Hospital r0m@nç£Episode 19 & 20

19 /20
🏥💕 HOSPITAL r0m@nç£💕🏨
💉{cold and crazy meets again
Episode 19
💋 Anna’s POV.
I paled out immediately , Noah said he was going to marry Nala.
But why?
So this is it!
He just dumped me!
What am I even saying , Noah and I ended things three years ago.
And now he wants Nala.
I badly wanted to cry.
I wanted to let all my fraustrations out , but not infront of him and his family.
I kept a straight face and I was surprised I had the courage to talk back at Noah’s mother.
When Diego and I got to the dressing room he yawned and I smiled.
“You are still sleepy?”I asked and he nodded.
“Your medicines are having a great effect on you , and tommorow you will be going to school”I said and he smiled.
“Daddy said he will come and drop me off at school”Diego said and I faked a smile.
I checked the time and it was four pm.
Our shift is done!
Where is Carla?
I sighed and packed our things , when she comes we will have to go!
This place is really reminding me of things.
I changed my clothes and picked up our bags.
“Momma , are you done working?”Diego asked and I nodded.
“Yes! , Let’s go and sign out , we will wait for aunt Carla outside”I said. He held my hand and we went to the hallway.
I saw a familiar figure approaching us and I frowned.
Stick to the program Anna.
Don’t make him think you are cheap!
“Diego”Noah called when he got to us.
“Daddy!”Diego squealed and hvgged him.
I always don’t miss the love in his eyes when he sees his son.
“Tommorow I will be coming to take you to school”Noah said and Diego nodded.
He k!$$£d his hair and glanced at me.
I scoffed and looked away!
“Let’s go”I said and Diego nodded.
“Anna we have to talk”he said coldly.
He is still acting like a caveman.
A complete as-sh*le , wasn’t he the same Noah who couldn’t get his hands of me.
Isn’t he the same Noah who made love to me few hours ago. Fine!
Carla approached us and she looked at me and then at Noah.
I just shrugged.
I gave our bags to her and she nodded.
“Diego you can go on with aunty Carla I will join you later”I said and he frowned.
“Momma , I wanna come with you”he said in his tiny voice.
“Come on , go now , your momma will be back”Noah said and k!$$£d his hair.
“Bye daddy!”He said and left with Carla.
“I wanted to clear things”he said coldly.
I frowned , what things?
“Clear what?”I asked and he scoffed.
“What happened in my dressing r….”he tried saying but I cut him off.
“Nothing happened okay!”I said and he snorted.
“This is not a joke”he said angrily.
“Did I say something like that , I get it you are getting married and you don’t want any problems , I perfectly un-derstand, so now just stay out of my way”I said and made way to leave.
He gr@bb£d my wrists and I snatched it out of his grip.
“You can’t tell me I can’t see my son because of what is going on between us”he said and I faked a light smile.
“You can come see him , I have no reason to keep him away from you , and note that there is nothing going on between us , and nothing will ever be”I said angrily.
“Yeah! , nothing will ever be , I can’t be with a desperate woman , found in be-d with her b©yfri£nd’s best friend after the day her dignity was taken by her b©yfri£nd”he said pathetically and I nearly broke down.
Don’t cry!
Don’t cry , you are strong!
It hurts that he still thinks I sle-pt with Damien.
He thinks am a who-re.
But Damien didn’t t©uçh me.
And am tired of telling him that am innocent.
I sighed and nodded.
“Exactly! , so let’s just avoid each other , we are just two people who work together , don’t even see me as the mother of your son , because I don’t see you as his father”I said angrily and I saw a fli-cker of hurt in his eyes but he replaced it with a smile and left.
I went out to see Diego and Carla sitting down on the bench outside.
I sighed and smiled.
I went to meet them and we went home.
💦 Noah’s POV.
I sighed angrily.
She doesn’t see me as Diego’s father!
It hurts , it really hurts.
I made way to Nala’s ward lost in thought.
I saw Mom pestering her to eat that it was good for the baby and all that when I entered.
Nala’s parents were sitting on her be-d smiling at her.
My father was just staring at me when I entered.
I scoffed and looked at them.
” Noah”Nala said when she saw me.
I snorted looking at her.
“What?”I asked harshly.
“Noah start been nice to her , you two are getting married and I don’t want you to hurt my daughter”Nala’s father said and I nodded.
“We are getting married after I give birth”Nala said excitedly and I nodded.
“I will go for your reports and I nee-d rest excuse me” I said and left ignoring mom’s glares at me.
I chuckled and nearly bu-mped into Blake.
“You don’t look good”he said and I nodded.
“I just had se-x with Anna , or should I say a few hours ago I made love to my backstabbing ex girlfriend”I said plainly and Blake looked surprised.
“What?, How come?”Blake said shocked and I shrugged.
“It just happened , I couldn’t resist her”I said and entered my office with Blake trailing behind me.
“So what about Nala?”Blake asked and I rolled my eyes.
“What about her?”I asked back.
“You are really marrying her?”he asked and I nodded.
He nodded to and left.
I nee-d a drink and a good meal.
I went to Theresa’s office.
She is the only one who un-derstands me , I saw her eating and I smiled.
“I am hungry Theresa”I whined and she laughed.
I sat down and looked at the meal.
For once I want to forget about Nala , my parents , Anna and all my problems.
I took a spoon and dug into the food.
“We are having a new doctor in four days”Theresa said sipping water from the bottle.
“A new doctor?”I asked eating and she nodded.
“His name is Chris Ronalds” Theresa said and I nodded not really paying attention.
After eating with Theresa I just wanted to go home.
I bid Theresa and Blake good bye before leaving.
When I went home Nala was outside my house.
Who told her I was here?
Of course my mother!
And when was she discharged?
🚶 Nala’s POV.
After Theresa discharged me Noah’s mother gave me his address and I drove there.
When I got to his house it was empty. You can re-ad more of these from Storybaze, storyline,fresh stories kingdom, house of stories room, Novela and story room, unlimited story platform throu-gh Ohene ish on+233544142683.
I thought I will meet maids or some workers.
I waited outside and used that opportunity to check the bottle Damien gave me.
It was a poisoning pill.
It damages the system when you take it.
I placed it in my car’s drawer when I saw Noah’s car come inside the house.
I am just going to exchange the medicine with Anna’s son’s own.
And by the time she realizes her son will be dead and Noah will blame her.
Then Noah will have no choice but to see my baby as his only child.
I sm-irked.
Two can pl@ythe game Anna.
Noah looked shocked on seeing me.
He was a little pissed but that didn’t show.
He c@m£ to the door feeling irritated.
Like I care!
“What are you doing here?”he asked and I smiled.
“c@m£ to see you”I said and he scoffed.
He opened the door and we entered.
His house was nice and more bigger than his parents own.
Noah really likes white.
His couch was white, his walls too were painted white.
I sighed and sat down.
“I will be going out at eight in the evening , you will have to go home”he said and I frowned.
Where is he going?
I don’t want to believe he is going to see her and that child he called his.
“Where are you going too?”I asked and got up.
“I don’t think I can tell you Nala , I have my personal life”he said and handed me some files.
“What’s this?”I asked and took it.
“Your reports”he said and I smiled.
“You can go make yourself coffee , and add a lot of cream to kill the caffeine, the caffeine in it is harmful to you”he said and I smiled.
“Why?”I asked and he rolled his eyes.
“You are pregnant”he said and went upstairs.
Nice to know Noah cares.
I smiled and opened the the reports.
I glanced at it and I was shocked.
Oh my God!
How come?
I am a month pregnant!
How is this possible!
I put my hands on my che-st and studied the files.
Noah only sle-pt with me a week ago.
So if it’s Noah’s then am supposed to be a two weeks pregnant!
And am a month.
It only means one thing! , the baby isn’t Noah’s.
Oh God!
💦 Episode 20 💦
😌Nala’s POV.
I panicked and put the files back in the envelope.
No he can’t know!
I can’t loose him!
I love him.
I heard footsteps coming down and I knew it was him.
I smiled at him and he smiled a little.
Oh geez! , Nala what have you done.
I just hope he doesn’t find out!
But wait did he re-ad my reports!
I panicked again and I glanced at him.
He was in the kitchen ma-king coffee.
“Noah”I called when I got there.
“What’s wrong?”he asked fixing his eyes on the envelope.
“No…nothing”I said trying ha-rd not to stammer.
I took the coffee from him and sipped it but God!
I have to know if he has re-ad it!
“So what does the report say!, Any complications?”he asked me.
Huh! , He hasn’t re-ad it!
Thank God!
“No.. no complications” I said and he nodded.
“I am going out , you should go home it’s getting late”he said and I nodded relieved.
“You didn’t check my reports?”I asked still baffled.
“No! , I was busy! , Anya prepared it”he said and I smiled.
Thank Heavens!!
Anna’s POV.
It’s been three days , still going to work and avoiding Noah.
We act like we don’t know each other.
Noah looks concerned about Nala.
Of course they are getting married.
Well he has been coming to spend time with Diego.
Taking him to school and dropping him off home.
Thier relationsh!pis growing and am happy for them.
Right now we are in the board room waiting for the new doctor’s arrival.
Theresa was going throu-gh some files.
Noah was just sitting down and Nala too obviously been clingy.
Carla was just glancing at Blake.
Those two? Hmmph!!
The board room door opened and he entered.
Okay blonde hair , icy blue eyes and..
Do I know him somewhere?
“Good morning”the new doctor said and I stirred a bit.
I know that voice!
I glanced at Carla and she was also shocked.
“Chris!”Carla said surprised.
He turned and smiled wi-dely.
“Carla”he said smiling and looked at me.
I smiled and he sm-irked.
Chris was the doctor who helped me in giving birth to Diego.
We got along pretty well!
The board room looked shocked!
Like I care!
“Hey crush!”chris said and I hvgged him.
He wra-pped his hands around me and I sighed.
He helped me a lot.
We dis£ngage from the hvg when someone cleared a throat.
“Chris you are transfered?”I asked ignoring the eyes that were burning holes in my skin.
He nodded and I sighed.
“Am sorry for the inconveniences , my name is Doctor Chris Ronalds”Chris said smiling.
He is really jovial.
“Welcome doctor , your office is next to doctor Noah’s office , he is the head doctor here”Theresa said and he nodded.
“Thanks Ma’am , and doctor Noah nice meeting you”Chris said and Noah just nodded.
“Nice meeting all of you”he said again and we all nodded smiling except Noah who kept a straight face.
“Okay! , So I think we can all go to our duties”Noah said with a ha-rd time and left the boardroom.
Theresa smiled at us and left.
The other nurses also left leaving Nala , Carla ,Chris and I.
Nala glanced at us briefly before leaving.
I sighed , what’s her problem anyway!
Chris smiled and hvgged Carla.
When they separated he smiled at me.
“How is Diego”he asked.
“Do you still remember him?”I asked.
“Of course , he is all grown up now right!”he exclaimed and I nodded.
“It’s been really long”Carla said.
💉 Noah’s POV.
The so-called new doctor’s office was next to mine.
I watched him throu-gh my glas-s sideways door as he worked.
How did he know Anna and Carla.
And he hvgged her infront of me?
Such nerves.
I scoffed angrily.
My mind wasn’t at rest!
Is he her b©yfri£nd.
But Anna has Damien.
Jeez! , Is she that cheap.
I couldn’t take it anymore , I got up and made my way towards the office Anna and Carla worked.
I barged in and pu-ll-ed Anna out ignoring the eyes.
“You are such a cheap who-re”I yelled in her face and she looked shocked at my sudden outbur-st.
Before I could digest anything her hands collided with my cheeks.
Yeah! , that’s what she is good at.
“Who are you to talk to me like that?”she asked angrily and I scoffed.
“Firstly you are with Damien , and God knows how many times he fv¢ks you , secondly you are slee-ping with this doctor too , and thirdly I had you in my be-d easily , is that how they get you?”I asked angrily and she looked shocked.
No! , Probably hurt.
“You had me in your be-d easily?”she asked back and I suddenly regretted what I said.
“An..Anna”I said not knowing what to say again.
She smiled and wiped her tears , looking at me one more time and left.
Oh damn it!
Noah you are scre-wed!
Carla c@m£ out looked at me and snorted.
It was obvious she is angry.
“Cheap who-re?”she asked sacras-stically.
I couldn’t talk!
I let my anger get the best of me..
“Anna has nothing to do with Damien, and by the time you realize it , you would have lost her”she said glaring at me and left.
Anna has nothing to do with Damien.
Nons-en-se! All this is Stupid.
I found her in be-d with him!
He even c@m£ here to look for her.
I gr-unted in fraustration.
I entered my office and Nala c@m£ in shortly.
“Noah , are you okay?”she asked.
“Yeah! , am fine!”I said and she nodded leaving me.
Thank God I nee-ded peace.
I looked sideways and saw Anna crying in his arms.
Damn it!
Does she have to go to him.
I gro-an ed angrily.
💚 Chris’s POV.
I was going throu-gh some files when Anna barged in and hvgged me.
I got up and hvgged her to myself sighing.
“What’s wrong?”I asked her.
“How do you feel when the father of your son , the man you can’t st©p thinking about calls you a who-re, a cheap one at that”she said and I smiled.
“You forget him and move on”I wishpered and she shook her head.
“I can’t”she said and nodded.
“So what was the meaning of father of your son?”I said as we dis£ngaged from the hvg.
“Noah is Diego’s son”she said and I looked at her taken aback.
“The head doctor?”I asked shocked and she nodded.
Now I know where Diego’s hair is from?
I smiled and shook my head.
“Yes!”she said again.
“Wow!”I mouthed and she giggled.
“It’s a coincidence we met here”she said and I nodded.
God! , How I missed her!
😈 Damien’s POV.
I watched as Nala entered my h0tel room frowning.
What’s up with her?
“I put the drug in the new drugs Anna bought from the hospital”she said and I sm-irked.
Time to roll.
“Is something wrong?”I asked k!ss!ngher n£¢k.
“I am pregnant”she said and I stiffened.
“What are you talking about?”I said clearly baffled.
” And you are the father”she said and I scoffed.
I laughed at her.
Pregnant? Am the father?
Is this some kind of joke or what?
I looked at her and she was serious.
I st©pped laughing and glanced at her.
Okay! What is going on here!……