His average wife episode 11 & 12

🙍🏼‍♂️ His Average Wife 🙍🏼‍♂️
( Not like a model )
Written by Authoress Yesha 📒📒📒
Episode 11
” His coldness is soul-numbing but his sweetness can be heart-melting”
She was getting bored listening to his business talks.
On t©p of that, her b©dy was in desperate nee-d of stretching.
He has been driving non-st©p for the last 5 hours with his business talks going on non-st©p.
“Yes …. offcourse…no …..that will be all…..okay ttyl bye”
As soon as he ended the Bluetooth call she sighed in relief.
“Can we….st©p somewhere ?”
He ignored her like usual focusing on the road ahead.
“plea-se, Ashton!! My legs are numb and my stomach is growling in hunger!!”
He gave her an irritated look to return to accepting another call that was displa-yed on the t©uçh screen.
“Hello…Good afternoon Mr Anderson….ya the order is on its way-”
Again!! This man is impossible!! Is he a robot or what!!
Doesn’t he feel hungry? He can’t be human for sure.
Trying to stretch her legs she pu-ll-ed her feet out of her sneakers to place them on the dashboard.
Just before her foot could t©uçh it an angry voice boomed at her.
“Don’t you dare place your filthy foot on my dashboard!!”
She looked at him shocked with her feet still in the air.
“I am wearing socks and they are not dirty !! See!”
She tried showing him her clean socks when he slammed his foot on the breaks.
“You are so damn disgusting woman!! Gross!!
Just get out of my car !! I am st©pping for 5 minutes”
She smiled with happiness and literally ran out of the car slamming his door shut.
He cringed when she slammed his door with much more f0rç£ than nee-ded.
He loved his messarati and anyone even tou-ching it irritated him.
He continued his call with
his eyes fixed on her as she started jumping on the road.
‘This girl is crazy’
He thought
She c@m£ back inside to see him still busy in his business discussions.
Starting the engine they again hit the road with her looking at the beautiful trees pas-sing them by.
“We will reach in 30 minutes at most. You can relax at the h0tel while I attend my meeting.”
She looked at him surprised and a bit angry.
“Didn’t you say we were going on our honeymoon? ”
“Yes it is .
He said ignoring her irritating questions.
He was not in the habit of answering others.
“But….this is more like a business trip!! You will work there while I will sulk in my h0tel room!! You lied to me!!”
Her full attention was now on him as she had turned around to fully face him.
“I never lied….my meeting was planned months ago…you are just an addition to it…..”
“A baggage to be exact…..”
He spoke the last words slowly to himself but she heard him.
“Why are you always so damn cold!! Can’t you talk like a civil being without disrespecting me in every s£ntence you utter!!”
“I never disrespected you”
“Oh really!! You mean to say I am lying when all you have been doing sinc-”
He spoke with a hidden threat in his cold voice.
“What? No!! I will not st©p!! You have to listen to me!! I am hungry for the last 7 hours, my head is aching, your business talks are irritating and your company well ….it is so damn repulsive!!! I want to go home!! I am not going anywhere wi-”
Her shouts were silenced when he placed his palm on her mouth to st©p her from talking.
“Yes Mr Anderson….yes sorry the signal is bad here…the call got disconnected….yes so where were we-”
He continued talking while she struggled to re-move his hand from her mouth.
His muscles laden arms were too strong for her as she continued her useless struggles.
She got an idea and without another thought, she stretched her arms to end the ongoing call on the t©uçhscreen.
He smiled in victory as he burned with pure fury.
“How dare you disconnected my call!! Do you know how important it was!!
“Good!! You deserved it !! You as-sho-”
“Language Ugly duckling!! I dare you to complete the s£ntence!!
She had an evil sm-irk on her face as she started shouting.
“as-sh***!! You are a Fu**** as-sho-”
Her words were silenced as the car c@m£ to screeching halt and her b©dy getting thrown towards the dashboard.
“Are you crazy!! I co-”
She lost her words when she saw the anger in his eyes.
His hands moved to open the knot of his tie and she stuttered in horror.
“Wh…at….are. you….doing?”
Moving away from him she tried opening her door when she found him pressing the child lock.
With his tie now in his hands, the t©p bu-tton of his shi-t was opened.
“Stay….wh…ere….you…are… don’t….you…come closer!”
But he had some other intentions.
Moving towards her he crossed his side moving over the gearbox.
His b©dy nearly tou-ching her as her che-st rose and sank with anticipation and fear.
She placed her hands on his che-st to st©p him but all in vain.
She was literally crushed un-der him as his rou-gh hands gr@bb£d onto her tiny wrists.
Moving them above her something soft t©uçhed her hands.
Looking up she found him tieing his tie around her wrists behind the headrest of the seat.
skrie-king in surprise she started moving violently to only make it worse.
His face has now di-pped into her n£¢k as he whispered his next words.
“I hate it when people disobey me…hope this teaches you some obe-dience.”
With this, he moved back to his seat leaving her frozen in her sp©t.
She tried removing it but the bast*** had tied her hands to the rod in the headrest.
Stomping her foot in frustration she started hitting the dashboard.
“Do you want me to tie those violent legs of yours as well?”
The sm-irk on his face made her scream with frustration.
She knew he was capable of doing it and this made her sit back in her seat.
“You are an inconsiderate selfish basta***!! I will kill you I swear!! Just re-lease me right now!! ”
She saw him opening a Twix and munching on it.
Her words were lost as soon as her eyes fell on the bar of chocolate.
Where was he hiding it?
She tried finding something to eat in the car a few hours before but couldn’t find anything.
Her taste buds were watering as he took another bite from the bar.
He was smiling on the inside knowing well how desperate she was for a single bite.
The journey continued as he kept teasing her with each bite he took.
Finally, when the bar was almost over and he was going to take the last bite he saw her literally sticking her ton-gue out.
She whispered and he looked at her surprised.
She would never say this word to him but again food overpowers your br@in.
With a final sm-irk, he eats the last bite and she screamed with irritation.
“Just how inconsiderate can you be!! I just asked for one bite and-”
A full bar of Twix was shoved into her mouth as she looked at him surprised.
Munching it she cried with happiness but it was too short-lived.
Her hands were tied and she couldn’t even eat it properly.
She tried calling for his attention and with irritation, he gave it to her.
Holding on to the car steering with his right hand and the bar with left, he feeder her.
It was the last bite and as soon as he moved it towards her, she had successfully pressed her teeth on to his f!nger.
“Are you crazy Woman!!”
He skrie-ked as he realised just what his not so innocent wife had done.
She giggled in happiness and he glared at her with anger.
He reached the h0tel to find her slee-ping peacefully with her arms still above her tied to the headrest.
A small smile escaped hisl-ips as he remembered what made him tie her.
Not intending to wake her up he untied her hands and picked her up from her seat.
She gro-an ed in sleep but soon snuggled to his che-st.
Picking her up firmly with one hand un-der her legs and other on her back he made his way towards their room as the chauffeur unloaded their bags.
Laying her down on the be-d and covering her with the quilt he moved out of the room to take another call.
“Yes, Rosaline?”
“Sir they have arrived, we are waiting for you”
“I will be there in half an hour, get the do¢v-ments re-ady”
“Yes Sir”
With this, he was gone leaving her but not before ordering for her some lasagne and pasta.
The meeting room was filled with silence as soon as he entered.
He nodded and everyone sat down on their seats.
He ordered Rosaline to distribute the agenda of the meeting as he started with the pres£ntation.
“The biggest shareholder of this project is my friend …she will be here in a few minutes and I want all of you to impress her with your best behaviour. Her approval is utmost important for this deal to be completed.”
Everyone nodded as they anticipated her arrival.
“I want everything to be perfect, just one mistake and this project goes to our rivals.
She is my friend but this does not affect our business relationsh!p.
She wants the best and I know ours is the best. Are you re-ady to give your best?”
“Yes Sir!!”
Their voices sounded low.
“I asked can you give in you best teammates?!!”
“Yes Sir!!!”
This time everyone’s reply echoed in the room and Ashton nodded in a yes.
Cl!çk!ng sounds were heard as someone approached the door.
Ashton moved towards the door to be met with his 7 years earlier ex-girlfriend and once his best friend.
There she stood all tall and confident with that jaw-dropping smile of hers.
With the most perfect face and model-like b©dy, she was, without doubt, a beauty that turned heads.
“Ashton!! I missed you so much!!”
With this, she had engulfed him in a bone-crushing hvg as he smiled in true delight.
He missed her these past few years and no doubt she had turned out to be a very beautiful woman.
Her Chanel fragrance engulfed him like an aura of prestige and elegance surrounded him.
The people behind stood up from their seats to welcome the most talked-about influential women of their industry.
Some had beads of sweat on their foreheads while others found their hands shaking.
But one thing was for sure.
She was no ordinary women.
She was Lorena Roosevelt
The foun-der of Roosevelt Industries and the daughter of the riche-st man in Europe.
Episode 12
“So you mean to say that you got married and that also without telling me!! ”
She got up from her seat re-ady to leave when Ashton gr@bb£d her wrist.
“Oh come on Lorena I told you everything happened in a hurry…..I didn’t intend to forget calling you!!”
“So what Ashton!! You didn’t even call me once in all these years!! And now also you only contacted me just because of business!!
You can be such a heartless j£rk!!”
“Lori come on!! I am sorry !! plea-se!!”
“Fine but on one condition….you have to go on a dinner with me…I am here for the first time and I am in desperate nee-d of company”
He thought for a second before replying.
Wouldn’t this be wrong on Elle’s p@rt?
They were on their honeymoon after all.
“Oh come on Ashton!! We are meeting after so many years!! Just for a few hours!”
He smiled and nodded as she jumped with happiness.
Elle stood at the window sill staring at the moving cars below.
She was waiting for Ashton for the last 2 hours but there was no sign of him.
She desperately wanted to explore this new town.
It looked so lovely from up there.
Putting on her sneakers she finally decided to listen to her heart.
She was enjoying the street food and the busy streets.
Her eyes shifting from one stall to the other as she looked at the items with a child’s excitement.
She wished to buy the entire market if only she could.
Walking out of the stall area she moved towards the elite streets with skyscr@p£rs surrounded her.
Her eyes looking around in search of a good restaurant where she could find their special dish.
Her excitement level was way too much to st©p at one shop.
Jumping from one shop to the other she only wanted to taste the best.
But all of her happiness c@m£ crashing down when her eyes st©pped at him.
There he sat with his head leaned back in laughter and eyes shining with happiness.
Opposite him sat a beauty she had never seen before.
Her perfect smile illuminating the entire restaurant.
She could see people taking hidden glances at them.
Woman were gawking at him and men blinded by her beauty.
They looked perfectly compatible.
But for Elle, the view was like a spark to her earlier sorrows.
An answer to the reason for her loneliness and his preoccu-pations.
Without a thought, she had barged inside the restaurant to ruin their perfect get together.
As her angry steps st©pped near them his eyes lost all their happiness.
Returning to his cold self he glared at her.
“I am sorry? Do we know you?”
Asked the beauty in her fluent accent.
Elle’s accusing eyes moved from her husband’s to his companion.
“You would not be sitting here and flir-ting with him if you fuc**** knew who I was!!
Her words surprised Lorena as she had never come across a wild and disrespectful girl like her before.
Lorena never met a girl before who used such a foul language.
Her answer made Ashton see red but he refused to react and made a joke out of himself in front of everyone.
His eyes glared at her to st©p from saying anything further but Elle could just not control let anger.
“Excuse me! Can you plea-se st©p creating a scene here!! You can sit down and talk just plea-se lower your voice. This is a public place!”
Lorena said politely even though she disliked this girl the instant she spoke those vulgar words.
Elle was fuming with anger oblivious of her surroundings.
Unaware of the eyes of other guests looking at her with irritation and dislike.
“I don’t give a damn right now!! Who are you to st©p me!! I won’t st©p till I get my answers from him!”
Her angry eyes glaring at him as he stared at her with an un-derlying threat.
“Ash!! Do you know her?”
Lorena asked politely placing her hand on his arm.
Ashton hated his wife sometimes and this being those times.
She doesn’t know what to speak, where to speak, how to speak.
Her ton-gue moved fas-ter than her mind and it was all filthy and vulgar.
His dear wife was cursing another woman in front of so many people.
Her etiquettes resembled that of a roadside thvg and her attire was just not at all acceptable.
Lorena’s beautiful eyes held so much peace and calmness in contrast to his wife’s chaotic ones.
Devil’s were dancing in those brown eyes as they were accusing him of so many things he didn’t ever do.
“Tell me!! What are you doing here when you sh-”
Her words got lost as he suddenly stood up with anger evident in his eyes.
Before she could even complete her s£ntence his hand had gr@bb£d on to her wrist a little too harshly.
“Excuse us for a minute”
He told Lorena as she sat there surprised as well as embarras-sed at everyone’s attention towards their table.
pu-lling her along harshly his heavy steps led the way as she tried loos£ning his painful grip on her wrist.
On reaching the washroom he pushed her inside.
Luckily there was no one inside as he was re-ady to unleash his anger.
Her large brown eyes still stared at him with fury refusing to back down in fear.
“You can’t scare me okay!! I am not afraid to speak the truth!! You go around whor**** and you expect me to sit at the h0tel and die of boredom!! It was our honeymoon….and here you are sitting with other women and laughing!!
You have made my life a joke!! I don’t want to live with you!! You are such a .. such a backstabbing bas****….a fv¢k**** manwh***..-”
Her words were muffled as he pressed his palm on her mouth and pushed her to the wall behind.
“One more curse …..even one more Elle from that disgusting mouth of yours and I swear you will regret the day you married me!”
His angry orbs were like a certificate to his promise.
There was darkness in them which was forcing her to adhere to his threats.
Her breathing was getting heavy as his palm was ti-ghtly pressed her mouth and nose.
Her tiny fists were hitting his broad che-st but they were nothing except useless struggles.
All her anger was getting directed towards his che-sts but still, he didn’t even take a step back from her.
Instead, he moved forward challenging her to give her best.
She managed to bite his palm that was tra-pping her breath but he refused to show any pain.
His grip remained.
Frustrated from her inability to inflict pain on him she moved to bite his wrist continuously.
The marks of her teeth were decorating his wrist in a circle as he stood there accepting now her physical anger.
Tired, frustrated and defeated she moved back to look at those cold eyes.
“Are you done? ”
Tears of frustration left her eyes as she refused to meet his gaze.
She was frustrated not only at him but at herself.
Her insecurities, her inabilities, her liabilities.
She was soo beautiful and this burned her with envy.
He looked so happy with her and this burned her with her inability to make him happy.
The politeness and etiquettes in her voice fueled all her inabilities to make her look like a liability on him.
“If you are done….my driver is waiting outside…you will go back to the h0tel with him”
“But….I… I want reasons…why you are here with her when this is our honeymoon?”
“You don’t deserve an answer after the scene you created out there!! Just go back …I will deal with you later!”
“I am your wife dammit!! I deserve an answer right now!!”
Her anger was again returning and he was hating it.
“I don’t answer to anyone….not even you…think whatever you want to…I don’t care!”
“Just st©p it alre-ady!! Don’t f0rç£ me, Elle!! I am being nice now!
Now like a good girl you will go back there and apologize to everyone…. especially my friend”
“Why should I apologize!! I will not do such a thing!!”
He moved closer ma-king her gulp down the saliva in her mouth.
“I think you have forgotten who is in control here…. don’t ever question me!!”
He literally screamed at her ma-king her heart st©p for a second.
He looked different today.
This side of his was like a beast and for once she was really scared of what he could do.
Deciding to continue this fight later she accepted.
Provided she herself felt guilty of disturbing everyone out there.
He moved out with her at his lead.
As she returned everyone stared at her and started whispering amongst themselves.
“I ……I…..am really sorry…..to disturb you all …..”
She said bowing down in apologies.
Next, her eyes landed on the beauty that sat at the table and she started feeling anxious.
She was sorry for the words she spoke to her just because she was jealous of her.
“Lorena…sorry for earlier…meet my wife Elle Lockwood”
Listening to who she was Lorena’s eyes wi-de-ned in surprise.
She cursed herself for thinking that this girl was just another desperate slu* that wanted to hook up with Ashton.
Lorena was not like those who judged others by what they wore.
But still, she was surprised as to how a person like Ashton agreed to marry a girl like her.
Lorena’s eyes looked at the girl to see if there was anything extraordinary.
But to her surprise she was simple.
Nothing special that could fit Ashton’s choice.
“I…am…sorry…plea-se forgive me”
Her fearless voice has now turned low as she refused to meet Lorena’s eyes.
Something she guessed Ashton must have done.
Lorena just smiled back at her as she accepted her apology.
“You can go now….he is waiting outside”
Ashton said ma-king her nod and leave in silence.
Lorena’s eyes still fixed at the girls retreating back.
Taking in her attire and posture.
“I am really sorry …she can be a bit jealous sometimes.”
Lorena’s smiled back ma-king him relax a bit.
His anger had now faded a bit seeing her smile.
Their talks continued as if nothing happened.
But he knew Lorena had alre-ady guessed the reason of his marriage to Elle.
She had guessed that there was no love involved and this was just a marriage of convenience.
Lorena has loved Ashton since highschool.
His coldness but sweetness.
The meanings behind his actions, the protectiveness every bit of it.
But Ashton never reciprocated.
He has made it clear to her the first year they d@t£d.
“Don’t fall in love with me..I don’t want to lose my friend because of love”
She knew he got married.
But she didn’t show it.
She had stalker his life for the last 7 years and she knew everything about him.
Except for one thing.
The reason for his marriage.
Elle was nowhere near his liking.
He loved blond’s she has black hair.
He loved blue eyes she has dull brown.
He wanted perfection in everything and even her stockings were not matching.
Elle Hamilton was everything he didn’t want in his wife then why her.
Without a doubt, he didn’t love her and instead he was embarras-sed by her.
Leanor could see the hesitation in his voice when he introduced her as his wife.
He was a man of depth which was beyond anyone’s un-derstands.
Patience and calmness like his were not very common in this world.
She wanted to un-derstand his reasons but just couldn’t.
If he was not happy with her she wanted him to leave her and be happy.
She was always there for him no matter what as he himself always protected her and stood for her.
Lorena was determined to find his reasons and re-lease him of his worries.
She wanted him to choose someone he adored and not just someone he was f0rç£d with.
After all, she knew Ashton deserved the very best in everything.
No matter it is his business or his wife.
TBC 💢💢💢