Ladies common mistake in a relationsh!pfinale

I had no peace for the rest of that week, because my dear Samuel wouldn’t let me be. He truly was extremely hurt by my decision, he kept begging and disturbing me as if my decision would kill him, but i never yielded to his plea-s nor listened to Mariam who pleaded on his behalf. It was as if my heart was on lockdown. I felt nothing and had no regret over anything.
I must confess his mistake really seemed to be the perfect opportunity that c@m£ at the right time, and i equally knew i simply was overreacting.
However his mum surprised me with a phone-call on thursday inviting me over to their family house during the weekend which i found ha-rd to decline, because the good old lady really had been very kind to me. But as i prepared my mind and myself on Friday, rehearsing how to behave at her house, i got another strange phone call from Emmanuel’s mother seeking to have a little ‘face to face’ chat with me, else she would come calling at my lodge.
Yea i also accepted her invitation and got the directions to her house, because i preferred visiting her instead of her showing up at my lodge. But i equally couldn’t help wondering how she got my phone number.
In such a short period, i bec@m£ a h0t dazzling ‘must-get’ princess..
2pm Saturday,
Samuel’s family house
“Do you still love my son?” Samuel’s mum asked seriously, scanning my face with her eyes. I breathed de-eply and nodded,
“Yes i still do mum” i murmured. But my reply had no effect on her nor st©pped her curious eyes from running throu-gh me.
I arrived Samuel’s house quite on time that fateful day to as-sist the mum in preparing lunch. Something i did out of obligation and respect i had for the family.
However Samuel travelled home the previous day, expecting me to travel with him like we used to whenever i was visiting his family, but i declined his request leaving him totally surprised and scared. he feared i would embarras-s him by not honouring his mum’s invitation, thus the happiness and relief on his face when i eventually showed up that fateful day.
His mum however was a bit cold and reserved as she welcomed me. I knew as a woman she really was very disappointed by my behaviour, but perhaps was f0rç£d to invite me because of her son whom she had to set aside her personal feelings to plea-se.
“Are you really sure about that?” she asked. I breathed de-eply, smiling nervously.
I really was glad she s£nt her son away before questioning me, something only wise mothers with good experience would do. I equally felt she wasn’t listening nor paying serious attention to my replies, but was intently examining my facial expression with each reply i gave, as if she was a mind re-ader.
“If you are still in love with him as you claim, why break up with him?” she queried. I shrugged, calmed my excitement before pouring out my own version of the story.
“Your story is similar to what he told me, you both made mistakes so i see no s-en-se in your decision. My son is seriously hurting and i can’t stand it any longer. But I have ordered him never to beg you again because relationsh!ps are not built with pity but with good un-derstanding, so tell me, how long are you willing to put him on hold and what’s your plan for the other boy?” she asked inquisitively.
“Mum whatever will be will be, i promise to work out things with your son but i nee-d a little more time to sort myself out. I still love him” i replied, calmly avoiding saying anything about Emmanuel. She shrugged and smiled weakly.
I instantly knew she wasn’t convinced with my reply, nor did i nee-d anyone to tell me i had failed her test. She really re-ad throu-gh me so easily. A strange gifted woman she was.
She asked no other prying questions as i spent the rest of the afternoon with them before rushing back to my lodge amidst Samuel’s plea-s. I knew the way i left without spending a single night with them like i used to, further added weight to her suspicions.
“Polluting Samuel’s mind would be her next line of action” i reasoned.
I really was unable to sleep that fateful night as i pondered over the whole affair. By 12pm the next day, i was alre-ady on my way to Emmanuel’s family house with weird feelings in my heart.
“Whatever is written can never be changed”—How foolish i was!
2pm Emmanuel’s family house .
Emmanuel, his mum and i sat at the dinning table, eating the Sunday rice before us. I was very nervous as i ate my own share of the meal, and couldn’t help praying for the lunch to end quic-kly.
“I’m really delighted you honoured my invitation, you can’t imagine how plea-sed i am” Emmanuel’s mum said to me sweetly, while I blu-shed and said nothing.
“We really do have a lot to talk after the meal, so relax and enjoy our hospitality” she added quietly. I nodded with a calm smile.
My heart really pounded furiously as i stepped into Emmanuel’s family house that fateful Sunday. Guilt and fear totally consuming me without warning. I would have turned and ran back that moment, if not for Emmanuels mum who c@m£ out of the house, saw me and c@m£ forward happily. The joy in her eyes as she c@m£ running totally buried my guilt and fear.
“Daughter in-law” she greeted as she hvgged me.
Emmanuel ha-rd ly t©uçhed his food that afternoon as he kept staring and pleading with his eyes, but i pretended not to notice, even though i very much un-derstood his plight.
A heavy rain however started immediately after lunch. Lightening and thun-der striking like madness.
“Don’t worry dear, the rain will st©p before 4pm” his mum as-sured me with a smile as she led me to a sofa, while Emmanuel excused himself to attend to some areas of the building which was leaking un-der the heavy rain, leaving his mum all alone with me.
“I know all about your story with my son. Trust me if i was in your shoes, i would have poured h0t water twice on him before allowing him to explain himself. I really don’t blame all you are doing to him, but i swear by my honour, my son is really suffering over this issue” she softly said, held my hand and stared into my eyes.
“No matter how ha-rd we try to fight or pretend, the truth is that the memory of our first love affair will always remain buried in our heart. Our first love Is the root by which other relationsh!ps stand and just like a house will never stand without a foundation, our life will be meaningless without the story of how it all started. Our first relationsh!preally shapes and dictates the direction of our future relationsh!ps. Without it, i doubt if we will ever have the wisdom nor experience to control our heart. I do know your heart is beating furiously as i speak to you and i equally know there is doubt, confusion and uncertainty in it. This is where an elder like me comes in, i will never wish you bad nor decieve you, because any agreement we arrive at will equally affect my son either positively or negatively” she lectured. I shook nervously as i listened.
“What do you feel whenever you look at him?” she asked searchingly. I swallowed ha-rd and shook my head.
“I don’t just know ma, i can’t describe what i do feel, because it’s a mixture of hatred, compas-sion, fear, anger and happiness” i confessed. She breathed de-eply with a smile.
“You still love him my daughter, plea-se don’t fight it any longer” she pleaded with we-t eyes.
I knew she was very right, but i instantly remembered Samuel. A boy who showed me care and love when i nee-ded it.
“I really can’t go back to your son because i’m alre-ady with another person” i sobbe-d. The good old lady closed her eyes, breathed de-eply and drew me to her che-st
“I really do un-derstand dear, because my sister experienced the same thing when we were teenagers” she murmured with a broken voice. I instantly raised my face and stared at her.
“Yes my dear, i speak with experience, the best you can do for yourself is to follow your heart, allow it to be the Judge. Marriage is not something built on pity nor sympathy, but something built on solid love. plea-se dear let my words not look as if I’m rushing you. There is still enough time for you to think over everything. I have your phone number, so reaching you won’t be a problem, but just know that if you should accept my son, we will quic-kly arrange the marriage ceremony in no time” she concluded with a smile, leaving me totally lost and confused.
The heavy rain finally st©pped around 6:15PM messing up the road and ma-king it very unideal to thre-ad on. I was stranded.
“Our road wasn’t this bad last raining season. It’s as a result of the red soil poured on it by the contractors handling the construction” Emmanuel explained as we stood outside minutes later.
I had insisted on leaving after the rain st©pped, declining his mother’s plea-s for me to sleep over, but looking at the road i knew i wasn’t going anywhere that fateful sunday evening.
His mum gave me an old lovely pink night wear which i really didn’t know where she got from. I thanked her, took my night bath and relaxed in the guest room.
I was swiftly carried away by my thoughts as soon as i la-id down, that i never noticed when Emmanuel c@m£ into the room, nor when he sat on the be-d.
“hey Mary” he greeted. I instantly sat up and stared at him suspiciously. His smile calm but intense.
“I will be heading straight to town as early as 5AM tomorrow because of my work, hope you can wake up by that time? So i could drop you at your lodge, before going for my own business, though it all depends on our road. let’s just pray the road gets a bit dry before dawn” he said calmly, but before i could reply, a heavy thun-der went throu-gh instantly jo-lting us. Rain started dropping on the roof once again.
“Oops” he exclaimed, while i smiled, even though i had no reason to do so.
Before i knew what was happening, hisl-ips were on mine. I unknowingly surrendered completely to him and he took advantage of me once again.
Minutes Later
We silently la-id beside each other, totally exhaused and weak.
Finally the s-en-se of de-ep peace that overtook us during our lovema-king quic-kly began ebbing away. The implications of what had happened hit home and sl@pped me intensely.
A tide of guilt and self loathing swept throuh me.
“I have betrayed Samuel” i sobbe-d.
What really bittered me the most was that Samuel never even went this far with me all throu-gh the while we’ve been together. He’s always wished we keep the love ma-king aspect till our wedding night. Here i am giving it freely to someone who doesn’t even deserve me. I was so ashamed of myself.
Is this how my relationsh!pgonna end with Samuel??
I think Mary is doing the right thing?