Married to Victor Stephen episode 25




“This is my question ma.” The tall, slender, and fair girl gr@bbĀ£d the mic, looking directly at me. “I’m from a broken home,” she said bitterly. “I guess if had been in her shoes, I would have done the same thing, because both my sisters and I saw how everything was going, that it got to a point, she could no longer go on.” It was obvious she wasn’t happy discussing it, but she stood with confidence, and talked to me with boldness as if she wasn’t going throu-gh anything at all.

Whereas, she put on a cover for not to be seen as an object of pity. She acted strong, and I must say… Being strong is beautiful! At that very moment, she served as a motivation to me, and everyone presĀ£nt in the hall. She made us realize, staying strong in every situation is the only option to see us throu-gh.

“What is your advice to young girls in my shoes who might one way or the other face a situation as tough as this, but wouldn’t want a broken home.” She dropped the mic, and walked to her seat gracefully, before sitting, and crossing her legs. Trying to search for the suitable words to use. Within me, I alre-ady knew her fear. Fear of her marriage in future not working out. Fear of ending up just like her parents. Fear of having been in the same shoes with her parents in future. If she doesn’t stĀ©p thinking all these, her fears might catch up with her.

I held the mic given to me close to my mouth. It was a great privilege standing in front of the best, great, and one of the outstanding schools have ever known. I felt excited, and grateful being a product of this great school. A smile crossed myl-ips remembering I was once like them. What a beautiful experience!
“plea-se, what’s your name miss?” My voice echoed throu-gh the speakers, and in two seconds, more than thousand of students in the hall shouted.

“Head girl!”

I didn’t know when my smile got bigger with the way the students all screamed for her. She got up still. “I’m Dol@po Damijo,” she smiled. I returned her warmly smile. She does look like their head girl. Bold. Beautiful. And definitely… Brilliant. It was time to answer her question, so I decided to face her side. “I think you should know one thing DD.” I shortened her names together.

“If you’re going about with the mindset that your marriage might not work, your fear might catch up with you, because no matter what your spouse is doing, it will be so ha-rd for you to ignore his flaws, and the only thing you might do is compare him with your father. Note,” I paused.

“it starts from marrying a man you can’t tolerate hoping he would change once he’s married, or becomes a father. It starts from going on with a toxic relationsh!pbecause of the benefits you’re enjoying. For example, staying with a guy because he’s rich, but doesn’t know how to control his anger, deceiving yourself that you can handle him, and you’re used to him. Remember, Marriage is a life time. Don’t go about marrying a guy all because you love him, ignoring his bad attitudes you sure you can’t cope with for long.”

The students cl@pped as I moved close to the question box and di-pped my hand inside. They are questions from students who aren’t bold enough to come out. Boldness is not for everyone. Take it or leave it! I re-ad the question out.

“Hello ma, I just have an issue on dealing with pressure from my parents. I’m one of the prefects of this school, but when I told my parents about the position given to me, they were like… Why can’t you be the head girl? When you’re told to re-ad ha-rder,
you won’t! You think you’re brilliant, but you’re still
a dullard. I was deprived of many things because I didn’t meet up with their expectations. Ma, I am one of the best students of this school, but my parents made me feel like I’m never enough.” I stĀ©pped, and turned the little paper around.

“It affected my last results because I re-ad too much, only to forget everything I re-ad in the exam hall because my mind wasn’t settled. I am coping, but my younger brother is going throu-gh the same thing. Last year Christmas, he put on his old clothes because he didn’t do well the way they wanted while my elder sister and I got new things. This made him unhappy, and since then, he had gone down so badly in his education, and he isn’t even putting more efforts like before. Ma, plea-se what advice do you have for me.”

“Hmm…” A heavy sigh escaped my mouth. I thought my Dad was ha-rd on me. I thought he was putting pressure on me, but this was way worse than mine. Comparing those two situations, Dad never deprived me of things. He would only go extra mile to make me happy when I did very well in my studies. My Dad helped me with lessons. He hired teachers to help me improve, appreciated me when I did well with gifts. Just like when I got my Tab phone. That made me decide to do better. But for this student, her Mom, and Dad made it an obligatory, and compulsory course for her to pas-s without them helping their children to improve.
I face the crowd this time around. “I wish parents are here today to hear what I have to say, because most of it would go to them. Putting so much pressure on our children wouldn’t make them do what we want, but affect them emotionally, and gradually bring them down,” I said loudly.
“The only way I could remember was how my Dad helped me. I thought he was being bad, and callous to me, but he helped me by putting me throu-gh. The subjects I wasn’t doing very well, he hired capable teachers to teach me, and that made me perform very well. He appreciated my efforts with gifts, and that made me even do better every term, because once I did well, whatever I requested of him, he granted me.” The students cheered, and cl@pped.

“My advice to our parents is that… The only way to help our children perform well is not by depriving them of what they nee-d, but by looking for a beneficial way to help them improve academically. Not; if you don’t come out as first, no Christmas clothes for you. And for such children, don’t let their attitude get to you. Every student wish to do well at the end of the term, so put in your best, and leave the rest to God,” I concluded, getting a very thun-derous cl@p from the students, and immediately they bec@mĀ£ silent to hear the next question.
“Shouldn’t parents allow their children choose their own career?” The question was short, and simple. “They should,” I began. “The reason is a child on his or her own would discover his hidden talents by himself. And once he or she knows what he wants, no one will tell him to focus before he put his whole life on it, and learn with full concentration. He or she will do all he can to see it end in success.”

“Yes!!!” They chorused.

I chuckled lightly. “Ap@rt from my Dad wanted me to be a doctor, it was the same profession I had in mind, so we didn’t have any trouble working together.” The students laughed.
“But what happens when parents disagree with their children?” The hall bec@mĀ£ quiet again. The students were all eager to hear me, including the teachers presĀ£nt in the hall. “One… Parents would end up losing their resources. If the child is so pas-sionate about that career, he or she would eventually go back to it at the end. Two…. Such parents are wasting the time of such children. What they could have started earlier with their full support would result starting late in future. So, I implore, and plead parents to support their children in any career they’ve chosĀ£n.”
More questions were asked, and I felt like the students didn’t want to let me go. But as I was answering each question, my mind was on both Michelle, and Michael, silently praying they don’t wake up on time till I join them back in the car. I told one if the teachers the condition on ground about my little babies, and immediately he announced questions to be stĀ©pped. And to end such a beautiful session, I unwra-pped the last paper.

“What can I do to achieve excellence in my study?”

“Simply pray as if you don’t study,” I said. “I know you know re-ading is the important aspect, but prayer is the key to all things. And that will be the last question for today,” I announced, and they chorused…. “Awwnnnn,” before the laughed, and stood up cl@pping.

As I got back to seat, and picked up my phone, I saw seven mussed calks from Love, with a message which says… They are awake, but only Michelle is
disturbing. Get prepared to round up. I looked up from my phone, and saw the head girl holding the mic. “I wish there is another way for us to express our gratitude ma. I am astounded by the brilliant advice you gave everyone. You’re truly intelligent, and I hope you will grace our school with your presĀ£nce again,” she smiled at me, and bowed.

Stepping forward was a dark, average, and plumpy boy who I could tell was the head boy because he sat beside DD during the whole session. He bounced to where the mic was. “God bless you ma. I’ve been greatly blessed by your words today, and I’m sure I am not the only one with this testimony.” Everyone laughed, and murmured their testimonies within a short period before they kept quiet again. “Thank you ma,” the head boy said.

After both sĀ£nior prefects went back to their seats, I was awarded, and immediately took my leave, only to be stĀ©pped by three beautiful stalkers who hid outside the hall waiting for me to come out. They smiled happily at ma-king bringing back the memories I had with Kunmi, Victoria, Temi, and Debbie.

“Hello ma, I monacy,” the fair one said.

“And I’m Ameenat,” the dark one said, her smile refreshing and more beautiful.

“I’m Zhaotaffy by name,” the last one said. “I personally want to say I love you so much ma. You’re so beautiful, and you speak so well.” I couldn’t help but chuckle looking at the rest who were just smiling like they’ve taken a smiling drug. “This is for you ma,” the fair one stretched the wra-pped gift to me.
I threw them my beautiful smile, and collected the gift, as I hvgged them each. The three jumped at my side requesting for one selfie, but went away with more than three ten selfies. Immediately they were done, I hurriedly enter the car we brou-ght before others will come for more selfies. As Mr. Phil-ips tarted the car, I remembered the was someone I nee-ded to visit.

“To FALAD hospital,” I instructed.


Counting my steps to the two nurses at the reception, her face kept appearing, but I felt like I was imaging it myself. As I moved closer to the nurses, A strong smell pas-sed throu-gh my nose. The same smell I was used to. The same surroundings I visit all the time. I was used to its custom, and everyday visitors. It accommod@tĀ£s, and doesn’t care what the case may be. Each day, people rushed in not because it’s friendly, but because they have no choice.

It was created for their existence. To save lives, and see to their wellbeing. As I reached the two nurses telling them who I c@mĀ£ for, they granted me a pas-s, and just as I headed to her ward, I felt like her face appeared again. I stĀ©pped, and wondered if I was meant to visit. I couldn’t just turn back even if had made a mistake by coming there. I pressed on, and the moment I walked into the ward, I felt heavy eyes on me.

I got to her, and stood beside her be-d, where she la-id down with her back on the be-d. Eyes closed, her hands beside her, hair covered in a red turban, with little strands of her hair on the pillow. She looked lean, pale, and weak. Her skin was fading, losing its colour. The glow was gone, left with a pale complexion. I wondered how she managed to stay strong!
I took my seat beside her on the vacant chair near her be-d. Close to me on the table was a carton of biscuit full of cards. They looked beautiful, and creatively made. I decided to quench my curiosity by gr-abbing one. I realized it was a birthday card to……

‘Yes! My handsome little boy is sixteen! Increa-sed in
wisdom, and stature. You are now a big boy. I guess
your beards are starting to come out too. And your
voice? Mommy missed you so much. But always
remember, I will never stĀ©p loving you. Happy Birthday sweet. Make mama proud!’

I was about closing it when a tear dropped on it, and I realized my eyes were full of tears. How did she manage to be this strong? What would I have done if I were to be in her shoes? So ha-rd trying to imagine a life without me being presĀ£nt in my children’s world. How will they survive? What will they eat, wear? Who is that woman that will love them like I do? Who is that woman that will care for them like I do? Who is that woman that will go hungry just to see them filled?

Just me!

Only me!

I’m that woman that can care for my children, and give them the life they want. The life they truly deserve, just like my parents did. So, I wondered how she was coping! Life can be so daring, and unfair putting us in a situation we don’t want to find ourselves. I dropped the card, and couldn’t help but pick another one.

‘I wish I can be there to hvg you, k!ssyou, and
make you feel loved. How are you coping without
me? Tell mommy… Are you eating well, did you
graduate with good scores? Do you have new
shoes? Is your new Mom taking care of you? Don’t
worry Darling. Mommy is watching you up here.
Happy graduation day to you. Get re-ady to be a
university boy my love. Mommy loves you.’

I quic-kly dropped it, and brou-ght out my handkerchief, as I wiped away the h0t tears that rolled down. I wouldn’t do this. I wouldn’t be able to leave my four children. I wouldn’t be able to lose my loved ones. This was unfair to her.

She might have given me a bad impression from the start, but at that moment, I felt really bad for her. So sad, and heartbroken. I turned to look at her, but she was still slee-ping. The only doze that can clear her mind temporary. The only doze that can make her feel at ease, peaceful, and out of worries. But the moment those eyes were opened, she realized there was an unexpected visitor beside her, and instantly, I knew her worries were back as well.

“Suzy!” I wouldn’t have been able to imagine the shock on her face. It was obvious she wasn’t expecting to see me. She tried sitting up, watching me. I gave her a warm smile. “Don’t be surprised. I should have visited you a long ago. I’m really sorry.”
“Sorry!” She said, finally sitting with her back resting on the wall. “I’m glad you c@mĀ£.” She was being honest, but her voice sounded so weak, and faded. “I was thinking my sister will deliver this to you, but so good you c@mĀ£.” She drew the carton from the table, and handed it over to me. “This is for Daniel,” she said with a weary smile.

I collected it, trying to talk her out of it. “Do you think it’s necessary?” She threw me a smile which lack a drop of Happiness, because de-ep down it was ha-rd . de-ep down, she was hurting, fighting, and hoping, but she acted br@vely looking up at me with her teary eyes. “You must have re-ad it because eyes don’t lie. But plea-se fulfill my last wish because he likes it, and become more happier whenever he gets a card from me, especially the ones I made. These are my gifts to him,” she said, and bent her head the moment a tear rolled down her eye.

“I want to leave behind something that makes him happy,” she concluded.


Story, ContinuesšŸ“