ki-ss me episode 28 & 29

? ki-ss
ME ?
( The Beauty Inside… )


By, Naomi Cindy


★HER wa-ist★

“What the Fu-ck is happening!” Rhonda yelled into the darkness as Lovelyn struggled to put on her phone light.

“Are you asking me?, We’re here together!” Lovelyn shouted.

“Are spirits planning to invade this place?, Why else would the lights suddenly go off” Sugar said fearfully.

Lovelyn put on her phone torch and left the office with the intention of going to the power room to find out what’s happening.

“Arrggghh!!!!!!” She screamed in horror when she got to the hallway where she found Romeo’s body, lying helplessly in blood.

The phone fell from her and she fell too, leaning on the wall.

Rhonda came rushing with Sugar.

“Boss!!!!” She screamed.

“Mr Spencer oh my goodness!” Sugar covered his mouth.

The lights came back on Immediately.

“Boss!!!” Lovelyn cried loudly.

“Ambulance!, Ambulance!!” Sugar shouted.




The black car sped fast down the road and the driver won’t stop breathing fast and loud as he drove.

He took a peek at sleeping Juliet at the backseat and concentrated back on his drive.

His phone rang and he removed his mask to pick the call.

“My lady” he said.

“I told you to eliminate her today, it’s past 7 already, are you becoming incompetent?, What exactly are you waiting for?, I can’t stand the fact that she’s still alive anymore!” Michelin’s voice shouted.

“Job almost done my lady” he replied.


“I have her with me right now, I kidnapped her from her work”

“Great!, Bring her to the hideout, but be sure to blindfold her, I’ll gouge out her eyes” Michelin replied.

“But…..we have a problem”

“What problem?”

“I didn’t know Romeo would be in the hallway with her, he tried to get in my way … So I, stuck two knives in his stomach” he replied.

“What did you just Fu-cking say!”

“I’m sorry my lady but…

“How dare you hurt my man!, How dare you hurt Romeo!”

“He’ll survive, I’m sure” he replied .

“I’ll kill you with my own bullets” Michelin replied.

He wasn’t able to talk again because he suddenly saw another car in the middle of the road, in front of him.

“Who the hell” he muttered and tried to run the car over but the car suddenly moved at a crazy fast speed, coming for him.

They ran into each other and the two cars stopped as flames emanated.

A lady figure came out of the car, masked in black.

“Darn” he muttered and came out of the car too.

He got his sharp knives and started throwing them but she avoided it all expertly, leaving him speechless.

She finally got to him and gave him a kick on the face first, it sent his face to the car window.

It hit ha-rd on it and he bled immediately.

“Who the heck sent you!, Are you working with Joel?” She demanded.

He tried to take off her mask but she grabbed his hand and locked it behind him.

“So you’re only good with knives huh?, Your bones are damn brittle!” She said, turning his right elbow.

“Arrg!” He yelped, struggling with her.

“Who sent you!, Tell me bastard!” She demanded again.

He suddenly broke free and punched her face ha-rd.

She staggered on the car and he pinned her there.

“You’re the darn Swift Angel, right?” He said, bringing his hand to her mask but he raised her knees to his middle.

Her kneecap got him and he yelled painfully as he let go of her.

She grabbed his hair and started punching his face repeatedly, not stopping for once.

“Who sent you!, Tell me who sent you or imma kill you here and now!” She shouted as she continued punching his already bloody face.

“My life has been payed for, I dare not tell you my boss’s name” he replied, smiling weakly.

She hit his head on the bonnet and he Gr0-ned painfully again as more blood ran down his face.

The police sirens from afar made her look up.


She let him go and he fell on the ground.

“We’ll meet again I’m sure” she said and went to the car.

She looked at Juliet throu-ghthe window and her eyes shone with concern.

The sirens got closer and she sighed before leaving the place.

The cops got there and Swan rushed down from the car with the others.

Blood prints were found on the bonnet of one of the destroyed cars, no one was found except for Juliet who’s still sleeping in the car.

“She’s the same girl who was almost killed by Joel” Swan said.

“Yes, it’s surely Joel again but it’s surprising that he tried to kidnap her this time around, he kills immediately, not kidnap” Kyle replied.

“Serial killers can stick to one mode of killing but psychos like Joel might wanna change” Swan replied as Juliet was brou-ght out of the car.

“Will this stop anytime soon?, Joel is getting stronger” Kyle said.

“Stay positive Kyle” Swan sighed.

The blood on the bonnet was carefully collected for test.

“But … Who owns this second car?, Who saved miss Juliet?”

Swan smiled.

“Swift Angel, if only I can meet her” she replied.




“Why the Fu-ck are you in blood!” She yelled at Spy as he came in.

“I almost got caught, Swift Angel attacked me, damn that bi-tch ” he replied, obviously in pains.

“So… where’s Juliet?”

“I had to leave her and escape when the cops appeared” he replied.

“You mean to tell me….you lost Juliet and you wounded my Romeo?” Michelin said, getting her gun.

“I didn’t mean to…

His mouth was shut with a bullet from Michelin’s gun, she shot his arm.

“Ahr!” He held the sp-ot as it bled.

“If Romeo dies, then I’ll kill you completely, @$$hole!” She spat and waltzed out of the place.




“Please save boss!, Nothing must happen to him please!” Lovelyn cried as Romeo was taken into the hospital on a stretcher.

He’s bleeding so much from the wounds, his shirt is completely soaked with blood already and he’s still bleeding.

The knives are still stuck in his stomach.

Mona came out of the theater, just getting done with a surgery when one of the resident doc came rushing to her.

“Chief doctor!”

“Yes?, What’s up?” She asked quickly.

“Romeo!, Romeo your stepson!” He replied in urgency.

“What happened to him?, What’s wrong with Romeo!” She quickly asked.

“He was stabbed, he’s …

Mona didn’t wait to listen to the rest, she rushed out to the main hallway and met the stretcher.

“Mrs Spencer!, Please save him!, Please!” Rhonda said.

Romeo’s blood was already dripping down from the stretcher to the ground.

“Romeo!, What the hell happened!” She said shockingly and almost started crying but she held back her tears.

He was taken into the nearest ward and to worsen the case, he’s not breathing anymore.

His monitor was connected and Mona used the defibrillators on him.

“150 joules” she said, getting ready.


“Shock!” She breathed, pressing the defibrillators on his che-st.

His che-st rose and the monitor kept making a straight sound.

Mona continued giving him shocks and Lovelyn kept crying outside, watching throu-ghthe gl@$$ wall.

Rhonda clasped her hands together, waiting for the best.
Sugar held the door knob worriedly.

The monitor suddenly started beeping again and Mona breathed in relief.

Lovelyn stopped crying and Mona dropped the defibrillators .

“Move him to the second theater and prepare for surgery” she ordered the interns and Romeo was shifted back to the stretcher.

He was taken out of the ward into the theatre and Mona went in with three more doctors.

“Boss, please you have to be fine” Lovelyn said hopefully.

Baby came rushing, breathing heavily.

“Where’s Romeo?” He asked breathlessly.

“He’s in the theatre, getting surgery, the two knives have to be removed” Lovelyn replied and his eyes wide-ned.

“Two?, Two?”

He made to enter the theatre but Sugar held him back.

“You can’t”

“I don’t want to lose him!” Baby replied.

“No one is ready to lose him, just calm down and let the doctors do their job” Rhonda replied.

Baby relented and backed the wall , impatiently waiting for good news.


“She was only sedated, she’ll wake in no time” a doctor said after checking Juliet.

She was brou-ght by the cops.

“Are you sure?” Gina asked worriedly.

She rushed here fast when she heard about what happened and she even got into a slight accident as she rushed.

“Trust me madam, she’s fine” the doctor replied and left.

Gina limped back to Juliet who’s still lying unconsciously on the bed.

“Joel…. Joel what did my family ever to to you!!!, What have we ever done!!” She cried, resting on Juliet.

“You took my husband away, you’re gonna take my daughter too?, How could you be so callous”

“It’s not Joel” Swan said, coming into the ward.

Gina stood slowly.

“Then… who’s it?”

“The blood collected from the car bonnet didn’t have the hormone in Joel’s blood after test, so it’s not him, it’s another enemy of miss Juliet I think” Swan replied.

“I know Juliet might be a little bit stubborn and troublesome…” Gina said and stopped.

“Ok she’s very stubborn and troublesome but she’s a sweet girl, why will anyone want to eliminate my baby” she said.

Kyle came in and Swan went out with him.

“The numbers on the two cars weren’t registered so we can’t find the owners” he reported and Swan dived her fingers into her hair.

“This is crazy”

Justus entered the ward and Gina looked up.


“Will she be ok?” He asked, looking at unconscious Juliet.

He sat beside her and held her hand gently.

“The doctors said she’ll be fine, what about her boss?, I heard he’s in a critical condition” Gina said

“Yes, but he’s currently in surgery so we’re hoping for the best” he replied and Merritt showed up.

“Bestie!” She ran to Juliet on the bed.

“What took you so long” Gina said.

“I’m sorry mummy Gina, I saw the news late” she replied, touching Juliet’s face on the bed.

“What was the doctor’s report?”

“She was just sedated so she’ll wake up soon”

“I hope so, but was it Joel again?”

“No, the cops said it’s not him, the blood on the scene doesn’t match with Joel’s” Gina replied.

“Then who?” Justus said.

“I have no idea”


The surgery was successful so Romeo has been moved back to the ward though he has to breath with an oxygen mask and he’s getting transfused with blood since he lost so much.

No one is allowed to stay near him, Mona insisted he nee-ds to be left alone for now so noises won’t affect him.

Juliet’s eyes opened suddenly and Justus smiled.

“You’re awake” he said happily.

She held her forehead and sat up, taking her hand from him.

“What exactly happened?, Why am I in an hospital?” She asked.

Gina hu-gged her first.


“You were kidnapped but Swift Angel saved you, together with the cops” Merritt said.

“Kidnapped?, By Joel?”

“No, another unknown person” Justus replied.

Juliet remembered she was with Romeo at the hallway so she quickly stood.

“What about boss?, He’s ok right?”

“Romeo is not ok” Justus replied sadly.

“What!, Why?”

“He was stabbed with two knives and we almost lost him, he lost so much blood and….

Juliet started crying, interrupting him.

“It’s all my fault, if only I had listened to him, if only I hadn’t gone to that hallway to receive the call, he wouldn’t have followed me there and that wouldn’t have happened to him, what do I do” she cried guiltily.

“It’s not your fault Juliet” Merritt said.

“It’s my fault Bess!, He got hurt because of my stubbornness, if only I had listened to his instructions, he restricted me but I was stubborn” Juliet continued crying.

“He’ll be fine trust me” Justus said.

“Where’s he?” She asked.

“The special ward” he replied and she rushed out of the ward, making her way there.

All the B4 are there with the others.

“Juliet you’re awake” Lovelyn stood.

“Where’s boss?” She asked impatiently.

“No one is allowed in his ward for now, he’s still in a critical condition” Naomi replied and Juliet covered her mouth, crying again.

Michelin came to her and before anyone could think, she slapped Juliet and Juliet fell on the ground.

“Michelin!” Baby stood.

“It’s all your fault!, Rhonda said Romeo came looking for you at the hallway when this happened, bi-tch y monkey!” Michelin yelled.

Mona rushed to the scene and helped Juliet up.

“Michelin are you crazy?” Naomi said.

“Yes I’m crazy!, You think I’ll be in my right senses when Romeo is not fine?, Huh?, She caused it all!”

“Hey” Gina’s voice made Michelin look beside her.

“Who the hell are you?” She smi-rked and Gina slapped her immediately, she staggered on Naomi and everyone gasped.

“My baby was already feeling guilty, Must you slap her with your scaly palm?, Don’t try that again” Gina warned.

“How dare you slap me old woman!” Michelin spat.

“And how dare you slap my daughter!” Gina replied .

Michelin kept holding her face, looking at her shockingly.

Mona took crying Juliet out of the hallway and they went to her office together.

“Stop crying, your boss will be fine” she said, hu-gging her.

“I just feel so guilty right now, if only I hadn’t gone to the hallway, it’s really my fault doctor” she continued crying.

“Do you want to see your boss?” Mona suddenly asked, breaking the hu-g.

“Can I?, Please let me” she said.

“Then wipe your tears first” Mona smiled and she quickly wiped the tears.

She held her hand and led her out to another door.

“It’s the emergency door which leads directly to my office” she said, opening it.

“Go on, but no noise, ok?” She said and Juliet nodded quickly.

“I won’t make even the slightest noise”

“Good, I’ll be waiting here” Mona replied and Juliet went in.

She opened another door and found herself in the ward.

Romeo is on the bed , his monitor is beeping gently.

She walked slowly to the bed with immeasurable guilt on her worried face.

When she saw he’s getting transfused with blood and he has an oxygen mask on, she started crying again but she covered her mouth so the sounds won’t come out.

“I’m sorry for disobeying you, I’m sorry for making this happen to you Mr Spencer”

She sat beside his bed and continued crying silently.

“If you get better and come back to the office, I promise to always abide with all your rules, I’ll never go against them anymore, I promise” she hiccu-pp-ed and covered her face with her palms, still crying so much.

“You’re always so noisy” Romeo’s muffled voice made her take her hands off her face slowly.

His eyes are slightly opened.

“Boss” she said surprisingly, standing up.

He looked at her with his drowsy eyes and before she could stop him, he removed the oxygen mask.

“That’s dangerous!” she said.

“I’m fine” he replied weakly.

Juliet started ru-b-bing her wrists.

“How many stitches did I get?” He asked but instead of answering, she started crying.

“I’m not dead you know” He said.

“I’m so sorry boss, from now on I promise to always listen to you, I promise to always do what you want and…

“I hate promises” he interrupted and she hiccu-pp-ed, ru-b-bing her wrists fas-ter.

He tried sitting up but he yelped as his stomach hurts.

“You were in surgery some hours ago, please don’t try to sit up” she said but he didn’t listen.

He tried again and sat up with difficulty.

He started staring at her as she cried and ru-bbed her wrists guiltily.

He separated her hand from her wrist and she looked up, he pulled her closer and raised his hand to her face.

“You look ugly with those tears” he said, wiping her tears with his fingers.

“I’m sorry for disobeying you” she said.

“Calling Justus your Fu-ckmate, I’m sorry” he said.

She blinked as he wiped the remaining trace of tears on her face.

He started staring at her again and she didn’t bother to look away this time.

“Can i hu-g you?” He suddenly asked and her eyes wide-ned but before she could say a thing, he wrapped his arms around her wa-ist, pulling her to himself.

He rested his head on her tummy as he hu-gged her gently.