Heart of a beast 2 Episode 27 & 28

(Love is the word💓)
BOOK 2 📚
❤Kayla’s POV❤️
Mom looked frozen for a moment, staring at me with a surprised expression on her face. She squee-zed the paper lightly in her palm and looked away.
“Mom?” I called before she could walk away and her head moved in a nod, twice.
I g@sped really loudly..
How come?
Mom and dad were getting a divorce and I knew nothing about it? Just how..
They used to be very happy, our family as a whole was filled with so much happiness and fulfilment..
What could’ve led to this?
“Why?” I asked, tears gathering in my eyes.. My che-st felt really heavy. “I mean how? What happened to you guys?” I asked, wishing she’d just deny it and tell me it wasn’t hers, that it belongs to someone else, whoever it might be; I just want her to say it wasn’t true.
“I only did what was right” She said, her voice low and almost inaudible, she must be at the verge of tears.
“What was right? That’s it? Nothing more?” I questioned and she sighed gently, not answering my questions. “This happened before the accident, right?”
She nodded and mumbled a ‘yes’.
“But why? Why would you want to divorce dad? You both were so happy and satisfied? Why?!” I asked.
“It what is right-”
“Can you st©p saying that?” I cut her off, getting angry. “You just didn’t wake up and file for a divorce, I want to know why you did it, mom. plea-se tell me!” I said, trying to talk calmly but at some point, the words were rou-gh.
Mom said nothing, she didn’t even care to look at me and she walked away but I was quic-k to follow her.
This is what had been the issue all along?
When she wouldn’t even see dad at the hospital, talk about him or make me visit him.
I had suspected but just hadn’t neared nor arrived at the thought that they were divorcing… I don’t think anyone would’ve, my parents were the definition of love itself, ha-rd ly, would you ever see them quarrel but a breakup? It was so unexpectable.
And to think that it had happened even before dad got into an accident, I could vividly remember the heavy fight that had occur before that day.
“Mom-” I called as we arrive at the living room and she turned sharply to me.. Her face were red and her eyes were totally heavy with tears that she was obviously trying not to re-lease. Her b©dy trembled lightly as they cu-mpped her emotions. “plea-se tell me” I pushed but she looked away again, standing akimbo. “plea-se tell me why you and dad are divorcing? plea-se tell me this isn’t true,” I said.
“It is!” mom said, her voice bold, so bold that if you weren’t staring at her, you’d think she said that with no emotions at all. “We’re getting a divorce and that’s that. It’s all you should know so ask me anymore questions, okay?” She said, giving me a blank expression and staring sternly at more.
“No mom, I nee-d to know, I have to.. You can’t tell me not to ask when you’re clearly not telling me everything! plea-se” I said, mom stared at me for a long moment, I couldn’t decipher what it meant but I knew she was contemplating on something.
She took her gaze off and moved to the chair, sitting down, she signaled for me to do same and I did.
“You dad was in an extra marital affair, I found out that day, it was supposed to be your birthday and I was going throu-gh his phone for something when I saw the texts he had with her! It was so..horrible, I had to confront him but he denied it and right in his front, she kept s£nding those disgusting texts and pictures to him but he still wouldn’t admit it,” she paused and took in a de-ep breath “So I asked for a divorce and he suddenly got angry and beat me up.. He won’t even admit that he was cheating even though it was clear! too clear!” She said and sighed.
“And then he drove out and had that accident?” I completed when she wouldn’t talk and she nodded.
Phew.. My birthday truly wronged so many things.
I know why.. The curse had made it happen, it had changed so many thing in my life.
“Mom?” She faced me. “I nee-d to see him, plea-se” I said and she gave me a look, a blank look.
“Really Kay, after what I just said, you want to see him?” She said, giving me an irritated look and I j£rked at the sudden flare up.
“But mom-
“No! You’re not seeing him! He doesn’t worth you, he worth neither of us cos he’s a beast and the most selfish and pathetic being in the whole universe, he deserves nothing good cos he isn’t!” She said, wiping her tears vigorously and standing up. “I told you this so you’d reason with me and not go to him!”
Wow.. Did she hate him that much now? Naturally, that kind of hatred couldn’t have come with just a one time ‘caught in the act’ thing and it wasn’t really in the act but she alre-ady hates him so much..
How could Lucinda ruin my life this way?!
“But he’s my father!” I fired.
“And I’m your mother! And you obey me no matter what! You’re not seeing him and that’s it!” She said with finality.
“If you both have issues then it should be between you both, I’m his child as well and yours and you’ve deprived me my right for too long, I nee-d to see dad, mom.. You don’t un-derstand why any of this is happening but-” I st©pped myself as I was about revea-ling the curse to her “plea-se let me see dad”
“We’re not talking about this anymore and you better not repeat this again, don’t test me!” She said angrily and I could swear I’ve never seen her this angry and serious..
“But dad-
I didn’t expect the pricking sl@p that c@m£ next.. I held onto my cheek and mom stared at me with total anger, I’m sure my cheek must be freaking red, the sl@p hit so ha-rd I didn’t know when a tear dropped.. I gave her a speechless look and she softened, giving me a sorry look.
“Honey I-
She made to t©uçh me but I moved away. I was gobsma-cked and when I got to the door, I pu-ll-ed it open and ran out, tears falling in trickles from my eyes..
I got to the woods and walked into the cave, caring less about my horrible look, I met Priola standing up from Melvin that was lying down and looked unconscious, she turned to me.
“W-what happened?” I asked, looking from her to Melvin.
“He had a reminder, his death reminder” she said. “He used this on himself,” she showed me the pin from the Luvi, the one that she had told me could kill Melvin and save me; sometime in the past.
“But that wasn’t what caused his unconsciousness, it was just the normal reminder, his death is fast drawing close so it’ll keep coming in a more fierce way until his inexistence!” She revealed.
“How soon would it be?” I asked.
“A bit too soon. Few weeks? Some days, I can’t say for sure but any moment from now. He’s in the major stage alre-ady” she said and I nodded slightly.
“I should go now. He’d be awake in an hour or two and he will be nee-ding something to eat when he does” she said and walked past me to the cave’s exit and out.
I sighed and gave Melvin a quic-k glance before walking out of the cave to get something for him to eat.
Few hours later, Melvin woke up and just as Priola had said, he was hungry, so much that his steps slacked and he almost fell.
I gave him the little food I was able to make and after it, he gradually c@m£ back to normality.
“What happened to your face?” He asked, when we were sitted outside the cave; after the meal.
“My mom.. hit me” I said, like it was impossible and it’s true, mom had never hit me; well until today, of course.
“What? Why?” He asked.
“Well cos I found out she was divorcing my dad and confronted her, she refused me visiting him at the hospital but I insisted and she hit.. me!” I said, giving the cheek a light pat. “It was unintentional, I know but still I was shocked, it was too unexpected and I wonder why it isn’t healing” I revealed.
“I’m sorry, about the divorce” he said and I gave him a lopsided smile.
“It’s p@rt of the curse, I know and I just can’t help but think about how someone would just want to completely destroy another’s happiness and life!” I said..
He said nothing and took my face in his palm, tilting it to face him. His f!ngersmoved to my wound carefully and I suddenly didn’t feel the pain anymore.
My palm moved to my face and pressed it but the bu-mp wasn’t there any longer and the pain had vanished..
BOOK 2 📚
❤Kayla’s POV❤️
I felt his slender f!ngersdance on my face skin and a weird and overwhelming feeling enveloped me. It was new and at the same time familiar.
Ap@rt from the normal expected spark, this was different and unexpected.. It was just..overwhelming, almost all of me felt it.
Extremely overwhelming that all other disturbing thoughts swiftly transported to the back of my mind, surfacing the feeling completely.. My heartbeat intensified.
The familiar p@rt of the feeling began registering but I was scared and unsure of it.. I knew when I had felt like this before but with.. Melvin?
A larger p@rt of the feeling washed off when his palm slowly sli-pped off my face, I looked at him and our gaze met but I lowered mine and itched my nape.
“Did you feel that?” Melvin suddenly asked..
“What? The spark?” I asked, unsure of the exact feeling he was referring to.
“No..I mean yes, it was a spark but it was kind of different.. I don’t know but it was spectacular and unusual. It’s nothing like the usual spark when we make contact” he said, explaining exactly what I felt.
“Or maybe it was just me” he added.
“No.. I felt it too” I said, “I think it’s probably how the sparks work sometimes, maybe” I suggested but a p@rt felt of me like it wasn’t true..
But then..why do I care?
“Oh well.. It was a bit uncomfortable” he admitted and I nodded “And look, the wound is gone!” He exclaimed, signalling at my cheek..
“I know. Took longer than I expected!” I nodded.
For most of the night, Melvin and I just stared around the woods and said less words. I had a hint he was thinking about his mother but I was glad he was okay and trying to fight it in. He said nothing about it but just stared around, his countenance changing at some point.
I didn’t bother to ask since he said nothing about it but I was glad he didn’t.
“I’m sleepy!” He suddenly said, yawning slightly.
“Well go on in and sleep” I said.
“You’re not going home?” He asked.
“No.. I’ll just spend the night here and leave after dawn” I said and he gave me a questioning look “I have so much on my mind I feel that going home now would make me feel worse, so I’ll relax here for a while and then leave when I feel a teeny weeny better” I said.
“Well whatever you do, remember it’s all p@rt of the curse and Lucinda’s doing, not anyone else’s including your parent’s” he said and I gave him a small nod before smiling.
“You too, Melvin and thanks”
He nodded and stood up.
“Would you nee-d a company, I could stay if you want me-
“No No.. It’s fine. You should go ahead and sleep, I’m better off alone for now. I’m starting to feel much better so I should be off pretty soon” I said and he nodded.
“Goodnight in advance, then!” He said sleepily and walked to the cave.
I hit the road home after checking up on Melvin, he was fast asleep alre-ady. I didn’t check the time but I could guess it was way into the night, probably eleven or a bit more. It was almost pitch dark, save for the streetlight that added brightness to the night.. I was pretty glad that I wasn’t completely alone on the street.
A car suddenly drove past me and then reversed to where I was, I recognized it at one instant look as the door flung open and mom rushed out of it.. Before I could say a word, she swooped to where I now stood and engulfed me in a ti-ght hvg.
She pu-ll-ed away, checked me up closely and hvgged me again before pu-lling away.. She studied me again and I could see the relief her once scared face held. Her eyes were heavy and red and dried tears ran a line from it to her cheeks.
“Geez..I was so worried, I thought-
She didn’t say another word, probably realizing that she sounded stern and scolding but her mouth opened and closed repeatedly, she probably couldn’t pick the right words to say next..
“I’m sorry,” she finally muttered. “I have no idea why I hit you but- can we just go home first, plea-se?” She pleaded, her voice low and at the brink of tearing up. I nodded twice and she led me to the car, opening the car door for me.
I got in and hooked my seatbelt, she followed and started the car, heading towards home.
She pu-ll-ed into the driveway and I got down before heading into the house, she followed.
“Kayla,” she blocked me as I began heading to my room. I lifted my gaze to reach hers. “I’m sorry. I-I was completely out of it, I didn’t even know what I was doing..I guess I was pretty mad but I know I shouldn’t have done that. I’m sorry!” She said, pleadingly.
“It’s okay, I might’ve made you angry but I think I have the right to ask for permission to visit my father, mom. You both having issues shouldn’t restrict that” I said and she nodded but I knew it didn’t completely come from her mind.
“Of course, I-I just lost my mind back there. I can’t lose you honey and yes, you have every right to ask for permission to visit your father and I grant you all of them, as long as you don’t run off like that again and keep me damn scared and worried about you, I can’t stand losing you, Kay. You mean everything to me now!” she said and this time, I fell into her arms, hvgging her.
What was I thinking staying out like that? I’m literally the only one she has now and without being told, I know she must’ve been damn scared..
I dis£ngaged.
“I have a whole day off from work soon, I’ll take you to the hospital and we’ll stay for as long as you want. It’s a promise!” She said and I nodded.. “Come-on, I’ll tuck you in” she volunteered and I giggled before letting her.
Two days pas-sed before mom’s leave was granted and true to her words, we got into her car and headed for the hospital.
She did the necessary pas-s-in and directed me to his ward in the ICU while she left to see the doctor.
I got into dad’s ward and almost couldn’t recognize the man on the be-d, almost all p@rt of his b©dy had one machine or medical items glued to it.. I could hear the life machine beeping over and over. I felt a tear drop down my cheek as I stared at him on the be-d..
He looked very much dead but was alive at the same time. A transparent hvge glas-s covered him so no could t©uçh him but only view him..
I walked to him and didn’t know when my legs failed me, I crouch down and bur-st into tears..
It was nighttime when mom and I left the hospital and I felt a p@rt of me calmed down.. How long has it been since I saw dad last??
Maybe this feeling was just guilt that had cleared..
How long does Lucinda plans on keeping him there, does she plan on killing him at all or just keeping him almost alive and extending our sorrows and torturing us? Would she take his life in the end after it all?
I felt a weight on my shoulder and tilt my head to find mom’s palm c@r£ss!ngmy shoulder. She gave me a ti-ght smile and I smiled back, wiping my tears that I was oblivious, had fallen.
The next day, after school I had a quic-k lunch, stuffed foods into my backpack and took mom’s iPad that she had lent me earlier and head out of the house to the woods.
Pas-sing the usual short path, I got to the woods and noticed the unusual atmosphere.
“Kayla duck!” I heard Melvin’s voice and I sight something in the air but before I could look up… A f0rç£ pushed me to the floor, s£nding my glas-ses off, I fell upward and Melvin fell on me.. I quic-kly reached for my glas-ses, felt it and gr@bb£d it before putting it on. Almost immediately, I saw a net like object fly above us in the air and caught a bird..
“What was that?” I asked, steadying my breath.
“A tra-p!” Melvin exclaimed and I felt his breath on my cheek, tingling it.. I took my gaze to him and our gaze met and that crazy feeling emerged again..