hurt her while she was attacking me. I swear, I didn’t do anything.

Uncle Roberto: (sighs) What will I tell Castillo? There’s no way I can tell him about this…I just pray she gets better in time.

(In Balacar)

Miguel: I really happy Morena s£nt us $3,000. That means she’s doing well in Mexico City.

Mr Castillo: Yeah. I’m also elated that my brother and his wife welcomed her with opened arms.

Miguel: I can’t wait to go over to Mexico City.

Mr Castillo: Yes son, That’s why you’ll nee-d to work and study ha-rd . un-derstood?

Miguel: Yes Dad.

(At the hospital)
(Uncle Roberto enters Morena’s ward)

Uncle Roberto: I’m really sorry this happened to you. (He drops a cooler on the table beside her be-d) I brou-ght this for you.

Morena: (weakly) Thanks

Uncle Roberto: I know what’s on your mind is to get your aunt arrested. I’m really sorry, I want to apologize on her behalf

Morena: Where is she?

Uncle Roberto: She had to take Juan and Juanita to school.

Morena: Uncle, Yesterday wasn’t the first time Aunt Maria has been maltreating me. She’s been maltreating me ever since the day you traveled to Chiles.

Uncle Roberto: Why didn’t you tell me?

Morena: I didn’t want to cause a rift between you and your wife or between you and my dad. I just had to endure it.

Uncle Roberto: I’m terribly sorry for everything she’s done to you and I’ll make sure she pays dearly for it.

(Chuks Restaurant)

Nina: (crying) I can’t believe this happened to Morena, Why her? I always knew her aunt was wicked, I didn’t know she was this devilish.

Daniel: (angrily) We have to inform the police and get that woman arrested.

Pascaline: Police? We’re not even sure if it was her aunt that actually burnt her with the iron?

Nina: (angrily) Pascaline, Sometimes I hate the way you talk and reason. How else would it have happened? Would Morena have carried an iron and pressed it into her back?

Pascaline: Sorry….

(Nina angrily hisses at her)

Pascaline: (softly) But I said I’m sorry…

Andrew: it’s okay, So when are we all going to visit her.

Daniel: I’m going right now. I don’t know about the rest of you.

(Daniel leaves the kitchen)

Cecilia: (scornfully) Why are you all worrying yourselves about Morena as if she’s dead? If she’s dies, How then will you guys react?

Nina: (angrily) I know this has been your wish ever since Morena entered this restaurant.

Cecilia: (laughs) You’re not wrong. Besides, What happened to her is very small compared to what I had in mind. My wish is for her to get knocked down by a vehicle and confirmed DEAD in the hospital….She’s lucky she’s still alive.

(Everyone g@sps in shock on hearing this)

Pascaline: Cecilia, How can you say that? I know you hate Morena but has it really gotten to the point of wishing her dead?

(Cecilia laughs manically as she leaves the kitchen)

Andrew: That girl is a demon.

Pascaline: (sighs in disbelief) Enemies everywhere…

Nina: I’m going visit Morena too, Are you guys coming?

Andrew: Of course. Morena’s my friend too. (To Pascaline) How about you?

Pascaline: I would’ve loved to come but you know I can’t leave the restaurant.

Nina: Yea, We un-derstand.

Pascaline: Wait, If you guys are all leaving, Who’s going to take the client’s orders?

Andrew: Well, Cecilia is still around.

Pascaline: But it’ll be only her. Rafael went out for deliveries and today is Alicia’s day off.

Nina: Don’t worry, We won’t stay long.

(Nina and Andrew leave the kitchen)

(At the hospital)

Nurse: Miss Morena, There’s a man here to see you. He said his name is Daniel.

Morena: Let him in.

(Few seconds later, Daniel enters her ward)

Daniel: Morena…

(He rushes to her hospital be-d to hvg her)

Daniel: I heard what happened to you, I was really devastated.

Morena: (smiles) Atleast I’m getting better now….

Daniel: Your aunt is going to pay for what she did. She’s so horrid, How could she press a scorching h0t iron on you? (angrily) If I set my eyes on her, I’ll kill her!

Morena: It’s Ok. Don’t take laws into your hands.

Daniel: So what do you plan to do?

Morena: Well, My uncle said she’s coming to see me later. Let’s just hear what she has to say…

(At Chuks restaurant)
(In the meeting room)

Cecilia: (thinks) I’m so happy Morena has been admitted into the hospital and she won’t be back for a long time. (laughs in excitement) I’m now back to being at the t©p and the best cook here and I’ll do whatever it takes to secure my position!

Episode 32

(Next Day)
(Daniel, Nina and Andrew visits Morena at the hospital)

Nina: (sadly) Ohhh my baby…

(Nina hvgs Morena)

Nina: How’re you feeling this morning?

Morena: A little bit better.

Daniel: I brou-ght you gifts.

(Daniel keeps the large bouquet of flowers and gifts on the table)

Morena: Thank you Daniel.

(Just then, Pascaline calls Daniel)

Daniel: Hello.

Pascaline: (over the phone) Where are you guys?

Daniel: We’re at the hospital. We went to visit Morena.

Pascaline: Well you have numerous clients to deliver food to today. And tell Nina and Andrew that they have clients waiting.

Daniel: I’ll do that.

Pascaline: My regards to Morena. I hope she gets well soon.

Daniel: Alright.

(Pascaline hangs up)

Daniel: (sighs) Duty calls…

Nina: We’re really sorry we have to leave, Morena.

Morena: (smiles) I un-derstand.

Andrew: Don’t worry, We’ll come back soon. Okay?

Morena: Okay.

(Nina and Andrew leave her ward)

Morena: Aren’t you going?

Daniel: (smiles) Not yet. I want us to spend some time together.

(Just then, The nurse enters the ward)

Nurse: Miss Morena, There’s a lady who wants to see you. She said she’s your aunt.

Morena: Ok. Let her in.

(Few seconds later, Aunt Maria enters the ward)

Daniel: (furiously) You!

Morena: Calm down Daniel, Let’s hear what she has to say…

Aunt Maria: (sobs) Morena, I’m really sorry for what I did to you and I’m also sorry for all the bad treatments I’ve melted out to you. plea-se forgive me, It was the work of the devil.

Daniel: Ohh so now its the work of the devil?

Aunt Maria: (sobs ha-rder) I’m so sorry…

Morena: (sighs) It’s alright aunt. I forgive you.

Aunt Maria: You forgive me? (cleans her tears) Thank you.

Daniel: plea-se can you excuse us?

Aunt Maria: No problem, I’ll excuse you.

(Outside Morena’s ward)

Aunt Maria: Stupid idiot! You’re lucky I didn’t press the h0t iron on your face….


Daniel: You forgave her? Just like that?

Morena: Daniel, To err is human and to forgive is divine. Besides, Her reward is coming soon…

Daniel: Hmmm…

Morena: You should go now. You have deliveries and I don’t want you to get fired because of me.

Daniel: Alright then…Get well soon.

(Daniel pe-cks her on the cheek before he leaves her ward)

(Later that day)
(At Chuks Restaurant)

Alicia: Where you guys been?

Daniel: We went to visit Morena at the hospital.

Alicia: Oh $h!t. What happened to her?

Nina: Her aunt pressed h0t iron on her back. She had to get admitted.

Alicia: Man, That’s nas-ty. Even for me….I wish her a quic-k recovery.

Nina: We all do.

(Crenshaw elementary school)

Juan: I feel really bad for Morena. The sight of her back that day isn’t something I’d even wish for my worst enemy to experience.

Juanita: Its called “An eye for an eye”. She got what she deserved, She messed with mom and got burnt….Literally.

Juan: I can’t believe you’re saying this.

Juanita: No, I can’t believe you’re saying this! Even after what she did to mom, you’re still defending her.

Juan: It was just a misun-derstanding, That’s all

Juanita: (sighs) I just hope you still remember who your real mother is….

(Juanita takes out a bubble gum and puts it in her mouth and Mrs Carlotta sees this)

Mrs Carlotta: Juanita!

(Juanita looks at Mrs Carlotta)

Mrs Carlotta: Take that bubble gum out of your mouth now!

Juanita: Okay ma.

Mrs Carlotta: Good. And throw it in the trashcan.

(Juanita does as instructed)

Juanita: (quietly, to Juan) It’s like this tattletale of a teacher is bent on ruining my life. She always s-en-ses my happiness and ruins it!

(Later that day)
(At Chuks restaurant)

Andrew: Alicia, Are you busy?

Alicia: Kinda bro, Any problem?

Andrew: plea-se I nee-d you to as-sist me in packing these dirty plates.

Alicia: I’m really sorry bro but I gotta cook for my client.

Andrew: It’s alright…

Alicia: Or don’t worry, I’mma help you. Let me just hurry up with this.

Andrew: (smiles) Okay thanks.

(Just then, Cecilia enters the kitchen)

Cecilia: Andrew, There’s a client outside, Why haven’t you attended to him?

Andrew: What do you mean?

Cecilia: (angrily) What do you mean “What do I mean”? I said there’s a client outside, Why haven’t you attended to him?!!!

(Alicia angrily turns to look at Cecilia)

Andrew: As you can see, I’m very busy packing the dirty dishes.

Cecilia: You know what? Wait here, I’ll be back.

(Cecilia goes to meet the client)

Cecilia: Good day sir. May I take your order?

Man: I’d like a bowl of broth and chicken.

Cecilia: (takes it down) Okay. Your order will be with you in 15 minutes.

(Cecilia returns to the kitchen)

Cecilia: Andrew, The client said he’ll be having a bowl of broth and chicken.

Andrew: Cecilia, I’m sure you’re not blind. You can see what I’m doing. Besides, The man didn’t request my services so why should I make his food?

Cecilia: Shut up! (scoffs) Where on earth did they get this boy from? Have you forgotten why you were employed? To make money for the restaurant! If you know what’s good for you, You better start preparing the food, ASAP!

(Cecilia saunters out of the kitchen and Alicia hisses loudly at her)

Alicia: (To Andrew) Yo! Why’s that stupid bit-ch orderin’ you about?

Andrew: (shrugs his shoulder) I have no idea…

(At the service station)

Nina: I miss Morena badly.

Pascaline: (sighs) Me too.

Nina: And I can’t leave work to go and visit her, I don’t want to get into trouble with Mr Rodriguez

Pascaline: Don’t worry. We’ll go to the hospital later, After work.

(Cecilia enters the service station)

Cecilia: Why are you guys still bothering about Morena?

(Nina ignores her)

Pascaline: You wouldn’t un-derstand. Morena is our friend so we care about her well being. If Morena’s not happy, We’re not happy.

Cecilia: Well, I’m pretty sure everyone else is going just fine. Clients are trooping in, The restaurant’s business is still booming, Alicia is improving in her cooking…So what else?

(Nina looks at her with scorn)

Cecilia: Life goes on without Morena!

(Cecilia drops money on the counter)

Cecilia: Pascaline, We’re out of beef j£rky. Run to the supermarket and get some, FAST!

(She leaves the service station)

Nina: (laughs) Wonders shall never end. Who kept her in charge? And why is she bossing everyone about?

Pascaline: I don’t know.

Nina: Don’t tell me you’re actually going to do what she said.

Pascaline: Am I stupid? Her money will be waiting for her to come back.

Nina: Better!