It all started with a sl@p episode 87 & 88

šŸ­ It All Started šŸ’‹
šŸ‘€ With ašŸ‘€

(And now I love himšŸ’œ)



(Don’t copy or repostā€¼ļø)


Betty arranged her hair that was falling, looking left and right as her eyes scanned everywhere for the ring

“It should be here somewhere?” She thought

She went to where she threw it earlier and bent down, scattering the ground and searching for it

Nathan just ended the call, he went to the living room and couldn’t find her

“Seriously” he cursed and rushed down the stairs, he got to the main gate and opened it

He sighed when he saw her bending like a dog and looking for something

“Betty” he called and she immediately jumped straight

“What are you doing?” He asked, taking close steps to her

“Nothing” she lied while looked down and pla-ying with her f!ngers

Nathan sighed and ruffled his hair. “Do you wanna stroll out a bit?” He asked softly

Betty didn’t answer, she kept looking down

“Betty” he called out softly and she looked at him like a child

“Tell me” he cooed and she nodded

“Okay you can stroll but you’ll go with Justin” he said

Betty didn’t respond, she resumed pla-ying with her f!ngers

“Have fun, I’m calling Justin now” he moved close to pe-ck her but she pushed him back

“Didn’t I tell you not to come near me?” She snapped

“Okay I’m sorry, enjoy your stroll” Nathan said and went in

Few mins later, Justin c@mĀ£ out

“Ma’am, where would you love to go?” He asked

“Citty’s pastries, I wanna see my friend” she said

“But it’s Sunday ion think she opened” Justin said

“Oh then, I wanna go to Amazon eatery” she said

“Plus the park after this” she added as she moved front while Justin sighed heavily and followed her from behind


Two weeks later*


“Freddy” Evelyn called walking towards him

Freddy was sitting on the couch inside her dorm and it was alre-ady evening

“Yes baby” he answered not taking his eyes off his l@ptĀ©p

“Have you checked your results?” She asked

“That’s what I’m doing, come sit beside me before I open it” he said but Evelyn shook her head negatively

“I won’t sit till I hear good news” she said

Freddy smiled and cli-cked on the link

“Oh my” he muttered sadly

“What’s wrong let me see” she moved to him but he gr@bbĀ£d her and made her sit on his l@ps

“Freddy” she yelled

“Calm down babe” he laughed and pu-ll-ed the l@ptĀ©p closer

“Let’s check this together” he said as he cli-cked on the link

“You pas-sed” Evelyn smiled

“Yeah, which means I won’t be kicked out anytime soon, let’s check yours” he said

Evelyn inhaled ha-rd and exhaled before nodding as Freddy checked hers

“Babe, you rocked it” he smiled happily

“What!” Evelyn screamed in excitement

“I know right? Speechless so when are we going for our vacation?” He said happily

Evelyn scoffed and looked elsewhere

“Come-on haven’t we talked about this, change that face to a smile” he said teasing her cheeks with his f!ngersand she couldn’t help but smile a little

“There it is, k!ssme baby” he pouted and she gave him a light pe-ck

“No not enough, I want more” he demanded

She gave him another one

“Make it dee-per” he said

She smiled and k!$$Ā£d him de-eply, he pu-lls her close and de-epened it even more

“Hmm” she m0@n ed in his mouth when his hands started c@rĀ£ss!ngher ti-ght

“Gosh you’re so pretty Evelyn” he said huskily and made her l@yon the couch with him ontĀ©p of her

“Freddy” Evelyn g@sped

“I un-derstand, you’re not re-ady yet and blah blah but don’t worry, I won’t go far I just want to give you swollenl-ips” he said before resuming k!ss!ngher again



During the past two weeks,Betty has been doing fine actually she has gotten her flesh back a little which means Nathan has been taking good care of her but they are not not in good terms

Right now Betty and Regina were watching comedy together and laughing, Nathan was standing behind the door with crossed arm, he was smiling happily as he watching her

“At least she’s smiling again” he thought

“Dude can you not think to loud” Xavier said from behind

“Annoying br@t, I told you not to come didn’t I?” Nathan rasped

“But Charles and Evan are here too” Xavier shurgged

“Yeah but they are pla-ying chess in the dinning quietly, yunno like matured men” Nathan said

“So I’m premature?” Xavier asked

“Yeah, and you also lack s-en-se the only s-en-se you have is to flir-t with my maids” Nathan said and Xavier took his eyes off a maid as-s

“I’m sorry I just remembered fatty, she was one of my fav. Can’t believe she died” he pouted sadly

“Yeah can we plea-se move on” Nathan said as he went to sit with Betty on the couch

Betty was busy laughing ha-rd that she didn’t know when she fell on his shoulders, she looked at him and frowned

“What was the deal we agreed on as I stay here?” She asked

“That I should not talk to you or stay near you” he sm-irked

“Good now stand up” she ordered

“On my own couch, nah” he sm-irked again

She looked at him anger. “Then I’ll leave for you” she said and then stood up

Regina just sat, watching them confusedly

“You don’t have to be an ice fish everytime” Nathan said

“When you ki-

She was cut short when Nathan covered her mouth with his palm

“I’ve said sorry like a billion times plea-se don’t bring it up again” he pleaded but she bit his palm really ha-rd that he had to let go

“I’m warning you I’m-

“I’m home” that was Freddy’s voice

They all turned to see Evelyn, Freddy and Cindy standing by the door

“You guys c@mĀ£ late, how many times will I tell you about late night travels” Betty scolded

“I’m sorry I just missed you to much” Freddy smiled

“Whatever I miss you too” Betty moved to hvg him ti-ght

She pu-ll-ed away and looked at Evelyn

“Oh my God you brou-ght her” Betty smiled

“Hello I’m Evelyn” she stretched out her hand but Betty hvgged her instead

“I knew something would happen between you two” Regina suddenly c@mĀ£ smiling from behind

“I miss you Freddy” she hvgged him ti-ght

Evelyn stared at then feeling somehow uncomfortable. What if Freddy’s feelings come back, she shurgged it off

Regina pu-ll-ed away from Freddy and moved to Evelyn, she took her hands

“Seriously I’m happily for you two, you deserve the best and be sure to take care of each0ther” Regina said and Evelyn smiled

The door bur-st opened and Gwyneth entered with Lisa, looking rou-gh

“Cindy I told you to wait didn’t I?” She yelled in anger

“Eww what’s that smell” Xavier c@mĀ£ out blocking his nose and looking at Gwyneth somehow

“fvĀ¢k, you stink where did you c@mĀ£ out from, the garbage can??” He asked

“Oh shut up, come on Gwyneth I’ll take you to the restroom” Regina took her hands and went upstairs

On her way, she win-ked at Evan who just smiled at her when their eyes met

“Dude focus, you’ve been looking at God knows what since yunno what?? I’m not pla-ying again” Charles stood up and left meet Cindy

“Just say you wanna talk with her” Evan laughed inwardly

The maid arranged different kinds of food for them to eat, Regina c@mĀ£ out with Gwyneth to sit

Lisa sat on Regina’s l@p, Freddy sat beside Evelyn, Charles with Cindy, Xavier opposite Gwyneth and Nathan opposite Betty as they were eating

“Hey why are you eating like that?” Freddy asked when he saw Betty had almost finished her food

“Nothing” Betty replied

“Anyways I’m happily you two are back together” Freddy smiled

“We are not” Betty screamed out loud that everyone had to block their ears

šŸ­ It All Started šŸ’‹
šŸ‘€ With ašŸ‘€

(And now I love himšŸ’œ)



(Don’t copy or repostā€¼ļø)


“O. Okay sorry for asking” Freddy said as he continued eating

Nathan stared at Betty but she looked down at her plate

“Excuse me” he said stood up and gr@bbĀ£d Betty’s hand

“What! Leave me” Betty hissed

“Just a word” he said and without waiting, he carried her in his arms and started climbing the stairs while she kept screaming “put me down”

“What’s with them?” Evelyn asked

“Long story” Cindy shook her head

They were now done with their dinner

“All of you, pretty plea-se let’s do a sleepover” Regina pleaded

“You see I would love to but I can’t sleep in the same house with this dog” Xavier said with a sweet smile, obviously referring to Gwyneth

“Why do you hate me this much, last time I checked I never offended you” Gwyneth said angrily

“Ion know maybe because you’re skinny and have big mouth and do not attra-ct me” Xavier shurgged

“Dude that’s to much” Freddy elbowed him

“Why am I even here, Lisa let’s go” Gwyneth gr@bbĀ£d the little girl hand angrily


“No buts we are living” she said angrily

“Okay then, goodnight everyone” Lisa said before leaving with Gwyneth

“I think I’ll be going home too” Charles said

“Okay bye then, I’ll do a sleepover” Cindy said

“On. On a second thought I think I should stay here” Charles said

“Clas-sy dude” Xavier laughed

“I’m off guys” that one was gone

Cindy also ran out

“Hey” Charles chased after her, so it was now Freddy Evelyn and Evan standing

“Go” Freddy said to Evan and he looked at Regina as if he wanted to say something

Evelyn looked at him confusedly that he sighed and left

“I’ll show you two your room” a maid said to both Freddy and Evelyn and they followed her

Regina sighed and turned to leave but the door suddenly opened and Evan gr@bbĀ£d Regina and pu-ll-ed her towards him

He captured herl-ips and k!$$Ā£d her pas-sionately and then smiled

“You know I can’t leave without saying I love you right?” He smiled

“I love you but go now” Regina whispered as she pushed him out and shut the door all in smiles

She recalled how Evan confessed his feelings for her at the cinema and they are now a thing, she bit herl-ips to stĀ©p her smiles before rushing to her room


Betty was sitting on her be-d angrily while Nathan was leaning against the door with his hands crossed around his che-st, listening to her as she curse him over and over again

“You know what, Betty I’m sick of being nice and patient maybe I’ll use f0rƧĀ£ to make you forgive me cause heavens knows how sorry I am” Nathan finally spoke

“To hell with you, f0rƧĀ£ or not it won’t change anything” she said

“Now tell me what you’re gaining by being angry with me, I mean I’ve apologized over and over, is it until I die?” He asked

“Maybe, I wouldn’t care less” Betty said coldly

Nathan stared at her for a while before moving close to her

“Hey stay back, what was the deal” Betty yelled as she took a pillow to block herself

“fvĀ¢k that deal” Nathan said huskily, he took the pillow from her and threw it away

“Nathan behave” Betty tried moving back but he pu-ll-ed her close

“I miss you so much Betty” he said in a whisper

“Get away from me” she tried pushing him but he cu-mpped her cheeks and claimed herl-ips

Betty tried pushing him but he had alre-ady started k!ss!ngher softly, the k!sswas full with so much pas-sion, love but she didn’t respond

Strangely she had missed this, it was really ha-rd for her not to k!sshim back but no matter how ha-rd she tried she still gave in

She returned it back to him and theirl-ips moved in a crazy sync, soon tears started coming out of Betty’s eyes, she couldn’t take it anymore so she pushed him pack and sl@pped him twice

“Don’t ever do that ever again” she said in tears

“Betty I-

“Just go” she cut him off and then l@ydown, covering herself with the duvet

Nathan was silent for a while before turning around and leaving in tears also


Next morning***

Evelyn just showered and dressed up, today she was gonna meet her sister, Nathan gave her permission to go with Justin

Betty c@mĀ£ out of her room, fully dressed along with Regina, she bu-mped into Nathan but none of them talked, they just stared at themselves for a while before Betty moved front

“Where’s Freddy?” She asked

“Here” Freddy said, coming down from the stairs

“Okay I’ll lead the way” Justin said and they all moved out,Betty suddenly turned back to look at Nathan their eyes met and she felt something, something she’s not sure about, shaking of the feelings she left



Jasmine is sitting on the floor with her head buried on her knees, her eyes were red and puffy, her hair ruff, cloth tattered. It is obvious that she has been having a ha-rd time here

“I miss my life” she thought as a tear sl!pdown her cheeks

“You can’t keep sitting there and crying, go and mas-sage our master leg with that monster” a fat girl said

Jasmine didn’t respond she kept her head on her knees

I’m talking to you” she gr@bbĀ£d Jasmine on the hair really ha-rd and pu-ll-ed her up

Jasmine stared at her with tears sli-pping down her cheeks

“Listen you might once be a famous actress but now you’re a nobĀ©dy, no one can save you, so go mas-sage our master’s leg as a monster you truly are since you can kill” the fat girl said as she pushed Jasmine forward

Patty was also presĀ£nt and was mas-saging a fat woman’s leg

“Move fast” the far girl made to kick Jasmine but an officer c@mĀ£ in

“Jasmine brown, someone is her to see you”

Jasmine turned to the officer. “Who?” She asked

“Your sister”

“Evelyn” Jasmine muttered


Jasmine c@mĀ£ out of the cell with handcuffed hands

“Sis” Evelyn ran to hvg her ti-ght

“Sis, I miss you so much” she cried

Tears c@mĀ£ out of Jasmine’s eyes too, the officer re-leased her hands and she hvgged her sister ti-ghtly to herself

“I’m sorry, I made life a bit ha-rd for you” Jasmine cried

“You didn’t sis, plea-se come back I miss you so much, look how lean and horrible you look, you’re suffering here sis come back” Evelyn cried uncontrollably

“It’s my mistake I’m living for it” Jasmine smiled and she cleaned her tears, she pu-ll-ed away from her sister and wiped her sister tears

“Look, I’m smiling I’m fine” she said and then moved to Betty

“I wanna use this chance to say sorry, I’m sorry for everything, I’ve been a bad girl lately and hear you are allowing your brother to d@tĀ£ the sister of a murderer” Jasmine said, bitting herl-ips ha-rd

“It’s fine, people make mistakes and I also wanna say thank you cause if not for you I could have died” Betty said

Jasmine smiled and looked at Justin next but he gave her a lifeless stare, she bit herl-ips and looked at Freddy

“Thank you” she smiled

“Okay I’m your time is up” the officer said, handcuffing Jasmine alre-ady

“Sis” Evelyn cried but Freddy hvgged her ti-ght

“Let’s go” Justin said and Betty nodded

“Come on” Freddy took Evelyn’s hand and led her to the car


Nathan was driving the his company, the music wonder by Shawn Mendes was pla-ying and he couldn’t help but think of their old times together

“What was I thinking when I believed that stupid lie, what was I thinking when I pushed her out?” He asked him self as tears poured from her eyes

“Is there anything I can do to make you forgive me” he said

Still driving, he failed to notice the truck coming towards him but when noticed it, it was alre-ady to late

The large truck alre-ady hit his car and his car stumbled, it kept rolling over and over that p@rts of the car were breaking

The only thing Nathan could think of is Betty and his unborn child

“This is not happening” he thought as a tear rolled down his eyes

The car finally stĀ©pped but was still turned upside down, Nathan tried moving but he couldn’t, tears c@mĀ£ out of his eyes

“I’m sorry Betty, I’m so sorry for leaving like this” he muttered and his eyes slowly closed


To be continued…

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