Mama is a witch episode 50

Episode 50.
Story by Miriam Edem.

Victor arrived the village and snubbe-d everyone that approached him for greetings, he wasn’t sure of who is who anymore after knowing the saint of his mother is a devil herself. He quic-kly st©pped a bike to safe him the stress and his phone rang again when he was on a bike,
“Papa I’m on a bike I’ll be there soon, Victor said.

“Hurry up plea-se your mother is dying, his father said and he dropped the call.
He c@m£ down from the bike and he saw his father coming out when he was about paying the bike man,

“Come come come! His father shouted and Victor confusedly told the bike man to keep the balance as he hurriedly went in and saw a strange man and his mom lying on the ground with her hair covering her face.
“What’s going on? Victor asked after greeting his father and the pastor.

“This is my son pastor, the only surviving child, Victor father said.
“You’re welcome, your mother wants to speak with you. Bianca he’s here, the pastor said and Bianca raised the hair from her face and Victor g@sped going backwards when he saw her sight,
“My son…. “I reject! Victor cuts in.

“My son I’m sorry, I’m very sorry. Soon I’ll be gone, I should have been gone a long time ago but I don’t know what’s keeping me, last night some of the prayer band team almost killed me because I was in their coven and they wanted me silent that was why I ran away, Bianca said and Victor scoffed looking at the pastor.
“Even the prayer band, Victor muttered.

“Is that so? I knew it but I was keeping cool because I just got transferred to that church, the pastor said.
“Yes you were right Victor, I’m a witch…….. “Hey! Hey! Victor father shouted with his hand on his head looking at her.

“Even your father who is shouting knows but I locked him up, Bianca said.
“You say? Victor father asked more calmly just in case he didn’t hear her well.

“There was a time in the night he tried waking me up to discuss something but I left for meeting, he thought I was dead and I was so lucky that it happemed few minutes to when I wanted coming back, then I met him in that confusion. He didn’t believe the lies I threw at him that I was weak and very tired and he told me all he did to my b©dy that would have woke me up but I wasn’t aware. Then he called me a witch, saying its only witches that sleeps that way. I just smiled and told him he has tried for staying so many years without knowing I was one, then I locked him up. That was when I could freely do whatever I want in the house, sometimes he sees me but he will just foolishly look at me without having a second thought or asking me anything, Bianca narrated and Victor father slowly sat down not believing his ears.

“But I don’t remember all this, his father said.
“Don’t worry about that. So why did you ask to see Victor? The pastor asked.

“plea-se forgive me my son, forgive me for killing your sister. Yes I killed her and you were next on the chopping board but believe me I didn’t want to do it. My love for you kept me in this place, every mother has a special love for a p@rticular child and you were that one I Cherished more than all I gave out and I’m gladly giving myself to see you’re saved, Bianca said.

“Just shut up! Who told you that you’re saving me? Who told you that its the love you have for me that kept you in this condition you liar! God did, and you bec@m£ at risk because of that. I have no forgiveness right now for you for all the blood of my siblings you’ve shed with those wicked humans. If you want my forgiveness, if you really want my forgiveness then say this confession aloud for the people to hear and call out the names of the people in your coven and the people they have slaughtered, Victor said and Bianca began to cry.

“Victor they will kill me before I say a word, its a miracle I’m still talking, she said.
“Won’t you still die? Or are you having hope to be alive? Victor angrily asked.

“As the Lord lives, he will keep you to carry out what your son just said. So if you want his forgiveness, then carry this out, the pastor said and she nodded at Victor.
“Good, let me go call people, Victor said and turned to leave.
“Be careful plea-se, they are just around, Bianca said and he smiled at left….

“My mother, Bianca has something to say to the villagers, plea-se hurry up to the house and share this to others who are interested to hear her speak……. Victor shouted on the bike and before he could turn round the village to go back home, his father compound was alre-ady jammed with people.
“Omoh! He exclaimed and paid the bike man and managed to get into the house.

“People are waiting, Victor said to his father and Bianca weakly looked at him,
“I can feel them, I may not succeed, Bianca said to Victor and the Pastor stood up,
“Let’s have a short prayer before we go out there, the pastor said and led them in a short prayer and they took Bianca outside and people seeing her sight began to cry,

“Ahhhh look at you Bianca……who did this to you…. Such a nice woman….people commented about her and Victor cleared his throat to speak up.
“I want to appreciate everyone who c@m£ out in such short notice to hear what my mother has to say. This shows the great love you have for her and I’m stunned. But I will plea-se ask everywhere to be quiet so everyone will be able to hear her, thank you, Victor said and looked at his mother whose head was bowed and she coughed.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry I’m a big disappointment to my family, the church and the villagers. I am a witch! She dropped and the place was in a pandemonium.
“You can’t be serious! A woman shouted.
“Listen plea-se, I know its surprising but won’t you love to know about others too? Victor asked.

“Speak o you must tell us! Some women angrily shouted.
“plea-se forgive me. I have been killing my children, including Alice who wanted going for her youth service, Bianca continued and the shouts increa-sed.
“Make Una allow her call names na! A man there shouted at the women.

“plea-se plea-se I’m not alone in this, Bianca said and began having difficulty in breathing.
“Even in the church, there are there as dep@rtmental heads and very active members, She managed to say and everyone shouted cl@pping their hands murmuring.

“Listen everyone, she’s having difficulty breathing, if this noise continues she may not tell us everything we nee-d to know and everyone will continue to be in the dark. I want her to open our eyes so we will clear out those that should be cleared out for the peace and growth of this community, The pastor said and an angry man c@m£ out and took sand from the ground
“Hum I swear, if anyb©dy make pim again for this place I go machete you, we-tin Una dey shout? The man shouted and Bianca began calling out names and the people they have killed.

“Even in the church, the prayer band coordinator is one of us, she uses the position and controls every pastor that comes in, blinds them and we use the church to do whatever we want. Members sees us more relevant than the pastors and their family, Bianca said and called out their names.
“I’m sorry, I’m de-eply sorry. I’m a disappointment I know but plea-se forgive me, Bianca said and everywhere bur-sted out with curses and prayers on her, before Victor could carry her in before she get bounced on, she threw her head backwards and gave up the ghost and he heaved.

“She’s dead! Victor announced and the charm on her husband fell. He blinked his eyes continuously and hit his ears and Victor held him,
“What’s going on? Victor asked.
“I felt something just freed me now, he replied looking around as if he wasn’t there from the beginning.

“You just got freed from your wife charm on you so you won’t expo-se her as a witch, don’t worry you’ll be fine, who knows the years you were held by her, the pastor said.
“Jesus Christ! I’m feeling strange like i am in a new b©dy, Victor father said and pitily looked at his wife lying lifeless on the ground with her eyes opened and he gently closed it.
“They are expo-sed, let’s go find them! Some youths shouted and ran out of the compound to go look for those that were mentioned……….

That evening, everywhere in the village was in chaos, houses of the witches were burnt by the angry youths while Victor tried his best in securing his father house from them.
“Thank you son, his father said to him when everywhere seemed calm a bit.
“I did nothing papa, Victor said and his father let a de-ep breath out.

“So this is how she has put our family to Shame? So this is how she let out 4 good children with many miscarriages? So this is how she made me a fool in my own house and was eating people flesh in the night? I’m still in shock, I’m still in shock, his father said shaking his legs vigorously and Victor stood up and held him.
“Its okay papa, she almost took 5 but God vindicated me. You’re lucky also she didn’t take you sef, Victor said.

“She should have if it would have saved my children that died like fowls, i would gladly walked that path and saved my children dying terribly like the way Alice died. Oh Alice! His father said and broke down crying on Victor.

“St©p it papa you’re a man, its painful I know but plea-se be strong and know its just us now. I know I am not always here for you but I’ll try to s£nd in everything that will make you comfortable and st©p you from thinking. Just try your best to be happy for me okay and don’t forget about your health, Victor said and he sadly nodded.
“Thank you my son, thank you, his father said and Victor took him inside……..

“Have you heard from Victor? His phone is not reachable, Francis asked when the guys visited.
“He texted me. His mom is dead but he made sure he made her confessed and called out the names of her people, the village is in a big mess now, Fred replied.
“Ahhhhh witches dey die, e reach Victor mama turn e turn war, Francis said.

“Big war, the youths just go their house carry them like fly comot, then give them better beatings. If the beatings enter you just start to confess your own call names, as e be so the village just dey like Sodom and Gomorrah, Mark said and Francis laughed.
“But if you ask me, I’ll say its a good thing the youths did. They have to fix the land, Joe said.
“They just did what the bible said “suffer not the witch to live”, Francis added.

“But this one they suffer them first o, if you see beatings eh, they almost burn Victor papa house sef, Seth said.
“God forbid! Abeg make they allow that man o we-tin he do? Francis asked.
“Victor was able to calm down the matter sha. So how are you na? Sorry we land here late we been get issues to handle, Fred said.

“No bad o and the doctor agreed I should be discharged. So tomorrow I’ll be out of this boring place, Francis replied.
“Wow good news, I think you’ll be better at home now that you have Joe, Mark said.
“Yea, and i’ve tidied up the house. I didn’t see anything there na only that it was dusty, Joe said.

“You mean you no see strong cobwebs for that house? Mark asked.
“No na, Joe replied.
“Anyway, maybe the cobweb don go na, Mark said.

“I believe everywhere is fine, what is left now is to bury Nkiru and let everyone return back to their normal lives, Joe said.
“Yes, did you make any calls? Fred asked.

“Sure, I even met with one of my uncles who promised to help. But I nee-d to travel with him to the village next tomorrow because it won’t be easy. we wan apologize tear mouth, Joe replied.
“Na wa o. When she was alive na trouble, in death na stress, I tire o! Mark exclaimed.
“I no get strength for that stress o, I’ve told my brother to bury that woman in a low key, Francis said..

“But even in that low key we have to make things right because if we take her to the village she might be rejected by them, it will be more embarrasing, Joe said.
“Embarras-sing to who ke? Who I get to invite to the burial sef? Besides did you inform the company? Francis asked.

“I went there sef. The manager was talking plenty how he has been calling, how everyb©dy has been calling and how they s£nt repres£ntatives to the house to check but the house was locked and all that. I simply told them that she died and my sister quic-kly deposited her in the mortuary because there were lots of issues on ground for her to settle all by herself then I apologized. They will be coming to see her tomorrow sef, I just pray they give me a call when we are here so we can just walk in and see her before Francis gets discharged, Joe replied.
“Well done my man, nice to have you back, Fred said shaking hands with him………….