He bought me Episode 26 to 30

He bought me
Episode 26
I maintained some sort of distance from Donald but covered him with my sight. I suddenly noticed two men appeared from behind me.
I hurriedly faced the wall and watched them with the sight of my eye to where they are going to.
I noticed they went and stood at the entrance of the bathroom that Donald went to ease himself.
Jeez! So if I haven’t followed him here , they would have hurt him again. This enemies are just everywhere.
I wish I can defeat the root of the enemies once and for all so Donald can live a life free and devoid of enemies.
I was with gun but I do not think I’ll shoot it so as not to create a scene here. i should be able to defeat these two.
My only fear is if they do not have others hanging around the building.
I paused my meditation and pressed my eye on them two enemies , after few seconds , Donald stepped in and they gr!pp£dhim by the hand. The turned his two hand re-ady to handcuff him like they were cops whereas I know they aren’t.
Their act doesn’t in any way looks as that of a cops.
I ran towards them and flew; s£nding a tough kick on the head of the first guy.
They took their attentions from Donald at once, the first one staggered to the back but wasn’t falling. The second one had hurriedly brou-ght out his gun and stretched it to me.
I do not have the time to peek at Donald to see how he feels at the moment but I know he must be frightened of what may happen to me.
“I guess you are the girl after all” The guy pointing the gun at me said.
“Do you wanna shoot or waste my time here?” I asked knowing fully well that he can’t shoot because they will be casted and arrested.
He laughed thinking I’ll be threatened by the gun and the laugh of lockery.
” watch out. ” His friend told him when I bent and s£nt a kick to the hand of the guy holding gun.
Before he could act on what his friend said , the gun had fallen from his hand.
I wasted no time to exchange b!ows with the first guy that gun had just dropped from while the second one just watched in surprise ; my fighting skill.
The two guys are really good cause I’m really finding it ha-rd to defeat them.
That can only mean that I have to work ha-rder in my fighting skill.
The second one gr@bb£d me by my n£¢k all of sudden and I was struggling to let go of his grip but it was too tough of me.
The second guy took advantage of that and s£nt a punch to my forehead. I do not even feel any pain but angrily brou-ght out gun from my pocket.
They were not aware that I was with a gun which gave me an upper edge.
I used the gun to hit the head of the guy holding me. He let out a slight scream and let go of me.
I sh0t the second guy at the left leg. The sound was horrible and I knew sooner or later. The security guards will arrive there.
I held Donald by his right hand and we both ran as fast as we could throu-gh the other entrance of the building.
As soon as we get out , we saw the cops arrive alre-ady.
“What do we do now?”
“Don’t worry” I said and went to female’s toilet to drop my gun inside a sink.
“Let’s leave ” I walked hand in hand with Donald.
“Are you alright , are you fine?” The cops who were pas-sing the entrance we were exiting asked.
“Yes , we are ” I replied smiling while they walked inside in search of whatever has caused the gun sh0t.
We both entered the car and I drove home as fast as I could before the cops would even charge us as a suspect.
On getting home.
“Sir , plea-se stay in the car , wanna find out something ”
He agreed by nodding his head.
I stepped down and walked inside the house. I saw Jennifer sitting and eating pop corn
She turned and saw me alone. She hurriedly stood and shouted ” Where is Donald?”
“The enemies captured him”
“What! I said it , you were the reason for his kidnap right? You will rot in jail , you proud s-en-seless girl ” She said and sat and continued eating her pop corn.
“Aren’t you going to do something for what had happened to Donald?”
“I don’t care what happens to him. It’s even an opportunity to get more money from his father ” She said happily and continued eating her pop corn.
Episode 27
Now I confirmed the kind of love she had for Donald. She’s only after the money he has.
I turned and went out. Donald was still inside the car.
“plea-se ,come down sir ” I said respectfully and he stepped down.
“I hope you’ve settled scores with her?”
“Yes , I have ”
We both walked inside the living room where Jennifer sat.
“Hi Jennifer ” Donald said adjusting his tie as he walked to his room.
Jennifer turned all of a sudden and watched Donald leave for his room. I could see the look of surprise in her eyes which later translate into disappointment.
She looked down like someone trying to grasp what is happening but couldn’t get a clear un-derstanding of it.
“Donald! How did he ?…” She couldn’t complete her statement before she picked her phone on the table and hurried out.
There is something fishy about this girl. I ti-p toed towards the direction she pas-sed and I found out he went towards the backyard.
I leaned by the wall , not too far from her in a bit to listen to whomever she wants to call.
After few seconds….
“What the f*… Why in the world is there digit not going throu-gh?” She lamented and I wondered whom she was referring to.
I peeked and saw a look of weary on her face , her emotions had being destabilize. I walked away.
At night.
I do not really sleep off because I have Donald at heart. His protec-tion is my first priority.
I suddenly heard sounds of steps walked before my room. I stood at once and waited patiently for few seconds after which I opened the door in such a way that will not make noise.
I peeked and saw the back image of Jennifer. I saw her planting a soft knock on Donald’s door after which she entered.
I guess Donald opened the door for him. What in the world did this girl want with Donald at this time of the night?
I took a step after the other , very slowly and gently in such a way as to not aro-se suspicion of Jennifer that I’m tracing her.
I stood behind the door and watched her carefully.
“Sorry , I disturb your sleep”. She said and looked down like someone sorry for what she just did “I’m glad you c@m£ back home safely. Hope nothing odd happened at the p@rty?”
Donald yawned and stood. He went to ru-b his face with water , dried it with towel and c@m£ to sit on the be-d.
It’s obvious he’s feeling sleepy but something just always makes him weak whenever this Jennifer of a girl is around him. I guess it’s because he had once being in Love with Jennifer.
One can’t say precisely if he still loves Jennifer but he certainly goes throu-gh pain every single second of his life because of how Jennifer whom he had loved and trusted with his life had betrayed him.
“Well, I was attacked but Jessica helped me out. ” He finally replied Jennifer.
“Oh really? I could have done much better if I were there. You know I can fight well more than she?”
Donald nodded and blinked his face. I just know that he’s still feeling puffy. His face are swollen and red.
“The most important thing is that she saved me. You wanna tell me something else?” Donald faced her.
She adjusted her sit closer to Donald and began to ru-b Donald by the che-st se-ductively.
“Donald , plea-se find a place in your heart to forgive me ” She said and squ-atted on Donald.
Still ru-bbing his che-st while Donald just watched.
“plea-se ” She said softly and began to pu-ll off his night t©p.
“Can we st©p this , plea-se. You are tempting me” Donald pleaded.
She brou-ght herl-ips closer to that of Donald to k!ss him.
That’s one thing I can’t allow. I wouldn’t stand here and watch this betrayal of a girl just plant her sillyl-ips on that Donald.
And who knows , one thing may led to the other.
Should I just shout ‘st©p’ or cough and run away.
What can I do to st©p them in such a way that will not implicate me or make Donald feel unsecured.?
Episode 28
I coughed and because it was night , the sound of the cough vibr@ted throu-gh the room. She was quic-k to stand from Donald in fear , as if she was about committing an evil act.
She stared around and finally brou-ght her face to the entrance of the door. She walked boldly towards the entrance and saw me.
“What the…” I interrupted her before she could complete her silly s£ntence. “Excuse me? What are you doing in Donald’s room?”
The question caught her unguarded , she was expecting me to be intimid@t£d by her but surprisingly , I threw a question at her.
“How is that your business. You have the gut to be asking me why I’m with my b©yfri£nd?”
“How long will you have to realize that he’s no longer your b©yfri£ndand that he will still move on ”
“Move on with who? Perhaps with you ordinary thing. How many times do you also have to realize that Donald and I are made for each other and…donot you even sleep?”
“None of your business. I’m vigilant than you are and have Donald at heart always. I can’t allow anyone or anything hurt him” I said and she sm-irked.
“What did you want?”
“Excuse me?”
“Leave right away” She yelled. “Leave my b©yfri£ndand I. Is Donald even complaining?”
“No, you leave this place first. It’s obvious Donald do not like the fact that you are trying to s£dûç£him”
“Maybe I should f0rç£ you to” She threatened and I kept mute wondering how she planned on forcing me to leave.
She threw a sudden punch to my cheek and I fell to the wall. Pain surged throu-gh my teeth as bloods filled my mouth.
She walked to me and pu-ll-ed my hair ti-ght. She gave me an upper cut at my chin. I screamed cause of the pain and staggered back.
She flew and s£nt two heavy kicks to my che-st. I fell to the floor , weak and tired.
She squ-atted before me.
“You weak thing must learn to respect me in this place ” She said and threw a b!ow to my forehead.
My head aches so bad that I originally thought I would faint. I closed my eye like I had fainted for real cause that was what I was expecting but I was still conscious.
She sl@pped my check and stood up.
She walked inside Donald’s room again and closed the door.
I stood weakly and spit the blood in my mouth away.
“Why are you bullying that girl?” I heard Donald’s sweet voice from inside.
“She will never maintain her lane in this house. Let me teach her to respect me” She said and anger aro-se inside of me.
I thought instantly of what I could do to hurt her.
I searched around and went to the fridge. I picked a bottle of whiskey , emptied it and went to the room.
I s£nt several kicks to the door and by the time I entered , she had alre-ady stood re-ady to fight whoever is trying to break the door.
She was stunned to see the bottle in my hand and my red face that depicts how angry I am.
As much as I want to wound her , I do not want Donald to be affected
She flew towards me ,directing a knee kick towards me but I was quic-k to guide it.
Before she could balance , I threw the bottle on her head and she fell to the floor with eyes closed.
She began to shake her head right there on the floor but I wouldn’t st©p. I picked the bottle from the floor and went to her in a bit to break the bottle on her forehead but Donald st©pped me.
“plea-se, just leave her ” Donald said and I exhaled like someone trying to control her anger. Nonetheless , I shouldn’t just leave her this way.
I ran outside and c@m£ back with a chain. I tied her legs and her hand and dragged her to the front of the house.
I tied her to the pillar of the house like a mad woman tied from running away.
All this while, her eyes were still closed. She hasn’t recovered from the bottle that hit her head yet.
When she wakes tomorrow and sees herself in that position. She will learn to respect me instead.
I walked back to Donald’s room. He was squ-atting on his be-d like someone meditating.
“plea-se , have a good night rest sir. I’ve taken care of her. I would never allow anyone hurt you , sir ” I said and closed the door to his room gently and went to sleep believing he’s now going to have a good night rest.
Episode 29
The day breaks and I opened my eye after a very de-ep sleep.
I went to take my birth and I suddenly start to hear screams.
I hurriedly bathed and cane outside. I went to check Donald first to see if he is fine.
After I had confirmed that that he’s alright. I walked outside towards the direction of the sound and found out that it was Jennifer that was screaming.
On setting her eyes on me. ,she furrowed her brow.
“How in the world did I get tied like this?” She asked.
“Are you asking me? I did anyways. ” I told her.
“What the…” She tried to free herself but she couldn’t.
“Oh! Now I remember…ouch!” She t©uçhed her head.
“You threw bottle to my head. How can I ; a special agent for the government be tied down like a dog like this.. I promise you that you will rot in jail” She threatened but I just sm-irked.
“Don’t you think you will rot here first ” I said and went to sit by a couch not too far from her.
“What! Come and free me right away ” She command.
“Oh really! You still have the gut to be commanding me. I just showed you that you shouldn’t pl@ysh!t with me ,I’m dangerous ” I said
“You are dangerous. ” She repeats and sm-irks.
“Dangerous. I will prove who I truly am to you if I can get myself freed from this place and where is Donald?”
“Free yourself and go and in search for him” I replied.
“F***. How do I get free from this damn thing?”
“Are you asking me? Common! You should be smarter than that. Anyways , I nee-d you to beg me before I re-lease you” I said and she laughed
She laughed more for quiet a while and pressed her eye on me.
“Beg you arrogant poor thing! No, just take a look at your ugly poor soul. Protecting a man that will later sell you off in the future. Shame!”
“I guess I’m better than you. I’m loyal and I’ll protect him by all means ” Just then Donald walked towards us.
“Oh my days!” He exclaimed.
“You did this?” He asked me and I replied “Yes”
“Cause of what she did for me while I was trying to make you have a good sleep” I said.
“Oh! This is horrible , plea-se re-lease her ” He pleaded.
“She’s very stubborn. Proud , I so dislike her. I nee-d her to beg me or she rot there for life. ” I said.
‘Beg you…are you joking?” She said and I just looked away angrily wishing that Donald would not come by that time.
“re-lease her ” Donald said sternly in a commanding tone and I had no choice to but to let her loose.
She stood and dusted her cloth and sm-irked at me.
“I can’t imagine myself being tied like a dog” she mumbled.
“This has to st©p. I nee-d ya’all to st©p hating on one another. You should protect me each and you should even learn to work together not fight every time” Donald said.
” Just let her be my baby” Jennifer said and held the hand of Donald. She pu-ll-ed him and they both walked away leaving me standing.
“Why is Donald just always weak around this girl! Did he still love her?
Episode 30
I walked inside my room and sat and thought about my parents. Their death remains a mystery to me and a continual source of sadness.
How In the world will someone be so cruel to murder my mom and dad in a cold blood in one single night. I’m glad that I’m getting trained day by day.
I’ll find whoever kill my parents and kill not just him but his entire family. I’ll shoot them all dead in cold blood so my parents can rest in peace wherever they are.
I kept thinking of whatever could be in the killer’s b©dy that may at least make me recognize him when I come across him but I couldn’t.
That very night , he was dressed in black from head to toe and I was so scared to even look at his face.
I nee-d to go back to that same place that my parents get murdered to see if there is any trace of the killer
I walked out of my room and went to where Donald and Jennifer sat.
“I nee-d to visit somewhere , sir. I’ll be back soon ” I said and Donald watched me sternly.
“You do not have the right to leave this house. Have you forgotten whom you are my p….” I cur in before he could complete his statement.
“I un-derstand sir ,It’s very important sir , plea-se , just this once ” I said and he exhaled.
“You are not going nowhere b***h, can’t you just listen to simple instruction” Jennifer said but I just ignore her waiting for Donald to give me go ahead.
“I do not feel at ease letting you just leave like that ” Donald said
“Trust me sir ” I said and he nodded. He then signalled for me to leave to which I did.
“You shouldn’t let that arrogant girl leave ” I heard Jennifere say to Donald but I walked out swiftly before he could change his mind.
I drove Donald’s car away to the where my parents were shut dead.
It use to be our house but my aunt sold it alre-ady and I’m glad the owners are not around pres£ntly.
I walked round the house searching with all my heart for any clue that could just help me.
Remembering the day that my parent died made me sad. It kept hunting me and I must find the root of the cause of their death and those that thought it evil to make me an ordinary property of someb©dy.
I went to the entrance and watched around ; not seeing anyone. I broke the door and barged inside the room.
I began to search Every where hoping that I would not be caught.
I just nee-d a single clue. No matter how minute it is. I just nee-d to find something that could help.
I stood at the exact same place that the killer stood that night and the door suddenly opened.
I turned abruptly and saw a man who should be in his forties standings by the entrance but not surprised to see me.
“I know you , your parents were killed few year ago in this same house, “He said still standing at the entrance and I was surprise at how he knew