He’s a Ko-rean S-x god Episode 55 & 56

😋 He’s A Ko-rean se-x god 😋
Hide your Wives!
Episode 55
18+ rated contents
Written by ✍️ Author Wizk!ss💋
Location: Lee’s Mansion 🏛️
💕 Ji-a’s POV 💕
Laughing so ha-rd , I ended up falling into Lee Chun’s arms.
We stared into each other’s eyes, his beautiful eyes giving me shivers of cold, sweet feelings, as I felt him looking de-ep into my eyes, his gaze was really pene-trating.
Then he started lowering his face towards mine, and my throat bec@m£ dry instantly.
I swallowed down dry saliva and I wondered what was going on in his mind, why is he lowering his face to mine? Is there something on my face that he wants to take off? But if so is his hands that should be coming towards my face not his face.
I really didn’t un-derstand what he wanted to do until his face c@m£ so close to mine and hisl-ips were aligned with mine.
Oh my God!
Is he about to k!ssme?
Oh my! It seems so.
I could feel and hear my heart beating so fast, and as hisl-ips drew ever nearer and closer to mine, it seemed as if time froze and everything had st©pped working.
I had only few seconds to think of what to do, and does seconds felt like the most important seconds of my life.
I could see hisl-ips shaping up for the k!ssand he had shut his eyes alre-ady but my eyes were wi-de open.
Should I push/sl@p his face away? or should I let him k!ssme?
I thought, not knowing what to do…. then
I felt it, his soft, we-tl-ips pressing against mine and instantly my whole b©dy quivered.
I felt bubbles of excitement fill me up to my very head and it felt like my head was about to explode of excitement.
My eyes dilated, shining like t©uçh and threatening to fall out of it’s socket.
My heart beat even fas-ter and louder than it has ever beat before.
The feeling I was getting from hisl-ips on mine was explosive!
At first it was like a shock – it felt as if millions of electrons were being transferred from hisl-ips into my mouth, filling my b©dy with electric current and bubbles….
Then the sweetest of hisl-ips took over.
My God!
I have never tasted anything sweeter than hisl-ips, not even ice cream c@m£ close to this.
I found myself closing my eyes without knowing it, savoring the sweetest of his soft yummyl-ips.
My first k!ss!
I have never k!$$£d anyone before, so I am no expert in k!ssing, I really didn’t know what to do so I just left myl-ips for him to do as he plea-ses with it. I am sure I would enjoy what ever he does to thisl-ips.
He is definitely an expert, a pro but it seems he was in no rush, he was taking it gently with me, as his k!sses were soft, sweet and tender.
I felt his hand placed gently on my w@!st and at that moment It felt like we were the only ones around, not in the room but the whole universe…
After like 2 minutes of soft sweet k!ssing, he let go of myl-ips, leaving me with only the de-sire for him to continue and never st©p.
This was by far the best 2 minutes of my life.
My eyes opened up but myl-ips were still pouted
” I am sorry, I just couldn’t help myself ” He said after he had dis£ngaging from the k!ss.
I was just stared at him. The k!sshad rendered me temporarily speechless.
“ Do you want to hit me for k!ss!ngyou? You are free to if you want ” He said and I shook my head.
He smiled briefly, then placed his hand gently on and left cheek, p@rt of his f!ngersgoing un-derneath my jaw.
“ Ji-a…there is something I want to tell you ” He said softly, searching into my eyes, ma-king my heart to beat really fast.
I swallowed ha-rd , still speechless.
” I have been thinking about you a lot lately, thoughts of you have been constantly in my head and I can’t get it out.. ”
Oh my!
What is he saying?
What does he mean by that??
“ … I didn’t just k!ssyou because I am curious to know how yourl-ips tasted like_ though I have been very curious to know how it tasted like but that’s not the main reason why I k!$$£d you, I k!$$£d you because I lo_ ”
He was about to say something very important when someone walked in ma-king him st©p.
“ Min-seo is about to leave, she is asking for an audience with you Ji-a, she wants to apologise before leaving ”
Byung-ho said as he walked in.
What? What was Lee Chun about to say? What is the main reason why he k!$$£d me?
No! No! No! Why did Byung-ho have to come right now…
Lee Chun scoffed at what Byung-ho said” She wants to her apologise to her? More like she wants to stab her with a knife and finish the job. I don’t trust that witch.
She shouldn’t get anywhere near Ji-a, she can keep her apology Ji-a isn’t meeting up with her ”
He said.
“ I know what she did was terrible but at least we should give her the chance to apologise for what she has done ”
Byung-ho said.
“ And what would that accomplish? She will still be leaving the mansion regardless, she can’t continue staying here. There is no way I will allow that “Lee Chun said getting down from the be-d
“ I don’t want her to stay here either, after what she did to Ji-a I want her gone, far away but still I feel it will be best Ji-a still hear what she has to say ”
Byung-ho insisted but Lee Chun wasn’t still convinced I should go meet Min-seo
My mind wasn’t really on what they were saying, I really don’t care if Min-seo wants to apologise or not, I have alre-ady forgiven her. I had other things in my head
All I could think about right now was the k!ssand also what Lee Chun was about saying before Byung-ho entered into the room…
“ Ji-a is still very weak to walk downstairs, if she really wants to apologise then she should come up here to her room and do that, then she can get the hëll out ”
Lee Chun said, it seems he really does despise Min-seo a lot now.
“ It’s alright, I will go down stairs to her ” I said and Lee Chun turned to me.
“ Are you sure? You don’t have to go anywhere if you don’t want to you know that. ” He said and I nodded.
“ I want to. I think Byung-ho is right, at least we should give her a chance to apologise if she wants to right? ”
I said.
“ Okay, but I am coming with you. I can’t leave you alone with her ” He said and I nodded
He smiled softly “ Let me help you up ” He said walking to the be-d.
He held my hands and as-sisted me down the be-d
” Thank you ”
I said and couldn’t help but blus-h with the way he stared at me.
I tried to reach for my crutches but he st©pped me and got it himself
“ There you go ” He said handing it to me, his eyes still fixed on mine.
“ Thanks ” I muttered avoiding his transfixed gaze.
I still can’t believe we k!$$£d, and I enjoyed it so much.
My first k!ssever!
I walked with my crutches to the door where Byung-ho stood watching, while Lee Chun walked behind me…
“ Hey, let me as-sist you ”
Byung-ho said when I got close to him.
Then he took my left crutch away from my hand and crossed his arm round my back to my extreme w@!st while I also crossed my arm round his back holding him in the his ribcage area and he as-sist me to walk.
“ Let me have that ”
Lee Chun said to him and Byung-ho handed him the crutch which he took from me.
The three of us walked to meet Min-seo.
✍️ Writer’s POV ✍️
Min-seo had her luggage packed up alre-ady, two big travelling bags and one medium size bag filled with clothes, shoes and other girls stuff.
She had placed them close to the exit door, she was just waiting for Ji-a to come down so she could apologise.
She had been standing, waiting for long, and she was beginning to think Ji-a won’t be coming down…but then they appeared up in the staircase to her much relief.
Ji-a, Byung-ho and Lee Chun, the three of them coming down the stairs, both boys treating Ji-a like a fragile egg as they carefully helped her down the stairs…
The three of them had different facial expressions as they walked to meet Min-seo.
Byung-ho’s face wasn’t reflecting much emotions, though he looks slightly sad.
Ji-a’s face was filled with lots of unanswered questions. She was wondering what Min-seo wants to say and most importantly she was still thinking about Lee Chun and the k!ss.
Lee Chun on the other hand had an angry and suspicious look, as he walked to meet Min-seo.
Clearly he was still anger about what she did to Ji-a…
“ Thank you for coming ” Min-seo said as they c@m£ close enough.
“ What is it you want? ”
Lee Chun was quic-k to question, shooting her a bad stare.
“ I know you all are really angry at me for what I did to Ji-a… I am really sorry for what did, infact I am ashamed of my actions and I want to apologise ” she said looking at Lee Chun before she moved her eyes to Ji-a
“ plea-se Ji-a, I know it might be difficult for you but plea-se forgive me, I am really sorry ” She said apologetically.
“ I.. I have forgiven you alre-ady ”
Ji-a stated and Min-seo face brightened up.
She jumped on Ji-a, ma-king Ji-a flin-ched as she wra-pped her arms around her in a ti-ght embr@ce.
Lee Chun quic-kly separate them, pu-lling Min-seo away from Ji-a
“ What do you think you are doing, huh? ”
He said frowning at her.
“ I am sorry.. I was just happy she forgave me ” Min-seo said in a happy-sad tone.
“ It’s okay Lee Chun, she can hvg me if she wants, it’s alright ” Ji-a said
“ Thank you, thank you..
Can we talk for a minute, pri-vately plea-se ” Min-seo requested.
“ What! No way_ ”
Lee Chun was alre-ady agitated by her request but Ji-a calmed him down
“ Its alright Lee Chun, I will be fine. plea-se excuse us ”
She stated and Lee Chun just stared at her, then Min-seo and back to Ji-a
“ Alright, I will let you girls talk ”
“ Thank you ” Ji-a said
“ But I won’t be far away, I will always be watching ”
He said his gaze fixed at Ji-a before he took his eyes to Min-seo for some seconds
Before walking away to one of the far end couch, Byung-ho following him….
“ Okay so what do you want to talk about? ” Ji-a asked when they had gone far enough…
Episode 56
18+ rated contents
Written by ✍️ Author Wizk!ss💋
💕 Ji-a’s POV 💕
“ Okay, so what do you want to talk about? ” I asked.
“ Oh shut up bit-ch! ” Min-seo said suddenly sounding very rude and bitter.
Her words stunned me really.
“ W.. what? ”
I stuttered not un-derstanding what was going on. Was that a mistake?
Just few seconds ago she had a happy, sweet face and spoke with an apologetic tone – ma-king it seem she was feeling regret for what she did to me and I myself was feeling sorry about the fact that was being kicked out
But clearly her apology was all a lie, just an act!
Her true character and nature are fully out in displ@yand it was frightening really.
Her face had become like that of an evil witch – reflecting and emitting the intense hate she feels for me.
And her tone of voice has that despiteful and bitter feel…
“ You most be a fool if you think I called for you, so I can apologise to you, that’s what you were thinking right? That I wanted to apologise to you ” He said that last phrase with a mocking laughter before continuing.
“ How foolish are you really? ”
She asked and I was still too stunned to give a reply..
But she had many things she wanted to say, many hurtful and evil things.
“ I regret nothing, I don’t feel sorry and I definitely don’t feel any regrets for pushing you down the stairs.
The only thing I regret is that I didn’t push you ha-rd enough so you would have died from the fall and I also regret not doing my house inspection properly.
If I had done that, I would have known there was a fv¢king hidden CCTV c@m£ra close to the stairs and would have find away to delete the footage when I pushed you ”
She said and her evil mind was ma-king me sick.
Is she this wicked naturally, like from birth or did something make her like this?
Course I really can’t un-derstand how a normal human being will be saying what she is saying right now.
“ S..so you ain’t sorry for what you did to me? ”
I foolishly asked and she blast me even more.
“ Are you dumb or what? Haven’t you been hearing what I have been saying. I don’t feel any regret for what I did to you. Why will I? When I hate you with so much pas-sion.
You have taken Lee Chun’s attention away from me, and for that I wish you dead! ”
She spat.
“ I..is this because of Lee Chun? Are you doing all these because of him? ”
I asked.
“ If not for him then who? Why are you so daft smelly girl, huh?
Yes, I am doing all these because of Lee Chun and don’t think because you have his attention now he has become yours, or that he loves you. You will be a bigger fool to think he loves you.
All he wants is to get inside your p@n-ts and when he eventually does that he would throw your smelly, cripple @$$ to the gutters were he picked you up from and when that happens I will come for you
Yes, we ain’t done, you ain’t free from me just yet. I will make sure I make you pay for the embarras-sment you gave to me.
Because of you I was publicly humiliated and disgraced. Lee Chun hit me and my best friend Mia s£nt me out of the house.
Don’t think I will forget about all these, you are responsible for what happened to me today and I will surely make you pay.
Not now though, I will wait a little bit when you no longer have the protec-tion of Lee Chun and this family and that won’t take very long.
I know you like him and very soon you will open your cripple smelly legs wi-de for him to fv¢k
And after he finishes fv¢king you and then kick you out, which he will do, I will be waiting for you outside to make you suffer ”
She said then embr@ced me ti-ghtly
“ This is what I called to tell for bit-ch!”
She then whispered those words in my ear before she dis£ngaged herself from the hvg, instantly transforming her face from a witch own to that of a sweet angel.
“ Once again I am so sorry for what I did to you, hope we are good now? Of course we are, we are now friends, best friends ”
she said, now speaking in a sweet, loving manner.
What’s wrong with her? This girl is psycho.
I thought she was a psycho, not until I noticed that Lee Chun was now closed to us – he had left were he sat down with Byung-ho and was now coming to meet us.
Min-seo most have seen him coming to our direction so she quic-kly changed her tone of speech and pretended she had been apologizing to me all this while.
What a snake!
“ Ain’t you done with whatever you wanted to say. ”
Lee Chun directed to Min-seo in a frown as he c@m£ close to us then shift his focus to me
“ Is everything alright? Are you alright? ” He asked with a slightly concerned tone, maybe he has seen the shock expression on my face.
“ I.. I_ ”
I wanted to speak but the words were taking away from my mouth by Min-seo
“ She is fine of course ” She quic-kly said with a fake broad smile
“ I guess I will be taking my leave now ”
She said afterwards and I just stared at her, amazed at how fast she is quic-k to change her colours.
“ Good, you have spent too much time alre-ady. You should leave now ”
Lee Chun said and Min-seo just smiled.
Kyung-gu and two other male servant helped Min-seo with her luggage outside the building were a taxi c@m£ to pick her up and the vehicle then drove off with her.
She was gone but her words still ring like a bell inside my head not the threats p@rts but on what she said concerning Lee Chun.
Is he only after me because he simply wants to have S-x with me? Is that why he k!$$£d me? Is that what the k!ssmean?
I have lots of questions but I have non of the answers with me…
“ Hey, she is gone now, you are safe ”
Lee Chun said softly, breaking me out of my thoughts.
I raised my eyes to his, and of course he was staring.
I stared back at him, trying to re-ad his mind, trying to see his true intentions for me…but that is not possible. I am no mind re-ader and I am not able to see what’s going on a person’s mind by staring into their eyes.
I can’t really tell what he thinks of me, is he seeing me as one of his S-x dull? I do feel irritated by that thought.
But one thing remains, we have k!$$£d and I truly enjoyed it, I enjoyed it so much and then it looked sincere and pure.
It felt like the k!ssmeant something more, something dee-per than just lvst from his p@rt but Min-seo words were putting great doubts in my mind…
” I am fine, I just nee-d to rest my head ” I said.
“ Alright, let me take you up to your room ” He said alre-ady placing his hand on my w@!st.
“ No… I would prefer if Byung-ho be the one to as-sist me to my room ”
I said somewhat coldly and I could see the disappoinment on his face. Like I hurt his feelings with those words.
I felt bad for saying that, I really want to be close to him but I am confused and scared at this point.
“ Oh… alright then ”
He uttered, letting go of my w@!st
“ Byung-ho ” He called out to his friend and Byung-ho c@m£.
“ Can you plea-se take Ji-a up to her room…and plea-se be gentle ”
He said to him but he still had his eyes on me
“ Sure I will ” Byung-ho replied him
“ Alright let me take you up to your room Ji-a ” He then said to me placing his on my w@!st.
Lee Chun stood watching as Byung-ho as-sisted me up the stairs….
😋 Lee Chun’s POV 😋
I don’t know, but something feels different about Ji-a, the way she quic-kly turned me down, when I offered to help her.
The way she even looked at me, it felt different. I could feel something wasn’t right but I don’t know what it is however I know it has something to do with Min-seo.
I wonder what that witch had told Ji-a, that is ma-king her act differently towards me.
Maybe she didn’t say anything to her but Ji-a is just stressed and tired, maybe she just nee-ded to sleep.
Yeah, that could be it.
I am just really glad that Min-seo has left the mansion, she won’t be able to harm Ji-a anymore.
And there is one more thing, I am now convinced what I feel for Ji-a is love. I will let her rest today and by tomorrow morning I will confess my feelings to her.
I will ask her to be my girlfriend, my very first official girlfriend.
Yes, I will do this. I want to make us official but I pray she accepts. I really hope she does….
Finally Byung-ho c@m£ down the stairs after he had helped Ji-a to her room.
“ Hey, how is she? ”
I asked
“ Good, she is slee-ping now ”
He said
“ Oh great, I am glad that witch girl has finally left ” I said and Byung-ho smiled, I made to walk to the couch.
“ Lee Chun ” He called and I took my eyes to him
“ There is something important I want to tell you ” He said and I raised my eyebrows.
“ Really? And what’s that? ”
I asked
“ I like Ji-a, I love her infact and I want to ask her to be my girlfriend ”
He said.