His average wife episode 24

🙍🏼‍♂️ His Average Wife 🙍🏼‍♂️
( Not like a model )
Written by Authoress Yesha 📒📒📒
Episode 24
“Hatred is the only thing I can afford to see in your eyes for me.
For I was surviving on necessity and your love for me was an unaffordable luxury .”
Her gloved palms were placed on the golden retriever’s che-st.
The heartbeat was there but a few beats slower.
Without wasting a second she had injected the 10-year-old with the required medicine.
The dog owner was looking at her with desperate pleading eyes and Elle knew how she felt.
Tears were leaking down the dog’s eyes and she could see how much it was suffering.
Patting its head gently she just hoped it could survive this.
Jake stood back with another dose of medicine in his hand and a nod from her side made him inject them.
“Will….my Sammy be fine?”
The owner asked Elle with her eyes still fixed on her 10-year-old companion.
Elle c@m£ out of the examination room while ordering Jake to stay with Sammy.
Placing a glas-s of water in the dog owner’s hands she made her sit.
“Mrs Smith first of all calm down… don’t worry”
The lady gulped down the glas-s of water with shaking hands.
“Sammy is a strong boy, we are trying our best..he is a fighter!”
The gentle smile on Elle’s face made the lady calm down.
“We will be keeping him un-der observation tonight…I will personally stay here with him and you can go back home, relax and come back tomorrow”
The lady nodded with her teary eyes still looking at the dog lying on the examination table.
“He will be fine right?”
Elle nodded while the lady left her dog in Elle’s care.
Elle returned to see the dog breathing heavily.
It looked a bit scared lying on the examination table held in place.
Gently picking it up she placed him in her l@p while patting its head.
“Sammy is a very good boy!! He is very strong !! My good baby!”
Jake moved forward to help her when Elle st©pped him.
“I will stay back…you can go Jake”
But Jake didn’t want it, he was not good to leave her alone.
Cleaning the examination table and disposing of the waste he sat next to her.
She was holding the big guy in her arms with its head placed on her shoulder.
Just like a small kid.
Sammy’s eyes were closed as Elle was moving her f!ngerson his back.
“You have not eaten anything today and this is your second night shift in a row.
You head back home Elle….I will take care of Sammy”
Elle knew he was right but she had as-sured its owner of its safety.
It was her responsibility and she never backed down from them.
In the end, both ended up staying back for the golden fur guy.
It was around midnight and Sammy was now asleep in Elle’s l@p.
Jack sat there staring at her tired face with concern.
“You are overexerting yourself ”
She looked at him throu-gh her sleepy eyes and mumbled a hmmm.
Her eyes had dark circles and her fli-ck was tou-ching herl-ips.
Gently placing the fli-ck behind her ear he placed a comforter on her.
ma-king sure to cover Sammy as well.
“You are such a sweet guy Jake….I am lucky to have found you ”
He smiled at her and placed his hand on her head.
He ordered while placing a lingering k!sson her forehead to which she smiled.
He was seated on the back seat of his Messarati with the driver driving him back home.
He got caught up in a meeting tonight and it took more time than usual.
Looking back at his Rolex watch he found it to be half past midnight.
“Sir Madam has not returned from the clinic yet”
The driver said ma-king Ashton look at him in confusion.
“You were supposed to drive her back home at 8?”
“I asked ma’am but she said she will manage on her own…but Maria madam called and said she was still not back”
The driver said looking at Ashton throu-gh the rearview mirror.
Ashton closed his eyes and placed his head on the headrest.
He was alre-ady very tired for the day.
His head was throbbing from a severe headache and he still had tons of work to do before he could sleep.
“Drive to the clinic”
With this, the driver nodded as he took u-turn to the nearby street.
The clinic had walls made of glas-s.
It was a see-throu-gh type.
The car st©pped on the street road just in front of the clinic and Ashton turned to see the lights still on.
He proceeded to go inside when his hand st©pped on the glas-s door.
There she sat on a sofa ¢v-m chair with a dog lying on her l@p.
Her eyes looked sleepy as her f!ngerswere stro-king the golden fur of the dog.
Before he could pu-ll the door open he saw Jake be with her as well.
He placed a comforter on her and moved her fringe aside.
Ashton’s hand ti-ght£ñed to a fist as he saw her welcoming his t©uçh.
While his other hand moved back from the silver handle of the door.
She spoke something to him and he smiled.
They looked like a happy couple and this made something hurt in Ashton’s heart.
Jake was moving closer to her as he placed his hand on her head.
Ashton was re-ady to turn around and go back but his b©dy betrayal him.
He wanted to look at what was going to happen.
He wanted to see if his plan was being successful.
But to his surprise, Jake placed a lingering k!sson her forehead.
A k!sson herl-ips was what Ashton expected but not this.
And surprisingly this hurt him more.
It showed that there was not just lvst in his heart but also love and care.
Jake Miller was the kind of person she deserved and he was now in love with his wife.
How he knows, well Ashton knew this since the day Jake Miller visited him.
A man will not give a woman his time and company unless he wants something from her and Jake was that kind of man.
Except for the fact that what he wanted was love.
An illegal love relationsh!pwhich anyone will never accept.
Ashton knows Elle is not a beauty that turned heads, she is just a normal-looking girl.
Then Jake approaching her made him doubt his intentions.
He did a full background check on him but he c@m£ out clean.
Jake Miller was an ordinary man with extraordinary zeal to achieve something.
And Ashton loved this about him.
He could see a very successful man in him as it was just a matter of time.
The way Elle laughs when she is with him, it just makes Ashton believe that he is the one for her.
You can call him crazy for pushing her towards him.
After all which husband does that.
But again he knew she deserved Jake as he was much better than him.
In the end, it will be her call for sure, but again he will never question her decision.
He was trying to seal his heart in advance.
After all his pierced heart can only prick her and never love her.
Moving back from the door he c@m£ back to his car with the driver looking at him in surprise.
“Everything fine Sir?”
“Let’s head back home ”
“But Mrs Lockwood?”
“She is busy, she won’t be coming”
The driver nodded but he didn’t miss the look of hurt that crossed his bosses eyes for a second.
The next day Ashton was going to the office when Elle returned.
She had bags un-der her eyes and her mood seemed off.
Without even acknowledging him she moved to the kitchen pouring herself a glas-s of water.
He stared at her weirdly when he saw her sobbing all of a sudden.
Did he do something unintentionally?
He questioned himself but c@m£ out with nothing.
She kept sobbing and drinking water in between and what he feared happened.
She started coughing and he was next to her in an instant.
pu-lling the glas-s of water from her hands he made small circles on her back.
Her breathing c@m£ back to normal as she stared at him with big fat tears leaking from her eyes.
“For god’s sake are you trying to choke yourself to death!! Who the hell does that!
You either cry or you drink…you don’t do them together!!”
His words made her cry ha-rder and he pu-ll-ed his hair in frustration.
“Why are you so damn irritating women!!”
She ru-bbe-d her eyes to re-move all the trails of tears to only let new ones replace them.
He was staring at her failed attempts to st©p her tears.
Sighing in defeat he finally asked her.
“What happened now?”
“Sammy died”
He looked confused at her.
“Who is Sammy?”
The question made more sobs break throu-gh herl-ips.
She was again going to choke on her own Saliva he thought.
“Sammy…!!! … the golden retriever….my boy….he couldn’t breathe…..my …poor baby”
It was now that Ashton un-derstood the reason for her sadness.
Attachments can be very painful.
“Mrs Smith….she c@m£ in the morning….she saw him breathe his last breath…I told her he will be fine…..I as-sured her….but I failed….I failed to save him…….”
Her hands were shaking and he saw how shaken up she was.
“Are you god Elle?”
His question made her look up at him in surprise.
Her teary brown eyes were tearing him.
“You are a doctor Elle…you did your best and that’s what matters”
“I did…but he was in so much pain….his eyes had tears….I .. ”
He couldn’t see it any longer.
He pu-ll-ed her head to his che-st and hvgged her.
“Cry it out….it will help”
His words made her let loose the dam she was building to st©p her tears.
They stayed in each others embr@ce and she locked her arms behind his back.
Her tears were ruining his Armani shi-t and he was alre-ady late for his meeting but he didn’t care.
Right now she nee-ded this.
When she cried it all and the reservoir was all empty she pu-ll-ed back from him.
“Don’t ..just don’t go around apologising for everything”
Her words got lost as she looked into his cold eyes.
The coldness in them looked a few degrees lower today.
“Thank you…”
Her eyes were fixed at her fidgeting hands as she thanked him.
“I didn’t do anything….why are you thanking me?”
Hell, even she didn’t know why she was thanking him.
Maybe because of that hvg.
Next, she knows he pu-ll-ed her towards the dining table and made her sit.
“Maria!! Bring her the pancakes!”
He ordered as Elle looked up at his surprise.
“No….I don’t want to.. right now”
But Ashton was not listening to her.
The plate was placed in front of her but she refused to even look at it.
Ashton was getting irritated.
Saying no to food is a crime.
No matter what food should not be disrespected.
“You are going to finish it right now !”
He said daring her to defy his order.
“I said I don’t want to Ashton….you are getting late..you should go”
“Do you want me to threaten you, Elle? ”
Her silence was frustrating.
She was looking out of the window trying to drown back into her sorrows once again.
If he leaves her back at home today she will go back to sulking.
“Where is Jake?”
“He went to visit his mom…..he said it was an emergency”
Sighing he pointed towards her plate with a final look in his eyes.
“Finish this and meet me near my car in 5”
“What?? where are we going?”
She asked surprised.
“You are coming with me to my office today”
With this, he was gone with her staring at his back with bewilderment.
The car st©pped in a driveway with a red carpet la-id down for welcome.
His door was opened by the chauffeur as he placed his Gucci shoe on the velvety carpet un-derneath.
People were running inside the building with just one s£ntence on everyone’sl-ips
“Boss is here!! OMG boss is here!!”
He stood straight looking at the glas-s doors in front of him.
Putting away his Armani glares he proceeded towards the entrance gaining everyone’s attention.
Unnoticed by all another timid figure emerged from the pas-s£nger seat.
Her scared eyes trying to hide from everyone’s attention.
Her boring clothes and not so beautiful face helping her.
Soon her eyes fell on the person who f0rç£d her to come here.
He was gone leaving her behind in this crowd of crazy people.
Pushing her way throu-gh she managed only get in a feets distance from him.
He was walking fast with wi-de strides compared to her tiny clumsy ones.
People with business suits were walking along with talking to him.
Showing him files and getting his approvals on his way along.
Soon she saw him disappear in the crowd.
The crowd dispersed all of a sudden and there was no Ashton to be seen.
Confused she moved forward and looked around to not find him anywhere.
Before she could st©p someone and ask a sudden pu-ll was felt on her shi-t from behind.
Losing her balance she stumbled backwards to be only pu-ll-ed inside the golden elevator.
Her b©dy collided on a ha-rd che-st as the golden doors of the elevator closed.
“Didn’t I tell you to stick to me and hold onto my coat?”
She looked back up to stare into her husband’s cold eyes.
He looked mad at her for not following such a simple order.
But it was not that easy you see.
Before she could even hold his coat and stick to him, others have alre-ady sticked to him like bees sticking on honey.
This was his personal elevator which she had not noticed the last time she c@m£ here.
Looking around she found everything to be gold with a mirror at the ceiling.
“These people are crazy!! Now I know who inflated this big balloon of ego you carry along!”
Not bothering of replying her he kept checked the emails on his phone.
“Who puts a mirror there?”
She said pointing to the t©p of the elevator.
Ashton did not even bother to see where this ‘there’ of hers was.
“I mean the architect who designed this building was retarded or what?
Glas-s mirror on the ceiling when they should be on walls! And gold elevator like seriously? Don’t they have any other place to spend their money?”
Ashton was busy ignoring her.
Very eager to reach his floor and enjoy some silence.
“Even these knobs….crazy rich people..I will never un-derstand them!”
“Will you just shut up for once women!!I bought you along to cheer up your mood …not ruin mine!!”
As soon as he spoke he regretted.
He didn’t want her to know why he bought her along.
She looked shocked for a second but quic-kly covered up.
“So my dear husband wanted to cheer me up huh?”
She said teasing.
The door opened and Ashton rushed out, away from her.
To sadly have her following him to his office.
“St©p smiling… it’s irritating and you look ugly”
He said trying to wipe that crazy smile on her face to only make her smile wi-der.
Elle to his surprise pu-ll-ed out a gum from her pocket and started chewing it.
She offered one to him which he outrightly ignored.
Deciding not to look at her he called his as-sistant to his room.
“Go pick yourself a corner a do your work…I do not want any disturbance.”
“But I don’t have any work to do….you bought me along… remember?”
He sighed holding his head in his hands with elbows placed on the table.
“Sir, you called?”
Natasha said entering while giving Elle a weird look.
“Yes Natasha…just tell me my schedule for the day ”
“Sir you have a meeting with Emerald group at 11, then Mr Shaw will be visiting at around 1.
You nee-d to look into the monthly report and give your approval.
Also, the R and D dep@rtment is re-ady to pres£nt the grade 7 samples.”
Ashton nodded while Elle looked least interested.
Fli-pping the pages of a magazine she kept rotating her chair ma-king a screeching sound with every twist.
The noise was bothering him.
He decided to ignore her childish ways.
“Any of your work Natasha …in which you nee-d a helping hand?”
She looked surprised wondering if her boss was taking a test of her.
“No …no Sir …I can manage my work”
“Have you typed those papers I gave you yesterday?”
“No..no.sir I sti-”
“Great! Bring them here, she will do it!”
He said motioning towards Elle
Elle made a big bubble with the chewing gum she was chewing and bur-st it right when Natasha looked at her.
Natasha looked a bit doubtful of this girl being capable of even typing without ma-king errors.
“Are you sure sir ?”
“Yes..now plea-se hurry up Natasha!! I am alre-ady late”
She ran out of the room not giving Elle another glance after that.
Ashton looked at his wife chewing onto the gum while staring at the skyscr@p£rs outside.
Was it a mistake to bring her along….she doesn’t look in a depressing mood right now as he expected.
Instead, she was fully capable of ma-king everyone else depressed.
“St©p chewing that disgusting thing in front of my employees..go throw it in the dustbin”
“Oh, you mean this?”
She said ma-king another bubble and bur-sting it on his face.
“Oh god ”
He whispered lowly getting angry at her childish self.
“Are you bipolar or what? A few minutes ago you were sulking like it was the end of the world and now you are as excited as a kid on a merry-go-round?”
“I am not excited okay! I am just -”
“You are just trying to irritate me…right?”
She avoided his gaze and bit her smile.
A knock was heard and Natasha entered.
She placed a l@pt©p and a few papers on the desk.
“Thank you”
Natasha smiled and nodded leaving them to silence.
Elle fli-pped the pages on her desk and snorted in irritation.
“These are so many papers.. I can’t type them all!!”
Ashton looked up at her failure to control his anger now.
30 minutes it has been since he had entered his office and this girl here had made him not re-ad 10 lines of the file on his table.
ban-ging his hand on his table in anger he moved towards her.
She looked scared now.
He had reached his saturation point she guessed.
She pu-ll-ed her rolling seat back as he kept moving forward.
The seat was again ma-king that screeching noise and this made a nerve to throb on his forehead.
Next, she knows her seat was gr@bb£d from both the side as he pressed his hands on the armrest.
She tried moving but his grip was firm as a brick.
“Wife or not I won’t tolerate this attitude of yours! Complain one more time and you will not like the way I carry out my punishments!”
The threat in his voice made her mouth run dry all of a sudden.
“Am I clear wifey?”
Her heart started beating ra-pidly as his face moved closer to her.
As soon as his minty breath t©uçhed her face she gulped in fear.
Only to realise 2 seconds later that she had managed to gulp the chewing gum as well.
Once realisation settled in she screamed in horror.
“Sh**!! Sh**!! I just eat it!! I am going to die!! Oh no!!”
His forehead had some creases as he tried to un-derstand what she was trying to say.
Once he un-derstood a wi-de arrogant sm-irk made its way to hisl-ips as she glared at him with anger.
” They say love nullifies hate,
I say hate is a catalyst to love”
TBC 💢💢💢💢