Give me you episode 9 & 10

💖Give Me You 💏
[The CEOs choice 💋]
🎌Chapter 9🎌
🏃Jayson POV🏃

“But she didn’t say yes to him did she? ” Nik ask me as I pu-ll off my shoe.

“No.” I said sitting on the arm chair.

“Then what are you afraid of? ”

“I saw her face Nik. I saw how she looked at him when he asked her to marry him. A p@rt of her wanted it Nik but I’m only thankful to her confused state if not…. ” I decide on not say another word. If she had said yes to him that instant I don’t know what would have happened to me.

“I specifically told you to tell her that you’re her baby’s father not her long term high school mate. “He said and I ran my hand throu-gh my hair.

” It’s easy said than done Nik. How am I suppose to tell her that it was I who R@p£d her? God Nik I’m afraid she’ll hate me. “I said and rest my back on the backrest.

‘Then don’t tell her. ”

“What?! ”
I sits up.

“Just continue been her friend and a cute uncle to her daughter and watch her get married to the pastor. You’re getting married to Tasha anyway. ” He said and lie on the couch.

No, it’s just impossible to begin. I don’t know why I’m feeling this way. I have this fear that she will hate me once she finds out the truth.
My phone that’s by my side beeps and when it was a text from my mom asking me to come home. We’ll deal with that tomorrow but now I just have to sleep.

📖😇 PAUL POV 📖😇

“You asked Katherine to marry you? ” Mom ask me the minute she walks in the house with father.

“Yes.” I said without taking my eyes off the phone on my hand.

“And why? ” She asked me.

“Because I want to. Am I not allowed to pick whom I want to marry? “I àsk them.

” No one is against you picking whom you want to marry Paul but choosing that girl? She’s far from Christ you know that. “Father said and I scratch my head. His responsibility is to bring people to God not drive them away.

” Wait. Are you judging her because of her past? “I ask him in p@rticular. Everyone do have a past.

” You’re not getting married to Katherine and that is final! I can’t allow you ruin this family’s name. Never! “Mom yelled and climb upstairs. I exhale, stood up and walk out on father. They’ve done enough.

💘Katherine Pov 💘

” You’re wasting my time Lydia. “I said after she rushed down to get her hair brush from me. I promised her a mother and daughter’s day today so we’re going out to have fun or probably eat out. She only nee-ds to pick one or two things from her room and it’s taking her forever to get them.

“I’ll soon be down Mommy. ” She screamed from her and I just reply with a nod.

Few minutes later the door bell rang.

“I’ll get it. ” Mom said and stood up from the couch to see who was at the door.

I was searching throu-gh my bag in case I forgot anything when I heard a voice.

“Hi Katherine. ”
I raise my head to see Paul. What is he doing here by this hour?
It’s just too early to have a visitor and besides its a week end which I don’t normally receive any visitor’s at weekend.

“Paul….. What are you doing here? ” I asked shocked. If it’s not now that I’m seeing him I’ve forgotten he asked me out once.
I looked at the direction of my mom and she was so busy with whatever she was doing. I am very sure she planned this meeting.

“Won’t you ask me to sit. ” I said and I stood up after scratching my head.

“Actually Paul we can’t discuss anything right now because I’m going out with Lydia. ” I said and he gave me a deadly stare like I just said something bad.
“Are you okay? ” I asked him and the expression disappeared immediately.

“I’m sorry. Good day ma. ” He said and left even before mom could answer him.

“Why do you have to s£nd him away? ” Mom asked and I turn my n£¢k to her.

“You can’t just be inviting him to the house whenever you want to Mom. Paul and I can’t work and that’s final. ” I said and went back to my seat. She wanted saying something but when she saw Lydia climbing down the stairs she kept mute. Reserved for another day I guess.

Lydia said she wants to go to an ice cream bar in and I asked why an ice cream bar because I know she doesn’t go to places like that she said she only picked an ice cream bar because she wants to keep acting like a child.
I laughed when she said that. She really nee-ds to start acting like a child and not some old lady.

We got to the ice cream bar and she went by her self to pick a table for us and I followed to sit.

“I thought we’re just going to buy and go. ” I said pu-lling out a seat for myself. To tell you the truth, Lydia is my best friend. Weird right?

“This is the only place I want to go today. ” She said as the waitress appeared.

“Two strawberries plea-se. ” I said to her and she left.
“Just ice cream and we’ll leave. ” I said and I noticed that her attention was Elsewhere but I didn’t catch a glimpse until I heard a call.

“Are you also hanging out here? ” He ask me and I f0rç£d out a smile. This was supposed to be I and Lydia. Where did he come from?

“Good morning Uncle Jayson. ” Lydia greeted him and he replied with a wave. I wanted s£nding him away bit I kept my cool.

“If you don’t mind can I join you guys? ” I roll my eyes and he pu-ll out a seat for himself and sat down

🚲Jayson POV🚲

“If you don’t mind can I join you guys? ” I saw her roll her eyes but I sat down anyway. She has been pla-ying this distance game with me which I don’t like.
“Can I order a strawberry too? ” I ask Lydia instead and she nodded amist smile then Kathy stood up. I’m I upsetting her?
“Are you uncomfortable? ” I threw the question at her without minding if Lydia was there.

“I’ll just use to restroom. Excuse me. ” She said and left without waiting for another word.

The moment she was out of sight, I and Lydia flashed ourselves smiles and high five our hands.
Lydia has been helping me get close to her mother. She asked me if I like her mother but I could not provide a straight answer so there she c@m£ up with this brilliant idea since Kathy don’t want me around her then I’ll come around her by f0rç£.

“plea-se don’t tell her I’m the one calling you. She’ll get really mad at me because I told her I will act like a child. ” Lydia said and I promised her that our secret is safe with me.

I really admire the guts of this girl and if it turns out that I and Kathy works out, I’ll be the best father there is.

💖Give Me You 💏
[The CEOs choice 💋]
🎌Chapter 10🎌

💚Katherine Pov 💚

This is the third time I’m washing my face in this rest room and when I finish I raise my face staring at my face in the mirror.
“It’s a coincidence. You only meet him here by chance. You should get going. ”
I said to my self and then repark my hair in bun and wipe my face with the tissue in my bag and walk out of the room to them and they were actually having a normal conversation.
I increase my pace and walk to the table and when they saw me they st©pped talking.

“What? ”
I asked as they were both staring at me like I have something on my face or something.

“I was about coming to check on you. I thought something happened to you back there. ”
He said and I scoff.

“It’s a lady’s room guys ain’t allowed in.
I said still standing.

” I’ll break the rule if I have to. “.
I turn to Lydia who just start taking her ice cream pretending to have been focusing on it.

” It’s time to go. ”
She looked up at me sadly and then back to Jay; my boss.

“I can take you home and it looks like Lydia is tired. ”
He offered and I looked at Lydia and she…… Did she just yawned?

“I don’t think I can walk mommy. ”
This girl is…….. But she was fine a minute ago I can swear it.

“Okay, I’ll go get the car ” He said and left like he was excited to give us a ride. I ask Lydia to sit down back as I went to make our payment but I was told the Jay had paid for everything.
What is this guy up to?

Before I could say anything he carried Lydia from the couch she was sitting in a bridal style and led us to his car.
“Just wait. ” He quic-kly opened the back seat and gently l@yLydia on it then open the pas-s£ngers seat for me as I got in.
“Slow or fast music? ” He ask me as he ignite the car.

“Just don’t turn on anything. ” I said. He nods his head slowly and began driving.
The ride was becoming too quiet for my liking. I do notice when he’ll steal glances at me but he won’t utter a word so I’ll break the silence.

“I left some files on your table to be signed. Have you seen them? ” I ask him as he was driving. He glance at me with a smile before turning back to the road.

“I want you around when I’m signing them. ”

“What? ”

“Sorry that c@m£ out wrong. I mean…… ”
His phone start ringing and when he saw the caller Id he ended the call.

“It’s fine. ” I said hoping he’s not trying to hide anything from me.

“It’s my mom. She wants me to come home. ”

“You don’t have to take us home. ” I said after taking a glance at Lydia who’s slee-ping soundly. I’m still trying to figure out what this is all about.

“I’ll go home immediately I drop you off. ” He said and I decide to just keep mute.

He did took us home and even insist on carrying Lydia to her room upstairs.

“I’ll take it from here. ” I said standing by the door. I’m still not re-ady to invite him in yet.

“Are you sure? I’m not complaining. ”
He said and his phone start to ring again.

“We’ll be fine”
I said displa-ying a smile. I took Lydia from him and walk back inside without sparing him a glance.

🚲Jayson POV 🚲

She shut the door immediately she got inside. I’m still trying to figure out why she’s giving me cold attitude. She used to be nice until when she found out I was her school mate, I do wonder what she’ll do when she finds out it was me who R@p£d her.

My phone start to ring again and I answered at the second ring.

📱I’m in the middle of something right now Mom.
I said into the phone. She’s just a pest.

📱I’m at your house Jay.
I kept mute to process that familiar voice.
📱I’m using your mother’s phone to call you cause mine is down.
Oh my goodness! It’s Tasha.
📱Should I wait for you? Your mom said you wanted to see me.
When did this girl return?
I shut my eyes and open them then sigh.

📱Give me a few minutes I’ll be there.
I ended the call and got into the car after taking the last glance at the house. I’ll be back for you Katherine and I got Lydia’s permission.

When I got the house I saw Tasha and my mother chit chatting like long besties, they’re even taking drinks together.

“Oh he’s here. ”
My mom said and I can hear excitement in her tune. I roll my eyes at her.

“You kept me hanging Jay and you know I have lots on my plate. ” She began and I chuckled a bit.

“I didn’t ask you to come here so don’t give me that $h!t. ”
I said to her and she stood up.

“Oh really?! And here I am thinking you missed me and wanted to see me. I’m outta here. ”
She got out from the table and Mom stood up too.

“Nob©dy is leaving Tasha and Jay apologize to her. ”
I scoff.

“Excuse me, why should I apologize to her? I don’t care if she gets angry mom.! ” I yelled back

“I cannot be humiliated like this! ” She rushed out leaving me together with mom.

“You’ll follow her and apologize. ”

“I’ll rather not talk to you again than do that. ” I said and turn to leave.

“Then don’t bother returning to office tomorrow. ”
I turn swiftly to her.

“You’re threatening me with my job? ”
She’s unbelievable.

“You’re going to propose to Tasha and tell her you love her. ”
I hate her.

“I hate you. ”

“You’re welcome. ”
She wi-nks at me and walk inside.
I hate you
You’re welcome
Wait, is it some sort of compliment or greeting?