Morena episode 1 & 2

Episode 1
(In Balacar)
(At Morena’s house)
Morena: Dinner’s re-ady!!!
Miguel: (sighs) Finally.
Morena: Help me set the tables, Miguel.
Miguel: Okay.
(Morena’s brother, Miguel arranges the table for dinner then Morena serves the food)
Miguel: Wow! Chilli, My favorite!
Mr Castillo: (takes a scoop) Mmm…Really tasty. Morena, You’re a really great cook.
Morena: Yeah, Mom taught me well….Before she died (she t©uçhes n£¢k, As she wears her mother’s n£¢klace on her n£¢k) I really miss mom. (she breaks into tears)
Miguel: (sadly) Me too.
Mr Castillo: It’s okay, Crying wouldn’t bring her back.
Morena: I wish she were still alive.
Mr Castillo: I wish so too, But there’s nothing we can do, We just have to move on.
Miguel: Promise us you wouldn’t leave us like she did.
Mr Castillo: I promise.
Morena & Miguel: I love you, Dad.
Mr Castillo: I love you too honey.
(Morena finishes eating)
Morena: Thank you Dad.
Mr Castillo: You’re welcome honey (To Miguel) You should finish up quic-kly so you can go to be-d early for school tomorrow.
Miguel: Okay Dad.
(Next Day)
Morena: Good morning Dad.
Mr Castillo: Morning sweetheart, How was your night?
Morena: It was okay. I nee-d to go wake Miguel up so he won’t be late for school.
(At Balacar Middle School)
Akeela: Hi Miguel.
Miguel: Hey Akeela, You look even more beautiful today.
Akeela: (blus-hes) Oh st©p….
Miguel: Well alright.
Akeela: No, I was just joking and….Never mind.
Miguel: Well, We should get to clas-s.
Akeela: Okay.
(In clas-s)
Mrs Ninel: Good morning clas-s, Today we be talking about “The Cell”, As you all can remember, I gave an as-signment last Friday on Cells and I expect you all to have studied the t©pic over the weekends, So… (Points to Caruso) What is a cell?
(Caruso stands up)
Caruso: Ummm….Ma, I couldn’t re-ad the t©pic over the weekends because I was so busy with….
Mrs Ninel: Ugh, You always have excuses to give. Miguel, Could you plea-se help him out?
Miguel: Okay ma.
(Caruso eyes Miguel scornfully as he stands up)
Miguel: Cell is a basic or fundamental, structural and functional unit of life, It is the smallest unit that displa-ys the characteristics of living things, that is, Reproduction, Metabolism, Response to stimuli and so on.
Mrs Ninel: Very good Miguel. That was brilliant, Take your seat. (To Caruso) Maybe you should learn from Miguel and try to make time to study more.
Caruso: Yes Mrs Ninel.
Mrs Ninel: (To Miguel) I want to see you in my office after clas-s.
Miguel: Okay Mrs Ninel.
Mrs Ninel: So clas-s, Today we’ll be talking about “The Cell”……
(After clas-s)
(Miguel goes to his locker, Caruso approaches him)
Caruso: Hey Guttersnipe.
Miguel: (sighs) What do you want this time?
Caruso: Do you realize how stupid you made me feel in clas-s today?
Miguel: Its was not my fault. Besides you should’ve studied.
Caruso: You think you’re so smart? I’ll get back at you, I promise! Punk!
(Miguel goes to Mrs Ninel’s office)
Miguel: You wanted to see me?
Mrs Ninel: I did. Have a seat.
(Miguel sits down)
Mrs Ninel: As you know, Balacar Middle School is offering scholarsh!pexams to students and If they pas-s it, They’ll be lucky to get a scholarsh!p….I want you to apply for It.
Miguel: I don’t know Mrs Ninel….
Mrs Ninel: Miguel, This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I don’t want you to miss it. You’re a very intelligent boy and I know you’ll definitely ace the exam.
(Morena’s Dad, Mr Castillo, rushes to his place of work)
Security guard 1: Woah, Castillo, What happened this time? Why’re you late for work?
Mr Castillo: It’s a really long story.
Security guard 1: I hope you’ll have time to explain to Boss.
Mr Castillo: Where is he?
Security guard 1: In his office. He said he wants to see you once you arrive at work.
Mr Castillo: Okay.
(Morena’s Dad goes to see the Boss)
Mr Castillo: Good morning Boss.
Boss: What’s good about this morning? You’re late for work!
Mr Castillo: I’m really sorry Boss. But I don’t have a vehicle. I have to take a cab to come to work everyday and the route we follow is always filled with traffic.
Boss: You always have excuses to give.
Mr Castillo: I’m sorry…
Boss: You’re sorry? Have you forgotten why you were employed? To protect me! How many hours late are you for work?
Mr Castillo: (Nervously) 2 hours.
Boss: 2 hours and 11 minutes to be precise in which time a criminal could’ve snuck into my office, done away with me and been on his merry way!
Mr Castillo: Forgive me Boss.
Boss: I’ve been far too lenient with you…. But not today. You are Fired! Leave my office immediately!
Mr Castillo: But Sir, I….
(Morena’s Dad sadly leaves the office)
Episode 2
(That evening)
Morena: Miguel, You’re back early. How was school today?
Miguel: It was alright.
Morena: That’s good.
Miguel: I feel bad….
Morena: For what?
Miguel: Well, Because of me, You had to drop out of school so I could get an education.
Morena: Awwnn Miguel, It’s not your fault. God will surely make a way. Now go and shower and after that, Go get something to eat.
(Mr Castillo returns home)
Morena: Welcome home Dad.
Mr Castillo: (sadly) Thank you…
Miguel: What’s the matter Dad? You look unhappy?
Mr Castillo: I got fired today.
Morena: (shocked) What?
Mr Castillo: My boss fired me because I was late for work.
Morena: I’m sorry Dad
Mr Castillo: Its alright my dear. Where there is life, There is hope.
Miguel: Speaking of hope, My teacher, Mrs Ninel told me about a scholarsh!pexam.
Mr Castillo: What scholarsh!pexam?
Miguel: My school is giving out scholarsh!pexams to students and Mrs Ninel wants me to apply for it. If I pas-s it, I’ll get a scholarsh!p.
Mr Castillo: This is good news. I want you to apply for it, And I know that definitely, You’ll pas-s it.
(Morena goes to visit her friend, Diego)
Morena: Hey Diego.
Diego: Hey Morena, What’s the matter? You look glum.
Morena: My Dad just lost his job.
Diego: Ohhh, That’s bad.
Morena: I just pray he gets a new one quic-kly… Ever since I dropped out of school, It hasn’t been easy for me. I wish I could get a job to as-sist my dad but to get a job is very ha-rd here in Balacar.
Diego: Everything will be fine one day.
Morena: I hope. That reminds me, Can my younger brother come here to study? We have no money to pay the electricity bill.
Diego: That’s not a problem. He can come here anytime.
Morena: Thank you.
Diego: Anytime…
Morena: So how’re things going with you and your rich girlfriend?
Diego: It’s alright.
(Just then, Someone knocks on the door)
Diego: I’ll go open it.
(Diego goes to open the door and it’s his girlfriend – Isabella)
Isabella: Hey Baby! (pe-cks his cheeks) How’ve you been?
Diego: I’m good. Come in.
Isabella: Oh definitely. (She enters the house and sees Morena) Hey Guttersnipe! What’re you doing in my b©yfri£nd’s house?
Morena: Just so you know, He’s also my best friend.
Isabella: Hmmm, Right. Because no other person would want to as-sociate themselves with you, You’re basically as poor as the word “poor”.
Diego: Isabella st©p it!
Isabella: Whatever. (Takes out a bag) I bought something for you, Pizza and ice cream. (looks at Morena scornfully) Because I can afford it.
Diego: Ooohh thanks.
Morena: Uhhh, I’ll be taking my leave now. (To Diego)
Diego: So soon? But you just c@m£.
Morena: I just remembered I have work to do at home. See you later.
(She leaves them)
Isabella: What did she want?
Diego: She just c@m£ to see me.
Isabella: Well I don’t appreciate that girl being around you. Her poorness might be contagious.
Diego: (warningly) Isabella…
Isabella: Sorry….Anyways, Let’s eat!
(Next Day)
Miguel: Good morning Mrs Ninel. I c@m£ to tell you that my father has agreed for me to apply for the scholarsh!pexam.
Mrs Ninel: That’s good. The exam will commence in a week time. I hope you’ll be prepared.
Miguel: Definitely Mrs Ninel. I’ll start studying.
Mrs Ninel: And one more thing, The form costs $100, And you’ll have to get it by tomorrow.
Miguel: Okay Mrs Ninel.
(That night)
Morena: Miguel, Go call Dad, Tell him dinner’s re-ady.
Miguel: Okay.
(Seconds later)
Mr Castillo: What’re we having for dinner?
Morena: Spaghetti and sausages.
Mr Castillo: Oooh, Yummy.
Miguel: Dad, I nee-d to talk to you about something.
Mr Castillo: Well you can tell me anything.
Miguel: It’s about the scholarsh!p. The form costs $100 and tomorrow’s the deadline to get it.
Mr Castillo: (sighs) Alright (takes out his wallet) Here’s the money. This is last money I have, Keep it very well.
Miguel: I will (hvgs him) Thank you so much Dad!
(Just then, They hear creaking noises)
Miguel: What was that?
Morena: I don’t know….
Mr Castillo: Morena, Did you close the front door?
Morena: I told Miguel to close it.
Miguel: What? I thought you closed it!
Morena: No I didn’t!!!
(Just then, Armed robbers invade their house)
Armed Robber 1: Everyb©dy get down!!!
(Mr Castillo, Morena and Miguel l@yon the floor as the robbers point their gun at them)
Morena: (screams) plea-se don’t hurt us!
Armed Robber 1: I won’t, Just as long as everyone cooperates. (To Mr Castillo) Bring out all the money in this house!
Mr Castillo: plea-se we don’t have any money.
Armed Robber 1: You’re lying. (To the other robbers) Go search around the house!
Robbers: Yes Boss.
(Few minutes later)
Robber: Boss, There’s nothing in there.
Armed Robber 1: Ugh, You’re just as poor as a church rat. I guess we have no other choice (To the other robbers) b!ow the old man’s head off!
(The other robber c0cks his gun at Mr Castillo)
Miguel: NO WAIT!!!
(The robbers look at Miguel)
Miguel: I have $100 with me, It’s the last money we have.
(The robbers snatch the money from him)
Armed Robber 1: (To Mr Castillo) You got lucky, Old man.
(The robbers leave the house)