Just be mine only for today episode 31

🙏 Just be mine only for today🙏

😍(My Indian psycho)😍


Season two ✌

💀 A Clash between You and I 💀

By Choice novels💎💎💎

Nit Thirty one 💋



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Lima 〽
I gr0@nin pains as I tried to open my eyes…
The pains I felt was nothing compared to the headache that almost destroyed my head
Finally! I was able to openy eyes and immediately my gaze met with that of his

The boy I took into my home as my own son
I loved him so much, even more than my twins

I and R0m-n adopted Mase when he was just a kid and trained him up throu-gh his different educational levels

“Hello mother, nice to meet you again.. to be honest, I have missed u so much” He said with a deadly sm-irk as tears kept rolling down my face

“Mason? ” I called out and his sm-irk wi-den

“Yes mother, did you miss me? ” He asked while I shook my head in tears

“Why?? ” I mumbled still in tears

“Why? Did you just ask me why mother?, I loved you so much, I loved you and pa so damn much that I would l@ydown my life for you both” He yelled silently as I could see tears flowing down his face

“I grew up in the orphanage with no parents, no one to love and cherish me, until you and pa c@m£ to adopt me
At first we were a happy family, we loved each other, and did everything in joy and harmony, just the three of us…
I was you and pa favorite until…
They c@m£
You got pregnant for pa and you both completely forgot me
your attention was now drawn to them
I tried to ignore it, encouraging myself that you people loved me and that you were only neglecting me due to happiness of you finally conceiving.
After you put to be-d, your attention was focus a 100% on the twins
You loved them more and never paid attention to me
You treated me like an outcast and neglected my wishes
You gave the world to them and left nothing more for me”He said as tears continuously rolled down both our faces

“We loved you Mase, both I and your father loved you with pas-sion” I explained while he scoffed

“Yea right, emperor and empree got all the love and attention,
You guys made me feel worthless and at the age of 10,i grew so much hatred for them” He said and I g@sp

“Yep! Severally I tried to kill them but I couldn’t because of that bull$h!t of them been special twins ” He said with pure hatred as I stared in shock

“At a time I got fed up and decided to run away, I was gone for a year and you guys never bothered searching for me” He mumbled sadly

“Of course not Mase, both I and your father searched for you, we paid lots of money to look for me….

” Of course, you later st©pped when you got tired right? “He asked and I brou-ght my head down while he scoffed

” Well that year I ran, I met my real dad,
fortunately, he was also rich, but not that rich though
He was powerful and well respected cause he was a mafia boss” He paused and stared at me for a while, then continued

“At first I hated him when I found out what he did for a living
I was so naive and wanted to return to u guys but thanks to my dad that showed me the right path
He made me un-derstand that you guys could never love me as much as you love your biological children
In fact that no parent would, so I stayed with my real dad, he taught me so much about the mafia life and soon after, I bec@m£ the leader of the mafia after I killed him”He explained as a loud g@sp escape myl-ips

“Yep, I had too.
Cause the only way I could become the next mafia boss was if I could prove that I was ruthless and heartless
Killing him wasn’t a big deal though” He said rolling his eyes as tears flowed down mine

“Well, I c@m£ back
And was kinda happy with the reception I got
I never loved the twins but I pretended too
Soon after I met this girl” He said and hisl-ips stretched with a wi-de smile

“I fell in love with her the first day I saw her
She was so beautiful, pure and had this cute smile
Then she was just twelve
She had this cute Indian dressing with so many chains and Jewelries on her
She was a pure definition of beauty”

“Remember when I asked you what her name was? ” He asked but i couldn’t reply

“Answer me mother! ” He yelled and I moved back in fear and held on to urmi ti-ghtly

“What did you say her name was? ” He asked calmly

“Princess Beauty anneka lekhan” I said and he smiled

“Yea, I grew interest in her and loved her even when I was just thirteen then
She captured my heart to the extent I even had to tell you and her mum about my feelings for her” He said as I clearly remember that day

“You looked at me in the eyes and laughed
” Ohh darling, ya too small to be in love” Those were your exactly words
And you urmi, you also laughed and said
“Sorry boy, but my child belongs to the legitimate son of the R0m-ns not an adopted one” Those words broke my heart into pieces”He cried as I couldn’t control my tears neither could urmi

“I watched you engage emperor to my beauty
Tears flowed down my face and when you were asked why I was crying, you laughed and said
” He is just too emotional and happy that he is seeing his brother’s engagement ”

“I vowed to take my revenge on you both
Even if it was with my last breath” He said signing heavily

“Well I finally got the chance, when I killed aunt urmi father and blamed it on aliyah (Lucy) “He said as urmi g@sp loudly

” You?? “She yelled in shock and he smiled

” Yes me!, I killed the old man, it was very much easy as lucy had hatred for him cause he usually S-xual as-sault her, so it was easy to manipulate you all in thinking lucy did it
Although even she herself thought she killed the old man but it wasn’t her
I did it and s£nt you videos that prove your sister did it” He explained as our jaw drop in shock

“I wanted to break the bond between you both
Cause lucy your sister was pure at heart
Even purer than you are
She loved you and even sacrifice herself as a means of protecting you from your horrible father” He said while urmi was alre-ady in tears

“Well later on, you did what I expected that you would do
You drove your sister away but what I didn’t believe you could do was convincing your husband to kill your own blood
Trust me, even for me, that was just too cruel
But with that little act of yours, I was able to turn your sweet sister into the monster you see today
She vowed to serve me and I promised to let her take her revenge
So to be honest, you changed your sister into a monster, not me “He concluded as urmi wept sadly

” Why? Why all these Mase why? “I asked trying to console urmi

” Duh….. I want revenge! ”

“Anyway back to my sweet story, both I and Lucy deviced a plan
While I wanted revenge on my foster parents, she wanted on her sister
Together we were able to kill your husbands and capture you both
Unfortunately, one of the twins died and it had to be empree, I wanted to kill emperor and get married to beauty but my plans didn’t go too well”

“Well to cut the long story short, I had a doctor wipe out the memories of both emperor and neka
I could have easily killed emperor but the do¢v-ments of R0m-n properties were in his name, so I couldn’t do anything but let him live”

“I later gave anneka to one of my guys named sarawasti to take care of her and kept emperor to myself
I discovered that husband didnt die so I device a plan for Lucy to marry him and she end up killing him Finally ” He said with a taunting sm-irk as I felt so much rage in me

“You monster! Ya a demon mase, ya a demon! ” I yelled while he just laughed

“Relax mother, I just told you half of the story, won’t you want to hear the remaining p@rt? ” He asked while I tried to keep my anger in check

“Do you know how ha-rd it is, watching emperor grow up to be so popular and famous?
He bec@m£ that dude that every girl wants and was re-ady to kill for, once again I was just the shadow behind him ” He muttered angrily

“I tried so ha-rd not to stab him in the knife when ever I got a chance too
Emperor thinks he is smart, but I am more smarter than he is
I have many people watching his movement and reporting to me” He said chuckling evily
“Well as they say, love is like a strong bond that can’t be broken
Unfortunately, anneka escaped from India and c@m£ to America to find you, her mother but end up getting close to that useless Bethroted of hers ”

“It is even so obvious, that they both have fallen for each other, awwwnn too bad cause she is mine and mine alone” He sm-irk while I glared at him
“She isn’t yours, she belongs to emperor only ” Urmi yelled and I nodded in agreement

“Really? ” He asked

“Yes you monster” I yelled and he gave a de-ep laughter

“You raised this monster! ” He said and I frowned

“Well let me tell you my plans so you can see that beauty belongs to me
Sooner or later, emperor will be going for a br@in surgery, and once he goes, he is never coming back
but before then, I will ensure he signs the do¢v-ment of all ownersh!pof his properties be given to me” He said and I scoff

“Ya such a dummy, my son will never sign his fathers property to you”

“Really! Well don’t be too sure mother, remember emperor trust me, and I can easily drug him into signing it or still make him believe that it is a normal work do¢v-ment and he will sign it with no stress” He explained as I exclaim in shock

“Shocking right? Yea I know
and after emperor is out of the way, neka will be mine”

“My daughter can never be yours, like you said their bond is strong and cannot be broken” Urmi yelled while he raise a brow

“Hmmm that’s right
But what if they be the one to break the bond!
I can just cause an enmity between them and end up been close to neka
That way once emperor dies, she will have no problem accepting me” He chuckled evily while we stared at him in shock

“And Lucy? ” I asked

“I will end her myself! ” He said and we g@sp

What kind of a monster was he??
I have created a monster 😭😭
