Harem of lvst finale

#HAREM_OF_lvst ??


Written ✍ #Sadiq_infinity.




Laila stunned by Sadiq’s statement begins to laugh! She couldn’t believe this stranger before her was the late Sultan’s real son.. But as she looked at his face, she saw the resemblance.. But how was this possible? All this years, she thought he had died, it was the reason why she had went throu-gh all this trouble to conquer Marida! But not, it would seem like the joke was on her.. Nit only was she fooled about his death but now Marida is in a state of ruin and the prince is here to end her.
But despite all that, there is an advantage for her she thought… She may have lost her kingdom and her army but she will break herself from this binding curse on her n£¢k and get the freedom she deserves.

Laila ➡ So you’re here to kill me? Do you know what I’m capable of? My power has no limit.. I can…

Sadiq ➡ Shut up witch and face your doom!

Sadiq lurches forward, throwing a spear at Laila, she quic-kly dodges before the spear could pierce her skull.
Sadiq throws another spear at her, which again she dodges with ease, After that, she hurls herself at Sadiq stretching her hands forward and she brings out long claws from her hand..Sadiq counters her attack with his shield , Laila laughs cynically as she throws multi-ple attacks at Sadiq who’s having a ha-rd time blocking her powerful b!ows.

Laila ➡(laughs) What’s the matter you royal dog? Suffocating un-der pressure? (Laughs)
Surrender while you still can.. Dog.

Sadiq ➡ Never..

While Laila was busy focusing her attention on Sadiq, his men sneak up behind her and throw a hvge thick net over her. Sadiq moves out of the way as the net falls on Laila, after that, the men use their strength and pu-ll Laila backwards ma-king her fall. The moment her back hits the ground.. Sadiq and his men descend on her.. They stab, cut and slash her with their weapons severely.. Sadiq uses his shield sma-cking her ha-rd on the face, after that, he gr-abs his spear and brings it down with all his might on Laila’s che-st..
Laila shouts out in pain… Realizing that she could be killed if she’s not careful, she blares out in anger and elevates herself up, She scattered the men surrounding, throwing them into different direction… As she stands high in mid air, she laughs and angrily threaten the men before her.

Laila ➡ You fools…. Who do you think you are? I am a goddess… I can’t be st©pped! My power has no limit… You all dare to defy me? You will all die painful deaths except for you, Sadiq! I have plans for you..

Sadiq and his men watch as Laila str!ps herself n*ked… Soon, they watch and g@sp in fright as they see her b©dy transformed into an ugly devastating state.. Her joints extends and her bones makes snapping sounds as she increases her size and length, her s£dûçt!vefigures was now replaced deformed ones, soon her fair smooth skin was covered in thick coat of fur… Sadiq and his men g@sp as they see her true form.. Laila in this demonic form looked exactly like her minion except hers has a more feminine look.. Unlike her minions who were mindless creatures.. She still had her s-en-ses and intellect.. Seeing how the men were filled with fear.. She rushed towards them with murderous intent.. Some confronted her but they were smashed like tomatoes.. Sadiq seeing that their chances of beating her was 0%, he urged his men to flee.

Sadiq ➡ RUN!!!!

Sadiq and his men run for their lives, Laila laughs out loud and begins to chase them, The men run as fast as they could but their speed was no match for the creature chasing them. One by one, Laila trampled and smashed them to death, others seeing that running wasn’t working out for them stood their ground and fought Laila, but their effort was all in vain, They were all brutally murdered by Laila.
Sadiq and handful of his men decided to confront Laila head on, they split ways and attacked her from different direction, their focused their attack on her eyes and mouth since her skin was now impene-trable. The men attacked using spears and arrows and crossbows, some missed, while the others hit their mark… Sadiq’s spear found it’s way into Laila’s eyes, She felt the stinging pain of the steel in her eyes and she was mad with rage.. With quic-k and swift speed, She got hold of the men and to-re them ap@rt, Sadiq being the sole survivor, continued fighting.. Laila soon gr@bb£d hold him in her hands and threw him far away like a stone inside the palace hall, Sadiq rolled in mid air and landed ha-rd on wooden barrels of wine that they had brou-ght.. Luckily for him, he didn’t sustain any damage but his entire b©dy was in pain and he had dislocated his left shoulder.. Sadiq gro-an ed and staggered up trying to stand, Laila seeing that he was trying to stand, laughed at his effort.

Laila ➡ (laughs) Ha, ha, ha, ha, you silly fool… You’re not match for a goddess.. Surrender now, and I’ll let you leave once I’m done with you.

Sadiq ➡ Surrender? Never! I will never surrender to you.. My people are free from you and you have nob©dy to do your bidding… One way or another.. I’m going to defeat you.. Even if it costs me my life.

Laila ➡ What a s£ntimental fool.. Nice speech.. I hope those are your last words.. Now.. You die, dog.

After that, Laila runs towards Sadiq with frightening speed, Sadiq stands up finally with a spear in his right hand.. He stands boldly waiting for Laila to come at him.. As Laila approaches him, she jumps high in the air and hurls herself at Sadiq.. Sadiq using this opportunity moves out of harms wall and Laila crashes heavily into the wall, The impact of her crash bur-sts the wall open, Laila slides out and realizes she’s high above the palace walls. Sadiq seeing that Laila is about to climb back in.. He rushes towards her and jumps up bringing down the spear into her other eye.. Laila shouts and loses her grip, she falls all the way down and crashes ha-rd into the ground.. Sadiq stares down at Laila all the way up from the palace, to see if she was still alive, after that, He sits down and rest , In that moment, Salim barges into the room and runs towards Sadiq.

Salim ➡ My prince.. You’re hurt..

Sadiq ➡ Yes.. But everything is over now.. Laila is dead.

Salim ➡ No she’s not.. Look my prince.. She’s immortal, even she’s beheaded, she’ll still live… The only way we can kill her is by destroying the n£¢klace on her.

Sadiq ➡ Don’t be absurd.. Immortal or not nob©dy can survive a very long fall.. Check and see.. She’s there on the ground.

Salim rushes to see what Sadiq was talking about but he was surprised to see she wasn’t there.

Salim ➡ My prince… She’s not there!

Sadiq ➡ What? Impossible..

Salim ➡ Come and see..

Sadiq rushes towards Salim’s place and sees what he said was true.. Then suddenly.. Both men hear a thun-dering roar as Laila makes her way into the place.. In that moment, they listen as she makes a frightening statement.


Both Sadiq and Salim knew that was no empty talk that didn’t st©p them from planning their next move.. Both men leave the hall and go to another which has a lot of space, they lock the door and talk on how to confront the angry Laila.

Sadiq ➡ What are we going to do now? Laila is coming..

Salim ➡ I know my prince.. But confronting her is suicide.. My opinion is we escape now. There’s still a chance that…

Sadiq ➡ No!! I won’t run.. Everything ends here tonight… She must be st©pped..

Sadiq looks around the room, he walks around thinking of what to do. In that moment, he sli-ps and almost loses his balance.. After that, an idea pops into his head..

Sadiq ➡ Salim.. Come hurry, let go get some jars of oil.. There are still some left.

Salim ➡ Oil?? What for..

Sadiq ➡ Just follow me and do as I say..

Both men went to get the jars of oil, as they come back to the room, Sadiq starts pouring them down on the floor, Salim who’s confused does as Sadiq ordered him to.. Soon the whole floor was smeared with sli-ck oil.. Suddenly after they were done.. Laila ban-gs ha-rd at their door, she keeps ramming and ramming the door, until she breaks it. Unaware the oil poured on the floor, Laila dashes in haste and as a result, she sli-ps and falls down ha-rd .. She tried to get up but she can’t.. The floor was too sli-ppery… Then in that moment, Both Sadiq and Salim slide carefully towards her with arrows and spears in hand.. They both attack her aimlessly hitting her face..Laila desperately tries to stand on her feet but the oil won’t let her, then Suddenly, Salim pierces her ears with multi-ple arrows.. Laila growls in pain and aimlessly throws out her arms.. Unfortunately, Sadiq who was closer to her was hit by her hands, He falls and slides down onto the floor, Laila seeing this opportunity, gathers her efforts and jumps her in air stretching and aiming her claws at Sadiq, Salim who sees this quic-kly slides towards Sadiq and pushes him out of harms way… Sadiq was saved but Salim however was unfortunate.. Laila’s claws pierced his che-st, but that wasn’t enough for Laila, she gr-abs Salim and bites him severely, her long canines dug de-ep into his vital organs… Salim shouts in pain trying to get himself free from Laila, in that painful moment, Salim sees the n£¢klace and he quic-kly re-moves it and throws it towards Sadiq without Laila knowing.

Sadiq who was woken by Salim’s cries seeing the horror that was going on. His heart feels broken and heavy as he sees Salim in the hands of Laila.. Anger gets hold of him, he picks up his spear and aims it at Laila, in that moment, he sees Laila’s n£¢klace close to him and he remembered what Salim told him.. He picks up the n£¢klace and finds a shield ? a meters away from him. Laila who was busy with Salim heard her name being called, She turns around and sees Sadiq kneeling down with the n£¢klace in front of him.. She looks at her and n£¢k and sees the n£¢klace isn’t there.

Sadiq ➡ Looking for something, bit-ch?

Laila ➡ Give me back that n£¢klace before I decided to do to you as I did your friend here.

Sadiq ➡ Is that right? Go to hell, bit-ch.

Sadiq gathers his might and sma-cks the ru-by on the n£¢klace with his shield.. Laila g@sps as she sees the ru-by crack a little.

Laila ➡ NO!!! plea-se I’ll do anything.. plea-se st©p.. You don’t know what you’re doing.

Sadiq ➡ To late, your time is up.

Laila ➡ NOOO!!!!

Sadiq sma-cks the ru-by again ha-rder than ever cracking it again.. Laila seeing her end was near, rushes at Sadiq with murderous intent, stretching out her claws at him, Sadiq then again give one final attempt and smashes the ru-by to pieces with his shield.. Immediately the ru-by ? breaks ap@rt, it shines out a white bright light and then an devastating explosion occurs, the impact s£nds both Sadiq and Laila flying high in the air and both of them crash heavily on the ground..
Sadiq gro-an s in pain, but he manages to sit up and sees what’s going on… Laila who was further away from him started to fall ap@rt.. Her b©dy started cracking and disintegrating.. She shouts out loud rolling herself on the ground clutching to her b©dy, then finally her b©dy engulfs in flames ? and then finally her b©dy turns to stone.. Sadiq who sees this, gr-abs his spear and throws it the the stone b©dy of Laila, the spear then smashes the b©dy of Laila into tiny pieces.. After that, Sadiq stands up and goes Salim, who was bleeding effortlessly.

Sadiq ➡ Salim..

Salim ➡ (coughs) My prince.. Is it over?

Sadiq ➡ It is.. I’m sorry I couldn’t be of help..

Salim ➡ Its all right.. I’m just glad to be of service.. It’s been an honor to witness this glorious day when our people will be free. You did a great job and your ancestors will be proud of you.

Sadiq ➡ And I’m sorry for blaming you for my father’s death.. I should have trusted you… You’re the most loyal servant I’ve ever since.

Salim ➡ (voice fading) Thank.. you.. my.. Prince… Take good.. care.. of.. our.. People…. and I.. wish.. you.. long.. happy.. life.

Sadiq ➡ Thank you.. may.. The.. gods.. see.. you.. throu-gh.. Die well and with honor!

After that, Salim closes his eyes and dies with a smile on his face.. Sadiq cries silently over his fallen friend and servant.. He wished In his mind that he could do something to save this good man but what’s done is done.. In that moment, a white light shines over the place where Laila’s b©dy is.. Sadiq quic-kly focuses his attention on the light.. He watches closely as the light gradually turns into one black matter.. Then the thing began to expand and swallow everything within its vicinity, then in that moment, Sadiq hears a ? thun-derbolt cracking high above the sky.. Then suddenly the palace structure itself started to shake tremendously, shortly after that, it began to fall… Sadiq quic-kly gets up and leaves the palace before he gets crushed.. As he reaches outside the palace.. He sees as desk clouds of the night gather around as lightening strikes over the palace.. Soon the whole city begins to shake as if an earthquake was going to erupt… Sadiq seeing the danger he was in, clim-bs his horse and rides out of Marida.. Getting out wasn’t easy because he had to dodge and find some other way to follow cause the ground was opening hvge holes, that every that was on t©p of the sand was sliding down into the hvge dark pit.. Finally in the end, Sadiq escaped out of Marida, as he was in a safe distance.. He looks back and see the destruction happening in Marida, unable to look at it anymore, He ride away saying farewell to his homeland.


Meanwhile back in Nishkapur, The emigrants from Marida were received warmly by the people of Nishkapur.. Frahan and his family were received by Jasmine and her father.. They gave the couple a place to stay and made sure they were given special attention.
Jasmine who was keeping an eye out for her husband begins to get worried and disturbe-d.. She would s£nt out her father’s royal guards to stay at the city gates to keep an eye for her husband’s return.. A day pas-sed still there was no sign of Sadiq.. Her father seeing that his daughter was worried as-sured her everything would be fine.

Sultan Ali ➡ Jasmine.. You have to calm down.. The gods will bring him back safely..

Jasmine ➡ But father.. Everyone is back.. Why isn’t he here? Don’t you think it’s strange..

Sultan Ali ➡ Relax.. Nothing will happen to him.. And even if he dies.. There’s nothing you can do.

Jasmine ➡ How can you say that father!? Sadiq made a promise to me.. He must be back.. He must.

Sultan Ali ➡ Woman! Keep yourself together.. Go and look after your kids.. By Tomorrow.. I’ll s£nd some to go and check him out.. Okay?

Jasmine ➡ Alright father. Good night.

Jasmine with a heavy heart goes to her room, as she enters, she sees her kids slee-ping next to one another, she cuddles up next to her as she lies down next to them.. A bit later into the night.. Jasmine was awoken by a knock on her door.. As she opens the door, she was astonished to see Sadiq all bruised up and wounded.. She hvgs him warmly and ti-ghtly crying on his che-st.

Jasmine ➡ (cries) Oh my love… You c@m£ back? I thought you were dead.

Sadiq ➡ No.. I’m not.. Can I get in.. I’m feeling all bruised and tired now..in fact I’m feeling a little bit.. Dizzzzyy.

Sadiq falls down to the ground breathing slowly.. Jasmine terrified by this quic-kly goes out and calls for help.


Finally, Peace, tranquility and equality was now at hand.. Nishkapur received the people of Marida warmly as if they were p@rt of them.. The people of Marida also got used to their new home and were grateful that their lives had changed for the better..

With our knowledge and skills, the people got along and the kingdom soon progressed.. After I had recovered from my injuries.. Sultan Ali had decided to step down from his throne and I was crowned the Sultan of Nishkapur.. Frahan was very happy about this and since he had envisioned this, I decided to reward him.. He had always wanted to be a business man, so I made him enough money to start a business of his own, I wanted to him to join me in the palace but he refused, saying the money I had given him was more than enough.. His wife Salima and Jasmine soon bec@m£ Friends and life was better for everyone.
Being the Sultan wasn’t easy, but I did my best to rule fair and justly.. Sometimes after a long ha-rd day.. I would stand at the balcony and look over at the city of Nishkapur…I would see how people would work, socialize and cooperate with one another unlike Marida where the case was different and speaking of Marida.. After what happened.. Frahan decided that I write it down so it may serve as an history and moral for future generations.. But I refused.. Some histories are better off forgotten.. And besides in later future nob©dy would believe what happened in Marida, like some scholars say.. “Seeing is believing”. Many great kingdom have come and go, Some their histories was wiped out by time itself , Some still remain.. There are many wonders and mysteries in the world, Secrets yet to be found which will unravel the secrets of our universe.. But maybe there is a good reason why this things are hidden so that no man can find them.. Like Marida.. I once went back there to check on it but all I could see was a great dune of sand.. Nothing was left of it.. Not even a brick.. Some might say we never existed but we did.. Some might we were never the greatest kingdom of our time, but we were. Its just that everything in the world has it beginnings and it’s endings.. Change is dynamic and one thing I know is.. Change will keep going on till the end of time.

The end

Facts in this story…….

#Nishkapur ➡ It still exists up till today.

#King_Sulaiman ( Solomon) ➡ Son of Prophet david, he is man and prophet, given by God the power to rule over all creatures, he can also speak and communicate with jinns.

#Djinn ➡ They too existed.. Check the Arabian legends and myths.

Fantasies in the story!

#Marida ➡ it doesn’t exist.. It never did.. Just my imagination ?

Afternoon guys… I hope you guys enjoyed the story……
Here are some things we should all have in mind..

– Money is the root of all evil.. Our current situation in Nigeria proves that.

– Jealousy, Betrayal and hate are the direct ticket to one’s downfall.

– Cherish those that stood with you when you had nothing and ignore those that follow you when the good has happen in your life.

– Choose your future p@rtner wisely..

– Men.. Always cherish the woman that cares and supports you. Cause you’ll never find another like her when she’s gone.