He is my mate Episode 10 & 11

💯❤💉 #HE_IS_MY_MATE 💉❤💯
As Produced by Rachel Romo
THEME: Marked By Mistake
fu-ck! fu-ck! fu-ck!
I shouldn’t have done that. Damn it! I just couldn’t control myself! I just wanted her to stay for some reason and I don’t know what the hell it is! Maybe because she’s my mate? No. There’s more to that. Maybe because my wolf is ignoring me? Probably but nah. I’m being possessive that I don’t want any other wolves near her? True. Or, maybe because I like her? No, no, no. Scratch that.
I don’t fall for weaklings.
I’m a cold-hearted j£rk, I’m aware of that. And I don’t fall in love, even if she’s my mate.
But, she makes me worried at her at all times. She bring out the worse in me. And she makes me do things I’ve never done to anyone. And that’s weird-ish. Ugh!
But, now that I marked her. She’s forever mine. And I don’t share what’s mine.
I chvg down the cu-p of Jack Daniel’s in one go. The strong liquid, going down my throat. I’ve fu-cking messed up! I pla-yed with the cu-p’s mouth, running my foref!nger around the opening. Suddenly, my door flung open.
” You son of a b-tch! ” Sky shouted.
And I felt his fist on my cheek before I fell on the floor. I could alre-ady taste the blood in my mouth. I stood up, finding my balance and faced my beta who’s furious at this point. I can’t blame him, I marked his dear sister.
” Damn you, Adrian! I can actually kill you right now! I don’t care if your my bestfriend or the Alpha ! ” he said throu-gh gritting teeth as he grip on my collar.
” I didn’t mark her on purpose. It was a mistake ” I said in a bored tone. I’ve had enough dealing with this cra-p.
” fu-ck, dude. Even if it was a mistake you should do your responsibilities as her mate! I don’t even know what to do to help her! I’m the most terrible brother any sister could have ” he said as he loos£ned his grip on me and sat down on one the couch. He heaved out a sigh and buried his fave on his palms.
” You don’t have to do anything. Just be with her, that’s all. Don’t worry, I’ll… I’ll try my best to be her…errrr… Mate ” I said as I ru-b my nape. I know this is unusual for me. But yeah, I’ll try my best to fulfill my duties to her.
What more can I do? If it wasn’t for my stupid br@in to not mark her, this wouldn’t be happening.
” You’re right. But the moment she comes crying to me, dude, I’m gonna rip your head off ” he said with a serious look on his face. I chuckled. Same, old.
” Yeah, yeah. ” I said and wave my hand around.
” I better go check on her, ” he said then left. I sighed.
Now, you’re mine—- Forever. Sapphire Kirsten Genesis.
I slowly opened my eyes. It took me a few moments before I adjusted to the beaming sunlight. I sat up and holy cow! My n£¢k hurts like hell! I reach for it and—
” Oww! ” I squealed. Damn, that one hurt.
And then it hit me.
Everything flashback what happened last night. That bastard! How dare he mark me?!
I stood up and ran to the door and was about to open it when someone c@m£ in first. My heart raced as I saw him standing there.
” You j£rk! How dare you mark me?! How dare you call me, ‘mine’?! How dare you make me your property?! ” I yelled as I keep on hitting his che-st as tears flowed down on my cheeks.
” Hey! Oww— Hey–st©p that! Calm down! ” he said when he finally gr-ab both of my hands.
The nerve of this guy!
” Calm down? Calm down?! You’re telling me to calm down after what you just did?! You fu-cking marked me, Adrian! I don’t even like you, hell nor love you! Now I’m going to be stuck with a di-ckhead like you! But fu-ck, what c@m£ into that damn br@in of yours to mark me?! ” I yelled at him. His eyes grew dark and before I knew it, I felt a sting on my cheek and fell to my be-d.
I g@sped. He… Sl@pped me.
” Sh-it. Sapphire, I’m sorry. I did not do that on purpose ” he said as he walked towards me but I easily pushed him away.
” scre-w you, Adrian. You always say it’s a mistake. Yeah, I guess it is mistake. Just like us, we may be destined but we are mated by mistake ” I said as I ran out of my room and outside the pack house.
I can’t believe he sl@pped me. No mate does that, well, he’s not my mate and he’ll never be! My wolf is crying again and I don’t know what to do to comfort her.. again. I ran towards a field filled with gras-s, not caring if he’s following me or what. I stumbled while I was running. I don’t have energy left to run, my feet are tired plus my n£¢k and cheek hurts and my heart too.
Is this really my fate? To keep on crying all over again and again? Is this what you planned for me Moon Goddess? Is this what you want, to see me suffering?
I was crying my heart out when suddenly, the pack house alarm rang. At first I thought it was a Council meeting but people started running inside the pack house and the warriors c@m£ out with weapons.
I stood up and walked my way towards the pack house. It was chaotic inside, people running from one side to the other. I saw Alice running towards my direction so I took the chance to ask her.
” What’s going on, Alice? ” I asked her.
” BlackMoon pack’s here ” she said. My eyes rounded in amusement. My pack? But, why?
” Why? ” I asked, still in shock. My pack’s never engaged into battles as big as this, before. Like I told you, our pack is not that strong.
” Probably because of Raven’s son’s mate or to save you and the rest of your members. I don’t know but I’m gonna find out ” she said and hurriedly ran outside.
If that’s the case, should I go with them? I mean, that was my original plan right? But not until that Adrian, marked me. I’m now forever his, should I be away from him or stay?
” Saph, go back into your room. Lock the doors and don’t ever open it, no matter what. un-derstood? ” Sky said as he held my face. I nodded.
” No matter what happens, I love you ” he said and gave me quic-k k!ssin the forehead before he left with the others. I did as he said and went to my room and locked the doors.
I waited and waited when suddenly, someone knocked on my door. I quic-kly turned my head to the door, he/she still keeps on knocking. My heart was beating so fast, I didn’t know what to do.
‘ Lock the doors and don’t ever open it, no matter what ‘
I keep repla-ying what Sky said so I wouldn’t be tempt to open the door. Few minutes, the knocking st©pped. I sighed in relief.
The door was broken to pieces. My eyes wi-de-ned as the broken p@rticles flew in front of me. I turned my head to the door and saw…
” Hunter ?”
I stare in shock at the door. Should I scream for help? Or cry in happiness? This is so confusing than deciding which chocolate I should get— Hershey or Cadbury. Wait, why did the chocolate get involve here?
I don’t know which side I’m on anymore.
” Sapphire! There you are! Let’s go, ” he said and yanked my hand and pu-ll-ed me with him. He kills each wolf that gets on our way. I don’t know whether I’ll st©p him or let him have his way. I’m so confused.
Am I still p@rt of their pack? Or in Adrian’s pack? No, I’ve never been treated right here. Only Alice and Sky has seen my worth.
” Do you know where Rachel is? ” he asked which snapped me back to reality.
” Huh? Uh… She’s in the… In the cell ” I stammered. Ugh! My minds like a whirpool right now. I’m so effin’ confused!
” Stay here, okay? And I’ll go get Rachel. Just mind link me if anything happens, okay ? ” he said. I nodded even though I’m not really sure about it. He muttered a ‘Good’ then left. I stayed in my place not because he told me so but I’m confused. Geez, I said that two times alre-ady.
” I knew you were a traitor in the first place ” I turned my head to one of ThirstBlood’s warriors. I think he’s Clyde, one of the strongest of their warriors. I haven’t really talked to him that much, he gives me deadly glares and I sometimes catch him staring at me like I’m his prey.
” Wh-What do you mean ? ” I asked nervously as I took a step back.
” You know what I mean, Sapphire ” he said as if my name is a venom. He was pla-ying with a sharp dagger on his hand while he was sm-irking. We encircle around the marble table, me trying to get away from him and he, trying to catch me.
” I don’t un-derstand what you’re saying, Clyde ” I said, honestly. A traitor? How come? I didn’t even want to be in this place, first of all.
” Poor, Alpha. He’s destined to a weakling like you. And you were right when you said he has to kill you since you’re an omega. Now, I’ll do the honors, then… ” he ran to catch me and I screamed when he gr@bb£d my hair, he ran the dagger throu-gh my n£¢k, teasing me.
” Why run away? This is what you wanted right? Killed? ” he mocked as he smelled my hair. Tears c@m£ out from my eyes, this is it. I’m gonna get killed.
“No” I didn’t know where the courage c@m£ from, I headbu-tt him, and he dropped me immediately, clutching his nose. (I went for his nose, and am sure I broke a bone or two) I used the distraction to my advantage and s£nt a ha-rd kick to his member, he went down on his knees gro-an ing in pain, hands moving from his nose now holding his pènîs as though preventing it from falling.
I smiled at myself, it strangely feels good hitting someone.
Probably the feeling prompted me to attempt a punch at his face, and that’s where I got it all wrong.
He held my hand just before it could hit his face, in a flash he held me by the n£¢k and slammed my back against the ha-rd floor, it’s just like it happens in wrestling mania. My back ache from the impact. He carried me up them pressed my back against the wall, snarling at my face “Who do you think you are?”
“She’s your Luna idiot” I heard someone say from behind him. Sounds like Alice
His grip on me just loos£ned and I heard gr-unting.
I sh0t my eyes open and saw Alice, kicking his a$$.
” Run, Sapphire! ” she shouted and I did as she said. I ran throu-gh the halls and outside the pack house where I saw a horrifying scene. Wolves fighting, warriors attacking, and dead bodies/wolves on the floor.
” Sapphire! ”
” Saph! ”
I turn to see our alpha— Alpha Raven and Sky at each side. Alpha Raven was telling me that we have to go, Sky on the other hand was telling me to stay with him. What should I do?! I was about to run away when someone gr-ab my arm, I turn to see Rachel.
” Let’s go ” she whispered and she drag me towards Alpha Raven with Hunter tailing us. I was lost in my thoughts. Like my b©dy has it’s own mind, telling me I should go with my pack but my heart wants to stay behind. My wolf insisted I should stay too.
” No ones leaving ” a voice said which made us turn all of our heads to the front of their pack house. Adrian standing with few bloodstains visible in his white shi-t, and a few other warriors behind him. re-ady to attack at his command
” You don’t tell us what to do, Clark ” Alpha Raven said, his voice full of authority. Adrian just looked at him with his cold dark grey eyes then he shifted his gaze to me. I saw sadness as he stared at me but it quic-kly fade away.
” This is my territory! ” he roared.
“Then you have to st©p us” Alpha Raven snarled back.
” Let us go, Adrian! ” I managed to say despite of the anxiety I’m feeling right now. He looked at me in disbelief as he raised an eyebrow.
” Tell me one good reason why I should do that, Sapphire ” he said. The way he called me by my name s£nt a plea-suring feeling to my b©dy but I shook it off.
” I’ll stay. That’s what you really wanted me to do, right? Fine. In exchange of letting my pack go ” I said, voice full of determination and conviction. Everyone g@sped at my sudden statement. This is the least I can do for my pack, for all the years they’ve been caring for me. Now it’s my time to pay them back.
He looked stunned at what I said. But he quic-kly replaced it with a sm-irk.
” Very, well. ” he turned to Alpha Raven and gave him a deadly glare. ” You may go ” he said calmly but full of anger and hate.
” Sapphire! You can’t do this to us- to me! Let’s go home! I nee-d you! ” Rachel held my hand as she cried which made me cry too.
I nee-d you too.
I badly want to say but I nee-d to fulfill what I said. I held her hand and wiped her tears.
” Don’t worry, I’ll be fine. Sky’s with me and…. My mate’s also there ” I said as I looked down as I said the last p@rt. She pu-ll-ed me into a hvg and convinced me to go with her, saying she’ll be a more of a good bestfriend and cook me more of my favorites just to make me come with her.
Hall Of Supernatural Stories
” Rachel, let’s go. We nee-d to hurry before their Alpha changes his mind ” Hunter said as she held her arm but she’s as ha-rd as a stone.
” No! I won’t leave without my bestfriend! Sapphire, plea-se ” she pleaded but I can’t. I’d love to but I can’t. I said what I said so I have to fulfill it.
” Rachel just go. Don’t make this ha-rder for me, ” I said as I tried to pu-ll from the hvg but she just hvgged me more saying ‘No’ again and again.
” Rachel! Listen to me, okay ?! I-I nee-d to do this for the sake of everyone. If I leave with you guys, I know he’s going to come and get me. And that’ll start a war. Can’t you see? I’m doing this for us. ” I said as I held her hand as we both cry.
I’m sorry, my bestfriend.
I nee-d to this. Even if it hurts the both of us. Hunter drag her away while she kept on crying and screaming my name.
Alpha Raven stood still looking straight into my eyes. I gentle nod my head. Letting him know am sure of my decision. Then he turned to Adrian.
“You going to pay for the attack on my pack. You think you have a stronger pack don’t you? Am going to humble you” And then he sped away, running in the direction Hunter had took Rachel along with the remaining warriors.
I ran inside towards my room and cried my heart out.
I’m so sorry, Rachel. You’re my bestfriend, no matter what happens. plea-se forgive me. You’ll un-derstand soon. I never intend to leave you.
Then something flashed throu-gh my mind.
“$h!t! I left Alice with Clyde”