Just be mine only for today episode 32

🙏 Just be mine only for today🙏

😍(My Indian psycho)😍


Season two ✌

💀 A Clash between You and I 💀

By Choice novels💎💎💎

Nit Thirty two ✌



Going soft😔

Comment💬 and share before re-ading📖

Both I and Lima kept staring ha-rd at mase as he smiled evily at us

“I thought lucy was working for you” I said gritting my teeth together

“of course she is, and trust me I really appreciate her efforts, but as you know, everyone is destined to die someday, maybe hers is to die in my hands” He said wi-nking at me as I felt nothing more but hatred

How I wish I could stab him right now, right here and probably end this ru-bbish

“I know you feel like killing me mum in law” He said while I sm-irk

“Ohh am so glad you know” I replied as he bur-st into laughter

“Wow mum in law, how would you think of killing your own son in law” He asked with a sm-irk

“Ya not going to get married to my daughter and neither are you going to be addressed as my son in law” I yelled in anger

His expression change to that of a monster as he held me by the n£¢k, almost choking me to death

“plea-se let her go, plea-se mase” Lima cried while I struggled to be free

He re-leased me and I fell ha-rd on the floor while Lima rushed to my side

He walked to the wall and started slamming his head continuously in it as blood rushed out of his head

“St©p mase, plea-se st©p it ” Lima yelled in pains
I guess she still loves this monster

I stared at him hoping he could just die as he kept slamming his head
He suddenly walk to us with tears flowing down his face

“Ohh my gosh! Mother in law, did I hurt you? am so so sorry, plea-se forgive me” He cried like a little kid searching my n£¢k for any kind of pains

He suddenly st©pped and started laughing ha-rd still in tears

Both I and Lima stared at him with horror in our expression
He st©pped laughing again and gave us a ha-rd glare then walk away

Both I and Lima remained silent for a long time as we both pondered on what just happened

Was that guy sick?
It seems he takes ha-rd drugs

“It is all my fault, if I didn’t neglect his feelings then this wouldn’t have happened” She muttered crying ha-rd while I just kept looking at her

I didn’t utter a word to her or even offer her any comfort😇

She kept muttering words I couldn’t hear until finally I sle-pt off with just one thought in my heart

What if he succeeds?
Will my beauty end up with this monster as a husband???

Today is the worst day ever
School has been filled up with gossips ever seen anneka revealed that she was the masked girl

Everyone thought she stole her dance steps from Becca but I know better

M sure Becca Must have threatened her into saying such
Sometimes I wonder why Becca acts so childish

I may have depise anneka before but I love her now
I discovered that it was just mere jealousy I felt then

I walk down the hallways towards emperor suite
I know am not permitted too but am worried about neka

How is she coping with all these?
I really hope she is okay!

A hand pu-ll-ed me f0rç£fully into a dark place covering my mouth preventing Me from yelling

I tried kicking and eventually end up b!tt!g the hand of the person

“Hey! What gives vampire🧛‍♂️” He yelled as I quic-kly switched on the light 💡

“Luke? ” I said in shock while he sm-irk

“Hello beautiful vampire” He tea-sed while I breathed out in relief

“Gosh! You scared me” I yelled and he quic-kly covered my mouth with his palm

“Shush.. Calm down and reduce your voice” He said and I sl@p his hand off myl-ips

“Why did you drag me in here? ” I asked crossing my hand around my br£@st and he li-cked hisl-ips staring at it


“Cause I miss you and wanna spend time with you” He said and my heart double fli-pped

Somehow his words got my heart beating fast

“What the heck do you mean by you miss me” I asked trying to control my racing heartbeat whole he just sm-irk

“Don’t you miss me? ” He asked drawing closer to me and I moved back

He kept moving closer and I kept moving back…. not until my back t©uçhed the end wall

He smiled and place his hands besides both wall tra-pping me

“Wha…. t.. ar…. e…. yo… u…. do… ing….? ” I stuttered as my heart beat kept ma-king different nervous sounds

“Do I make you nervous beautiful vampire? ” He whispered into my ears as his h0t breath Fanned my ear lobe.

I gulp down nervously not knowing what to reply him

My mind kept screaming “Push him” But my b©dy couldn’t even move

His eyes went to myl-ips and remained there

I li-cked myl-ips ma-king him gr0@nha-rd

“Don’t do that B.V” He said and I frowned

“What’s B.V? ” I asked and he sm-irk

“Beautiful vampire” He said and I gulp in ha-rd ly taking myl-ips into my mouth again

“St©p that” He said s£dûçt!velywhile I just stared at him

“St©p what? ”

“St©p l!çk!ng yourl-ips like that! ”

“Why? ”

“It’s turning me on B. V and trust me, you do not want to do that” He said and I sm-irk inwardly

Strangely, I wanted to know what will happen if I do
Gosh! Ya going crazy diamond

“$h!t! ya doing it again” He gr0@nand I quic-kly re-lease myl-ips
I didn’t even know I was doing it

“Am sorry! ” I said and his expression softened

“Sorry Don’t fix it B. V”

“Than what does! ” I asked and he sm-irk

“A h0t k!sswill do” He said and proceeded to k!ssme as my heart beat increa-sed 5 times

Just as he was about to slam hisl-ips on mine, the door opened revea-ling lia

She glared at me hatefully and walked out without a single word

“Lia! ” I yelled trying to follow her but his hand held mine
I brushed it aside and ran after her

“Lia! Wait up” I yelled chasing her down the hallways until I finally caught up with her

“Hey Lia, what gives! ” I yelled angrily and she scoff

“What do you want? don’t you have an attrac-tivel-ips to k!ss”She asked in a cold tune

“Seriously Lia what’s going on? ” I said trying to hold her hand but she sl@pped it off and walk away

Okay! What the fu*k just happened?
Lia I know never walk out on me or even act so cold

What the fv¢k is going on???

Anneka √

I signed tiredly as I walk into mum’s mansion

The little chat I had with emperor kept repla-ying with my head


We were both seated at a water fall at the back of his pri-vate suite

It is amazing how big and beautiful it is
No one has said a word but emperor kept staring at me

“The first day I saw you, I was dumbstruck” He began and I raise my brows

“Yea, I have never seen a girl that was so strong, beautiful and self minded like you were” He said and I bow my head blu-shing

“It is true, you were not only beautiful but one of the greatest and craziest fighter I have ever seen” He said while I smiled

“It is so unfortunate that the girl I know is no longer the one am seeing today” He said and my expression went sour

“Yea, the girl I know is strong, self minded, spirit filled, lively, doesn’t tolerate $h!ts and definitely won’t stay back and let some idiots bully her” He said and tears flowed down my face

“But the girl I see now, is just a weak and pathetic soul that is looking for a way to hide from her problems instead of facing them” He said and his words pierced de-ep into my heart

“I don’t know were the crazy psycho I know is, but I really miss her and I want her back! ” He said sadly while tears kept streaming down my face

He stared at me for a long time then stood up and left, leaving me to think of my life

〽 End of flashback〽

Was I really going soft??
I remembered how I was with back then in india

How crazy I was then…
How people feared and respected me at the same time

Seriously what happened to me?
Why am I going so soft??

I felt a pounding headache as I headed upstairs to mum’s Room

All I nee-d is mum’s hvg and comfort right now

I walk towards her door and was about to open it when I heard her scream

“What the fv¢k do you mean by they almost escaped? ” She yelled as I wonder who almost escaped

“Thank goodness he was there in time to st©p them or it would have been very bad” She said signing tiredly

Hmmm I wonder what mum is talking about?
I mean who nearly escaped??
Well whatever it is, it is surely not my business
it seems she is busy, I will cone back later

“Ohhh that one, she is still with me! ” She said and I froze on my sp©t

“I just nee-d to get her to sign the property do¢v-ments and then I can finally end her” She said and I g@sp

Who the fv¢k do mum wants to end??

I opened the door and walked in, in anger

“Who do you want to end mum! ” I yelled as she froze dropping the phone in shock


Who else thinks what emperor said about anneka is the truth?

Hmmm I smell jealousy from lia 🤔💭

Who else agrees with urmi that mase is taking ha-rd drugs?
I don’t like it when I have to shout and scream for you guys to comment and share

We made a deal, and you people promised to comply
I will eventually st©p this story if you guys fail to comply like u earlier promised


