It all started with a sl@p episode 91 & 92

šŸ­ It All Started šŸ’‹
šŸ‘€ With ašŸ‘€

(And now I love himšŸ’œ)



(Don’t copy or repostā€¼ļø)


Liam blinked twice, staring at the man who seems to be asleep for too long, the boy brou-ght face closer to the man and waved his hand at the man’s front and the man just blinked confusedly, not saying anything

“D. Dad” Liam stuttered

“Dad?” Nathan repeated in confusion

“Dad you’re awake” the boy smiled and again Nathan looks confused

“Mommy!!!” The boy shouted as he ran out of the ward

Nathan looked really confused, with all his strength he sat up and blinked his eyes over and over again

His head was blank for a moment like he was trying to fix some scattered puzzle which he can’t put together

He recalled himself walking with two men inside a bar and a woman that sl@pped him

“Gosh” he cursed, holding his head and breathing heavily

“Who’s that boy” he thought


Betty could be seen talking to doctor Winston in the office

“plea-se doc if there’s anything you can do to make him wakeup on time just do it, my son can’t be fatherless” Betty pleaded in tears

“Well the surgery helped fix his br@in which means, it won’t be ha-rd for him to regain every lost memory when he wakes up but the thing is that it would take a lot if time, I told you earlier right?” Doctor Winston said

“Three years, I’ve waited for three years” Betty said in tears

“Listen I un-derstand what you’re saying but-

The door suddenly bur-st open and Liam rushed in

“Why did you-

“Before you start showering me questions, daddy is awake” the boy cut his mom of in mid sĀ£ntence

“What?!” Betty eyes wi-de-ned, she jumped off her chair

“He’s awake” she repeated and the boy nodded

Betty looked at doctor Winston and immediately rushed to Nathan’s ward


When she got there a tear drop from her eyes

“Nathan” she called, taking close steps to him

Nathan stared at her in confusion, who is this woman crying and coming close to him??

“You’re finally awake” she said as she sat beside him and cu-mpped his cheeks, tears couldn’t stĀ©p pouring from her eyes

Nathan stared at her for a while before asking

“Who are you?”

“It’s me Betty, don’t you remember?” Betty asked in tears

“Betty” he repeated, the name sounds familiar to him


“Mr Davis is it true that you try to S-xually mĀ©lĀ£stthat girl”

“plea-se answer us Mr Davis”

He recalled reporters calling him then he recalled an angry woman that sl@pped him in public

“Nathan it’s me your love you can’t forget me, I didn’t wait three years for nothing” Betty started crying

He suddenly recalled dancing with a woman outside a garden and sharing a k!sswith her, holding his head everything started coming one bye one

“No” he murmured in tears still holding his head

“fvĀ¢k make it stĀ©p plea-se” he cried in pain

“Nathan” Betty yelled and hvgged him ti-ght

“Doc do something plea-se” she pleaded

Liam is watching confusedly

“Dear come here” a nurse c@mĀ£ to the boy

“No tell me what’s wrong with Mommy?” He asked tearing up too

“Nothing come on” the nurse dragged Liam out, ignoring his cries


Nathan held his head, recalling how he pushed Betty out and her leave un-der the rain, he recalled the times he tried begging her and how he got into an accident, how his car kept tumbling over and over again till everywhere turned dark

“Nathan plea-se talk to me” Betty face were now soa-ked with tears and so as his

His hands were shaking as he cu-mpped her cheeks

“Betty” he called

“Yes Nathan it’s me” she said in tears

“Betty” he called again and broke down in tears

Doctor Winston stood watching the scene with a sad expression in his face

Nathan was crying not because of how he suffered trying to make Betty forgive him but because of how she survived without him for so long, what about the baby, is she still pregnant??

“Betty” he called again, this time pu-lling her to himself and hvgging her ti-ght, really really ti-ght

“I’m so sorry Betty, I left you for so long, I thought I’ll never see you again” he cried ha-rd

“I’m sorry to, if I had let my anger slid off and just forgive you sooner then all this wouldn’t have happened, I’m sorry” she cried hvgging him ti-ghtly

“You don’t have to say sorry, I deserve all of this” Nathan said and Betty shook her head

“plea-se don’t say that,I love you so much” she cried hvgging him ti-ght

“I love you too, so so so much” he cried to hvgging her ti-ghter, as if they bĀ©dy haven’t collide enough

“plea-se don’t leave me again Nathan, don’t ever leave me. Three years was a hell of torture, plea-se don’t ever leave me ever again” Betty cried

“Yes I won’t leave, I won’t cause I love you, I leave you ever again” he cried too

They both cried in each0ther arms for a while before Nathan broke the hvg and cu-mpped her cheeks, she was still sniffing and hiccu-pping

“plea-se that’s enough, don’t cry anymore my love” he said wiping her tears with his thumbs

Betty nodded but was still sniffing anyways, he cu-mpped her cheeks ti-ghter and leaned closer, Betty closed her eyes waiting for it and finally..

Hisl-ips landed on hers, it felt warm and soft and as tasty as ever, even though he had been as sleep for three years

Theirl-ips moved together in a perfect sync, he su-cked on it like the candy he had missed for so long, he pu-ll-ed her even more closer sa-vouring the taste of
her mouth

Betty on the other hand has missed this too so she was returning it back, not caring about doctor Winston who has been standing there with his jaw dropped

The door suddenly bur-st open and Liam ran in with a nurse chasing after him

“Mom dad” he shouted and they immediately broke the k!ssand turned to him

“Mom” Liam rushed to hvg Betty ti-ght

“That woman doesn’t want me to see you” he said snuggling on Betty even more

Nathan stared at the boy in awe before looking at Betty


“He’s our son” Betty cut him off with a smile

“Our son??” Nathan asked feeling stupefied

“Yeah I know he’s all grown up now, Liam say hi to daddy” Betty said to Liam

“Hey Dad welcome back to earth” Liam smiled

“You gave birth, how long was I asleep?” Nathan asked, still feeling confused about everything

“For three years” Betty said lowly and Nathan eyes wi-de-ned



šŸ­ It All Started šŸ’‹
šŸ‘€ With ašŸ‘€

(And now I love himšŸ’œ)



(Don’t copy or repostā€¼ļø)


“Three. Three years” Nathan stuttered

“Yes Dad I thought you’ll never wake up” Liam said lowly and a tear drop rolled down his cheek

“Awwn no, come here my boy” Nathan stretched his arms to the boy and he rushed to hvg his daddy

“Dad” Liam cried in his arms

“My boy, I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you all this while” Nathan cried to too

“No dad I’ve I forgiven you, I know it’s not your fault. I love you Daddy” Liam said

“I love you to my boy, I love you so much” Nathan smiled and k!$$Ā£d the boy cute chubby cheeks

Betty smiled sweetly, watching the father and son reunion

“What’s your name little?” Nathan asked the boy

“It’s Liam, my mom gave me the name” the boy smiled

“Well aren’t you too smart” Nathan smiled, pinching his cheeks

Betty laughed shortly and hvgged the both of them, resting her head on Nathan’s che-st

“Finally dad has woken up, mom won’t cry anymore” Liam said

Nathan looked at Betty but she just snuggled her head on his che-st even more, Liam then jumped on the both of them

“I love you daddy and mummy” he smiled, he seems very happy that his dad has woken up now

“I’m still here” doctor Winston smiled, moving forward to them

“Doc” Betty stood up too

“So let’s run a few test on him and he’ll be good to go” doctor Winston said and Betty nodded happily


Few mins later, doctor Winston is with Nathan inside the ward while Betty is waiting outside with Liam

“Where’s my phone?” Betty muttered, shr had been scattering her bag since

“Liam did you help me see my-

She frowned when she saw Liam pressing the phone

“Gimme that, and what were you doing?” She asked as she snatched the phone from him

“I nee-d to call aunty Regina, she nee-ds to here this but I don’t know your pas-sword” he replied

Betty just shook her head. “Fine I’ll call then, just wait” she said and Liam slumped on the chair outside

Few mins later doctor Winston c@mĀ£ out with a smile

“Well he seemed to have recovered really fast, three years was just enough now look, no stress, no side effects. He’s as fine as ever” doctor Winston said

“Thanks for everything doc” Betty shook hands with him

“It’s my plea-sure, he can be discharged anytime, now or tomorrow it’s your choice”.

“I want now” Liam shouted

Betty chuckled and ru-bbe-d his shoulders

“Now it is” doctor Winston chuckled and like a flash Liam ran to Nathan’s ward

“Dad, the duck said you can be discharged now” Liam smiled

“Duck?” Nathan asked with a chuckle

“Duck, as in doctor Winston” he said

Nathan just smiled at his cuteness, truly the boy resemble him very much, especially with the grey eyes and his mom flawless skin and hair texture

His gaze shifted to doctor Winston who just entered with Betty

“So your wife and son have both come to an agreement that you’re getting discharged now and there’s nothing I can do about it” doctor said with a smile

“Then don’t do anything” Nathan smiled too and they all bur-st into laughter

Nathan then got discharged and was set to leave with Betty and Liam, doctor Winston accompanied them to their car

“Take care, my son and wife are waiting for me so I gotta rush too” doctor Winston smiled

“Tell Jerry to come to my mom’s office tomorrow” Liam said sharply and Winston laughed

“Thanks doc, once again thanks for everything” Nathan shook hands with him before they patted ways


The car stĀ©pped at the front of the mansion, it was Betty who drove, Nathan sat beside her while Liam was at the back talking non-stĀ©p

They got down, Betty held Nathan’s hand ti-ght and smiled

“You didn’t tell aunty Regina again” Liam frowned

“No I didn’t, we wanna surprise them” Betty said and Liam immediately shut his mouth

“Mom you’re holding dad, you don’t wanna hold me again” Liam pouted

“Come here my prince” Nathan said as he carried Liam up

“Daddy is so strong, mummy can’t carry me for thirty minutes, she’ll start crying” he laughed along with Nathan

Betty looked at the both of them and just smiled

The got in the mansion, the maids opened the door for them and almost screamed but Liam signaled them to shut up

“It’s a surprise” he whispered and they nodded

Regina was balancing on the couch and watching TV when they entered

“We are home” Betty announced

Regina turned to look at them like a slow mo, her eyes wi-de-ned seeing Nathan holding Betty’s hand and smiling

“Betty” she called fearfully as she stood up

“Na.. ahhhhhhhh” she screamed and went to hide at the back of the couch

“StĀ©p that, dad is awake” Liam smiled

Slowly Regina c@mĀ£ out of the chair

“Nathan?” She called moving slowly to him

“You’re awake” she said with teary eyes, Nathan just smiled brightly

“Oh my gosh” she screamed and pounced on him

“I’m so happy, finally. It took three good years for you wake up you jĀ£rk” she hvgged him ti-ght and started crying like a baby while Nathan just patted her back

“I’ll go tell Cindy and Charles oh Xav-

“No” all of them screamed

“Excuse me??”

“It’s gonna be a surprise” Liam said

“Oh” Regina mouthed

“I’m gonna take a walk around, I fvĀ¢king miss home” Nathan said

“I’ll show you” Liam took Nathan’s hand and they both walked out

“Don’t scream” Betty pointed at Regina

“Oh okay” Regina blocked her mouth and went to her room


Liam and Nathan just finished their tour, they found Betty removing he earrings in the room

“So how was the mini your?” Betty asked

“It was awesome” Nathan smiled and Liam happily jumped in the be-d

“I really really happy, I’m gonna sleep here tonight” Liam chirpped

Nathan just smiled and went to his wardrobe which still looked intact

“I’m sure my cloth will still size me” he said looking at them

“Or, we’ll just tell the maids to get you a new one” Betty said

“Mom, bath me I’m sweaty” Liam shouted

“Why not ask the maids sweety” Nathan said sitting next to him

“No they will drool on my bĀ©dy, they are all women” he whispered and Nathan could only just chuckle

Betty took Liam to the bathroom, she bath him and changed him to his pjyamas after that she took her bath and Nathan did his too

They both stepped out for dinner, Regina haven’t come out yet. The maids arranged different foods in the dinning and they all settled down

“Finally dinner” Liam smiled

“I know but go call Regina here” Betty said

Liam jumped down from the chair and ran to the direction of Regina’s room, he was about entering but Regina alre-ady opened it

“Let’s go eat come on” he dragged her dress, pu-lling her over

“Look who’s hyper today” Regina chuckled

They were fully sitted but before any of them could start eating, the door bur-st opened

Xavier, Charles, Cindy, Gwyneth, Lisa and Evan rushed in like groups of paparazzi that they even knocked Justin who was entering on the floor as a result of their running

“What the..” Nathan cursed and looked at Regina who was alre-ady hiding her face

“Oops sorry.. I have a problem” Regina said with a cute smile


To be continued…