Haram of lvst episode 36 & 37

#HAREM_OF_lvst ??


Written ✍ Sadiq_infinity.




Three years have pas-sed since this Kingdom was raided and conquered by evil.. The once proud and prosperous city of Marida was now a shadow of it’s former self… It was filled in ru-bble, chaos and more misery, This outcome had changed everyone.. Everyone was fighting to stay alive, there was ba-rely enough food and water to keep us going.. Half the mas-ses had died because of starvation and hunger.. Some even suffered from disease.. In the long run, the city was covered in plague.. People were being affected by some kind of parasite or diseases that makes them run wild and after some days they die ; only the gods know what kind of plague is this .. It was ha-rd really, there was no hope for us…
At the early stage of Marida’s conquest Merchants who come to this city for trade where captured and enslaved.. Their goods was taken away by that evil bit-ch whose name I later learnt from Salim was *Laila * who was calling herself a goddess.. She’s a goddess alright.. A goddess of lvst and deceit.. For every Merchant she’s enslaved, they end up dying and I later found our she had used them to satisfy and insatiable lvst every night and the poor men had no stamina to keep up with her..
Some months later, Merchants st©pped coming to Marida and Laila s£nt out her minions to go and search for food, They did as she told them and not only did they return with food, they returned with more slaves as well. Some of the people who couldn’t bear anymore of this wanted to escape, some of wanted to fight back and they did, but it was all in vain, they were beaten and Laila punished them by giving them a death s£ntence…That day Marida was filled with the howling screams of people has they were being killed.
After witnessing that horrific and traffic event, everyone’s will in Marida was broken and we surrendered to our fate.

Life was ha-rd in Marida, like I said, Food and water were scarce and they were a thing of value, money or gold wasn’t cared for anymore because they were useless, they couldn’t get anyone the food they nee-ded to survive.. It couldn’t even buy us freedom to leave this wretched place.
Moving into Al-muktar’s house was the best decision I ever made. His storage had contained enough grains and other food stuff to last 10 years.. I wanted to plant some of the grains and sto-re more food for the coming future but that soil in Marida wasn’t meant for planting after all, its a city in the middle of a desert.. So I did the best I could to consume the grains little by little so it would extend a little bit longer.
And speaking of Al-muktar, his daughter Salima and I got married and the gods blessed us with a girl.. The condition of life here in Marida had also made Salima a shadow of her former self, unlike before when she was arrogant and proud now she’s humble, and well mannered.. She is a supportive wife and a strict mother to our daughter, Hauwa.
Despite the harsh reality of life we’re in, we helped and supported one another and we did our best to keep ourselves united and safe. We had enough food to share with people but we couldn’t.. If they people knew we had enough in sto-re they would bombard us and take everything and also if monsters also know about this, they too would take everything and we’ll all be back to square one..

Though we had nothing to do.. The men of Marida were f0rç£d to clean the palace, We were allowed to roam everywhere in the palace of course, but we weren’t allowed to go into one p@rticular chamber by ourselves, we were accompanied by Laila’s minions , and that chamber was the treasure room, The treasure room was filled with gold and other treasures but there was one that was the most beautiful and captivating of them all.. It was a big red ru-by n£¢klace which belonged to Laila.
This ru-by was well protected by these monsters, for some reason I began to suspect there was more to that ru-by than it meets the eye and my suspicion was confirmed when one p@rticular day, one of the men cleaning that room mistakenly tr!pp£dand knocked down the altar holding the ru-by, both the altar and the ru-by fell to the ground. Moments later, A terrifying roar was heard, the shockwave of the roar shook the structure of the palace.. In that moment of confusion, Laila bur-sted into the room gr-abbing hold of the ru-by… She looked at us one by one with glaring at us, her eye were fiery and wild.


Man ➡ I’m sorry you highness. It was my fault. It was a mistake.

Laila ➡ That mistake will cost you your life.. Minions.. Destroy this wimp.. Make an example out of him.

The poor man was gr@bb£d by one of these monsters and was taken outside to face his doom, we later heard his scream and the crunching sounds of his bones as he was being eaten by one of the giant lizards.
That was enough to s£nd fears down into our spines.. Everyone made us they stayed away from the ru-by as far away as they can.

After working ha-rd in the palace everyday, I would return home relax and discuss with my wife. We would always talk about our future and hope that someday we would be rescued.
One afternoon, I was at home relaxing with Salima, we were sitting in our front yard, watching as our daughter pla-yed in the sand.

Salima ➡ Such a beautiful girl…

Frahan ➡ She takes after her mother..

Salima ➡ And her father as well.. She has your eyes.. (Sigh) I wished she had seen her grandparents. My love.. Are we going to die here?

Frahan ➡ What? May the gods forbid it!! Why do you say that, love?

Salima ➡ I’m just worried.. I mean we have been tra-pped in this walls for 3 years and life is ha-rd here and people are dying.. Its only a matter of time before death claims us.. I just want Hauwa to have a better future.. She’s too young to die.

Frahan ➡ Don’t give up hope.. The gods are with us! We won’t die.

Salima ➡ How sure are you? What makes you think we’ll survive this?

Frahan ➡ You remember the man that c@m£ to see me, moons ago? Well, he plans on going to Nishkapur to get help.

Salima ➡ Just listen to what you’re saying? How sure are you he’s made it out of here alive.. Even if he did he can’t outrun this monsters and what’s more.. How do you know Nishkapur hasn’t been la-id to w@!st.. Remember, that kingdom doesn’t have a strong military system.

Frahan ➡ I don’t know, I still believe help will come.. Remember “No condition is permanent “.

Salima ➡ I hope you’re right.. I just hope so.

Frahan ➡ Well, let’s get inside.. Its been a while since I’ve shown you some love..

Salima ➡ Well, let’s do that.. In fact I’ve been missing your t©uçh as of late..

Salima and I went to our room and started R0m-ncing each other, we k!$$£d and fondled each other ro-mantically.. I gr@bb£d hold of Salima’s bu-m and pressed it fondly,.. Oh how I’ve missed her soft skin.. I r!pp£dthe upper p@rt of her clothes and su-cked her bre*sts.. Salima m0@n ed s£dûçt!velypu-lling her head closer to her bre*sts.

Salima ➡ Oh. Yessss.. my love.. svçkmy nip-ples ha-rder.. Ohhhh..

I su-cked them as ha-rd as I could enjoying every moment of it.. After that, I pu-ll-ed down my un-derwear and p@rted Salima’s legs, just before I could plunge into her.. We heard a tremendous roar.. Salima and I st©pped what we were doing, we got dressed and hurried outside the yard to check on our daughter.. Fortunately, she was fine, but still were afraid of what was going on.. I told Salima to stay inside with Hauwa while I went to check what was going on…
As I got outside.. I saw people getting a little bit overwhelmed, from what I heard, Some group of men with their caravan of goods where sp©tted and captured by the monsters.. The monsters however didn’t take the men to the palace as they used to.. They only took the goods and went back to the palace.. After that everyone went back to his normal activity… I however couldn’t help but feel excited.. So there were some people outside Marida.. Not everywhere was conquered after all.. I began to ask if some of the people if they had seen the men that were captured.. But I wasn’t given an answer.. After a while, I decided to go back home.. On my way back.. I couldn’t help but think about the whole situation… Something didn’t feel right.. I’m sure kingdoms outside Marida would have heard about this crisis.. And would have alerted other kingdoms not to venture here but why would this caravan come here? All this sounds so fishy.
As I got home, I noticed there was some activity going on in the house. It was as if there were some people talking in the house.. I ran straight into the house to see what was going on.. I just hope nothing has happened to Salima and Hauwa, as I got to where the noise was coming from, I saw Salima wielding a knife at some men covered in black cloaks, Hauwa was behind her holding her cloth.. The men were trying to calm Salima down but they couldn’t.. Before I could lurch at them, one of them called my name, surprising me.
The one that called my name re-moved his cloak and I was shocked to see who it was.. My one and only childhood friend, Sadiq.

Sadiq ➡ Frahan! It’s been long, my friend.

Frahan ➡ Sadiq.. It’s so good to see you.



After that sudden meeting, Both Sadiq and Frahan exchanged plea-santries surprising everyone in the room, Realizing that they were in good company both p@rties settled down.
Frahan and his wife treated their guests with the best they had, it wasn’t much but it’s the thought that counts.. Meanwhile Sadiq and Frahan reminisce the events of the last three years that changed their lives.

Frahan ➡ So you’re married to Jasmine and you have two kids? Congratulations. The gods have sure blessed your fortunes.

Sadiq ➡ I see you’re also married to Salima.. I’m happy for the both of you.. What the name of your daughter?.

Frahan ➡ Hauwa!

Sadiq ➡ What a lovely name.. She’s as beautiful as her mother.. But she has your eyes..

Frahan ➡ (laughs) That’s what her mother said, moments ago.

Both men laugh and talk for a while.. After a brief moment of Silence.. Frahan begins to question Sadiq.

Frahan ➡ Sadiq… What brings you here to this cursed place?

Sadiq ➡ I’m here to end thing nightmare.. Once and for all.

Frahan ➡ Are you mad? You and what army? Even if you had the army.. You’d still have no chance against this monsters … Have you seen how Marida is? The people? Did you see them.. Our numbers are dropping every day. People are dying.. We’ve tried fighting back but we were beaten.. This demons have broken our will. Your mission is suicide.

Sadiq ➡ No.. You’re wrong… It’s true these monsters are strong.. But we’ve find a way to defeat them.. They may be stronger than us. But they’re not smarter than us..

Frahan ➡ Are you serious!?

Sadiq ➡ I am.. That’s why we c@m£ here.. Tonight we attack. All we have to do.. Is gather the people and..

Frahan ➡ Didn’t you hear what I said.. The people don’t have the will to fight.. They have no strength to wield a sword.. They’re broken physically and mentally.

Sadiq ➡ That’s okay… With the men we have here and the army waiting for our signal..

Frahan ➡ Did you say army?

Sadiq ➡ Yes. But we must work on our first plan before they can proceed.

Frahan ➡ Tell me this plan of yours.

Sadiq ➡ Listen to me.. And listen good.. Time isn’t on our side.. We must act fast. Okay listen, here’s our plan…….

Later that night as the monsters celebr@te having a good time as they fill their bellies with wine, Laila is in her chamber, staring at herself in the mirror admiring her lovely figure, she t©uçhes her b©dy slowly feeling every bit of her b©dy, as she was doing that, her hands reach her n£¢klace… Her cheerful expression changed to a boiling rage.. In that moment, She sma-cks the mirror smashing it to pieces then she begins to utter some insults.

Laila ➡ Curse you King Sulaiman (Solomon) I hope you rot in the burning pits of the un-derworld… As for the curse you la-id on me.. I will break it one way or another… I will BREAK IT… NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE TO BREAK IN THIS WORLD.. NOT EVEN YOUR CURSE… ARGGGGHHHH! (shouts) and once I’m free… I’ll wreck havoc to this world..

After her last statement.. She hears a big explosion…She runs to the palace balcony and check what’s going on.. In that moment another big explosion,.. Soon series of explosions begin to appear, each one shaking the earth..
Laila growls in anger ?, she quic-kly summons her minions and orders them to check out what’s going on..

Laila ➡ I want all of you.. To go and check.. What’s going on… Are this miserable people trying to burn down my kingdom.. Bring me whoever is responsible for this.. It seems they haven’t learn their lesson at all.. GO OUT, FIND THEM AND BRING THEM TO ME.

Meanwhile… Marida’s residence is filled and covered with thick cloud of smoke which was enough to choke any living creatures.. Sadiq and his allies wait for the monsters to show up themselves.. The others however were alre-ady dead, thanks to the poisoned wine they were drinking.. As soon as the others show up, They launch their attack on them, The monsters who couldn’t see them, were at a major disadvantage, They were mowed and hunted down, Sadiq and his allies use spears and cross bow arrows to defeat them, After killing every last Djinns, Sadiq s£nds one of the men to signal the army waiting outside in the cover of darkness.. While Frahan and Salima gather the remaining people of Marida at the gates to escape.. As soon as the gates are open, they all flee and run toward the approaching army… The moment they reach the army safely, The army starts throwing hvge boulders of Fire at the City of Marida, The people watch as the boulders crush their city.. The thun-dering sound of the boulders landing on their homeland, s£nds fear down their spines.. Frahan shocked by this, asks what is going on..

Frahan ➡ What are you doing? You’re destroying our home… St©p!

Soldier ➡ We’re doing as we’re told to..

Frahan ➡ and who gave you the order to do so?

Salim ➡ Prince Sadiq himself.

Frahan looks around and is surprised to see Salim who stand behind him.

Frahan ➡ So you’re alive?

Salim ➡ Yes.. I’m very much so.

Frahan ➡ Why would Sadiq give out an order like this? Marida is his home.. His mother was buried there.

Salim ➡ You’re right.. Its his home.. But he’s the sole heir to the kingdom and he can do as he wants.. Marida has reached it’s time.. It’s time for it to go.. This place has caused so many terrible problems and ill lucks to people.. And what’s more it’s prosperity is built on the blood of innocent.. And evil has been behind his progress.. It’s time for it to be wiped out.. Everything about it should be forgotten.. It would be a scar on our descendants if the world knew about our dark and terrible secret..

Frahan ➡ So that’s why you want to destroy it? But destroying it.. Won’t solve the problem.. The evil behind all this is within the place walls.. Even if we destroy Marida.. She will still come after us..

Salim ➡ Don’t worry.. Sadiq and the rest will handle her.. She can’t face an entire army.. Once the boulders are done showering over Marida the army will then match forth and kill this witch.

Frahan ➡ Are you serious? She can’t be st©pped.. She’s powerful.. We don’t know what she’s capable of.. I doubt if she has any weakne…….?

Frahan stands still for a while, his eyes wi-den as he stares at Salim.. A sudden realization has popped in his head in the last minute.. After a while, the army st©ps throwing boulders at Marida, then all of a sudden, all of them shout and charge straight ahead towards Marida. Frahan approaches Salima and tells her what he’s about to do.

Frahan ➡ My love.. I’m going to as-sist the army in ending Laila once and for all.

Salima ➡ What? No… You’re not going its too risky..

Frahan ➡ But I know a way we can kill Laila..

Salima ➡ No.. You’re not going.. You’re not going to leave me alone with Hauwa.. We’re staying together no matter what.

Salim ➡ Frahan… Are you sure of what you’re saying?.

Frahan ➡ Of course… The n£¢klace.. Laila has one n£¢klace on her.. It’s her weak point.. It must be..

Salim ➡ I hope you’re right… Stay with your family.. This fight is not yours.. The rest of the army will take you and your people back to Nishkapur… You’re safe now.

Frahan ➡ Salim.

Salim ➡ Yes?

Frahan ➡ Make sure Sadiq survives..

Salim ➡ I will see to that.. Even if it costs me my life.. Farewell.

Frahan ➡ Farewell to you as well.

Salim saddles on his horse and rides fast towards Marida…. While Frahan, his family and the remaining people of Marida are being led away by some of the armies.


I knew Victory was as-sured when I saw the boulders landing on the structure of Marida.. It was ha-rd watching the place where I grew up in turn to ru-bble and sands but it’s all for the best..
After a while, the boulders st©pped coming and almost a half and a quarter of Marida was smashed to bits.. After that, I rode on fast to the palace to confront this witch once and for all. Upon arriving to the palace, I st©pped at my mothers grave and gave it one last look, I had to shed some tears before I left the place… After that I proceeded into the palace with caution.. The thick smoke was still around, and I’m sure the monsters wouldn’t be much of a threat and not to mention the ones that were poisoned..
The men and I checked everywhere in the palace and there was nob©dy else alive, the monsters were all dead.. So we decided to check on last place which was the throne room which was high all the way up.
Moments later we arrived at the throne room and we c@m£ face to face with the infamous Laila!
She was sitting on the throne proudly, sipping a chalice filled with blood.. The moment she saw us, she threw the chalice and started laughing.

Laila ➡ (laughs) Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha!!!! I have to say.. That was impressive.. You somehow managed to kill my army throu-gh poisoning and using their weakness against them.. Clever strategy.. But you forgot one thing.. I’m not like them.. No poison can work on me.. And I have no weakness.. But before I kill you slowly and painfully.. I’d like to know who you are.

Sadiq ➡ My name is Sadiq.. Crowned prince and heir to the throne of Marida.. I’m here to end your bloody rule and break any link or pact you’ve made with my ancestors.. One way or another.. I’m going to end you and I’ll be the last thing you’ll ever see.


Final Chapter and Episode Approaching……

Was it wise for Sadiq to tell Laila who he is?

br@ce yourselves for the final conclusion of #HAREM_OF_lvst ?