Married to a ghost episode 5







I appeared to my house and sat down on the be-d,
“What type of wahala is this one nah? Where an earth did that stupid guy c@m£ from? I have not seen that face before,Why can’t he pretend as if don’t know me? Must him shout out my name? Why must him pour sand in my garri? now I have finally lose my means of surviving in this city, What will I do? How will I survive now?
I thought walking around my room with my two hands folded.

I walked around the room for almost fiftten minutes thinking on what to do, how to make a living for myself.

“Oh yes! I never thought of this!
I shouted as an idea pop into my head.

I sat down on the be-d brou-ght out my saving box, break it and started counting the money.

“This money will help me alot, I will use it and start a simple business for myself”
I sounded with smiles.

“But what type of business will I start with this money?
I thought.

“Hawking pure water on the road”
I thought.

“I don’t think if there’s much gain on that, selling of gala and minerals drinks on the road will be much better than selling pure water”
I said.

“Oh yes! That’s what I will do, tomorrow morning I will start my business”
I said with so much happiness.

“I will be so careful this time and I will not show myself around the restaurant area”
I sounded.

I warmed my left over food and had my dinner.

Mr Patrick took his wife to the eatery, she also went with the teddy bear.

She kept the teddy bear on the chair,the waiter c@m£ and get their order.

“You did not ask my son what he will like to eat”
She said to the waiter.

The waiter looked at her being so confused.

“Excuse me Ma!
He sounded.

“Never mind, just go and get our order”
Mr Patrick said.

“But Jerry will eat, he is hungry”
She said.

“Go and get our order”
He said to the waiter again.

“Jerry what will you like to eat? Will you take ice cream? I know you like ice cream”
She said with smiles as she t©uçhes the teddy bear cheeks.

“We will buy your ice cream at the ice cream shop okay”
She said with smiles.

Few minutes the waiter brou-ght they food.

When they were done eating, he held her hand as they walked out from the eatery.

Just about to enter inside the car, a young man walked pas-sed them and Jerry’s Mom dragged him back.

“Where did you keep my son? I know is you”
She shouted dragging him.

“What sort of nons-en-se is this? Are you insane woman?
The man shouted.

“My love what is it? Leave him”
He shouted and dragged her hand out from the man’s shi-t.

“He have our son, look at his cloth, he kidnapped our son and wear his cloth, he is a kidnapper”
She shouted.

“Hold your mad wife! Mad people like her deserve to be in the mental hospital and not in the street haras-sing people”
He shouted and walked inside the eatery.

“My husband why did you leave him?
She shouted.

He breathed and said,
“He is not a kidnapper! He did not kidnapped our son!
He shouted.

“What are you saying? Can’t you see that he is wearing our son’s clothe”
She sounded.

“Come here”
He held her hand as they went inside the car and drove out.

“That young man is not a kidnapper, wearing our son’s cloth dose not significance him a kidnapper besides Jerry is not the only one that has that cloth,they are thousands of people that owns that cloth”
He explained.

“Okay, don’t forget to buy the ice cream for Jerry”
She said as she pla-ys with the teddy bear.

As they were driving, the wife saw a kid manikin.

“My husband st©p the car”
She shouted.

“What is it? Why should I st©p?

“I have seen Jerry! He is standing at that boutique wearing that his Christmas cloth we brou-ght for him”
She shouted pointing at the boutique.

“That’s not Jerry! It is manikin and Jerry”
He sounded.

“No! St©p the car, that’s my son Jerry standing over there, st©p the car unless I will jump throu-gh the window”
She shouted and wanted to jump.

Mr Patrick bec@m£ so tired of his wife behavior, he st©ps the car and she ran out immediately without checking the cars coming towards and backwards.

“What are you doing here Jerry? Did you know how long we have been looking for you? Come let’s go home, your Mom have missed you so much”
She said dragging the manikin.

“Who are you and why are you dragging this manikin?
The seller girl shouted as she threw her hands away.

“Are you mad? Why are you dragging my son?
She shouted.

“How can you come to someb©dy’s shop and be dragging manikin, are you mad or what?
The girl shouted.

“You called me a mad woman!
She shouted and sl@pped her.

“You sl@pt me!
The girl shouted holding her cheek.

They started quarreling and exchanging harsh words.

They quarreling caused commotion at the boutique and at point people realized that she is not mentally well, they felt for her.

“My wife let’s go”
He said dragging her out.

“I cannot go without my son, I nee-d my son”
She shouted.

“Listen to me, this is not Jerry, it is manikin”
He said trying to convince her.

“Is a lie! Look at him, he is our son and he want to go home so am not leaving without him”
She shouted.

When the husband noticed that he can’t convince her to go home without the manikin, he c@m£ up with a negotiation for the seller to sell the minikin to them.

She accepted the offer and sold it to them with a hvge amount.

“Jerry we can now go home, nob©dy will take you away from me again”
She said as she carried the minikin to the car.

People were looking at her with a pity face.

They drove to the house, she carried the minikin to the room.

“Jerry I know you will be hungry, what will you like to eat? Did you prefer taking your bath first?
She asked feeling excited.

“Oh you will like to take your bath first? Okay let me undress you, you know you are my baby”
She said.

She undressed the minikin and took it to the bathroom and started bathing it.

Done with the bathing, she took it inside and dressed him with one of Jerry’s kid clothes.

It has been two weeks I started my gala and minerals drinks business and the profit has been so awesome to me.

All due, it is not really easy to sell on the road, on my first day it was so diffcult for me but this time am now perfect.

I rest at the mango tree to take a break, I poured a cold water on my head to cool my h0t head.

I started devouring my bre-ad, groundnuts and mineral like someone who have not eaten for a week.

I took a gulps of the drink and ran off immediately I noticed cars that lined up for traffick asking pas-sager if they nee-d anything.

It has been three weeks Jerry’s Mom brou-ght that minikin home as her Jerry, she never lives the minikin sight, she always makes sure she bath him every morning and night.

One faithful day, she started looking for the minikin.

“Jerry where are you?
She asked looking for him around the room.

“Where did you go? I hope you are not pla-ying hide and seek with me”
She sounded as she went to Jerry’s room to look for him.

“You are not here, where an earth did you hide? Come out ooooo! I don’t have the strength to start pla-ying hide and seek with you”
She said and went downstairs to look for him.

She looked for him at the sitting room, kitchen and still can’t find him.

“Jerry where are you nah? Oh! Now I know where you are, at your Daddy’s room”
She sounded and went upstairs to the husband’s room to look for him.

She looked for him around everywhere in the room and still can’t find him.

“They have kidnap my son! Kidnappers have kidnapped my son!
She cried out.

She ran out to the balcony and climbe-d on the rail and started shouting and crying.

“Provide my son unless I will jump down”
She screamed.




