His average wife Episode 2

🙍🏼‍♂️ His Average Wife 🙍🏼‍♂️
( Not like a model )
Written by Authoress Yesha 📒📒📒
Episode 2
Ashton POV~~~
“Son I have arranged everything, you are to marry this girl only..today you can meet her and get to know her”
His father said with a finalized declaration.
“If she doesn’t match my standards …then what? I don’t want everyone to laugh at my choice of a wife…I have rejected proposals of the t©p models of NYC dad!!”
“I was telling you, not asking you Son.I see my daughter in her and you will make her your wife no matter what!!”
I sighed and stormed out of the room.
What if she is breathtakingly beautiful..hmm well then I will think about my decision.
A few hours later………
I was sitting in the dining area of one of the t©p diners here and it’s been 20 minutes pas-sed the meeting time alre-ady.
I hate people who take others time for granted and alre-ady I could feel burning hate beginning in my heart for her.
Elle Hamilton is her name and I have met her father before.
He was a nice guy and I hope he has raised his third child well.
I was re-ady to get up and leave when I saw footsteps approaching me in haste from behind.
Before I could turn around to see I heard a rugged voice filled with desperation.
“I am sooo…sorry to keep you waiting!! Actually, I was caugh-”
Her steps halted and her words got lost as soon as her eyes fell on me.
She screamed calling for unwanted attention as some people stared at us.
It has to be this ugly duckling
Any girl could have been better than her.
I sighed and looked at her once again to see if anything was likeable in her.
She continued speaking nons-en-se as I scrutinized her from t©p to bottom.
Dull brown hair which was not even completely straight and had knots in them.
She didn’t even comb her hair today I thought.
Plain dark brown eyes with small eyelashes ….boring
Her nose was again not perfectly shaped…I preferred sharp ones while her was on a bit wi-der side
Next herl-ips which were moving nonst©p blabbering about something.
They surely were attrac-tive.
They were a perfect size with the right lvstre in them.
Natural pink in colour they were an exception to her other features.
My gaze went further to take in her figure if anyone can call it that.
I mean it was just bone and flesh.
No curves
But her legs were surely long enough to be called attrac-tive.
In total she was just average…not someone who you want to spear a second look.
And not to forget her almost nonexisting manners and lack of etiquettes.
I bet she is as dumb as she portraits to be.
“I asked you a question, mister!!! I said I will not marry you!! You get that!! I alre-ady have a boyfrien-”
She was getting on my nerves….her voice was irritating me and also this unnecessary chaos early in the morning.
I gr@bb£d her arm strongly and pu-ll-ed her along with me to a guest room in the h0tel.
“You j£rk !! How dare you t©uçh me!! You arrogant-”
Before she could complete I pushed her to the be-d and closed the door.
I haven’t even spoken one word till now and this maniac had spoken thousands.
I hated daddies spoiled bit*** like her and it was time to teach her a lesson.
I moved towards her and pu-ll-ed her up from the be-d.
A newfound fear entered her eyes but her nas-ty mouth refused to show it.
“You may have girls falling at your feet to marry you but I refuse outrightly Mr Ashton Lockwood!”
Next, I couldn’t hear her nons-en-se anymore and placed my hand on herl-ips.
Her eyes wi-de-ned and before she could move her hands I gr@bb£d and locked her tiny wrists in one hand and pu-ll-ed her back on my che-st.
Her muffled voices could be heard but I refused to let go.
Her whole b©dy started thrashing in my grip but all in vain.
Moving her forward I placed us in front of a full wall mirror.
When she looked at herself encaged by me in the mirror her thrashing increa-sed.
I could feel tears we-t my hands but I refused to let go before ma-king my point.
Leaning towards her ear I breathed and I could feel a shiver run down her spine.
“Just look at yourself in the mirror Elle….”
I caught her eye in the mirror as she looked between me and her.
“Do you think you can compete even with the who*** with whom I have one night stands?”
Her brown eyes wi-de-ned as her b©dy stood still
“Let alone the standards of my wife…”
I moved back from her and she stood still on the verge of breaking down.
Her eyes cast downwards as if she alre-ady knew what I was saying was true.
I moved in front of her to urge her to look into my eyes and say what she was saying earlier.
“If my father hadn’t threatened me of my lineage I would not have even spared a look at a girl like you!
Now listen clear Elle because I hate to repeat myself…..I hate dumb girls like you but I don’t have a choice….if you have a choice decide wisely”
She looked down fidgeting with her f!ngers
“I….also … don’t have a choice…”
I believed in being practical if both of us had no way out we will have to swim together.
“So it’s decided, see you at the alter, day after tomorrow”
I was re-ady to leave when I felt cold hands gr-ab onto my bicep.
“I really have a…b©yfri£nd….and I love him….I will never be able to love you….”
I knew she was lying….she was ma-king up excuses so that I can refuse her hand.
How childish can she be, didn’t she listened to me when I said I don’t have a choice.
So I decided to pl@ywith her game
“Love is not what I want in this marriage…you can love or Fu*** whosoever you want, the only thing I want is obe-dience…can you give it to me?”
She kept silent refusing to answer.
I pu-ll-ed up her chin with my f!nger and this made her moist eyes to land on my angry ones.
“I asked you a question Elle….will you be obe-dient!!”
She nodded
“Words Elle ….I nee-d a verbal response!”
“Y..e..s Ashton…”
“It’s Mr Lockwood for you Elle”
“Y…e..s. Mr Lockwood.”
She will learn soon I thought and placed my hand on her head.
“Good girl”
Were the last words I spoke before moving out of the room.
She was a crying mess on the h0tel rooms floor.
The tears she had st©pped earlier were now flowing like a waterfall.
She had a plan before coming here.
Her father had made it clear that she was lucky Henry Lockwood asked her hand for his son.
And he wanted her to impress Ashton Al all cost.
Her mother even went to the extent of teaching her to be s£dûçt!veto impress him.
But she hated it.
She wanted to reject him at first sight and if not she wanted him to reject her at first sight.
So she concocted a story beforehand of how much she loves her pres£nt b©yfri£nd.
But all plannings went down the hill when she saw him.
He was the same stranger she met in the bar a few days back.
The one person whose silence speaks volumes and aura spre-ads fear.
The first man whose pres£nce alone makes her turn to jelly from the inside.
There was no doubt in this that she was attra-cted towards him like all other female population.
But this didn’t st©p her from going all ballistic on him.
He looked uninterested in her talks and instead she found him looking at her from t©p to bottom.
His eyes lingered a little longer on herl-ips and she found it extremely intimid@t!ng.
Next, she knows she was thrown into a be-droom and within a minute she was staring at the mirror.
He was right she thought…
She was no match to him in many aspects and she could bet his who-res were much more beautiful.
But didn’t she knew this alre-ady?
She thought how better it would have been if Mr Henry Lockwood would have asked Rose’s hand instead of hers.
He and she would have looked like a perfect couple.
As she stared at his face in the mirror she forgot she excited.
His eyes held hers as his breath tickled her ear-lobes.
She felt a wave of plea-sure run throu-gh her which left her as a shivering mess and there was no doubt he had noticed this.
I knew he was f0rç£d into this or else who in their sane mind would choose me.
But when he bluntly threw all the reasons at my face and said he hated me I just couldn’t look up into his eyes again.
I was ashamed of being a Hamilton….a disgrace to my family name.
I loved his honesty and straightforward attitude.
He was a man of few words but the words he spoke were nothing but downright practical.
I pla-yed my last card of concocting a fake b©yfri£ndbut it again backfired.
Imagine my future husband just asked me to sleep behind his back with this imaginary b©yfri£nd.
The thing he demanded was obe-dience when it was the most difficult to give in.
I mean I did tried being polite before but then this world takes you for granted.
But I can’t deny the fact that he controlled me like no one else was ever able to.
The coldness in his eyes and rudeness on hisl-ips shuts me up.
My future was destined with him and I cried for it.
My whole life I was looked down in my parents home and now my very own husband is going to remind me of my ugliness every single day.
I know he will never fall for an ugly girl like me but my heart had alre-ady started beating fas-ter in his pres£nce.
” They said I was ugly but the mirror never lied,
My reflection smiled when I smiled, it cried when I cried.
But one day he stood behind me changing the very definition of beauty.
Those eyes stared at me and those words left a de-ep hole beneath.
She believed his words like her own
And then she knew
She was ugly no wonder everyone knew
She was Elle Hamilton, a disgrace everyone wanted to get rid off very soon.
Elle POV~~~
I was standing at the alter staring at my future husband’s shoes as I replied to priests question by
“I do”
Throu-gh the veil, I could see his beautiful face stoned with his usual cold expression as he said the words
“I do”
“I announce you, husband and wife …..now you may k!ssthe bride”
I was expecting this as everyone cl@pped with enthusiasm.
He took one step towards me and my heart started throbbing in my che-st.
Oh god, this will be my first k!ss…..I don’t want him to ruin it……plea-se……
I waited but nothing happened.
I slowly managed to look up at him to see his eyes staring at something behind me and his fists clenching in anger.
Oh, I forgot he despises my face let alone my t©uçh….and he hated being f0rç£d to do it.
I expected him to turn around and leave me here to face the embarras-sment but he had other intentions.
He enclosed my face in his ice-cold hands and a shiver went down my spine.
His face started moving closer to my face and the sound of applauses ringed in my ears.
I started b!tt!g my l!pin anxiety and his cold gaze landed on them.
Creases appeared on his forehead and the stone-cold expression got colder if possible.
I stilled seeing his expression and my hands started shaking.
Oh god
Just plea-se get this over with!!
His breath lingered on my ear and my hands landed on his che-st to get support.
The ha-rd ness of his toned che-st wors£ned my situation and I could feel my cheeks on fire.
His subtle beard s£nt a tingling s-en-sation throu-gh me when his face t©uçhed my right cheek.
“St©p shaking like a desperate wh***…it is just a k!ss…not like you haven’t k!$$£d before”
His words were so raw and rou-gh that it made my legs literally shaking with anticipation.
I closed my eyes re-ady to loose my first k!ssbut he did something completely unexpected.
A sudden warmness was felt on my cheek just near myl-ips and then it was gone as fast as it c@m£.
Cl@ppings were heard and I looked dumbstruck at him.
He looked at the crowd thanking everyone.
That’s all?
This simple act of his made me involuntarily attrac-tive towards him.
I mean he had a chance of k!ss!ngme but he respected my fears and didn’t k!ssme.
I found my first belief of him being of loose character shattered then and there.
Even though he was a Casanova but still his morals were not loose.
Weddings celebr@tions progressed and now it was time for our dance.
But to everyone’s surprise, my dear husband was busy on a phone call ignoring the repeated announcements calling for his name.
Rose stood next to me as my eyes searched for him everywhere.
“I guess your dear husband is alre-ady avoiding you….no wonder he left you here alone ”
“Rose plea-se I am no-”
My talk was interrupted when the host asked me to go and call Ashton for our awaiting dance.
I nodded and went out to look for him.
“I will not tolerate this kind of negligence from my staff John!! I told you beforehand to physically verify the stock before giving your final confirmation!! Now you are saying the entire sh!pment was rejected!!
“No, I nee-d the name of the person who is at fault!! No excuses will do John!! Contact me when you get the name or consider yourself fired!”
She stood behind him debating to interrupt his very important talk or no.
His back looked tense as he ended the call and placed his phone back in his pocket.
He ran his hand throu-gh his hair giving them a messy look and loos£ned the knot of his tie.
As soon as he turned around his angry stare again met mine and irritating swept throu-gh his eyes
“What? Why are you here?”
“Th…ey…..I mean….we…..are to da..nce ”
His phone again pinged and he unlocked his phone to open up a new message.
His eyes were fixed on the screen and hers were fixed on his sharp features which were getting illuminated by his phone’s light.
He asked looking up at her
“Dance…..we are to dance on stage”
“Just skip this bull$h!t!! I am going home alre-ady!”
As he went pas-sed her she stared at his retreating back surprised.
Wasn’t it necessary to attend to all guests, dance and cut the cake?
“You want to come or no?”
He asked ma-king her come out of her thoughts and follow him blindly.
She just bid her adieu to her father and hurried out of the function in-between which was organised for their wedding.
He was waiting for her in his Bugatti engrossed in his phone.
As soon as she closed the door he started the car and she found herself dozing off to sleep listening to his business talks.
“Hey wake up and get out!”
He said shaking her awake as she looked confused.
“I said get out! I nee-d to go somewhere!”
“But….where shou-”
“Elle I don’t have time!! Just get out and go inside the house!! I will be back in a few hours”
She looked out of the car to see a big house rather castle welcoming her.
It had big clas-s windows and everything screamed wealth.
pu-lling her long go-wn out of the car she ban-ged the door close.
Within seconds the car roared to life and as soon as the car moved she felt a pu-ll to her legs.
“$h!t!! $h!t!”
She screamed as she saw the length of her go-wn still caught in the car door.
Before she could ban-g on the car to st©p a tearing sound was heard and she found her dress getting torn into pieces.
The longer than the floor-length dress was now not even knee length and she found herself shivering from the cold winds that flew pas-sed her.
His car was gone roaring and she was left behind staring at its retreating back.
“Great! What a start!”
She whispered and decided to follow the stone path to lead towards the entrance.
Majority of the lights were off and she doubted if anyone was inside.
She ringed the bell while shivering in cold hoping for the person to open up fast.
But to her dismay even after ringing the bell for 10 minutes, no one answered.
Stomping her foot in frustration she peeked around the windows but they were not in her reach.
The property was spre-ad in nearly 100 acres but not a soul was to be found there.
She pu-ll-ed out her phone to call to only find that only 1%battery was remaining.
She decided to call Ashton but her f!ngersst©pped just before pressing the call bu-tton.
‘He will scold her if she disturbe-d him….he was alre-ady very angry when he left’
Before she could decide the phone switched offending her only hope.
She couldn’t go back home …..what will they say…..she c@m£ back the day she left …..no…..they will be ashamed.
The cold winter winds were ma-king herl-ips shiver and she could feel her b©dy going numb.
Placing herself on the staircase near the door she hvgged her legs and pressed her chin on her knees.
ru-bbing her arms and legs she decided to wait for him.
4 hours later………
It was 2 o clock
The winds were getting stronger and it looked like a storm was approaching.
Her whole b©dy was trembling now and she could feel herl-ips sticking together with dryness and cold.
She looked up to see raindrops welcoming her and wors£ning her pres£nt state.
The entrance door had a small roof over it and it was the only shelter she had.
Sliding against the door she tried to fit un-der the small roof but still, the rebounding raindrops t©uçhed her n-ked legs and made a shiver run down her spine.
“plea-se……plea-se ….come back fast”
She kept on pleading and she didn’t realise when throu-gh the raging storm her eyelids felt heavy and her eyes closed down.
“Are you crazy or what!!! What are you doing here!!!”
She heard his angry voice screaming at her as she opened up her eyes to be met with his stormy blue ones
She asked still not fully awake from her sleep.
Her back was aching badly and she could not feel her legs or her arms.
“I said what are you doing here!! Why didn’t you go inside!”
“I…..keys…….I didn’t have the keys…..I ringed….no one opened…..”
His eyes went down to look at her state.
Her pinkl-ips were now purplish-blue and she was shivering.
Her white go-wn was torn leaving her half th!ghs and legs n-ked.
The remaining dress on her was all we-t and he could see the outline of her white br@ un-derneath.
Thank God no one saw her like this….otherwise, it would have been the big news of the week.
He ringed the bell continuously while ban-ging on the door.
Curses left hisl-ips as no one opened
“You could have Fu**** called me!! What if someone saw you like this!! Now even your fuc**** p@n-ties and br@ is visible!”
As soon as she registered his words she pu-ll-ed down her legs and placed her hands in front of her che-st.
Why didn’t she realised this earlier!!
Hell, he had seen her it all and that also like this!
“You….I mean…….my phone was….dead!!”
“Just how stupid can you be a foolish girl!! I thought you were ugly earlier….now I think you are even dumb!!”
She cringed at his words but it didn’t hurt much because she was struggling to remain conscious.
Her eyes were closing down on their own.
He pu-ll-ed out a spare key from his pocket and twisted the knob.
Entering inside he looked back at her to see that she hadn’t moved a muscle
“Hey come inside or do you want to die out there?”
When she didn’t reply he got irritated and made his way towards her.
“Have you gone deaf no-”
His words st©pped when he saw her head leaning on the railing with eyes closed.
Moving closer to her he shook her but still got no response.
Patting on her cheeks he called her
“Hey, ugly duckling wake up!! St©p this drama!”
When she didn’t reply he moved his hand to her forehead to see her burning up with fever.
Curses left hisl-ips as he held her up bridal style and made his way to his room.
It was her first day here and he could alre-ady tell that she was going to be a lot of trouble.
TBC 💢💢💢