It all started with a sl@p episode 77 & 78

🍭 It All Started 💋
đź‘€ With ađź‘€

(And now I love himđź’ś)



(Don’t copy or repost‼️)


Next morning=} Tamaya’s mansion

” Would you always style my hair?” Gywenth said checking herself out in the mirror

” Of course I nee-d to style your hair so you’ll look pretty and so Nathan would fall you” Tamaya said

” But why are you doing these mom? How do you sleep with all these bad things you’ve done, now you are implicating me and my conscience is killing me” Gywenth said

” My dear there’s no such thing as conscience, that’s life one nee-d to loose so we can win” Tamaya said and Gywenth sighed while pouting, that’s how she is herl-ips is always pout

” You nee-d morel-ipstick” Tamaya said applyingl-ipstick on Gywenthl-ips

” There you are good to go” she smiled. Gywenth stood up and carried her bag, she stared at her mom before turning to leave

” Gywenth” Tamaya called and she looked back

” Don’t implicate your mom, if you do you’ll get into serious trouble I might even die so now tell me, your conscience or your mom?” Tamaya asked

” You I guess” Gywenth said lowly before leaving



Charles entered Nathan’s office with a chocolate donuts on his hands

” Do you notice something different about the company pastries?” Charles asked

” What?” Nathan asked looking up at him

” It’s like hundred percent more sweeter you nee-d to try it” Charles said handing Nathan a donut

” I’m not in the mood” Nathan said flatly

” Come on don’t be boring try this”Charles said. Nathan sighed and collected it, he took a bite and it taste somehow familiar

” This is good, where did you get this from?” Nathan asked

” I don’t know, I’mma find out, gosh this is so good” Charles said still eating on it

” Okay so call you leave now if it’s donut you c@mÂŁ to tell me about” Nathan said coldly

” Well geez” Charles rolled his eyes and went out. Nathan sighed and stared at nothing in p@rticular

” Why do everything reminds me of you” he said lowly


Gywenth arrived at the company, she ruffled her hair as she went straight to Xavier office.

” Must I remind you to knock” Xavier voice sounded just when she was about opening the door. She turned to him and bowed

” Good morning boss” she said lowly

” O-okay” Xavier seemed taking back

” Is there any thing I can help you with?” she asked

” As of now nothing” he answered still looking at her weirdly, she nodded and left

” She look a bit dull” he muttered staring at her back



Cindy was busy cleaning the kitchen while Betty was arranging the whole pastries in the show glas-s

” I’m so glad that we keep on gaining, I mean different kind of company truck come here to get some” Cindy said dropping the broom

” Yeah luck is shining on our side of course we would sell” Betty shurgged, when she finished arranging she sat on a chair

” I made us pancakes it’s not late for us to have them right?” Cindy asked and Betty nodded almost immediately.

Cindy smiled as she went to the kitchen she c@mÂŁ out to two pancakes and honey

” I’m so hungry gimme that” Betty gro-an ed, she gr@bbÂŁd that fork and started munching on it like a sick br@t while Cindy just stared at her in shock

” What less looky more eatty” Betty said using her eyes to motion Cindy to eat

” Oh” Cindy mouthed, she gr@bbÂŁd her fork and started eating but in flash Betty was done

” Is there still more?” she asked

” Yeah there’s more in the-

Betty suddenly blocked her mouth and rushed to the rest room. Cindy followed her and again, she meet Betty vomiting almost everything she ate

” Betty you’re not fine look you’re vomiting again, that’s it we are going to the hospital” Cindy said

” In fine, I over eat that’s why but don’t worry I’m good now” Betty said walking out of the bathroom

” Betty I’m worried” Cindy said

” I said I’ll take drugs in fine geez” Betty said sounding annoyed, she turned to leave but suddenly felt dizzy and fainted

” Betty” Cindy cought her before she fall

” And you were saying that you’re fine” she muttered she carried Betty out as she st©pped a cab

” quic-k to any hospital near by” she ordered



Freddy kept sighing and sighing over and over again, he have been thinking to call Betty, but she’s not picking

” Freddy look I bought your morning yogurt” Evelyn said from behind

She sle-pt in Freddy’s dorm last night but nothing happened

” Thanks baby” Freddy collected it and took a sip

” She’s not still picking?” Evelyn asked as she sat beside Freddy and rested her head on his shoulder

” No she’s not I’ll call Cindy” he dialed Cindy’s number and she picked it

” Freddy I’ll call you later I’m kinda busy right now” Cindy said

” Cindy talk to me what’s wrong with Betty?” Freddy asked. Cindy sighed before speaking

” Okay Betty just broke up with her b©yfriÂŁnd, she’s not in a good mood I’ll call you later” Cindy said and hanged up

” Hey no don’t” Freddy sighed and faced Evelyn

” What’s wrong” Evelyn asked

” My sister she broke up with Nathan, I really don’t know who broke up with who but I’m worried” Freddy said. Evelyn ru-bbe-d his shoulders

” I’m sorry” she said

” It’s not your fault you don’t have to say sorry” Freddy smiled lightly

” But you won’t leave me right?” she asked and Freddy pu-ll-ed her for a hvg

” You’ve become my life, I can’t do that never” he said as he k!$$ÂŁd her forehead. Evelyn smiled and hvgged him back ti-ghtly

” I love you” she smiled

” I love you more” he said, they hvgged each other ti-ght not wanting to let go



Cindy was sitting and waiting for Betty to come out, the door opened and doctor Winston stepped out

” Doc” Cindy rose up

” Can I see her?” she asked and Winston nodded. Cindy rushed Betty was alre-ady wi-de awake

” Doc what’s wrong with her” Cindy asked and Winston just smiled

” This news should be for her husband cause miss Betty is here is one month pregnant” doctor Winston said

” What!” Both Cindy and Betty shouted at the same time

” I’m pregnant” Betty repeated with teary eyes

” One month pregnant, where’s your husband?” doctor Winston asked while Cindy just hit his hands lightly and that’s when he realized what was happening

” Oh I’m sorry I didn’t know, I will leave you two alone” he said in an apologic tone left Cindy moved to sit with Betty

” So what’s now what do we do” Cindy asked while Betty just bur-st out in tears

” I’m pregnant for him, I’m feeling really helpless right now, this innocent child now would have to suffer this cruel world with me” Betty cried as she hvgged Cindy ti-ght while Cindy on the other hand was just speechless



Gywenth was on her way to Xavier office but paused when she overheard something coming from Nathan’s office

” Why can’t you admit that you miss her” Charles said

” Charles I do miss her okay, I do still love her but what can I do, what’s done is done she betrayed me” Nathan said

” But what if one day you find out that she didn’t betray you, what if you were wrong all this while what will you do?” Charles asked and Nathan sighed

” Can you just shut up I don’t want to think of this” Nathan snapped

Gywenth feel really bad, her eyes were alre-ady misty

” My mom or my heart?” she asked herself


🍭 It All Started 💋
đź‘€ With ađź‘€

(And now I love himđź’ś)



(Don’t copy or repost‼️)


Charles and Xavier were standing inside the cafeteria and trying out the pastries

“This is so good, lemme try the shortcake” Xavier said

The waiter brou-ght them three shortcakes

“Hmm so good” Xavier gro-an ed as he took a bite

“I know right” Charles smiled

Nathan was pas-sing by and saw them. “Is that the work you two should be doing?” He asked

“Oh Nathan” Xavier g@sped

“Bruh, you nee-d to try this, so good” Charles gro-an ed

“I’m not trying anything, get to work you both” Nathan snapped

“Okay okay, hey don’t forget to tell me where you got these from” Xavier said to the waiter as he was walking out with Charles

Nathan stared at them till they were both out of sight before going inside the cafeteria

“So…” he scratched the back of his n£¢k

“Can I have your short bre-ad?” He asked, the waiter smiled and nodded

She brou-ght out a short bre-ad and gave him

“Gosh this is so good” Nathan said inwardly as he took a bite

“It reminds me of Betty’s food, fv¢k I miss her so much I wonder what she’s doing now” he thought

“Okay where did you get these from?” He asked

“From a new pastry shop that just opened, Citty’s pastries, that’s the name” the waiter replied

“Citty’s pastries, what’s that?” He asked getting interested in the t©pic

“It’s owned by two young women, I really don’t know about them” she shurgged

“Okay good job” Nathan said abd left

“He told me good job” the waiter smiled inwardly

“I want you to find out about those two owners of Citty’s pastries, ion know why I’m suddenly interested” Nathan said to just Justin and on the phone on his way out

“Yes boss, anyhow” Justin replied quic-kly before hanging up

Nathan sighed and turned to the direction of his office


Outside a breezy park, couples could be seen holding hands and walking, people could be seen waking around with their dogs friends could be seen walking and laughing together, fresh dry leaves were flying around effortlessly at the side, there’s a long bench and Betty could be seen sitting with her ear plugs on

♬ take away your things and go..
♬you can’t take back what you said, I know
♬ I’ve heard it all before, at least a million times
♬ I’m not to forget, you know
♬ I don’t believe, I don’t believe it
♬you left in peace, left me in pieces
♬ to ha-rd to breathe, I’m on my knees right now

♬ I’m so sick of that same old love, that $h!t it tears me up
♬ I’m so sick of that same old love, my b©dy’s had enough
♬ oh oh oh(that same old love), oh oh oh(that same old love)

♬ I’m so sick of that same old love, feels like I’m b!own ap@rt
♬ I’m so sick of that same old love, that kind that breaks your heart
♬oh oh oh(that same old love), oh oh oh( that same old love)

That was Betty Angelic voice, singing same old love my Selena Gomez

“Betty” Cindy was yelling and looking everywhere for her, she finally found her at the park

“As if I know” she sighed

“Cindy” Betty st©pped singing and stood up

“I’m sorry for leaving like that I just wanted to be alone” Betty said lowly

“Betty you can’t be moving up and down like this, you know you’re pregnant and plea-se think of your baby” Cindy scolded

“I’m sorry it won’t happen again” Betty said lowly

“Whatever, come on let’s get you something to eat, you haven’t eaten since morning” Cindy said and gr@bbÂŁd Betty’s hand

“I’m not hungry I don’t have appetite for anything” Betty refused

“Betty plea-se do this for your child, pregnant women are supposed to gain weight but look, you keep losing weight doctor Winston said it’s really bad, I mean look at his wife, Orchid, she’s also pregnant and see how shinning she looks” Cindy said

“Fine mother, let’s go eat” Betty scoffed and began moving forward



Both Betty and Cindy ordered rice with salad, they were now eating with their chopsticks

“Betty” Cindy called lowly after a while of eating in silence

“What” Betty replied not taking her eyes off her food

“Don’t you think Nathan nee-ds to know about this, it’s his baby too right?” Cindy said

Betty angrily dropped her chopstick and stood up. “When he kicked me out, did he care huh?” She shouted with teary eyes

People turned to look at them now

“Betty calm down” Cindy tried tou-ching her but she moved back

“This baby is mine, mine alone, he will never I mean never ever see this child with his both eyes, he will never carry this child with his hands, this child will never bear his name because I Betty Shane, is the mother and father of this child here un-derstood!” She yelled out in tears

“Betty I’m sorry, plea-se calm down” Cindy tried coxing Betty but she angrily stormed out

On her way, she bu-mped into a woman wearing a black veil on her face, her whole b©dy was wra-pped with black cloth all over that only her eyes were visible

The woman kept on staring at Betty before adverting her gaze somewhere else but Betty didn’t even care, she just angrily stormed out


Four days had alre-ady past, currently at star entertainment, Nathan was sitting in his office and working on his l@pt©p when his phone rang and it was Justin

“Speak” he ordered

“You won’t believe what I found out” Justin said

“Just talk alre-ady” Nathan snapped

“Okay, the owners of Citty’s pastries is your ex girlfriend, Betty and her best friend Cindy” Justin said and Nathan eyes wi-de-ned

“Betty??” He repeated

“Yeah she’s selling pastries now to earn a living” Justin said sadly

“Oh ok, I’m hanging up now” Nathan said, he hanged up and inhaled ha-rd

So this is her life now, selling pastries un-der this kind of h0t whether. Nathan felt really bad for her

“She’s suffering now, oh God what do I do” he thought, ruffling his hair

The door cracked open and Gwyneth stepped in

“I’m sorry to disturb you but Xavier told me to tell you to sign all these” she said as she walked slowly to his desk

“Just put it down and leave” he said

She nodded and dropped it down, without w@!sting anymore time she dropped it down and left

Nathan was watching her every movement, she’s acting weird and he’s not stupid to see how she’s avoiding eye contact with him but in anyways he just sighed and shook his head



Gwyneth ordered a big sandwich, she sat by herself and started at it

“Who should I listen to!? My heart or should I implicate my mom?” She asked herself

“Implicate my mom” she took a bite

“Don’t implicate my mom” she took another bite

“Implicate my mom” she took another bite again

“Don’t implicate my mom” another bite

Ten minutes later***

“Don’t implicate my mom” she took another bite now the last one left

“Implicate my mom” she muttered lowly


To be continued…