his planet girl episode 37


(My heart beat for you)






Clark entered the company looking as dashing as always.

His hot P.A walks by his side with some guards following them.

The employees keep greeting them as they walks towards the elevator.

“Good morning Mr Clark”

“Good morning Sir”

“Oh gosh his P.A is a killer I swear”

“Those two are really killing me…?” Some ladies giggles among themselves.

The guards bowed as soon as Gary reach the elevator and Clark and his P.A step in.

Nobody else uses that elevator except those two.

Clark and his P.A are so close that there was once a rumor about them dating.

They practically do everything together and sometimes she also sleeps over his house.

Clark can’t literally do without her.

“Good morning Mr Clark…Good morning Miss Ivy”

Clark ignored her and went to his office while Ivy smiles.

“Good morning Beverly”

Clark entered his office and saw someone sitting on his seat backing him.

He doesn’t need a soothsayer to tell him who it is.

He sighs and took his glasses off.

“You’re late” the person said still not facing him.

“Is this how you run the company? If you think you’re gonna come to work anytime you like just because you’re the CEO I promise you…you aren’t gonna last. For a man you’re taking your responsibility lightly son…change”

Clark slump on the chair crossing his legs.

“To what do I own this visit?”

“Clark…are you even listening to me?” Carly turns to him.

“I’ve been waiting for sometime now”

“I never asked you to”

“Tch…but don’t I sound like you grandfather earlier…?” She laughs.

“I always find the way he talks funny” she added going closer to him.

“Wow…my prince Charming is looking hot today…did you dressed up for me?” She said smiling at him.

“Just tell me what you want already”

She grins

“I need you to go somewhere with me today”

“I’m not…I’m busy”

“Come on it won’t take long…I only need to get some things before the wedding”

“Find someone else…or you go alone”

“You know I have no one…come on Clark…go with me” she held his hand pouting.

“I’m really busy…I have a lot of things to do and_”

“You have Ivy don’t you? She can do all that..

Ivy came in with a cup of tea in her hand.

“Ivy…tell him to come with me…?” Carly went to her linking hands with her.

Ivy smiles and dropped the tea on the table in front of Clark.

“The decision is left to him” she said as Clark took the tea.

“Psst…you’re both mean. Clark you! You claim you love me but you can’t even do this little favor of mine…what kind of a man are you? I’m starting to rethink everything now”.

“That’ll be better I think it’s better you rethink the wedding also…because I’m starting to reconsider it myself…the pressure is getting too much” he dropped the cup and went to his sit.

“Well thank you for letting me know how much of a burden I am…I’m out of this damn place” she took her back and storms out.

Clark sighs.

“How troublesome…cancel my appointment this after noon…she won’t let me be”

“Yes sir…” She smiles.

“You can go” he dismissed her and she went outside.

“You haven’t left?” Ivy said to Carly who was waiting outside.

“What time should I be expecting him?” She asked.

“By 3”

“Good” she smiles.

“Bye Ivy…bye Beverly…?” She squealed leaving.

Ivy shook her head smiling at her as she leaves.


Mercury makes different pose as the photograph took different pictures of her making different comments.



“I love that”


“You got it”

“Crazy…?” He runs around making different funny styles as he snap her.

“Alright sexy that’s all for this concept…let’s get ready for the next one” the photographer said smiling at her.

“That was awesome…?” He complimented and she nodded.

“Mercury…?” Candy Mercury’s friend and also manager called as she moves closer to her.

“What’s wrong cand?” Mercury asked seeing the seriousness on her face.

“Your mother just called..she said your father passed out in the company again”

“What!..what happened? My phone”

Candy gave her her phone and she dialed her mother’s number.

“Mom..what happened?…oh no…how is he now?is he okay? This is the forth time he’ll faint this week is there something you’re keeping from me? Is Dad kinda suffering from any sickness? Mom tell me the truth…will my coming back home really solve all this? I feel like you’re not telling me something…? Talk to you later mom I’m busy right now…?” She ends the call and sighs.

“Is he okay?”

“He’s fine”

“What did she say?”.

” same story…she wants me back home…she said dad will feel better if he sees me”

“So what are you gonna do?”

“Do you really think I have a choice? Of course I have to go ”

“Then what about your life here? What about everything?”

“I don’t know cand…they wouldn’t just stop controlling my life…it’s annoying”

“Think about it well Mercury…by the way Leo says he’s coming back today”

“I’ll see him later…dress me up so we can get this over with…?”

“Alright..let’s go…?”


“Hey babe” Leo gave Mercury a peck on the lips as she enters the house.

“Why didn’t you tell me you’re back?” She asked taking her sit.

“I wanted to surprise you…Ta_da what do you think?” She smiles.

“I missed you” he hugs her.

“I missed you too..?”

“So good news…I’m back for good…no more trips…I’m staying here…just for you”

“You don’t have to do that Leo…I don’t want you giving up your work because of me”

“Where’s this coming from? We talked about this remember…I don’t like us spending time apart…I want us to be together everytime and anything that will take me away from you it’s better I leave it now ”

Leo replied and Mercury sighs.

It’s no use arguing with him.

Whatever he says…he sticks to it.

And she’s surely not in the mood for that today.

Yes your guess is right.

They’re dating.

They started dating a year ago.

When Mercury first arrived in Italy…she felt so sad and angry.

She literally shut everyone including her parents out her life.

She do things alone and was always moody.

This goes on for some months and her parents became very worried but that aren’t ready to take her back.

Three months later, she suddenly saw Leo at her school.

She thought she was dreaming but it turned out real.

She was so happy and couldn’t believe it.

She began to smile again.

The two became real closer than before.

They were always together that people envy their relationship.

They were even misunderstood for dating.

Later Mercury starts associating with people and that’s how she became friends with Candy.

The three became really close.

Candy held a crush on Leo but layer decided to give up when she discovered he can never like her.

Leo is literally obsessed with Mercury.

Leo made sure she doesn’t have any male friend apart from him.

He became overprotective and kind of domineering that Mercury starts to become annoyed.

She stays away from him for a while.

Leo came begging and promised not to do that anymore.

She took him back…it’s not like she can stay angry at him for long.

The three continues their friendship.

After college Mercury pursued her dream of being a model which she succeeded as she’s a big shot now.

She ranked the number sixth famous model in Italy.

Candy became her manager.

Leo also became a successful dealer.

Mercury said yes to him when he wouldn’t stop pestering her.

And she also felt bad for keeping him waiting all these years.

Though she doesn’t felt the same way he does, she’s sure that as time goes by she’ll fall for him.

They don’t spend much time together due to their profession as they are both very busy sometimes.

Mercury is actually fine with it but not Leo…he wants to be near her everytime..

He proposed a month ago and Mercury haven’t given him an answer yet

He said he’s going to wait no matter how long she takes.

Leo leans closer taking her lips in his.

“I missed you so much Uranus…?” He whispers in the kiss as his hands travels around her body.

“Not now Leo…I’m tired…?” Mercury pushed him away.

“Sorry…?” He stand backing her.

Mercury knew he’s annoyed.

She stood up and hug him from behind.

“My father fainted again…mom wants me home” she mutters and Leo spun around to face her.

“Is he sick or what? Why does he keep fainting?”

“I don’t know also…mom won’t say anything…?” She sighs.

“I’m having headache Leo…?” She hugs him while Leo stroke her hair.

“So, are you going back?”

“What do you think I should do?”

“I’ll support you in any decision you make”

“I wanna lie down for a while”

“Should I call the doctor?”

“Just let me lie down…I have to think”

“Alright…?” He carried her in bridal style and took her to his room putting her down on the bed and cover her properly with the duvet.

“Should I stay with you?”

“It’s okay…you can go do your thing”.

“Don’t think too much…I’ll be downstairs” he kissed her forehead and went out.

Mercury sighs and close her eyes.


“How did it go?” Ivy asked Clark as he drops his keys on the desk.

“How do you think? As stressful as she is”

Ivy smiles.

“She’s cute though…and lovable” Ivy said as she loves closer to unknot his tie.

“And a pain in the neck…any problem while I was gone?”

“None sir” she took his suit off.

“Good. Call for a meeting with the strategy team I want to know their plan for the upcoming project”

“On it sir” she bows and went out.

Clark sighs sitting and starts working.

Since his college life all he has focused on is his work.

His mother and Mercury leaving him really shattered him and he was sick for days.

He couldn’t get over the incident and eventually got dramatized.

He tried reaching out to Mercury but she seems to disappear from this world.

He couldn’t reach her no matter how much he tried.

Months later he saw Leo’s post on the internet.

They both look happy.

Very happy while he was broken.

Three people he cherished abandon him.

He became traumatized and eventually suffered from an illness called Avoidant personality disorder.

He felt socially inhibited.

He feels like any minute soon everyone close to him is gonna abandon him and became insecure.

This illness went for years but with the help of his grandfather, Ivy and his friends…he received treatment and start overcoming it.

But sometimes he still feel unsafe.

At a time he distance himself from everyone so as not to get attached with them.

So in the end he won’t get abandoned again.

But his friends stood by his side and made him believe they’re never gonna leave him for a moment.

Ivy also played a big part in his recovery.

She also became close to him and eventually ended up working for him.

Ivy is Late Mrs Morgan’s driver’s daughter.

She attends MAJESTIC college on a scholarship and is a year older than Clark.

With Ivy’s presence in their lives…they were all able to move on from the past so does Clark.


Hours later Mercury woke up and stretched…she felt better than before.

She went downstairs and saw Leo working on his laptop.

She stares at him for a while before smiling.

This guy has really tried for her.

He is always by her side whenever she’s going through a hard time.

She felt grateful and the same time she felt bad.

She drags herself to him and wrapped her hands around his neck from behind.

“You’re awake?” Leo smiles.

“How do you feel now?”

“Better…you’re working?”

“Yeah a new project…should I stop?”

“No continue…I’ll take my shower”

“Alright dirty pig…have a healthy shower” Leo said and she hit his chest lightly.

“You love that dirty pig”

“Fortunately I do…and she loves me also”

Mercury smiles and kissed his cheek.

“I’ll be back…?” He nodded and she went back to the room.

After showering, she apply the lotion and wore one of Leo’s hoodie.

She went downstairs but stop when she heard a familiar name.

????”Are you sure Danny?”????

Leo was on the call with Danny and haven’t noticed her presence.

Mercury hid and listens to his conversation.

????”Carly is getting married to him? When is their wedding? Next month…I may…my friends are getting married what do you think? I have to be there…yeah…alright…my regards to everyone…talk to you later”???? he ends the calls Mercury stood there trying sunk in everything she just heard.

“They are getting married…they are eventually getting married…?” She mutters to herself.

“You’re done?” She heard Leo’s voice snapping her out of it.

She smiles and went to him.

Leo held her hand and sat her down on his lap.

“Are you done with your work?”

“Hmm…I’m all yours now”

Mercury smiles.

“But I smell something…?” He said sniffing her.

“Oh my…what are you doing…?”

“Did you used my lotion?”

“Oh come on I only borrowed some…?”

“You borrowed some?”

She nodded.

“Oh really…you’ll have to pay for that some you borrowed”

“Leave me alone Leo…?”

“You’re staying here tonight”

“Why should I?”

“Because I said so…and that’s your punishment for stealing my lotion”

“I bought that for you you know”

“That doesn’t give you the right to steal it”

“I stole nothing…aren’t you hungry? Should I cook you something?”

“instead of cooking why don’t you play with me?”

“What play?”

“You’ll find out soon” he carried her abruptly and spin her around.

“Stop Leo…you’re making me giddy”

“Let’s go play…?” He said carrying her to his room.

He dropped her on the bed the moment they reached the room and lay on her.

Mercury wrapped her hand around his neck and Leo Peck her on the lips.

“You’re so beautiful Ura…?” He said and Mercury blushed.

“I know…and you’re so handsome too” she tweaked his nose.

“I’m so lucky to have you…I’m glad you’re mine and I don’t ever wanna lose you for anything…?”

Mercury only stares.

She knew Leo loves her a lot.

She also loves him but not up to way he loves her.

She feels he loves her too much and that only make her feel more bad.

He leans down and kissed her which she also responded too.

Leo explores her body as they engaged in a steamy kiss.

The kiss was getting hotter as each second pass and Mercury quickly stopped him before he takes it to another level.

Leo smiles.

“Come on..?” He lie properly on the bed and Mercury did also lying beside him.

They cuddle each other and Leo kissed her forehead.

“Have some rest…?” He said and she nodded.

Mercury close her eyes trying to get seen sleep bit her mind won’t stop remembering what she heard earlier.

They are getting married…?

So what do you think about this?