( The Unexpected Wife )

By, Cisca. H.

Chapter 33: ENYA IS BACK.


Enya wakes up from her long slumber, staring around the unknown environment.

She can’t tell her location. She looks lost and… confused.

She stands up, forcing her dull legs to walk. ” Where am I?” She asks herself.

Luckily, she manages to leave the old house, ru-bbing her eyes against the sun rays.

She could see different people, she can’t tell where she is.

She st©ps a pas-serby, ” Hello, plea-se can you tell me where I am?” She asks the stranger.

” You are… ” He points at her, ” Lady Enya? ” He said, surprised.

” What are you talking about?” She asks him, still staring confused at him. ” Why did you call me that? ”

” You are the Queen… out queen. And if you don’t mind me asking, what exactly are you doing out here? You should be in the castle. ”

” What’s this place? ” She asked, ignoring his words.

” This is Brok.”

” I shouldn’t be here. How did I get here.” She stared around.

” Of course you shouldn’t be out here. ”

” No. I shouldn’t be in Brok at all. My home is Pendamour and not here. No, I shouldn’t be here. ” She started to wander around.

” Your Majesty, ” he st©ps her. ” I know some one who can take you back to Pendamour. ”

” Who is that? ” She asks inquisitively.

” My younger brother. Follow me, and I will take you to his home. ” Enya followed him, and they both went to his house.

” This is the place.” He lied, but rather it was his. ” He is out to farm, I will go call him as soon as possible.” He leaves Enya all alone, running to the palace.

He was halted by the guards who stood at the gate. ” plea-se, let me in, I have to see His Majesty.” He requested but the guards pushed him back.

” His Majesty is too busy to receive visitors.” Said one of the guards.

” I know, but I have to. This is very important.” He pleaded.

” I said leave, the king is busy with important things. ” The refused to let him in.

Joana was returning from the cloth sto-re when she saw what was happening.

She st©pped, ” What is going on?” She questioned.

” plea-se, I have an important message to tell His Majesty but they don’t want to let me in. ” He said.

” What message is it? ” She asked to know.

” It will be best if I told His Majesty myself. ” Joana looked at the guards, nodded her head to let him in.

” Thank you. ” He greeted, running to the castle.

Joana watched him until he was finally inside the building.


The royal guard c@m£ to whisper something in Lord Rodriguez’s ear.

” There is some one who wishes to see you.” He informed.

” Who is that?” He inquired.

” I do not know him, but he says he’s got an important news to tell you.”

” Let him in then.” He permitted, and the guard did so.

The young man walked in, head faced to the ground. He bowed with one knee tou-ching the ground and the other up.

” Your Majesty.” He greeted.

” You said you have an important news to tell me, what is it?” He asked.

” Sire, I am not certain for sure but I do know what I saw.”

” Speak.”

Sighs heavily. ” It’s concerning the queen, Lady Enya.”

Riguez ordered the councils to leave the hall at once. After they had left, he then permitted the young man to continue.

” Go ahead.”

” I saw her, she looked confused. I think she doesn’t remember Brok.”

” Where did you see her?”

” In the street, she was wandering like she had no home. I asked her what she was doing out in the street, and she kept saying, this is not her home.”

” What did she say?”

” Rather, she said her home was Pendamour.” Riguez was silent for a while. He asked again. ” Where is she now?”

” She is in my home. I c@m£ here as soon as I took her there. Right now, she thinks I am looking for my brother who will take her back to Pendamour.”

Riguez nodded. ” I am plea-sed for your wise action. I will order some guards to esc-rt you to your home, bring the queen back home.”

” Yes, your majesty.” He said with a bow.

He stands up, exits the room.


Arwen had just finished bathing, she was dressing up on her yellow go-wn.

She was ru-bbing her cream on her skin when the sound of a knock on the door interrupted her.

” Who is that?” She asked.

” It is I, Riguez.” He answered from the outside.

She quic-kly applied the remaining cream in her hands on her hair, moving it at one side.

She opens the door, staring at the emotionless expression of His Majesty.

” Your Majesty.” She least expected him to visit her chamber. ” Is there a problem?” She lets him in.

” I think so.”

” What is it?”

” It’s your sister, she’s been found.” He said.

Arwen wi-dens her eyes in excitement, but covers her mouth from screaming louder.

” How do you know that?” She inquired.

” Few minutes ago, some one c@m£ to inform me he had seen her in the street.”

” She has woken up from the spell. Does she remember anything?” She asked, curious.

” I doubt she does. She said she doesn’t belong here and her home was Pendamour. She doesn’t remember being a queen, I think they have completely erased her memory from Brok.”

” Oh, no. It’s gonna take time to make her remember.” She said, frustratedly. ” We have to do something… something fast or she loses her mind completely.” She paced around the room.

” Don’t you think she has alre-ady?” He said and she st©pped. ” It’s been a week since she was adopted.”

” Let’s not loose hope yet, there might still be a chance to save her.” Walks closer to him, she held his hands in hers.

” She’s will be fine, I believe in my instincts. You have to believe in yours too. All you have to do is to be careful, because you’ve got a judgement to pas-s.

It might possibly not be what we are thinking, maybe the witch had planned to use this way to bring back the real Anna.

Maybe we heard the conversation, we found out the truth, we still don’t know if they had poisoned Enya’s mind to confuse us.

Right, I am confused on who to believe is my sister. But you, you don’t have to because I believe in you. ” She as-sured him with a smile.

” Thank you for believing in me. ”

She smiled again. ” You deserve it. ”

( The Unexpected Wife )

By, Cisca. H.

Chapter 34: ENYA IS BACK 2


Enya is brou-ght to the palace. She doesn’t recognize her environment.

She attempts to leave but she is st©pped by the guards.

” Will you excuse me, or do I have to beg you two for that?” She said with a stern expression.

” We were instructed not to let you go. ” One of the guards said.

” Who gave the order? ”

” The King. ”

” I don’t remember commiting a crime, now will you let me go? And why the hell am I in Brok and not Pendamour?! ”

” Because this is your home. ” Said Lord Rodriguez as he walks out if nowhere.

Enya turns to look at him. She chuckles. ” Excuse me, you said what?” She was getting vexed over their attitude.

She just want to go home and out of that place.

” Pendamour has st©pped being your home since I brou-ght you here. You belong here, Enya. ”

” Give me one reason why I have to listen to this nons-en-se?”

” Because you’re my wife, and I am your husband. ” He answered.

Enya bur-sted out into a loud laughter, forcing herself not to st©p laughing.

” You know what, I was thinking I was who lost her s-en-se coming to Brok for no reason, now I see it isn’t I who has lost a s-en-se but you. ”

She chuckled. ” I don’t remember getting married either. ” She sounded serious.

The door opened and Arwen walked in. She sees Enya and paused for a while.

Enya rolled her eyes, ” Don’t tell me you brou-ght her to preach the scriptures to me. ”

” She doesn’t remember anything. ” He said.

” Sister? ” She called, ” do you remember me? ”

Enya scoffed. ” Of course, I do, Arwen. And what are you doing here by the way?” She asked back.

” I c@m£ to pay you a visit, then I was told you were adopted. Where did she keep you all this while? ”

” Am I supposed to answer that? Because I do not un-derstand what is going on here. It would be better if you just take me back to Pendamour. ”

” Enya, you left Pendamour since you got married to Lord Rodriguez. It has always been your dream to be with him, don’t you remember? ”

” You know what I remember, I remember waking up from the dead. Do you know what it feels like seeing being dead?

It feels like seeing hell and then… all of a sudden you are in earth. Lost in a place you are not meant to be. To cut the long story short, I’m getting out of here. ”

She turns to leave, ” You don’t have to let sister Anna take your home away from you.” Enya st©pped.

” What other home are you talking about? ”

” Your marriage! ” She yelled.

Enya turns to her. ” Do I have to explain to you that I lost the man I loved all because of you and Anna? I had to quit for your sake, because I wanted peace.

Then I found a new love… ” ru-bs her head,” I can’t even remember. ”

” You don’t remember anything because Anna poisoned your mind. She erased every memories you shared. ”

” I’m not too surprised. And I definitely do not remember anyone erasing my memory, sweetheart. I’m done talking about this. ”

Turns again to leave, then Riguez calls her name. ” Enya.”

She rolled her eyes, tired of listening to them. ” I’m sorry, it’s all my fault she did this to you. I failed my promise, I failed it all.

I was supposed to be there for you but… I wasn’t. And she decieved me, she decieved everyone. She made me believe she was the real you.

I would have known her tricks a long time ago if I was really a good husband. But I wasn’t, and I am sorry for that.

plea-se, you have to remember. I don’t want to stay away from you, I want you back.”

The door open, this time it was Anna and some few councils who had seen the guards esc-rt Enya in.

They have come with concern to know what the problem was. Plus, seeing another version of Enya… the case seems complicated.

She was shocked to see Enya in the room. She wasn’t aware of Enya’s return.

It wasn’t meant to be now, was it?

” My Lord, what is going on here?” There was no escaping this time.

” I should be asking you that.” He replied.

Every faces still wears the same surprised look. The two ladies were so identical for one to easily identify.

Enya was staring at her other version. Was this some kind of truck from the dead?

Or has she really lost her mind as she thought?

” What is going on here?” She asked. ” And why do you bear the same look as I?”

” I should be asking you that. Have you come to cause problem?” She stormed.

” I think you should be asking them that.” She pointed at Lord Rodriguez and Arwen. ” Honestly, I really do want to leave this place but they won’t let me.

And besides, I think I still have an unanswered question here. Why do we resemble. Mother never told me I had a twin sister.”

” It’s you Anna.” Anna tries to frame her.

” That is my sister’s name. My name is Enya.” She corrected.

” No, I am Enya.” She insists.

” That is enough!!” Lord Riguez growled.

Things were becoming more complicated than it should.

” We will find out the real Enya, and no one is allowed to say a word until I say so.”

Enya felt relaxed, not really in the mood to answer whatever question he was going to ask.

She just wants to get the hell out of there. She was becoming tired of the drama, but she wasn’t as she kept on staring at Anna who stares back at her with an angry look.

She was trying to recollect if she ever had a sister but her br@in is too blur to think further.

And she still doesn’t un-derstand what was actually going on and why she was still in Brok’s palace and not in Pendamour.

” There is something Enya loves the most, she will do whatever it takes to have it, what is it?” He asked, not really happy this was actually going on.

” I love so many things, your majesty. ” Enya started, ” but you know what, there is something I never told anyone, G…”

She vomited, cleaning her mouth with the back of her palm. ” Sorry, my bad.” She f0rç£d a smile. ” So, as I was saying….” She vomited again.

” I think… I…” Arwen hurriedly esc-rted her out of the hall. She covered her mouth with her hand, until they got to her room.

She took her to the bathroom where she vomited the rest of it all. She rinsed her mouth with water, sighing heavily.

She walks out, looking at Arwen who is staring back at her with a worried face.

” I’m sorry for the mess.” She apologized.

” It’s nothing. How do you feel now?” She asked.

” I think I feel better now. Thank you.” Smiles at Arwen, ” You don’t look okay to me. I’m surprised as much as you are to see some one who resembles me.”

Chuckles, ” Fantastic.”

None of that seems funny to Arwen. She hated the fact that she was looking at her sister in such condition.

She pitied her.

” You don’t remember anything, do you?” Arwen asked, painfully. Tears has started rolling out of her eyes.

” Hey, is that tears?” She walks close to her, ” What’s ma-king you cry?”

Arwen couldn’t say a word, the tears were too much for her to talk.

” Hey, you nee-d to calm down and talk to me, because right now I don’t think I un-derstand anything that is going on in this castle.”

Arwen tried as much as possible to calm herself down. ” It all started since Lord Rodriguez proclaimed you to be his wife, Anna wasn’t happy.

So she went to consult a witch who gave her some spells to poison you to sleep and as well erase your memory in order to take over your place in Lord Rodriguez’s heart.”

Enya stared at her, listening to every bit of word she says. ” I know we haven’t been good to each other since we were little, and I do not want to watch Anna suffer because she really will.

I have always hoped for everyone to be happy, to have their dreams come throu-gh. You deserve to be happy, you deserve it all. plea-se, remember… plea-se.”

” I know it might be difficult to remember all this you have said, but I am happy. I am happy you are doing everything to bring me back.

I am happy, that despite the past we shared, you’ve been a good sister to me. And whatever the outcome of this is, I will have no regrets because I have people who worths my living.”


To Be Continued..