He is my mate Episode 9

💯❤💉 #HE_IS_MY_MATE 💉❤💯
As Produced by Rachel Romo
THEME: Lining Decisions
” Are you sure you won’t change your mind ?” Sky asked for the nth time alre-ady. He’s in my room, helping me by only looking at me preparing my things *Note the sarcasm there. He’s not persuading me to stay or anything, he just wants to make sure if I am doing the right decision. He wants to as-sure if I’m going to be fine and okay by my own.
” Yes, Sky. I’ll be fine, really. I stood up on my own for 8 years so, I’m going to survive ” I said with a genuine smile on my face. He sighed nevertheless, he can’t do anything about it anymore. My decisions final.
I’ll be moving back to my pack with Rachel. Even if it was against Adrian’s will, he agreed anyways since he has left with no choice. If he’s ha-rd headed, so am I. I’be had enough of his dirty attitude. I don’t want to live with a man who I doubt who has a heart for the rest of my life.
My wolf’s not talking to me since last night, she’s ignoring me. It’s completely un-derstandable. She doesn’t want to p@rt with her mate but we have to. I have to.
” But, can you at least stay for one more night ? I’m not re-ady to say goodbye to you. We’ve p@rt for years and it saddens me that we’re going to p@rt again ” he said and enveloped me into his arms. I hvgged him back and buried my face in his che-st.
It got me to thinking. One more night? That’s not so bad. I’ll have time to say goodbye to Sky and Alice. I guess staying for one more night ain’t that bad.
” Okay. One more night, I’ll leave tomorrow ” I said and we p@rted from each other. He gave me a pat on the head before he left the room. I sighed and sat on my be-d. Am I really doing the right decision? My heat will come before the month ends and that means… Complete torture. My wolf’s not talking to me. Adrian’s furious and I’m hurt. Am I really doing the right thing?
Oh, Moon Goddess, plea-se help me.
I head towards Rachel’s cell. Adrian did not allow her to go out from her cell but he did gave me permission to visit her anytime.
She was sitting on the edge of the be-d, with her knees close to her che-st— crying. I directly ran to her and hvgged her. Rachel is a type of person who acts tough around but really, she has a soft and s-en-sitive heart. She easily cries when we watch movies, cries when she sees a stray dog (it’s her thing, don’t ask about it). She’s really a crybaby but I love her.
” Hey, what’s wrong ?” I asked as I soothed her hair. She tilted her head to me, her eyes drenched with tears. She hvgged me back and cried herself even more.
” Hunter… He’s looking for me. H-He’s furious. H-he’s gone crazy l-looking for me, ” she said while crying. Don’t ask how she did it.
Thing is, when you and you’re mate have alre-ady done the Mating Ritual, there will be few changes in your relationsh!p. Like: You can see a visual of what you’re mate is doing/thinking when you’re ap@rt; Heat will occur often; and you will be forever his’ when he marks you.
That’s why, Rachel predicted how Hunter’s doing. They alre-ady did the ritual a few months back. I did envy her at that time, though. But now’s not the time to think about that.
” We’re going home, tomorrow. Mind link him that, ” I said as I soothed her hair. She shook her head and wiped away her non-st©p tears.
” For some reason, there’s somewhat blocking our communication ” she said with a frown. I k!$$£d her temples and stood up.
” That’s okay. We’re going home soon, let’s just wait a bit more ” I said with an as-suring smile. She nodded and muttered and ‘okay’.
” Well, I better get going. It’s almost sunset, I have to do something ” I said and went out. Honestly, I have nothing to do. But, something’s telling me I nee-d to see someone. I’m not sure who this someone is.
Aha! Alice! I almost forgot about her.
I ran outside the pack house and saw her training with a younger boy. Wow, she’s so fierce and amazing. Remind me not to anger her. She st©pped what she was doing when she saw me.
” Hey, you nee-d something ?” She asked. I shook my head. She helped me a lot. And I’m so thankful to her.
” I just want to say thank you. For everything ” I said, plastering my sweetest smile. She smiled back and pu-ll-ed me into a hvg.
” You’re very welcome. You’re a good friend and I’m glad I met someone as kind and br@ve as you are ” she said. br@ve. She called me the opposite of what Adrian calls me. And it feels great.
” Thanks a lot, Alice. I won’t forget you, ever ” I said and hvgged her even more. We p@rted from the hvg and she went back to her training.
Everyone here is so kind, well not entirely. Some of them still give me death gkares and say dirty things about me. But nevertheless, they’re kind. I went back inside and into my room, I gr-ab a book by John Green (I so love his stories!) and sat on my be-d and started re-ading it.
It was alre-ady 7:00pm when I decided to go out and find something to eat. Gosh! 4 hours of re-ading is enough to make you hungry, I tell ‘ya. I stretched my b©dy and went out towards the kitchen. I haven’t seen Adrian today, which is good. I don’t want to see his face.
I gr-ab a granola bar and head outside. The moon was shining so brightly, it was so big and beautiful. I walked around and found myself in the dock, there was a hvge lake and a couple of yachts scattered around it. I sat at the end of the dock, di-pping my feet into the water.
All I can think about is Adrian. Gosh, why did he have to be my mate? He’s driving me crazy and he brings out the bad in me and I hate it. I hate it when I feel satisfied when hisl-ips are on mine, I hate it when his t©uçh makes me feel safe and I hate it when I think about him. Ugh!
” I hate you, Adrian Clark! ” I shouted, not caring if anyone heard it. My voice echoed throu-gh out. Not fully satisfied of what I did, I shouted even more.
” You know, I heard it the first time. You don’t have to yell it over and over again ” someone said behind me. I froze. I heard footsteps approaching and before I knew it he’s alre-ady beside me.
” W-What are y-you doing here ?” I asked, stammering. Damn it! He stared into the lake and it took him a few minutes before he replied.
” Don’t go, ” he said. I froze. What did he say? Don’t go?
I scoffed.
” Don’t make me laugh, Adrian. You’re the one pushing me to leave! You and your sick attitude! ” I said as I stood up. He stood up too and gr-ab me and crushed hisl-ips on mine. Here we go again.
I pushed him away.
” Enough of the k!ssand make-up routine! I’ve had enough of you! You almost killed me! You imprisoned me! You k!$$£d me! You cheated on me and hell you, despise me! And now, you tell me I shouldn’t go? ” I shouted, going hysterical. Tears fell down as I shout my heart out.
” Just… plea-se ” he begged. This guy’s pathetic! After all he’s done to me he’ll beg me not to go? Unbelievable!
” Why didn’t you just reject me the first time we met? Why? In that way, I wouldn’t be hurting like this ” I said as tears continuously rolled down to my cheeks. Indeed, he should’ve rejected me in the first place so I wouldn’t be suffering like this.
” You’re mine ” he scowled, looking directly throu-gh my gaze. Those pair of dark grey eyes that can hypnotize me, looking directly at me. I saw sadness and emptiness in it but I shrug it off. He’s a cold hearted j£rk for pete’s sake!
” I’m never going to be yours, Adrian. Goodbye ” I said and turned my heel to walk away. Everything happened so fast, he gr-ab my arm, spun me around and I felt a sting on my n£¢k.
” N-no ” I managed to say before darkness took over me.
Bastard! He marked me.