Just stay finale

(Life of a model and actress)
Season One
{Seoul,South Korea}
💙Kylo’s POV💙
I walk down the stairs of my jet with sir Ethan beside me and four of my guards including Tiger behind.
We just arrived at South Korea airport late in the night.
We began walking towards the building of the airport.
We got into the building and paparazzi began flashing their c@m£ra light at us.
How did they know that I am coming?So Weird to be a celebrity.
A lot of people started gathering even thou it was late in the night.
I pu-ll-ed my face mask from my nose down to my jaw.
immediately I pu-ll it off everyone began screaming and yelling my name.
🚺”Omo(Oh My) it’s Jimin
🚺”Jimin Saragheo(I love you)
🚹”So handsome Jimin”
🚺”Jimin plea-se look at me.
🚺”Jimiiiin I love you
🚺”So cute Jimin”
🚹”Oppppppa Sarangheo”
🚺”The most handsome man in the whole world”
They kept screaming my name,some were even crying,i waved at them as the crowd were trying to t©uçh me but the policemen and my guards blocked them.
I placed my hand on my hair and did the love sign,everyone scream so loud.
The crowd was so much that we couldn’t move out of the airport on time.
The c@m£ra flash light bec@m£ so intense that it started affecting my vision but I just have to bear with it.
We were finally able to pas-s the crowd but with the help of lot of policemen,securities and my guards.
We got outside of the airport building, the crowd where still following me but the securities st©pped them.
Two cars where alre-ady prepared awaiting for our arrival.
I,Sir Ethan and Tiger got into the black SUV,we sat at the back seat while Tiger sat at the front seat beside the driver.
My other guards got into the white Camry behind us.
The driver started the car and drove out of the airport premises to the h0tel we will be lodging at.
💗Jisun’s POV💗
I placed the cu-p of ramyeon and chopstick beside my computer with a bottle of soju.
I sat down on the chair in front of my computer which was on.
I sighed…
I am about to write a petition concerning Hyo Jin and s£nd it to SEA(Seoul Enf0rç£ment Agency).
She nee-d to get Justice for her father’s death.
The man that had a hand in her father’s death is a very wealthy and influential person that’s why the case wasn’t taken up when we reported to the police.
I pray the case is taken up after I s£nd it to this agency.
I cracked my knuckles before placing my f!ngerson the keyboard.
I log into the website of the agency,I cli-cked on the box which says “Report a problem” it displa-yed a blank page for typing the report.
I sighed as I began typing.
I finish typing the report, I scrolled to the t©p and re-ad it to the ending.
A satisfactory smile displa-yed on myl-ips,I nodded my head and cli-ck on the s£nd bu-tton.
I picked up the cu-p of ramyeon with chopstick,I took a large amount of noodles and placed it into my mouth.
I smiled on seeing delivered displa-yed on the screen of my computer.
Don’t worry Hyojin
You are going to get Justice for your father’s death and also for all the things you are going throu-gh in the hands of some wicked men.
💔Hyo Jin POV💔
I watch as Park Jae Hyun snore loudly on the be-d.
My face was swollen from the several sl@ps and punch I received from this wicked man.
I sniffle as I brou-ght out a jotter from my bag with a pen.
I am totally fed up with this life
I think it would be better if I also go and join my dad where he is.
So I have made up my mind to….
I bur-sted out into tears on thinking of what I am about to do.
But before I do that,I nee-d to write all what I am going throu-gh in this jotter and also a word of encouragement for my mom.
So should incase when I am dead and they see the jotter I will be able to get justice for all that is happening to me.
h0t tears began streaming down my face as I open the jotter.
I sniffle in as I began writing on it with tears pouring heavily from my eyes.
I finish writing everything, my cloth was alre-ady soa-ked with my tears.
I used the back of my palm to clean my runny nose.
I closed the jotter and put it inside my cloth.
I turned to Jae Hyun he was still slee-ping on the be-d.
I looked at the h0tel room one more time before walking to the entrance door.
I slowly open it without letting out a sound.
I got outside and slowly closed the door.
I tried st©pping my tears but it kept on pouring out as I made my way to where I will be carrying out my mission.
💙Kylo’s POV💙
I stood up from the be-d yearning loudly.
I ru-bbe-d my eyes together before standing up fully from the be-d.
I walked into the luxurious h0tel bathroom.
I turn on the faucet of the sink in the bathroom, I splashed water on my face three times before turning off the faucet.
I re-moved the clean face towel hanged on the door knob of the bathroom, I used it to dry my face before walking out of the bathroom.
This h0tel is really big indeed
The room is has wi-de as my sitting room back in Paris.
The name of the h0tel is Shinwa Luxurious h0tel according to Sir Ethan.
He claimed that it is one of the biggest and expensive h0tel in the whole of Seoul.
And I think that he is right,because it is really big.
But what he said about the h0tel that entice me most is the opened rooft©p that it have,I really love going to places like that to have some fresh air.
And I think I will have to explore there now.
I was still on my pyjama,I placed my feet into the bunny flops beside the be-d.
I took my diamond laced earring which was on the be-d side table.
I inser-ted one of the earring into my left ear.
I pushed my air backward as I made my way for the door.
I opened the door,Tiger and one of my other guard were standing beside the door.
They turned to me and bow
I nodded my head before closing the door behind.
“Where is Tony and Felix” I said referring to Tiger.
He bowed at me again.
“They are with Sir Ethan” he said
I looked at the third room after mine where Sir Ethan was lodged in.
I saw my two guards standing beside his door.
Their gaze landed on me and they bowed.
I waved my hand at them.
“I nee-d to catch some fresh air at the rooft©p of the h0tel” I said turning back to Tiger.
“Okay sir” he said and was about following me.
I shook my head.
“I don’t want any esc-rt, you guys should stay behind I will be back soon”I said
” But sir…”Tiger said.
I frown at him.
“I said I will be back soon” I retorted.
They nodded and bow at me.
I ru-bbe-d the side of my n£¢k as I began walking towards the elevator of the h0tel.
The elevator dinged and the door open on getting to the last floor.
I pushed my hair backward as I made my way for the door of the rooft©p.
I got to the door and open it.
A cool breeze hit my face ma-king my to smile.
Then I saw someone standing on the pavement of the rooft©p.
I g@sped and rush towards the person which looks like a girl.
The girl was about jumping, but I quic-kly st©p her.
“Hajima(St©p)” I yelled using my hand to gesture.
She turned to me and her eyes wi-den with her mouth open.
Hmm she is beautiful…
THE END of season 1