Mama is a witch episode 34

Episode 34.

“What happened daddy? Bridget asked.
“Where’s she? I mean how did you find out? Her dad asked still on phone.

“In her room, she la-id lifeless, Fred replied.
“I don’t believe that, I nee-d to see her myself okay, The pastor said.

“Sir she’s dead trust me, you can hear Maria cries in the background and she nee-ds to be deposited in the morgue, Fred said and dropped the call.
“Fred! The pastor shouted but saw he dropped the call on him.

“Daddy what’s wrong? Bridget asked confused.
“Nkiru is dead, they found her dead in her room, he replied.
“Dead? She killed herself or what? Bridget asked.

“I’m not sure but I don’t believe that witch. I nee-d to see her, where does she stay? He asked.
“I can take you there, Bridget replied and was about to leave but her father st©pped her.

“Francis, who will watch over him? no one should leave him alone, the pastor said and sat down thinking ha-rd .
“But daddy if she’s dead we should be happy right? She won’t disturb or manipulate her children anymore, Bridget said and the pastor shook his head.

“You see the kingdom of darkness, never un-derate them. They are capable to do wonders you can never imagine, and for a witch like Nkiru I can’t believe she will die so easily, her dad said.
“But that’s the end for her or is death not the end for everyb©dy? St©p thinking Nkiru is more powerful than death for she will surely die. She knows she’s done for and her n-kedness expo-sed, probably She didn’t want the embarras-sment and abandonment from her children, so I think she decided to give up saving herself the shame, dad its over, God fought for us and its over so st©p worrying dad, Bridget said and he looked at her for a while.

“I pray its that way Bridget, I hope so, He said nodding and Bridget smiled.
“Finally dad no one will stand between me and Francis anymore, she happily said and hvgged her father………..

After Nkiru stood up for her room, she met her master alre-ady there waiting for her and she fearfully swallowed scared of death,
“Let me get this right, when I’m dead…. Like when my children finds me dead what are they to do? Should they put me in a mortuary or something? Nkiru asked.

“No, because you’re not truly dead. You’ll only be taken but your b©dy should be taken care of in the traditional way in the next 2 days, he replied.
“Traditional way? What! My children won’t even think of that, I’ll surely be thrown into the morgue, she said.

“Then pray ha-rd they should quic-kly get you buried today or put you in the traditional way else it will disrupt your process and it won’t go good! The man replied.
“No way! I am not accepting this when clearly I can see this will go wrong, Nkiru said and attem-pted to run out but he used his eyes and closed the door.

“Should I remind you that you’ve been str!pped off from every power with you, you’re vulnerable to what I want and you will do just what I said! I promised to help you and I’ll try my best to st©p whoever will take you to the morgue, now its time to go! The man voice echoed as Nkiru tearfully shook her head as his eyes burned grasping every life from her and she fell………

The guys were still contemplating on what to do with Maria when a car drove in a beautiful woman walked in,
“Hey, what’s going on? Why are you crying? She asked and Maria tried cleaning get tears but it couldn’t st©p pouring.
“Is anything wrong with my friend? Is she home? She asked looking around.

“Your friend? Fred asked her.
“Yes my colleague, she called me not to long that she wants to see me, what’s going on where’s she? She shouted.

“I’m sorry, but she’s dead. We found her dead, Victor replied.
“Its a lie right? That can’t be true let me call her number for she just called me, She said dialing Nkiru number and it rang at home.

“I’m sorry ma, she’s gone, Mark said and she slowly sat on the sofa mouth opened.
“What happened to her? And where is she now? She asked.
“We have no idea of what happened but she’s in her room, Fred replied.

“Let’s take her to the morgue then, is that why she called me to come here so I’ll come pick her b©dy? The woman asked and Maria sniffed.
“That’s great then, you have the b©dy for yourself i don’t care, Maria said getting up carrying her bag.

“Where are you going to? Fred asked.
“To see my brother, I can’t believe I was shedding my tears for what woman up there, I just wasted it! She shouted on him and left the house immediately and the woman surprisedly looked at the guys.

“Did I say anything bad to offend her? I only wanted to help, the woman said.
“Don’t worry ma its not you, and you’re right we have to take her to the morgue, Fred said.

“Alright, I’ll get my car set then you’ll take her in, I’ll be outside, the woman said and left while the guys slowly climbe-d up to bring up Nkiru.
She stood smiling looking at her car and Nkiru former master appeared to her,
“Did you do what I asked you to do? He will surely try to st©p whoever will take Nkiru to the morgue, he said…

“The car is properly cooked, and in minutes Nkiru will be found in ice rotting in hell, she can’t escape this! The woman replied smiling and he smiled also and disappeared.
She kept back her pityful face like she wanted to cry when the guys c@m£ down with Nkiru lifeless b©dy,
“Why Nkiru why? What a strong woman cut short with no notice, the woman said as the guys put in her b©dy at the back and sat with her,

“Ma are you sure to drive? Mark asked her.
“Yes sure, I know of a very good morgue you can take her to, she replied.
“No problem, Mark said and closed the door, hopped into the front seat with her and they drove off………..

Maria arrived at the hospital and met the pastor and Bridget who left to get fruits for her dad who was on fast returned and quic-kly hvgged her,
“Be strong okay, Bridget said to Maria.
“I don’t un-derstand, why should she die so easily without confessing all she did. I wanted to hear her shamefully speak how she ruined me and why she kept attacking my marriages, I want to know why, Maria said cleaning the h0t tears that flowed.

“Its okay, you’re free now, God just fought for us, Bridget said.
“Where’s she now? The pastor asked.

“im sure they should be taking her to the morgue now but I don’t care. I’m not sure I will ever see her face in that face even on her burial. But for Christ sake where is my brother Joe? Where is he? Maria asked and Bridget heaved looking at her dad.
“I don’t know what to say but I’m very convinced Joe is very okay. Who knows if he’s disappearance was all p@rt of God plan so the witch can be expo-sed, you can never tell but Joe must surely be fine wherever he is, the pastor replied.

“I hope so, I hope he knows we are looking for him, Maria said and sat down covering her palm on her head as she was seriously having head aches with all that is going on……….

On the way to the morgue Nkiru new master appeared and the woman saw him alone. She squee-zed her fist ti-ght on the steering and drove pas-s him attempting to hit him which he moved away and he appeared again stretching his hand to st©p the car but it wasn’t st©pping and the former master appeared.
“You can’t take her to the morgue, the new master said to him..

“You know you can’t tell me what to do, Nkiru owes me and she can’t ascend to the other realm without her paying me, the former said.
“That will be done when she completes her ascension I’ll make sure of that, the new said.

“Do i look stupid? I alone will tell how I want the debt to be paid and she’s going no where. Nkiru journey ends here and that’s final, don’t let me fight you, The former said with his hands and eyes sparkling and the new master smiled seeing so much power he has attained.
“Relax, Let’s resolve this peacefully without war, she’s too small to get 2 lions fight for her. She’s mine Now and completely useless, you can do with her whatever you want, the new said and the former smiled.

“Can I get one request? Give her to me, i want to enjoy the plea-sure to see her suffer, the former said and the new laughed.
“And what will you give me in return? The new asked and the former smiled………..

Nkiru b©dy was deposited and re-ady to be put in the ice chamber and the woman tearfully walked up to the workers there,
“plea-se can I see her face one more time? She asked putting a note into their palm and they nodded and shifted for her.
She bent over Nkiru head and whispered,

“How has the mighty fallen. You proved to be so deadly and powerful but soon every minute you spend in this ice will shrink you over there in pain untold. I’ll love to hear you scream, and I just wish you could see how much joy it will bring to me to watch you suffer. That happens when you betray sisterhood you ungrateful bi*ch, She said with a sm-irking look and Fred walked in on her which she quic-kly sobbe-d pretending to be crying.

“Im going to miss you, she cried.
“plea-se ma we have to get going, i’ve been busy since morning and i nee-d rest and a good food to eat, Fred said and she cleaned her tears.
“I’m sorry, I only wanted to see my friend face again before she’ll be put in ice. plea-se come do it, she said to the workers who quic-kly pushed Nkiru in and they slowly left meeting Mark and Victor waiting by the car who was damned hungry………..