Love in a coat of hate Episode 19 & 20

🥀🌹2 TO BE 1🌹🥀
©Gift Okorie 💃
😘👄CHAPTER 19👄😘
“come on V…”
“I said Anita, there’s no nee-d bearing Vanilla when the person who gave me the name no longer value it, so plea-se call me Anita” Vanilla half yelled.
Jason sighed de-eply. He walked to the be-d and sat down.
“my darling, I c@m£ to apologize, I don’t know what c@m£ over me, I was talking without thinking and I’m truly sorry, plea-se forgive me” he apologized.
“you promised me that you will marry Goldie because of me but now you…”
“I know, and I’m sorry. I didn’t even know what I was saying, forgive me plea-se”
Vanilla sighed and looked up at him. “ok, I forgive you but not completely because…”
“ok, I promise to marry Goldie because of you, now can you forgive me completely?” Jason interrupted.
Vanilla stared childishly at him for some seconds. “ok, I forgive you completely”
“yes!” he exclaimed happily.
“oh no” Jason palmed his face. “what now”
“the last I’ll do is to apologize to Rosita, I’ll never do that, and besides I did not tell her anything that can bring tears to her eyes, she did what she did just so you culd hate me and trust her” Vanilla stated. “And then she will be your best friend, and she will hold your friendsh!pwith her left hand while she fights Goldie with her right hand” she added.
“fight Goldie, I don’t un-derstand what you are talking about. What do you mean by holding our friendsh!pwith left hand and the other thing, and why will she fight Goldie? I mean I know they are not friends but fighting with the right hand and holding me with the left hand, I don’t get it V, it sounds more like she’s protecting me.” Jason asked in confusion.
“I never said she’s holding you, I said she’s holding your friendsh!pwith her left….”
“meaning” Jason asked.
“she’s not truly a friend, she’s holding it for a reason, and if her plans didn’t work out, then she will push Goldie far away from you with her right, and then she will push you to the right and drain you with the left, and then at the end, she will smite you” Vanilla carefully explained. Jason stared at her in disbelief and suddenly bur-st into laughter.
“oh my goodness V, you are very funny” he said still laughing. Vanilla stared at him as if he has gone bananas.
“wait, you are serious” Jason asked when he realized that Vanilla wasn’t laughing with him.
“did you think I was joking, of course I’m serious”
“it sounded funny, but let me ask you, why do you hate Rosita so much. You know? The way you talk to her over the phone the very first day made me think that you really liked her and that night you guys met, you were really happy…”
“I was pretending dud” Vanilla interrupted.
“was the call also a pretence” Jason asked.
“no, the call was genuine, but that night that we met, I knew she’s a pretty bad one, and also judging by the way she cu-mddled and locks her whole b©dy on you, she didn’t even bother to know if I was dead or still alive, it showed that she’ a fake face” Vanilla explained.
“V you and your sisters are misjudging Rosita, you misun-derstood her, she’s such a wonderful simple girl who likes to carry everyone along…”
“you mean, who likes to carry jason’s br@in along” Vanilla interrupted.
“ok, that was rude” Jason fired.
“you don’t expect me to apologize, do you?”
“no, but I see you getting no birthday gift from me this year” Jason replied.
“or else I’ll lock you up in your room and burn the room” Vanilla threatened with an evil look.
“not when I’ll be married and be in my house” Jason said.
“you mean….?” Vanilla asked with a teasing smile.
“like I said before, I wanna give it a sh0t” Jason breathed out.
“and it’s because of me right” Vanilla asked with an excited grin.
“of course” Jason sighed.
“awwwww, I love you guys’ friendsh!p” they heard Belinda speak from the door.
“urgh, it su-cks” ANdora said, faking a disgusted face.
“you know you are lying” Jason said to her and she smiled lightly.
“well then, what are you waiting for. Let’s visit the Anderson’s and have a family meeting concerning the wedding” Dr Jackson said as he entered the room with his wife.
“welcome daddy, welcome mummy” they all greeted.
“when did you guys come back” Jason asked.
“just now, we were just pas-sing by and we happened to hear what you were discussing, so when are we going” Mrs. Jackson asked.
“tomorrow, the earlier the better” Dr Jackson said and everyone agreed.
“I’m going down to serve dinner, you guys should come down stairs” Belinda instructed.
“I’m, so glad you are here Belinda, if not, I’ll be the one to prepare dinner, even if I come back by twelve” Mrs. Jackson stated.
“thank God you know that” Andora breathed out.
“hey, I do try” Vanilla argued.
“you mean in your dreams” Andora asked.
“I wasn’t talking to you” Vanilla said childichly.
“come on Andora, Vanilla do try, even though I can’t believe that I just said that, but hey, she helps mum, and yes she wasn’t talking to you” Jason defended her, and everyone laughed.
“is this a gang up or something” Andora asked as they were walking out of the room.
“call it whatever you like” Vanilla fired.
The Anderson’s mansion.🏘
Chief Anderson and his wife were in the sitting room, Mrs. Anderson was watching her favorite Mexican series ‘DON’T MESS WITH AN ANGEL’. While chief Anderson was on a call. When he ended the call, his face was beaming with smiles. His wife asked him why he was so happy, he told her that Dr Jackson will be coming to their house with his family for a combined family meeting concerning the children’s marriage.
“really, that’s good news. Goldie darling, my baby” Mrs. Anderson shouted.
“yes mom” Goldie answered from the kitchen where she was washing the dishes. She c@m£ out to the sitting room. “yes mom” her mother told her about the family meeting. Herl-ips curved into a light smile, when she realized she was smile, she suddenly frowned.
*why the heck am I smiling, he’s so stubborn, even though I might be falling for him, but yet he’s still annoying, he doesn’t worth my smile, I hate him, no ….. I lik… no.. I lo…. No.. yes I hate him, no .. aarggh, what is wrong with me* she thought to herself. She suddenly saw a f!nger snapping at her, she didn’t know if it was actually a stick or a f!nger.
“snap out of it” chief Anderson snapped at her.
“dad” Goldie regained herself.
“and why are you blu-shing” Mrs. Anderson asked with a teasing smile.
*huh, I actually blu-shed, I thought it was just in my head.* Goldie thought.
“and you are blu-shing again, are you in-love” Mrs. Anderson asked with a sm-irk.
“what, no!”
“she’s in-love, I can see” Chiefe Anderson stated with a smile.
“I said no! arrgh, forget it, you two are just birds of a feather flying together. I’m atta here” Goldie fired and went back to the kitchen.
“but darling it won’t be a complete family meeting if your brother and his family are not here” Mrs. Anderson reminded her husband.
“you are right, but you know that my brother never hesitate to spoil every good thing coming my way, I’m afraid he might try to spoil everything for me or even decide not to come knowing fully well that our kinsmen won’t accept the marriage if he didn’t meet the groom’s family before the introduction. That’s my fear” chief Anderson lamented.
“not if he doesn’t know what he’s being called for, and also your kinsmen won’t take it lightly with him if he ignores is brother’s call” Mrs. Anderson said.
“so are you suggesting I shouldn’t tell him what he’s being called for” chief Anderson asked.
“and then when he comes and try to spoil anything, you report him to your kinsmen”
“that’s a brilliant idea, nice one honey, let me call him” chief Anderson called his brother while his wife concentrated on her movie. After the call, she asked him what the result was.
“he didn’t actually say if they will come, but I’m sure he wouldn’t want to face the kinsmen either, so the possibility of him coming here is high and I told him why he’s coming, I don’t want any surprises”
“that’s not a problem, let’s just they come”
The next day.
Goldie and mother were preparing lunch in the kitchen while chief Anderson was in the living room watching a program on TVC news when a they heard the door bell.
“is like they are here” chief Anderson said to himself, he stood up and went to open the door. He welcomed them, they exchanged plea-santries and he ushered them in.
Back in the kitchen Mrs. Anderson and Goldie heard voices from the living room.
“is like they are here my angel. I can hear voices.” Mrs. Anderson said and Goldie’s heart skipped a bit.
“continue with the food, let me go and greet them” her mother told her and left.
She entered the sitting room, she greeted Dr Jackson and hvgged his wife. Jason, Belinda Andora, and Vanilla greeted her in unison.
“my children, how are you” she asked and they answered, they all settled down.
“and what of my daughter in-law, where is she” Dr Jackson asked.
“oh, she’s in the kitchen preparing lunch” Mrs. Anderson answered.
“can she….”
“mummy I’m so pressed, I want to use the bathroom” summer said to Belinda.
“umh, mummy, plea-se where can she ease herself” Belinda asked Mrs. Anderson.
“Goldie will take her to the bathroom” she replied. “Goldie! Goldie” she called.
Back in the kitchen.
*I wonder why she’s calling me now, to see Jason or what, or is it to tell the whole family if I accept the marriage or not, but they can’t ask me that if Rosita’s family are not pres£nt, or have they arrived? But I didn’t hear any car sound. Hmmh, if they are calling me just to greet that j£rk, then I better get my legs re-ady cause I’m gonna kick some bu-tts as a hello*Goldie thought to herself.
“Goldie” she heard her mother call again.
“oh, I’m still here” she muttered and ran out. When she entered the sitting room, she realized that Rosita’s family aren’t they yet.
*well, so far so good, at least I’m not facing that mocking face of hers* she thought to herself referring to Goldie. She looked around stylishly searching for Jason. *where’s the j£rk* when she saw him, their eyes locked together. *he’s looking so cute, why is he looking so cute? This is not fair, he’s looking so cute while I look like mama bear who just finished preparing some porridge. I bet he smells good too unlike me who smells like onions combined with pepper and crayfish. Just great* she battled with herself.
“snap out of it Goldie” her mother snapped at her.
“what, huh” she asked, feeling so embarras-sed, she’s been smile at Jason for a while now, and that mocking look on his face is enough to make her want to drown in anger and embarras-sment.
“my dear you will live with him for the rest of your life, so st©p staring sst him as if you want to eat him in 10 seconds” her mother tea-sed and everyone laughed at her including Jason, he laughed mockingly. She didn’t find it dunny, they are getting it wrong and she doesn’t like it.
“anyway, my darling, I called you so that you could take summer to the bathroom” summer ran to her.
“hi, plea-se, plea-se, can we go, I’ll pee in my p@n-ts” she whined.
“oh, my baby, sorry, lets go” Goldie patted her and they went upstairs.
Few minutes later. “we will have to wait for my brother and his family to arrive but in the mean time, let’s have lunch, darling I hope lunch is re-ady.” Chief Anderson asked.
“yes my dear, let me call Goldie to serve the food. But why aren’t they back yet, did she take her to London or what” Mrs Anderson asked humorously and everyone laughed.
“but mark, speaking of your brother, I thought you guys are not in good terms, so how come you invited him” Dr Jackson asked.
“to obey tradition oo” chief Anderson replied.
“oh, ok, I haven’t even seen him in years”
“I ran into that his disrespectful daughter, about a year ago, she couldn’t even say hi” Mrs. Jackson reported.
“that slot is always everywhere…” Mrs Anderson added.
“can’t they just hold that girl for once or is she too much for them to handle” Dr Jackson asked.
“the idiot has gotten out of hand…” as Mrs. Anderson was talking they heard summer and Goldie coming down stairs.
😘👄CHAPTER 20👄😘😘
“the idiot has gotten out of hand…” as Mrs. Anderson was talking they heard summer and Goldie coming down stairs.
“your room is so pretty” summer said to Goldie.
“awww, thanks, I’m sure yours is better” Goldie replied.
“no, yours is better. But why are we here in your house, who are you” summer asked.
“let’s just say I’m that unfortunate girl who will soon get married to your annoying arrogant, irresponsible, insultive uncle” Goldie answered. Everyone laughed except Jason who glared daggers at her.
“I have only one uncle, but he’s not arrogant” summer defended.
“my dear have you seen his other side, he’s nothing but a cartoon monster” Goldie said.
“no, let me ask him” summer ran to Jason and asked. “uncle, she said that you are arrogant, is it true”
“my dear, anyone who says that your uncle is arrogant does not mean well, she’s a bad person” Jason answered.
“but she’s nice, you’ve always told me that anyone who helps you is nice, and she helped me so she’s nice, and also you told me that anyone who dresses like a vampire can be very dangerous and vampires wear black and uncle Jason, you are wearing black shi-t, black trou-ser, black sunglas-ses and black jacket and black boots, oh my mummy, you are dangerous uncle Jason” summer whined and ran away from him while everyb©dy laughed.
“and where are you running to?” he asked her.
“to the unfortunate girl, she is way better than you” she replied and the laughter continued.
“plea-se shall we head to the dinning before this children kill me with their craziness” chief Anderson said and they all matched to the dinning.
Everyone was discussing one thing or the other during lunch except Jason and Goldie who steal glances at each other from time to time. Vanilla bec@m£ uncomfortable about it, so she said. “you know? It will be easier for you two to live together when you get married only if you learn to loos£n up and talk to each other and the earlier you st©p using your eyes to say ‘you-will-regret-ever-marrying-me, I’ll-will-never-love-you’ to each other the better for you, because you know very well that de-ep down you hearts, you are lying to yourselves, big time”
“I agree with Vanilla” Beilnda backed up.
“me too” Andora added.
“and since you two did not discuss anything reasonable on the first day, maybe you should go to Goldie’s room and have a chit chat, how about that” Dr Jackson asked, but they didn’t reply.
“they said that would be great.” Vanilla answered with a grin.
“are you their mouth piece” Andora asked her.
“they said it with their eyes.” Vanilla defended.
After lunch. Goldie started clearing the table, as Andora was about to leave the table and join the rest in the living room, Goldie dragged her back and into the kitchen. “what’s up, do you nee-d me for anything?” Andora asked her.
“it seems like you don’t want to go to the rehabilitation center anymore” Goldie whispered to avoid anyone hearing them.
“of course I still want to go but…..”
“rehabilitation center? So it’s true, when you were confessing it to brother Jay, I thought you were only ma-king up silly story just to convince him to marry Goldie. I never knew….. Andora you are actually into drugs” Vanilla interrupted.
“was, and how did you get to know, Jason told you?” Andora asked.
“no, there are limit to things Jason tells me, and this kind of issue is one of those things he can never ever mention to me as long it’s a secret.” Vanilla defended.
“so how did you know”
“I overheard you guys when you were discussing it” Vanilla answered.
“seriously! Vanilla you really have to st©p eavesdropping on people’s conversation” Andora fired.
“again, I do not eavesdrop, I just listen to people’s conversation”
“they are the same thing” Andora and Goldie exclaimed in unison.
Vanilla sighed and replied. “ok, fine, I’m sorry and I won’t do it again.”
“good, now excuse us” Andora said.
“get out” Goldie and Andora exclaimed again. Vanilla gro-an ed and walked out.
“well, as I was saying Gold, I do want to go, but I’m scared of telling my parents, or maybe I should go without telling them”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea, you have to tell them, infact, we are telling them today”
“what!” Andora exclaimed.
“yes, and no buts, or any excuse, you nee-d to go to the rehab before it’s too late” Goldie stated.
“I know that I’ll regret ever supporting her, but she’s right, gush I can’t believe I just said that. But Andora you nee-d to go before something bad happens, I’ll help you explain to mum and dad. Ok?” Jason said as he walked into the kitchen.
“thanks Jay” Andora said with a light smile.
“I have told you to st©p…..”
“I don’t care what you’ve told me but I’ll keep calling you Jay, I just wonder why we’ve not been calling you that” Andora interrupted.
“because it’s lame” Jason said.
“not true, you know you like it, what are you doing here by the way” Andora asked.
“I c@m£ to get a glas-s of water, I didn’t know that this peace breaker is here, why are you even still here” he asked Goldie, which got her ro-mantically and happily angry, she smile a little bit to herself.
*he just won’t st©p looking for my trouble, which is so ro-mantic. What? Am I crazy or something, how on earth is looking for someone’s trouble ro-mantic. Oh, pretty boy, prepare to get a ton-gue lashing* Goldie thought to herself.
“hey did you just call me a peace breaker” she fired at Jason who was standing like he owns the world, his hands in his pockets, his chin lifted up, his shoulder so high and broad. Tempting!
*why is he standing like that, he’s too cute, this is not fair, I feel like his maid, and the worst p@rt is that I’m admiring him but he sees me as a nerd. I hate him for that, no I lov.. not I hate him and I’ll so deal with him* she thought.
“are you listening to me zombie, I said yes, you are a peace breaker, what are you gonna do about it” Jason snapped.
“oh no, you did not just call me zombie, did you?” Goldie fired. *why do I feel like he’s winning when the argument has not even started. Never he can win, I’ll win this*
“yea, I called you zombie, what are you gonna do about that too” Jason fired back while Andora kept laughing her heart out.
“well thank God you just called me the name, and since you look like it, I have no problem.”
“get it together lady, you are bluching ha-rd , and it doesn’t fit you” Jason tea-sed with a mocking sm-irk.
*he noticed, fv¢k! I still won’t let him win* Goldie thought. “and you better go buy some manners cause you have none or better still ask me politely to teach you some manners”
“instead of me to ask you, I’d rather go ask a goat out on a d@t£” Jason snapped.
“are you by any means comparing me indirectly with a goat” Goldie twisted her brows and crossed her hands on her che-st as she glared at him.
“a goat is not so stupid, that he can just intentionally eat something that has no taste like human br@in, instead it eats flavoured gras-ses unlike your kinds that are so dumb”
“my kind?”
“yes, the zombies” Jason replied, Goldie g@sped.
“I’ll fv¢king hit you right now”
“I can see the invisible courage, try it and I’ll turn you to black or even make sure you meet your creator right now”
“you are even worst than I thought” Goldie spat.
“ok, I can’t take this bull$h!t anymore” Jason said and walked out of the kitchen to the dinning, Goldie followed him, and Andora ran after them still laughing. Jason st©pped at the dinning when he remembered that he didn’t get water he wanted.
“thanks to that peace breaker” he muttered and since he noticed that everyone was looking at his direction, he decided to politely ask Goldie to get him some water.
“I heard you call me a peace breaker again” Goldie fired as she joined him.
“umh, plea-se, can I get a glas-s of water” he politely asked.
“you are acting weird, why are you acting weird? A minute ago you were a j£rk and now you being polite, and yes, why did you say that I was talking bull$h!t” Goldie snapped.
“you are so dumb, can’t you see everyone is staring at us” Jason whispered.
“and so?”
“just get me a glas-s of water bit-ch” he whispered again.
“did you just call me…”
“Goldie go get your husband a glas-s of water” Mrs. Anderson intervened. Goldie glared at Jason for a minute before going back to the kitchen to get the water.
“oh my God I’ve never watched such comedy in my life” Andora laughed out.
Jason smiled lightly.
Goldie c@m£ back with the galas of water and handed it over to Jason, as he was about to collect it, Goldie intentionally shook the glas-s and the water splashed on Jason’s shi-t but she made it look like an accident but Jason knew better. She apologized to him to everyone’s hearing, and then whispered. “that’s for calling me names”
“well Goldie get him a rag” her mother said.
“huh, a rag? Oh yea, a rag” she looked at the table and around the fruit fridge but didn’t see the rag. “mum, where’s the rag”
“oh, my dear, I forgot, I kept it on t©p of the A.C” her father replied.
She looked at the AC and remembered that her hands can’t reach the t©p, she stood for a minute staring at the A/C. she turned to Jason and realized he’s slightly as tall as the A/C, she stared at him for a while, not knowing how to ask him to get the rag. And Jason knowing what she wanted pretended not to know, he vowed within him not to get that rag unless she politely ask him even if his shi-t soaks up. He started tapping the table with his hands and his eyes going 360.
*this dud is crazily and stubbornly smart, he knows what I want but he doesn’t want to do it unless I ask. Well Mr. man, you better st©p dreaming cause I won’t ask you politely* Goldie thought to herself.
Jason stood there preparing for her trouble, Andora who was still standing with them was busy smile sheepishly, waiting for who will make the first move.
“don’t just stand there, get the rag yourself.” Goldie commanded.
“are you that short that you can’t reach the t©p of that A/C” Jason fired.
“I should have know”
“know what”
“I should have known, that you are as short as I am, before asking you to get that rag”
“did you just say that I’m short?”
“yes you are”
“then how come I always look down whenever I’m talking to you?”
“because you like bowing for me, otherwise you would have stretched your hands and get the rag”
“I’m not short, just watch this” Jason stretched his hands and picked the rag, and Goldie sm-irked, just what she wanted.
“see I got the rag” he said as he waved it on her face, as she was about to collect it, he quic-kly dropped it back to Goldie’s astonishment and everyone laughed.
“do you think I’m stupid, I know you were saying those things just for me to get the rag for you”
“so why did you drop it back Mr. smarty” Goldie asked furiously.
“so that you will climb a chair and get it yourself” Jason replied and sat down on a dinning chair.
“ugh, you are so annoying” Goldie said in frustration, she walked to the living room and bounced on a chair.
“hey what about my soa-ked dress” Jason asked.
“I don’t fv¢king care, or better still, get the rag yourself.” She fired.
“my dear, don’t mind her, come with me, let me give you another shi-t” chief Anderson said, he stood up and walked upstairs and Jason followed after glaring daggers at Goldie.
“why hasn’t your uncle and his family come yet” Mrs. Anderson asked worriedly.
“I don’t know and I don’t care” Goldie replied nonchalantly.
Few minutes later.
Jason and chief Anderson were climbing the stairs when the door bell rang.
Goldie stood up and walked to the door, she opened it and breathed. “speak of the devils” she said and slammed the door shut and wanted to walk back. “well, who was it” her mother asked.
“nob©dy” she answered.
She took a step away from the door but the door swung open and Rosita barged in angrily. She turned Goldie to face her and without warning, she landed a h0t sl@p on her face without greeting anyone or even checking if anyone was there. Goldie got furiously angry and returned the sl@p with a much h0tter and thun-derous one.
“listen bit-ch, this is not Jason’s house where you can insult and lie against me anyhow you like, this is my father’s house, and you dare not raise you filthy hands on me in my own father’s house, get that into your thick skull” Goldie fired at her.
“and how dare you l@yyour hands on my daughter” Mrs. McCurly, Rosita’s mother asked.
“oh, shut up you old witch, I wasn’t talking to you” Goldie spat angrily.
“is that how you talk to elders, you don’t deserve to get married.” Rosita’s father spat.
“and who asked for your stupid opinion wizard” Goldie asked him.
“don’t you dare talk to my parents like that zombie” Rosita warned.
“and don’t you dare call me zombie again”
“or what”
“I’ll rip you ap@rt” Goldie threatened.
“you know what? If only your father was not a fv¢king machine, you wouldn’t be in my life as a freaking fv¢ked up sister, but the bastard just could control himself” Rosita barked. And tha was enough to make Goldie run mad, she pounced on Rosita like an angry lion and before anyone could get there, Jason has alre-ady pu-ll-ed her out.
“st©p it, you are gonna hurt yourself” he yelled as he pu-ll-ed her to a chair, but Goldie was too angry, he pushed him away and then coll@psed on the chair. That was when Rosita got to know that Jason was there, she began to shed tear.
“fv¢k you bit-ch, if you dare shed that crocodile tears here, ama fv¢king kill you and bury you here” Goldie fired at her.
“that’s enough” Jason cautioned.
“I knew it, I said, I suspected it, I knew she was more than a fake face” Vanilla spat and went to join Andora in calming Goldie down.
*he pu-ll-ed me out, he actually pu-ll-ed me out* Goldie thought to herself, she turned to Jason and he was glaring daggers at Rosita who was still shedding tears. “he said that I should st©p, or I’ll hurt myself, does that mean he cares about me, I thought he will save Rosita from my grip but instead he pu-ll-ed me out, wait did he pu-ll me out just to save Rosita? No I don’t think so, if that was the case, he would have gone back to her but he’s still here beside me. Or is he pretending to care because his parents are here, oh my goodness, that’s why, fv¢k it, I feel betrayed, I wonder what he’s thinking about right now, maybe how to console Rosita. He’s just a total j£rk. I hate that I love him*
“what just happened?” Dr jackson asked.
“so you brou-ght this harlot of your daughter to come and fight my daughter in my own house in the pres£nce of her husband and family, and she even has the guts to insult me” chief Anderson barked.
“mark, plea-se calm down, let’s not do this infront of the children, let’s settle this as men outside” Dr Jackson said, and the three men walked outside.
“mummy I told you I didn’t want to come here” Rosita cried.
“then, why don’t you peacefully fv¢k off” Goldie fired.
“I wasn’t talking to you, why does she always embarras-s me, and insult me all the time”
“my baby, it’s ok, rember that it’s your father who made us come herehe’s always scared of the kinsmen. Don’t cry” Mrs. McCurly consoled her.
Goldie’s mother stood there, glaring at them, she didn’t know whether to cry, shout, bark, or fight Mrs. McCurly for the commotion her family has created in the pres£nce of her guest.
“chika, what has my daughter done to deserve this wickedness from your family. Is the humiliation she faces whenever she runs into your daughter not enough, must she actually make her fight in front of her husband, must she always make her look bad and disrespectful wherever she goes, can you tell me what this disgusting pr©st!tût£of yours want from my daughter” Mrs. Anderson aske quietly.
“mummy did you hear her” Rosita cried.
“don’t you dare call my daughter a pr©st!tût£again”
“Sofia, can we settle this upstairs, and you chika, come with us” Mrs. Jackson said.
“I’ll but warn her not to call my baby names again”
“why won’t I call her names after she framed my daughter up and snatched her b©yfri£ndaway from her, and more of the crafty things I can’t even….”
“what!” Jason exclaimed
“finally his eyes are open, halleluya” Vanilla said. Andora sm-irked, Belinda was speechless while Goldie smile broadly.
One enemy down
im happy for u Goldie💃💃