His v!rg!nse-ductress Episode 1 & 2

🍆🍆HIS v!rg!nse-ductress🍆🍆
***(She’s h0t but innocent…) ***
💖💖ON GOD💖💖
32 yes old Billionaire Isaac Simmons had buried himself In work ever since the death of his love wife’s death
On a decision made by his worried friends, Isaac was dragged to a str!p club where he’s b!own away by a p@rticular dancer, Brianna Adams, whose b©dy makes his awaken with every move she makes
He would go to every length to take her to be-d,where he was sure his de-sire would be fulfilled
But innocent brianna, was only just a first timer at the club, and nee-ds the money for her mother’s surgery
But too late for Isaac, he discovers she’s a vir-gin…
Finds our what happens next in this little thri-ller I’ve dredged up for you
“Wait.. Doc, plea-se, surely you don’t mean that? “Brianna p@n-ted after the doctor as they navigated their way down the marble hallways of the town’s only general hospital which was always brimming with people
Today was not an exception and Brianna was really finding it ha-rd to keep up with the doctor while nurses bu-mped into her and while sli-pping round wheelchairs
But the doctor glided effortlessly down the hallways.
Must be used to it
“Doc, plea-se wait”she finally caught up to him outside his office and held unto his white jacket
“Brie, you have to accept it”he said, looking at her from bespectacled eyes bit she only shook her head, eyes brimming with tears
“No, plea-se doc don’t say that”
“This is the third seizure this month, Brie. Now you know we can do the surgery now to st©p that but with all your bills piled up… ”
‘I’ll pay for it”Brianna put in quic-kly”I’ll pay them all so plea-se..plea-se don’t let mom die… ”
The doctor sighed and looked at the girl in front of him
Beautiful green eyes, brimming with tears stared back at him
He remembered when her mom was brou-ght in three years ago after a drun!kdriver ran her down and three yrs later was still in a coma
He really wished her mom would wakeup up and save her from all this bills which we’re threatening to smother the girl
But one could only hope
“Alright I’ll do it but you know you will have to pay in time”
Brianna nodded, tears falling ra-pidly
“Thanks doc”she said repeatedly “thanks a lot”
The sound of her ringing phone dragged Brianna out of a de-ep sleep
She fli-pped her curtain of dark long hair over her shoulder and away from her face and rummaged for the phone in her bag
God she was just catching up on her sleep in four days and now another headache had found her
“Hey Brie, where are you? ”
“I’m at the hospital”brie yawned “mom had another seizure and she’s in surgery as we speak”
She glanced at the theater and realized its been two hours
She prayed for success and dragged her attention back to what Cas-sie was saying
“I’m so sorry. Anyways I’ve got something for you “Cas-sie went on in her usual manner
“What? ”
“A job”
Brianna perked up
“How much? “She inquired as she got up from the ha-rd chair which she had been lying on and stretched
“Relax, girlfriend”Cas-sie laughed”£1800 a night with exclusive treatments ”
Brianna glided to a st©p as the figures danced in her head
Oh my god.
If she worked for a month she could pay all her bills in the blink of an eye
“Yep, with special treatment”
“I’m coming over right now”
“I’ll s£nd you the address “Cas-sie cooed
Isaac placed his thumb on the intercom and his secretary’s voice c@m£ on
“Yes sir? ”
“When’s my appointment with the devtech fellows? ”
“6:00pm, sir?”
“Alright, fax me a detailed report of their company and where’s the do¢v-ments for the Mauritania bargain?”
“I’ll fax them to you now sir”
“Do that along with the minute of yesterdays meeting”
“Yes sir”
Isaac scribbled furiously on a pad and picked calls at random
God, it was almost time to go home but he isn’t even done with half of his work
Well then he’d have to stay at the office again today
He reached for the intercom again but another hand was there and a de-ep voice boomed
“Hold all Mr Simmons calls, fix another day for his appointments and get his car re-ady. He’s leaving the office”
“Uhhh…. “The secretary said uncertain
“fv¢k…Dom, what are you doing? ”
“This is Dominic speaking, do as I say”Dom said and re-moved his thumb from the intercom
“Yes Mr Bryan”
“Do not do anything of the sort, lucy”Isaac said but the intercom was dead by noe and he frowned at Dom who was sitting on his desk and tapping a f!nger on it
“Now, aren’t you a sorry sight? ”
“God, dom, you didn’t have to do that”Isaac m0@n ed”I got loads of things to do, people to meet… ”
“Which is what you have been doing for years now, ever since Diana died”
“Don’t bring Diana into this”
“fv¢k man, I can’t help it”dom said”I lobe you so much I can’t help it. We don’t want you to end up like your wife, which is exactly what’s gonna happen if you keep this up”
“Attaboy, Dom”
Isaac looked over and saw his two other friends sitting on the expensive sofas
“When did you guys get here? “He asked
“About thirty minutes ago”Chris said “your beautiful secretary let us in”
“She did announced our pres£nce”Zeke said”you didn’t Even look up”
“Listen guys.. I’m really sorry.. and busy”
“No you are not”Chris said”get up, we are going out”
“No, guys really… I got work.. ”
“So do we but we gotta have some fun sometime huh? ”
All we’re wealthy young men with their own respectable business
“I can’t ”
“Alright boys, let’s move him… ”
“What?! No! $h!t, ok ok I’ll go, alright”Isaac said standing up hurriedly before they got to his desk”God, where did I get you guys? ”
“And where would you be without us? “Zeke said as they filed out if his office
How right he was
Chapter 2
“So this is the girl? “The woman whom Cas-sie had introduced as Zoe asked as she gave Brianna a scrutinizing look
Brianna wasn’t comfortable with the scrutinizing look as well as the look of the room she was standing in
Cas-sie smiled and patted her shoulder
“Yes Zoe”she said”This is Brianna and she’s willing to work really ha-rd , right brie?”
Brianna nodded eagerly
“Yes… So when so I start and what exactly is it that I’ll be doing? “She asked
Zoe chuckled
“Oh you’ll be doing a lot darling”she said and turned to Cas-sie “she’s really h0t, we’ll take her. We wouldn’t want any of that b©dy to go to waste? ”
Cas-sie smiled at brie as Zoe went into another room and brou-ght something out
“Put this on”she said as she led them into another dressing room”you will go in with the next set of girls
“Next set of girls to do what? “Brie asked suspiciously then st©pped in horror as she took in the sight of the room she was standing in
“You are funny”Zoe laughed”To str!p, my dear, and maybe dance a little. We have a lot of big sh0ts coming in tonight so lots of fishes to catch ”
Brianna whirled on Cas-sie
“You brou-ght me to a str!p club? “She asked in a heated whisper and the latter rolled her eyes
“Oh C’mon brie “Cas-sie said fli-pp@n-tly “Why, don’t you nee-d the money? ”
“That doesn’t mean I have to sell my b©dy to get it “brie lashed back”and besides this is so not me”
“Oh gosh, who said anything about selling your b©dy? “Cas-sie asked”all you gotta do is dance a little and maybe… ”
“str!p? ”
“Fine, don’t do it “Cas-sie said”but do you have another option? ”
“C’mon Cas-s, I can’t just start str!pping”brie said exasperated “I mean look at the other girls… I can’t do this… Its not me”
Cas-sie laughed
“Girl, you havent taken a good look at yourself lately, have you? ”
“What do you mean? ”
“I mean this”Cas-sie said and twirled brianna towards a long mirror hanging by their left “Brie you are h0t. Are you really going to let this sumptuousness go to waste? ”
Brianna looked at her friend of 13yrs
“Cas-sie, you’ve got to be kidding me ”
“Alright, let it go, but brie why not try it for just tonight then if you can’t stand it, you quit? “Cas-sie supplied “I mean after all, they pay nightly ”
Brianna hesitated and Cas-sie pounced on that
“Cmon brie, just tonight OK? ”
Brianna sighed
The money. God, the money
“Fine, but if I quit after tonight, don’t blame me”she said
Cas-sie smiled and beckoned to Zoe who had been watching them
“She’ll do it”
She watched brianna walked off with Zoe and brou-ght out her cell phone
The voice that answered was low as usual that she had to strain to hear the words
Low and dangerous
“You got her? ”
“She agreed ”
“I’ve done my p@rt, now you have to do yours”
“Of course darling, You can count on me ”
“A str!p club? Really guys? “Isaac stood arms akimbo and looked down at gos friends who we’re laughing up at him
“Isaac, st©p being an old man and sit your as-s down”Zeke said and dragged him to a seat in the secluded VIP sp©t in the str!p club
The setting was a plush one
It was a one of a kind str!p club with exclusive VIP lounge and reservation of choice girls for your plea-sure
“I heard they brou-ght new girls in”Chris said ru-bbing his palms in plea-sure
“I heard you are a regular “Dominic said and punched his friend’s arm pla-yfully
Chris was intolerably attra-cted to anything in Sk-irts
They had come here un-der his able guidance for he knew every str!p club or who-re house in the city
Isaac shook his head at his friends and looked around at the club
Every corner of the dimly lit club had girls dancing except at VIP sp©t
The show reserved for the VIPs was yet to start
He caught sight of a figure sitting alone in a far corner of the VIP lounge, with four or five guards surrounding him
He looked and oozed power
“Who’s that? “He asked and his friends turned and stared
Zeke and Dominic shrugged but Chris swore
“Damn, he’s always one step ahead”
“You know him? ”
“Yep, Falcon muldanno, nephew to the biggest mafia boss in town”Chris said, sipping his drink
“Muldanno? “Dom inquired “you mean the muldannos who sabotaged the I&R deal with the government? That muldanno?”
Chris nodded
“But this one ain’t about business”he continued”more like a Sk-irt chaser, like me. He always gets the choice girls ahead of me. If he bothers you Isaac, just boot him aside. He ain’t worth it”
“Why should he bother me? “Isaac looked surprised
“You know for the choice girls”
“Like I want any girl”Isaac replied vehemently “and if I wanted one, there are places fat better than a str!p club”
“Shh, here they come”Chris said as the room darkened and s-en-sual music began pla-ying as various girls mounted the stages before them and began dancing
Brianna felt n-ked
Like a new born baby, like a fish out of water
She drew a de-ep breath and began following the lead of the other girls who just have been Here their whole lives from the way they were dancing
After a while, she began to feel really S-xy as the music flowed around her
She could also feel the heated stares of the men in the room especially of one
He leaned forward in his chair at the far end with b©dyguards surrounding him and just continued staring at her
But the one that really took her breath away was another one
She loved the way he looked at her and it made her eager to do more, show more of her b©dy
She walked slowly to their table where he sat with three other men and crawled onto it
What was she doing?
She was crazy
She placed a hand on his shoulder ran the other hand slowly down her b©dy and hooked a f!nger in her thong and slowly drew it down then up again in teasing way
Murmurs filled the room
It was like every man there was looking at her but this ones eyes made her h0t
She got down and walked back yo the stage and continued dancing for his plea-sure
Only for his plea-sure
“I want her”
Dominic snorted his drink from his nostrils and started coughing as the others stared at Isaac in shock and awe
Isaac looked at them in horror as he realized what he had said
“Oh really? “Chris smiled as a woman sashayed up to them
“No.. I… I didn’t mean that.. “He stammered and the boys roared
“Anything you want boys? “She said”some of the girls would like to meet up personal”
“How about that one? “Chris said”my friend here would like some pri-vate meeting”
“Chris you are out of your mind”
“Relax Isaac,”Chris replied as he sli-pped a euro into the woman’s hand “be real quic-k about it will you? ”
The woman smiled and made her way to the back room but a man st©pped her
He gestured over to where a man was sitting
She did a double take and g@sped
Falcon muldanno was in her club tonight??
This was bad
“Having a nice night? “She asked as she sashayed to his table too
“The girl in the red thong”he said in his usual low voice”I want her in room 8 in five minutes ”
With that he glided past her with his array of guards
She cast him a disdainful look, then st©pped
The girl in the red thong
$h!t, that was the same girl she was going to arrange for the other gentlemen
As usual, Muldanno always want trouble
Hope the new girl knows how to deal with him
Guess who the new girl is?
Well guys how do you like this chapter?