Married to Victor Stephen episode 24




Running up and down, and flaunting their new clothes were Emmanuella, and Emmanuel. It was their birthday. The day we’ve all been waiting for. They were clocking six, and I couldn’t believe those two were growing up so fast. It took me a week to plead Victor on staying behind a little to make the children happy because I knew how important the day was for them.
The day they intend to be happy even without
anyone ma-king them to, because it’s their birthday.
The day they want to have something new, and
have everyone being nice to them.

They got different calls from their friends the night before their day. I wasn’t surprised because they do that as well, using their Dad’s credit, and I. They couldn’t st©p smiling. Even the devil’s ten f!ngerscould not wipe away their beautiful and happy smiles. Everyone’s birthday is always once in a year, and that once…must be a happy and glorious day.

As for Emmanuella, she received a call that made her jump, and giggle all night. Neither was I expecting the call that c@m£ in. “Temi Baby, how you doing?” I greeted cheerfully, only to be greeted by someone else that brou-ght a sweet smile to my face.
“No ma, this is Grace. Mom told me tomorrow is Emmanuella, and Emmanuel’s birthday.”

“Yes Darling. That is so thoughtful of you to call. Emmanuella!” I yelled for her to move away from the Television. “You have a call.”

“Mom, is it Grandma?” She stood at my front, speaking in a whisper.

“No, it’s Grace,” I said, only to have the phone snatched away from me before I could hand it over to her. Her minimized smile turned to a large coast that you could tell she was de-eply happy to have Grace called. “Really!” Emmanuella laughed. “When will you come to Lagos again?”

“Are you sure?” Her smile was one of the beautiful smiles I’ve ever come across. My little girl was looking beautiful with her precious smile that no one could ever take away. “Thank you!” She squealed happily before returning the phone back to me. Now, I was curious to know what they talked about. “I hope you’re good dear?” I decided to greet her.

“I’m very fine ma,” she replied immediately. “Thank you for teaching me how to pray ma. Mom has taught my sister too, and we now pray in our house everyday, and go to church every Sunday.” I chuckled lightly listening to her cute, tiny, sweet voice. She sounded excited, and I was glad she had learn something that she would benefit from forever. Not only that, she was growing with morals, and good attitude.
“Would you mind praying for me?” I asked, eager to listen to how much she had improved.
She laughed. “I don’t mind ma. Would love to pray for your family.”

Awwn… I was proud of her for getting such reply. It
shows she was re-ady, and taught well.

“Heavenly father, I thank you for the lives of this family. They will not die by fire! Car will not kill them! Emmanuella will not injure herself. You will provide money for them. They shall not beg. So shall it be in Jesus name.”

“Amen,” I said with a smile. It was better, and was such a wonderful prayer.

After the call, they were f0rç£d to go to be-d, living Victor and I behind. Even Victor had sle-pt off on the rug before I woke him up, and we both went to be-d. When I woke up in the middle of the night, I checked them in their rooms, and saw they were both asleep, and gone. Emmanuel’s position brou-ght a smile to my face. He had almost successfully re-moved the be-dsheets on his be-d, while his wra-pper was having a nice time on the ground.
I decided to drop a card each near their be-ds. Happy Birthday from Mom and Dad. Victor personally had it done for them. I dropped the new Doll Emmanuella had been requesting from her Dad and I, and also dropped Emmanuel the track suit he had been pestering me for. He saw the sports men putting it on, and since then, he would always remind me whenever I’m trying to get new things for him and his sister.

I only did that to make them feel special, and extremely happy on their day, which did happened when they woke up shaking the whole house with their joyful noise. Emmanuella c@m£ down with her doll, while Emmanuel c@m£ down in his track suit, causing me to laugh at how sudden he pu-ll-ed it on.

? Happy Birthday to you…
Happy Birthday to you…
Happy Birthday Ella and Emma…
Happy Birthday to you!
We wish you, many happy returns of that day. Long
life, and prosperity. h!p, h!p, h!p….

“Hurray!” They shouted with us. Their voices were the loudest, causing everyone to smile at them.

“Mommy Thank you!” Emmanuella screamed, and hvgged me. “I love you and Daddy so much,” she giggled, still hvgging me, while Emmanuel was doing the same with his Dad.
“So nob©dy is going to hvg me.” Daniel added smiling at them.
“You that you did not give us something,” Emmanuella replied immediately while Emmanuel hvgged him. “Remember you promised me gala,” he said in quiet voice, more like a whisper, but I heard.

If gala could grow on a human being, Emmanuel would definitely be one of the lucky winners for such a wonderful miracle from God.

Their Grandma was no longer staying with us, but promised to visit them. I couldn’t make her stay because she did try living with us for more than eight weeks. The new set of twins were over two months alre-ady, and due to the kind of person she was, she couldn’t leave her work for too long. There were places she nee-ded to be, and things she ought to do.
Victor took some pictures with us before he left for work. Some parents might have thought this wasn’t necessary. Some father might have questioned me if given the opportunity why it was necessary for Victor to stay behind a little. Some mothers would definitely agree I was enough to do it all alone. But this is the question…

Are fathers not supposed to be p@rt of the children’s happy moment?

Mother can’t always be the one doing it all alone. We both made them happen, and we are both responsible, and very important we are p@rt of anything they do. In that way, they have something beautiful to say and remember about their parents. We brou-ght them to this world because we were both re-ady to see them happy. Even if it is just a little time, it means the whole world to them.
After Victor left, their grandma arrived, and we started the p@rty.
I recognized the car that drove in immediately our gateman opened the gate. The car parked at a corner in the compound before Victor’s Dad stepped down with a man close to him. I got up immediately and welcome them, but he met me on the way with prayers.

“Less I forget,” he pointed to the man beside him. “This is the new principal of Crown school. Mr Bello,” he turned to the man.
“This is the girl, or madam I would say you saw her profile in the office. She’s the wife to my son.” He introduced me with pride, smiling at me.
“Wow!” The man gaped at me with a look of surprise, as if he couldn’t believe his eyes. He immediately brou-ght out his hand, and we shook hands. “You really nee-d to make the students’ dreams come true. They all look forward to see you,” he said, and I just smiled back in return.

“Seriously ma, it would be a great honour to have you visit us before the school vacate. They love you, and would be so happy to see you.” He reconstructed it, obviously wanted a ‘ yes’ from me.

I chuckled lightly, and was about to reply, but Victor’s Dad beat me to it. “That would be a very nice idea. What do you think?” He faced me. I nodded because I knew I couldn’t refuse, and I wasn’t planning to from the start.

“They should all expect me soon,” I gave them my reply, and the average, tall man, who should be in his early forties smiled happily. “Thank you so much Mrs. Stephen. We can’t wait to have you,” he said, and we shook hands again.

Later at night when Victor c@m£ back from work, the celebr@nts couldn’t keep their mouth shut as they began gisting him about everything that happened at the p@rty. They brou-ght out their gifts showing him everything they were given by their guests. Michelle on the other hand was crying for br£@st when I collected her from Victor. “Hey, you!” She kept quiet looking up at me with curiosity.

“Yes, you!” I said again because I could still hear her humming. Her tiny hand tou-ching my br£@st as she su-cked comfortably. I slightly pushed her hand away to get her attention, and I did.

“Don’t you know mama will soon resume to work? Ehnn! You this girl, start fasting or else…”
Or else what!

That would definitely be her reply if she could talk, because the moment I st©pped talking, she re-leased my n!ppl!, and looked at me very well, like…

Don’t tell me you want to start taking this precious
food to work!

I nodded, t©uçhed my br£@st with my index f!nger, and pointed to the door. “Work! Work!” I laughed at her, but she just ignored me, and continued su-cking. Only for me to hear a loud laughter that lasted for thirty seconds beside me. “Yee… My mommy is funny. But mommy Michelle cannot hear you now,” Emmanuella laughed again, and I couldn’t help wondering what was so funny that made her thirty one or twenty nine pearly white teeth flashed at me.

“Emmanuel let’s tell mommy that thing.” Emmanuella moved closer to me, as Emmanuel did a frog jump joining us at the dinning where I sat. “So what thing do you want to tell me?” I asked in a quiet voice.

“Emmanuella and I want to work in your hospital this holiday, so that we can buy you plenty things on your birthday.”
“Yes Mommy!” Emmanuella immediately back it up. I couldn’t believe they thought of that. Sometimes, we think they know nothing. Whereas, they know more than we think they know. “God bless you for me,” I said. “But don’t worry, your Daddy will get something for mommy on her birthday.”

“Mommy we know now!” Emmanuel said as if he wanted to fight me. “I want to buy something for myself too.” That finally brou-ght everything to light. So, it was just an act when I thought they actually wanted to buy me a gift. Victor’s laughter reached us from where he sat. His side cheek ma-king a silly sound, as his laughter went high, Obviously ma-king fun of me for thinking my children were products of nice.
“Okay then.” An idea popped up in my head. “To secure a job, you will have to write an application letter which I will submit to my boss,” I said.

“Okay mom,” Emmanuel was the first to reply, de-eply happy I accepted. “But is it about myself?”

“And your whole family,” I did my own back causing Victor to chuckle lightly but both of them didn’t catch that. Only to have them yell, almost blocking my ears.

“Yes! Yessssss!!!” They both screamed with excitement. “Mommy I will have to iron that my suit.” Emmanuel said quic-kly. “And me too!” Emmanuella added raising her voice. “Mommy, you will give me that your white go-wn, and I will borrow that your black wig okay!” I nodded, smiling at myself for what have gotten myself into. Victor just looked back at them and looked away.

As if that wasn’t enough, Emmanuel c@m£ close to me, and whispered into my ear. “Mommy, let’s do our birthday tomorrow again.” I put my left index f!nger inside my left ear to be sure I was not suffering from ear problem. “What did you just say?” I asked him, looking into his eyes this time. He found my ear again. “That birthday that we did today, let’s do it again tomorrow,” he repeated.

Now I was certain I was not the one with a problem. “So which birthday did you do today?”
“Our birthday now,” he replied looking back at me. “That tomorrow own will just be me, Emmanuella, you, brother Daniel, and Daddy.” In fact, he planned it well. “Cl@p for yourself,” I said and he did.

“Honey, plea-se help me take these children to be-d.” I called for Victor’s as-sistance so I could be free from those two.
“But mommy,” he said, while I just replied with a nod, but that wasn’t enough to keep him quiet. “Don’t worry, tomorrow,” I said, but he wasn’t chanced to talk because Victor lifted him up immediately. “Mommy is tired. Time to go to be-d,” he said, and the two waved at me. “Goodnight Mommy!” They chorused at the same time.


Michelle who was in my arms was asleep, but I couldn’t drop her immediately because I knew she would end up waking up the moment her back t©uçhed the be-d. I decided to join Victor who his full concentration was on the television at his front. Looking up at the time, it was alre-ady past eleven at night, and had pas-sed my be-d time, but I found myself enjoying the programme.

“Good evening to everyone watching me. And if you’re just watching my programme, I hope you’re with your spouse? And if not, I can feel how much you miss him or her because I miss mine too.” The dark, and pretty pres£nter smiled shyly. “Awnn, it’s okay. Don’t let us think about them too much,” she wiped her face with her manicured hand pretending she was in tears.
I smiled just by her acting skill. “Yes my beautiful couples watching me,” she continued. “This is heart and soul, and here you have your beautiful, gorgeous, and…. Simply call me Hiishah Blac. Let’s leave the compliments for another day.” She laughed.

“Tonight, we wanna express ourselves to our spouse. To tell her, to tell him how much we love and cherish him. Seriously, when last have you looked into his eyes, and say…bo-ob oo, baby, sugar pie, honey I love you so much.” She laughed, flaunting her red nails. “Nooo… You nee-d to st©p that shyness,” she smiled, shaking her head.

Accidentally, Victor and I looked at each other and I couldn’t st©p smiling. “Being a long time you said that,” I accused him in a quiet tone.

His rowdy laughter filled the quiet room. “But you know I love you,” he said instead, and I shook my head at him. He win-ked at me, and k!$$£d myl-ips lightly. “You’re irreplaceable,” he said, and those two words found their way into my system resulting into a refreshing smile that refused to erase itself. Those pretty words are just the vitamin every woman nee-ds. I might be wrong, but we can’t deny the fact that we wanna hear them.

“Awwn,” the pres£nter’s voice brou-ght us back to face the television. “I know some couples are doing that alre-ady. Oh sweet lord,” she chuckled, her voice low, s-en-sual, and beautiful to hear. “You guys just make me miss my husband more,” she grinned. “Anyways, keep doing it cause we ladies especially… Guys are you listening? Sometimes, you just have to tell her, remind her, and turn it into a song for her to know. That’s gonna make her head spin!” She grinned wi-dely. “Ladies am I ma-king s-en-se?”
I couldn’t help grinning too. She was indeed ma-king a whole of good s-en-se.
“Listen,” she said. “Your woman is not old, neither is your man tired of hearing those three words. Or men are you guys tired?” She threw out the question, laughing quietly. “They just said No. I can hear them from where they are. Forget about the magic I used,” she waved at the c@m£ra. “I’m a superwoman in secret,” she boasted.

“She knows I don’t mind hearing it hundred times in a day.” I heard Victor murmur as he found his way to my w@!st, k!ss!ngmy n£¢k. I shut my eyes closed and allowed him. “Hey, you’re not saying it,” he whispered, still k!ss!ngmy n£¢k. I grinned, and a laughter erupted from my mouth. “I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you…” He laughed, re-leasing me. “Suzy you’re something else,” he said, and we both laughed.
“Hey, guys I’m still here. What is going on there?” The pres£nter
said as if she was referring to us, and immediately Victor and I bur-st into laughter.

“Okay guys, I’m not done. Men, are you acting right? Are you saying it right? Or you’ve turned yourself into ‘LORD OF THE HOUSE and not the lord of the rings this time.” She paused. “Just know that if you’ve turned yourself into the lord of the house, your woman might be scared to express herself freely when she’s with you. Tell me, who else do you expect her to turn to? Leave God alone. My brothers don’t drag God into this,” she laughed as if she could re-ad people’s mind knowing some men might have thought of that.

“So tonight, move closer to her. Pl@ywith his beard, and make him feel special. I know my baby is watching, and I’m rest as-sured that I’m still his sweet sixteen, and he’s still my coolest bobo. Someone is trying to guess my age,” she smiled, and shook her head. “Just thirty four. So, now you see I’m still young. Who is doing that alre-ady?” She asked.

“Me,” Victor faced me.

“No, I’m going first,” I disagreed.

“Okay, Ladies first, but plea-se make it snappy, I nee-d to go to be-d,” he added, and I laughed, pinching his side.

“Ouch,” he giggled, bringing me closer to him with Michelle still in my arms. He smiled at me for about three seconds, and lean close to me before his smile disappeared. “You’re the greatest gift I’ve ever own Suzy. You brou-ght joy into my life, and make it beautiful. Everyday, I bless God for having you, and giving you to me. Day by Day, I love you more, and wonder such woman you’re growing to be. I love you baby. My crazy Suzy. Motherhood fits you, and guess what, you’re the best mother I’ve ever known. I love you.” He k!$$£d my tears, but I couldn’t st©p them from rolling down.

No matter how I tried to compose mine, and come up with something beautiful, the only words that c@m£ out were. “plea-se stay this beautiful to your family, because we love you, and you’re the best Daddy I’ve ever known. And for Suzy, she would never reconsider another man. I love you Honey.” I k!$$£d hisl-ips lightly.

I felt a tiny hand t©uçhed me, and we both looked down at the only cry cry baby in Stephen’s family. But this time, she didn’t cry. She didn’t bur-st into one. She just looked between Victor and I before smiling, and showing us her pretty gum.


